
before I die I kissed the heorin (for me only)

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Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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17 Chs

176 to 187

Villain: Before I Died, I Forcibly Kissed the Heroine 176

Chapter 176: Tie Shixin Su Shengzi? Holy child, this palace is wrong!

Alia's eyes were red, "Father, hold on, my son will definitely get the Divine Pearl first!"

Babuch shook his head and said, "It's too late, don't waste your energy."

Not to mention whether the rumors are true.

Nashavan City is located under one thousand meters of yellow sand.

Even if the ruins of the ancient city can really be found, how can the opportunity be so easy to obtain?

Alia bowed her head, her heart full of remorse.

If she could detect it earlier, if her strength was stronger...

Babuch comforted: "Alia, don't blame yourself. 55

"Compared to other people, you have done a very good job, I see all of them in my eyes.""

Alia thought of something, wiped her tears, and asked in confusion, "What about the other princes, why haven't they come yet?

The emperor's life is in danger.

It stands to reason that the princes and concubines should all stay here.

But in this "five zero zero" palace, apart from her and her mother, there was no one else.

There was a flash of coldness in Babuch's eyes, and he sneered: "I'm afraid they are all waiting to grab my throne!"9

Aliadai frowned.

She had long known the ambitions of those princes and wolves.

But now that the father has not died, it must be too blatant!

The queen wiped her tears and whispered: "Alia, if your majesty is true... I am afraid that this palace will become extremely dangerous, you must leave the sand heart country as soon as possible.

"Bengong has prepared an escape route for you, and the chief guard of Ouchi will escort you away.

Alia was stunned for a moment, "Mother, what do you mean by that? What about you?"

The queen's eyes were firm and she said, "If your majesty is Bintian, this palace will never live alone, and will voluntarily be buried in the imperial mausoleum!""

Aaliyah was stunned.

There was a trace of tenderness in Babuch's eyes.

Although this palace is cold and people are unpredictable, the queen really loves him sincerely.

At this extremely sad moment, he noticed a figure out of the corner of his eye.

I saw a man rummaging through boxes beside him.

As if looking for something.

Babuch wondered: "Where did this person come from? What is he doing there?"

Su Shi didn't turn his head and said, "Go ahead and leave me alone. 35


Seeing Su Shi so unremarkable, Alia's heart was even more sour.

She sincerely helped Su Shi, but in the eyes of the other party it seemed worthless.

Now that his father was dying, Su Shi still didn't care.

Alia bit her lip and said in a trembling voice: "Su Shengzi, is your heart a stone that can't be made?"

"Su Shengzi?"

Babuch frowned.

After taking a closer look, he suddenly took a deep breath, "You are Grand Duke Linlang Su Shi?! Why are you here?"

Only then did Aaliyah realize that she had missed out.

"Father, Shengzi Su was invited by his ministers to come here for the Mysterious Sand Divine Pearl.

Even so, she was helping Su Shi speak.

After all, this is Yu Lian'er's man.

Seeing the girl's disheartened look, Su Shi shook his head and said, "It's not that I'm hard-hearted, the problem is that your royal father is all right.

Alia frowned: "What do you mean by that?"

Seeing that the father and the emperor are about to turn into sand, is this person still talking nonsense?

Su Shi shrugged, "You better ask him yourself."

Seeming to realize that something was wrong, Alia turned her head to look at Babuch.


"Cough cough. 99

Babuch scratched his head in embarrassment.

Wait, scratch your head?

Looking at the arm that had turned into yellow sand but was now intact, Alia and the Queen's eyes were full of disbelief.


"His Majesty?!

"Shh, be quiet."

Babuch motioned for them to keep silent, "If anyone else hears me, I'll lose all my efforts! 99


Alia was puzzled: "What the hell is going on here!"

It was obvious that the emperor was cursed, and he was about to die. How could his body suddenly return to its original state?

This is not a dream!

Babu He sighed: "I also have no choice..."

Among the oasis countries, although the Sand Heart country is strong, it has never established a reserve.

Babukh had no eldest son.

The queen has only one daughter, the eldest princess Alia, and the other three princes are all descendants.

Originally it was nothing.

After all, since ancient times, there have been many people who have succeeded to the throne.

However, these three princes are of average ability, but they are ambitious, forming cliques everywhere, disrupting the political program, and the party disputes are getting worse and worse!

Alia suddenly said, "Imperial father wants to test them in this way?

Babuch shook his head, "It's not just a test, I want to see their true colors..."

The result naturally made him extremely cold.

At the beginning, he would come over to pretend, but after learning that it was an "incurable disease", all of them showed their true colors.

While forcing him to make a will, while secretly fighting for the throne.

"Except my good daughter, everyone else is looking forward to my death. 99

Babuch sighed.

In these short three months, he has seen so many things clearly.

Alia complained bitterly: "So the royal father kept the son in the dark all the time? Does the father know how the son and son spent the past three months?

She was very aggrieved.

I didn't know whether to be happy or sad for a while.

The ups and downs made her feel unreal.

"To make a play, you have to do a full set.

"If it wasn't for your hard work during this time, I'm afraid they wouldn't believe it easily.

Babuch said helplessly: "I just didn't expect that I was disguised so well, but Su Shengzi saw through it at a glance."

The other party's realm is obviously not high, but his eyesight is really amazing.

Su Shi said: "This technique of controlling sand is very mysterious. Combined with the formation method to disrupt perception, it can indeed be deceived, but it is not without flaws."

Babuch asked curiously, "Where is my flaw?

Su Shi said lightly: "There is no fear in your eyes. 39

There is great terror between life and death.

Even the most powerful energy, facing the cycle of life and death, will inevitably be frightened.

This emperor is too calm 4.2.

Coupled with the ability given by the bead, it is easy to see through the opponent's disguise.

Babuch was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and smiled bitterly, "As expected of Su Shengzi.

Thinking of the action just now, Aaliyah blushed a little.

She walked up to Su Shi, bowed her head and said, "I'm sorry, Su Shengzi, it was Ben Gong who blamed you just now.

Su Shi held his shoulders without speaking.

Alia grabbed the corner of his clothes and shook it, and said coquettishly, "Holy Son, don't be angry with Ben Gong, okay?

Su Shi snorted coldly, "I'm not stone-hearted anymore?"

Alia's head turned into a rattle, "Of course not, Su Shengzi is kind-hearted and a great person!"


The queen and Babuch looked at each other.

It seems that the relationship between these two is not quite right!

Villain: Before I Died, I Forcibly Kissed the Heroine

Chapter 177 The Crown Princess? Ben Gong is going to marry Su Shi?!

Sensing the aura on Su Shi's body, Babu He wondered: "Su Shengzi, you don't seem to be in the Golden Core Realm?

Su Shi nodded, "I have entered the Yuan Ying.""

"Yuan Ying?!"5

Babuch trembled.

Su Shi was only about twenty, but he had already stepped into the Nascent Soul Realm.

Even if the holy product is perfect talent, it is impossible to be so exaggerated.

There's a big chance for this guy!

"Su Shengzi is worthy of being the supreme talent. 35

Babuch couldn't help but feel a little envious.

Why is there no such genius in Sha Xinguo?

The queen blinked and looked at Su Shi carefully.

"The talent and strength are all top-notch, and the status and status are also very noble. The most important thing is..."

"Oasis doesn't have such a good-looking man!"

"If you are really with Aaliyah, it will be a good fate."

The queen said softly: "This palace is in the palace, but I also heard about Su Shengzi's name. I saw it for the first time today, and it really is a talented person.

Su Shi shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be the first time we met.

The queen asked curiously: "Did we meet before? Why is this palace not impressed.""

Su Shi shrugged, "Queen 12 hasn't seen me, but I have... uh!"

Before he could finish speaking, Alia hurriedly pounced on him, covering his mouth with her small hands.

"You, you, you, don't talk nonsense!"

Is this guy crazy?

How dare you say anything about hiding in the closet and peeking at the mother's dressing?

Seeing Su Shi's playful gaze, Alia reacted.

This man is kidding himself again!

He couldn't help but beat him, and said angrily: "You are really necrotic.

The queen frowned and said, "Alia, what are you doing, why don't you get off the Son of God quickly? 55'

Babuch also sternly said, "Dignified princess, what is the proper way to look like this?

"...Bastard, it's all your fault!"

Alia glared at Su Shi resentfully.

He jumped off him, bowed his head, his face flushed as red as an apple.

The Queen and Babuch looked at them, and the corners of their mouths evoked a silent smile.

These two are clearly in a situation.

At this time, the queen thought of something and asked: "Your Majesty, how do you plan to end this matter?

Everyone thought that the emperor could not survive today.

The three princes are eyeing the throne, I am afraid they will not be good!

Babu He sneered and said: "Is the throne so easy to sit on? If you want to seize the imperial power, you have to see if you have the strength! 35

Alia's heart froze slightly.

It seems that there will definitely be a bloody storm in the courtroom tomorrow!

Su Shi glanced across the entire hall.

Since entering this Funing Hall, the tremor of the broken ancient bell has become stronger and stronger, and an inexplicable feeling tells him that what he is looking for should be here.

Following the guidance in his heart, he walked to a box.

Reach out to open the box.

I saw that there were some antique treasures inside.

A small bronze bell the size of a palm lay quietly in it.

The clock wall is covered with mottled patina, and its unpretentious appearance is incompatible with the surrounding treasures.

Su Shi's eyes flashed with joy, "Finally found! 35'

Reaching out to pick up the small bronze bell, a feeling of blood connection came.

In the dantian, the incomplete ancient bell trembled violently, and the spiritual lake seemed to be boiling!

He was absolutely sure.

This small bronze bell and Jiuyou bell definitely come from the same source!

Aware of the movement here, Alia came over, saw the small clock in his hand, and suddenly said: "This is what you're looking for?

Su Shi nodded, "That's right.

Babuch wondered: "This thing is very important to Su Shengzi?"

This is just an ordinary antique, not even a Lingbao, otherwise it would not be placed in the box so casually.

"I'm here for it.""

Su Shi made no secret and said calmly: "It may be useless to others, but it is of great benefit to my practice. If you are willing to give up your love, I will try to meet any conditions."

Even so, the other party may be lionized.

But Alia was very sincere to him, and he didn't want to play any tricks.

"It's just a small item, and the Son likes to take it.


Babuch rolled his eyes, "I do have something to ask for.

Su Shi nodded, "But it doesn't matter."

Babuch cleared his throat, "Tomorrow, I will ask the Son to help you perform a good show..."

After listening to him, Su Shi frowned, "This is not appropriate, right? 39

Alia's pretty face flushed, "I'm not going to marry him!"

The royal father made Su Shi his concubine?

This is too absurd!

Babuch shook his head and said: "It's just a verbal canonization, as for what you will do in the future, I will not interfere too much.

Alia was flustered, "But we've only known each other for two days, and how should this minister explain to Lian'er?

Babuch glanced at her, "You've only known each other for two days, and you're throwing yourself at them?"


"Besides, you can't even share with men, what kind of good friends are you?


Aaliyah's head was dizzy.

what's the situation?

The royal father just saw Su Shi and couldn't wait to marry him?

Su Shi's eyes sank slightly, "It seems that you are planning to establish a reserve?"

Babuch nodded and said, "The Son is indeed smart, I intend to make Alia the crown princess. 99

Alia was stunned, "Princess?

Alia has a good talent, filial piety, and cares about the people, and promises to love the people.

I don't know how much stronger than the three straw-bag princes.

Babuch had such a plan for a long time, and the performance of the past three months made him completely firm up this idea.

"Although Aaliyah is the eldest princess, she has no intention of being powerful, and her foundation in the court is very weak.

"If there is Su Shengzi as a 'backer', presumably the civil and military officials will also consider it. 99

"If the Holy Son is willing, you can take this small 500 bronze bells, and I will also prepare a generous dowry. 99

Babuch's abacus was playing loudly.

This move will not only help Alia stabilize the court, but also establish diplomatic relations between Shaxin Kingdom and Linlang Kingdom.

With such a powerful country as an ally, who would dare to act rashly in the oasis countries?

Solve external and internal problems together!

Su Shi rubbed his brows.

The other party was really a lion.

It's just that it's not treasures, it's him!

Although it's just a show, but if the Demon Emperor finds out...

Su Shengzi couldn't help shivering.

Alia's cheeks were hot and her eyes were a little blank.

"Hon Gong... is going to marry Su Shi?"

"It's outrageous!

Desert country.

Inside the palace, Damour asked, "Have all the pictures of Su Shi been posted?"

The national teacher nodded, "The streets and alleys have been covered, and the civil and military officials also have a share."5

"That's good.

Damour rubbed his eyebrows.

What happened recently has dealt a serious blow to Mochen Country.

Not only did he damage a prince and two generals, but he also completely became the laughing stock of the entire oasis.

And all this is thanks to Su Shi.

"I hope this evil spirit will never come again.

At this moment, a guard stumbled in and ran in, "No, it's not good, Your Majesty, we are surrounded!

Damour was stunned, "What??"

Chapter 178 Su Shi's position in the heart of the Empress! 30 thousand Heijia Army!

"Being surrounded?"

Damour wondered: "What do you mean by that. 35

Civil and military officials are also at a loss.

The guard swallowed, "Your Majesty, let's go and see for yourself.

Damour stood up and walked out of the hall quickly, and the ministers followed.

When they came to the city wall and saw the scene in front of them, everyone was stunned.

I saw that tens of thousands of troops had arrived at the city without knowing when!

They were wearing black armor and fine iron masks on their faces, revealing only pairs of eyes without any emotion.

Everyone's breathing rhythm is exactly the same, and the breath of bloody killing rises into the sky!

The guards' legs and feet were weak.

These black armored soldiers are like wild and ancient beasts, and the strong sense of oppression makes people feel chills!

"What, what's the situation?

Damour came back to his senses, "Could it be that other neighboring countries want to go to war with me Mochen?"

But how could the oasis countries ever have such a terrifying army?

Not to mention the realm of cultivation, just looking at the murderous aura, these people seem to have climbed out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses!

"I'm afraid not a neighbouring country. 99

The national teacher swallowed his saliva and said with difficulty: "Your Majesty, take a closer look at the emblem on the armor... 99

Damour looked intently.

I saw a flaming golden feather engraved on the left chest of the black armor!

"Flying Phoenix Feather!"

"Linlang, it's the army of the country of Linlang! 55

Damour's face changed, and all the hair on his body stood up.

Empress Linlang is going to attack Mo Chen?!

At this time, the black armored soldiers surged and gave way.

A general riding a one-horned demon slowly came to the front.

The silver armor is dazzling, with a burly body, and the brilliance and oppression are like a prison!

"Crossing the Tribulation Realm?!

The national teacher's scalp was numb.

These tens of thousands of black armored troops, coupled with the great power of transcending the calamity, I am afraid that they will be able to wipe out the desert country in an instant!

He moved and stood beside Damour, ready to escape with His Majesty at any time!

The silver armor general looked up at the city wall, and the indifferent voice echoed in the air:

"I am Wei Su, General Linlang~"


"The Mochen Kingdom detaining the Grand Duke of Zhenguo without authorization is a provocation and a declaration of war against the Linlang Kingdom!

"Let's wait for a stick of incense and send Duke Zhen Guo intact, otherwise the Hu Ben army will break through the Mochen Imperial Court."

"Blood is not dry, death is not a truce! 99

Thirty thousand black armored tigers took a step in unison.


The yellow sand is rolling, and the ground trembles!

The two groups of ministers were fighting, and weakly slumped to the ground.

Damour also had some weak legs, and said with a strong support: "Wei, General Wei, this is a misunderstanding, Zhen Guo'an is safe and sound, and has already left Mochen.


Wei Su frowned.

Divine Consciousness covered the entire Mochen, without letting go of any corners.

Indeed, no trace of Su Shi was found.

Wei Su asked, "Where did Duke Zhen Guo go?"

Damour swallowed his saliva and said, "After Mr. Zhen Guo left, he went to the center of the oasis... By the way, the princess of Sha Xinguo seems to be very interested in him."

"Sand Heart Country?"

Wei Su's eyes flashed slightly.

In order to confirm his statement, the national teacher also reproduced the pictures at that time.

Damour sneered and said: "General Kurban has mistaken the person. I have already explained it to Duke Zhenguo."

Wei Su looked at the memory screen, and his mind moved slightly.

Several figures flew out of the city, as if being picked up by an invisible big hand.

It was Kurban and the soldiers who were escorting Su Shi at the time.

Kurban's arm had just been connected, and he was still recovering from the injury in the mansion, and inexplicably came to the top of the city wall.

Looking at the dark army in front of him, his expression was still a little dazed, "What happened...


Several people were directly blown to pieces!

Flesh and blood flew, and blood fell like rain, drenching everyone on the city wall!

The ministers were extremely embarrassed, but no one dared to speak up!

Wei Su said indifferently: "If Duke Zhen Guo has the slightest mistake, this general will come back.

The black armored tiger Ben left silently, fading like a tide, and disappeared without a trace between breaths.

As if nothing had happened.

The walls were dead silent.

Damour was dripping with blood, and his eyes were sluggish.

He underestimated Empress Linlang's ruthlessness and underestimated Su Shi's position in Empress' heart.

The other party will really take action to destroy the country!

The national teacher whispered: "Your Majesty, what do you think should be done now?"

"How to do..."

Damour's voice was hoarse, "Now I can only pray that Su Shi won't have an accident!"

The faces of the people were pale.

Why did things develop to this point?

Sand Heart Country, Golden Palace.

Early in the morning, the entire courtroom was noisy.

"Have you heard the news yesterday?"

"Of course, the Imperial Hospital has already spoken out. His Majesty's condition has deteriorated sharply. I'm afraid..."

"I guess it won't last until today."

"I don't know if Your Majesty has made a will?"

The ministers were discussing.

Only a few people were expressionless and said nothing.

The center of the hall.

The three princes in Zhenglong yellow robes stood with their hands behind their backs.

The ministers stood behind them, clearly distinguishing themselves from each other.

The eldest prince frowned and said, "."Why hasn't the prime minister come yet?"

Since the emperor was bedridden, the affairs of the court have been managed by the prime minister again.

But it has been half an hour since the court, and there is still no sign of the Prime Minister.

The second prince on the side sneered: "Why, big brother can't wait?

The third prince hugged his shoulders, "The prime minister is probably by the father's side.

Several people's eyes flickered and their expressions changed.

When he is dying, His Majesty will definitely choose a candidate to inherit the throne.

Establish a direct descendant to be long rather than virtuous.

It stands to reason that this throne should be inherited by the first prince, but it is impossible for others to let it go.

They have already torn their faces.

No matter what the content of this edict is, only those who ascend the throne are qualified to survive!

"The Prime Minister is here!"

The ministers looked back.

I saw the white-haired old man walk in.

The eldest prince asked aloud: "Prime Minister Chamuha, why has it been delayed for so long? Could it be that there is any news to announce?

All (Li's) eyes were focused on Chamuha.

Chamuha nodded and said, "There is indeed big news, but let His Majesty announce it in person."

"The royal father announced?"

"What do you mean by that?"

The crowd looked puzzled.

At this time, the imperial eunuch came in, stood at the door, and said loudly: "The emperor is here!

The next moment, a tall figure came into view.

Everyone's breathing stopped at this moment.

I saw that the emperor Babuhe, who had already turned into yellow sand, appeared in front of everyone intact at this time!

Wearing a golden robe of nine dragons and a crown of beaded curtains, Babuch walked into the hall with great steps.

Alia silently followed behind.

Babu He walked to the throne and sat down, his eyes looking around the ministers, "Why, if you don't go to court for three months, you can't even salute when you see me?"

The hall was silent.

After a long time, everyone reacted and fell to the ground with a bang.

"Long live my emperor!"

Chapter 179 3 consecutive imperial decrees! Su Shi really became His Majesty's son in law?

"Long live my emperor!"

The voice of the ministers trembled.

The eyes of the three princes were horrified and their expressions were full of disbelief.

Father is still alive?!

Not only that, but looking at this state, it's not much different from the heyday!

Are all the strange illnesses faked before?

The eldest prince was the first to react and said loudly: "Father Emperor Dragon is safe, it is really a blessing for my country of Sha Xinguo!"

The other two princes scolded secretly, but they were snatched by this guy.

Hastily knelt down and said:

"God Bless Sand Heart!"

"Father, the emperor carries the goods from the sky, and it will definitely turn bad luck into good luck, and longevity is boundless!"

Babuch was expressionless and said lightly: "You should be disappointed to see that I am still alive, right?

The three shuddered.

"Where did the emperor say this?"

"My son has trouble sleeping and eating during this time, but he is worried!"


Babuch sneered, "You're worried that I won't die, right?"


The ministers sucked in a breath of cold air!

This is too straightforward to say!

Looking at the indifferent eyes behind the bead curtain, the three princes had a bad premonition in their hearts.

The discerning person seemed to realize something and silently distanced himself from them.

Babuch said: "In the past three months, 500, I want to understand a lot, and see a lot."

"Sand Heartland has never established a reserve.35

"Now, while everyone is here, let's settle this matter."


The princes lowered their heads, but secretly clenched their fists.

If His Majesty were to die, the three of them would naturally rely on their own abilities.

But now that His Majesty's dragon body is safe, the meaning of this Crown Prince is great, and they can't really turn against the emperor.

That would not be called seizing the heir, but a rebellion!

The eldest prince showed joy.

Establish a direct descendant to be long rather than virtuous.

He is the eldest son of the emperor, and he should be the heir of the prince!

Babuch waved his hand, "Let's declare the decree."9

"It's 35


The imperial eunuch on the side took out the imperial decree and recited aloud: "Fengtian carries the emperor, edict said.

"Since I was enthroned, I have not been tired of diligent work, and have not dared to relax. 99

"Xu Ying Hong continued, Su and night trembling, carrying on the celebration, and holding it in Yuanliang."

"The eldest princess, Alia, belongs to God's will and obeys public opinion. I would like to sue the heaven and earth, the ancestral temple, and the sheikh.

"With the heritage of tens of thousands of years, with the heart of multiplying the four seas!

"Kin this!"

The eldest prince's smile froze on his face.

Everyone was stunned.

Your Majesty actually made the eldest princess the crown princess?

There has never been such a thing in the history of the Sand Heart Country!

Alia, who was wearing a gorgeous palace dress, knelt down and saluted, "My son will give you the order."

Although she has no intention of being powerful, even for the sake of her mother and the people of Sha Xinguo, she cannot hand over the throne to the other three princes!

At this time, the eldest prince couldn't hold back, and said: "Father, the princess has been established as the heir, there has never been such a precedent in our country!"9

Babuch said lightly: "Then let me set the precedent."

"But what contribution has Alia made to Sha Xinguo? I refuse to obey! 99

"Erchen also refuses! 99

"Father think twice!

Several princes spoke up.

They planned to operate for so long, but the crown prince was actually given to the obscure eldest princess?

Who can accept this?


Babuch thought for a while and said, "Alia's greatest contribution should be finding a good son-in-law for me, right?"

"son in law?

The crowd looked bewildered.

The eunuch said loudly, "Please ask Su Shengzi to enter the palace.

Everyone looked back in confusion, only to see a man in a python robe slowly walking into the hall.

He was tall and handsome, but his expression was a little helpless.

"It seems like..."

"Su Shi?!

"It's Su Shi! Linlang's Grand Duke of Zhenguo!"

"Why is he here? Could it be that the son-in-law that His Majesty said was him?!

Su Shi's name is like thunder.

Few people in the entire bcec world do not know.

But when did Sha Xinguo get involved with Linlang?

Before they could regain their senses, the imperial eunuch took out another scroll of imperial decrees and recited: "Fengtian carry the emperor, the edict said.

"The way of husband and wife, the great relationship between people, this is the common meaning of ancient and modern."

"Su Shi and Alia are in love with each other, and I will ask Su Shi to be the emperor now, and Alia will be a strong woman, and I will always keep my family, so as to call my relatives."

"Thank you. 35

It's still true!

Su Shi really became His Majesty's son-in-law!

The ministers couldn't close their mouths.

Some people noticed that His Majesty's words were "Di Xu" instead of "Consort Ma". The eldest princess did not marry, but climbed high!

Aaliyah bit her lip, her cheeks hot and flushed.

"Who is in love with him and has a heart-to-heart bond?"

"Father is really a nonsense!"

Babuch said with a smile: "Prince Zhen Guo, still haven't accepted the decree?"

Su Shi said helplessly: "I heard."

For the bronze bell, he sacrificed too much...

The eldest prince trembled and gritted his teeth: "Alia, it seems that I really underestimate you! 35

"I thought you were pure-hearted and unwilling to govern, but unexpectedly, you secretly colluded with other countries, and even deceived your father and emperor! 39

"But it is true, you can only betray your color.

Facing the ridicule of the first prince, Aliadai frowned.

Just as he was about to say something, he saw the eldest prince fell to his knees with a plop, as if he was being held down by an invisible big hand, and no matter how hard he struggled, he could not stand up.

Su Shi looked at him coldly, "Although you're not really married, you'd better pay attention to your tone of voice.

"Also, the person who betrayed the color is obviously me.

Alia couldn't help laughing, and felt a little warm in her heart.

The eldest prince hissed: "Pride! I am the prince of the Shaxin Kingdom! Even if you are an emperor, you are not as noble as the royal family, how dare you commit a crime in court?!"

Su Shi shook his head, "But the prince of Danwan Xiaoguo can speak loudly in front of me?"

The following guilty?

This person doesn't seem to be very accurate about his identity.

Babuch looked embarrassed.

Although compared with Linlang, Shaxinguo is indeed a small country, but it doesn't need to be so straightforward, right?

It really doesn't give any face at all.

"Cough cough.

Babuch said: "Hurry up, read the next imperial decree.

The ministers were stunned when they heard the words.

and also?

I saw the imperial eunuch and Shuang Nie took out an imperial decree and read out: "Fengtian carries the emperor, and the edict said.

"The eldest prince Habu Ri, the second prince Gurun, the third prince Zhamu, chaotic affairs, formed parties for selfishness, disloyalty and unfilial piety, and disobedience! 35

"I have decided that it is expedient to take away the title, abolish it as a commoner, and never pursue the title!"

"Kin this!"

The courtroom was dead silent, and there was no sound!

Chapter 180 The 1 prince rebels? A hundred thousand troops are crushing the border, and the country

The hall was dead silent.

The ministers' expressions were extremely shocked.

These three imperial decrees are like three thunders, smashing everyone into dizziness and tenderness on the outside.

First, the princess was established as the reserve, and the sand-heart country was opened.

Su Shi inexplicably became a royal nobility.

Immediately afterwards, all three princes were demoted to commoners!

This simply turned Chao Gang upside down!

After hearing the imperial decree, the three princes hurriedly knelt on the ground as if struck by lightning.


"Father, what did my son do wrong?"

"My son is your own! 35

Abandoned as a commoner, he cannot be pursued forever.

Falling from the cloud to the quagmire in an instant is more painful than the death penalty for them!

Babuch's eyes were indifferent.

If it was three months ago, he might not have been able to calm down, but now there is only a coldness in his heart.

"What you do, you should know best in your heart. 35

"I keep calling my father and emperor, but in private, I form a party and keep private soldiers. I wish I could die soon!"

"That's fine, but each of you is more incompetent than the other! You have ambition, but no strength, no strategy, and you are unfaithful and unfilial!"

"How did I give birth to the three of you?!


Babuch became more and more angry, and slapped the armrest off with a slap!

The ministers were silent like cicadas.

At such times, no one dared to stand up and speak for them.

"Your Majesty, calm down and take care of your dragon body."

The imperial eunuch hurried to appease.

Babuch breathed heavily and said coldly: "Seeing that your blood is still dripping on your body, that's why you are demoted to common people, otherwise they would have been dragged out and chopped!

They have completely hit the bottom line.

If you want to reorganize the Chao Gang, you must cut through the mess quickly, which is also to clear the obstacles for Alia.

The second prince and the third prince slumped to the ground.

His face was pale and his eyes were dull.


It's all over.

All plans and calculations were completely smashed by this imperial edict.

Unexpectedly, His Majesty could endure for three months, until they revealed all their trump cards!

The eldest prince clenched his teeth, and a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes.

"You forced me!

He took out a piece of jade and smashed it into pieces!

Babuch frowned, "What are you doing?"

The First Prince was silent.

After a while, a burst of rapid footsteps sounded.

I saw the guards in front of the hall hurried in, "Report to Your Majesty, there is an enemy attack!"

"Nearly 100,000 horses from the Lion Country and Gale Country are rushing towards us, and it is estimated that there are still fifty miles away!""


"One hundred thousand horses?! 35

The ministers exclaimed.

Although the relationship between Sha Xinguo and its neighbors is tense, it has not reached the level of direct conflict.

And still at this juncture!

Babuch suddenly stood up, "Fifty miles? Why are you reporting now?

The guard in front of the hall said: "The border guard post was withdrawn at some point, and the other party was hiding in the sand dunes, and was just discovered by the city guard scouts!"

It is absolutely impossible to silently cross the cordon without an internal response.

Babuch realized something, and suddenly looked at the eldest prince, "Haburi, how dare you rebel?!"

The jade stone that the opponent just crushed turned out to be sending a signal to the enemy!

The ministers also reacted.

"Eldest Prince, you actually fornicated with another country, intending to rebel?"

"How dare you!"

"Joke, why did this king ever rebel?""

The eldest prince stood with his hands behind his back, and said loudly, "It is clear that Alia is having an affair, beguiling the father and the emperor, and trying to usurp the throne. This king has asked the neighboring country to send troops to the king, and the country of Shaxin has a bright future!"

This is what he left behind.

It was originally prepared for the other two princes, but now it seems to be used for the father!


Babuch shot in anger, and a big hand in the void slammed it down!


A mask appeared around the eldest prince, and he took the palm abruptly.

Apparently it was already prepared.

The first prince sneered: "If you kill me, none of you will survive! 39

"His Majesty!

The ministers were terrified.

"Put Haburi up! 39

Babuch looked cold, got up and walked outside the hall.

Now there is no time to entangle with each other anymore, defending the sand heart country is the top priority!

Civil and military officials also hurriedly followed.

Everyone came to the city wall, and when they saw the scene in front of them, they almost collapsed on the ground.

I saw thick smoke billowing in the distance, Wu Yangyang soldiers and horses were rushing towards, and the ground trembled violently like an earthquake.

The black cloud overwhelms the city and wants to destroy it!

The eldest prince was escorted by the guards, but his expression was very proud, "It's too late to send troops back to the defense, just relying on these city defense officers and soldiers, it is impossible to defend the country of Shaxin!

"If the royal father doesn't change his mind, I'm afraid the city will be full of blood."

Babuch gritted his teeth and said, "There are no eggs under the nest, will they let you go?"

...for flowers

The eldest prince shook his head, "That's better than being demoted to a commoner! Since the father and the emperor are not benevolent, don't blame the sons and ministers for being unrighteous! 35

Babuch's face was ashen.

Thinking that the other party is still preparing such a hand!

Oasis countries have a limited area, and the troops are stationed in barracks nearly a hundred miles away. Usually, there are only a small number of city defense soldiers and guards in the city.

It's simply not enough to stop the 100,000 army!

Alia clenched her hands tightly, her eyes full of worry.

If the city gate is really broken, I am afraid that the people in the city will be ruined!

Soon, the army was already approaching the city.

Looking at the big bearded man at the head, Babuch said angrily: "Zarin, what are you doing? Could it be that the Lion Country is going to go to war with our Sand Heart Country?

Zarin looked up at the city wall, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, "Babuch, you're not dead?


Noticing the eldest prince kneeling on the ground beside him, he suddenly understood, shook his head and said, "It's really muddy that can't support the wall, but it doesn't matter if you die or not. 35

"Give you ten breaths and take the initiative to open the city gate, otherwise it will not end so well when we break into the city!

Babuch's face was extremely ugly.

The other party is not good and has been planning for a long time, and it is absolutely impossible to give up easily.

It's really going to happen this time!



Zarin counted triumphantly, and it seemed that he was already winning.

The foolish prince of the Sand Heart Kingdom actually took the initiative to make a thorough check, allowing them to silently cross the cordon.

Regardless of whether the other party opens the city gate or not, the Sand Heart Kingdom will become history!


The city walls were silent, and everyone's faces were full of despair.

Su Shi sighed.

Babuch was still too careless.

He underestimated the vileness of the eldest prince, and underestimated the wolf ambitions of neighboring countries.

In this case, he can only try to take Alia away, after all, this is Yu Lian'er's good friend.

As for the others, it doesn't matter that much.


"Okay, since you are obsessed, don't blame me for being ruthless.

Zarin raised his hand and said with a savage smile: "All the generals and soldiers obey the orders and break with me..."

Before he could finish speaking, a soldier rushed over in a panic, "General Zarin, no, it's not good, there seems to be an enemy attack in the rear!

"Enemy attack?"

Zarin turned his head suspiciously, his pupils shrunk to the tip of a needle.

I saw not far away, a black tide was coming! Qian.

Chapter 181: The Flesh Mill, the terrifying Black Armor Army! Surrender, or die!


That is clearly tens of thousands of black armor!

Zarin was slightly taken aback, "Which country's army is this? 35

It is impossible for Sha Xinguo to return to defense so quickly. Could it be that other countries also want to take a share?

"It looks like there are only 20,000 to 30,000 people, let them get away, or they will all be wiped out!"

This surprise attack has been planned by the two countries for a long time.

As long as the Sand Heart Country is annexed, the resources and territory obtained are enough to make them among the top oasis powers!

There is no room for error!

Zarin looked at the city wall with cold eyes.

"It seems that Sha Xinguo is planning to resist stubbornly."

"Since you don't know how to praise, don't blame this general for being ruthless!

"Everyone obeys the order and prepares to break the city, not a single one!

"Stupid Haburi, actually believed their nonsense!"

On the city wall, looking at the dark army below, Babuch's face was very ugly. "Five Zero"

The oasis countries are small and sparsely populated, and an army of 100,000 is the main force of the Lion Country and Gale Country.

Since the other party came out in full force, it was not as simple as grabbing the heir.

They are going to destroy the Sand Heart Country!

The imperial eunuch said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the military camp has been notified to come back, but it will take at least an hour for all of them to arrive.

"An hour?"

Babuch clenched his fists.

An hour is enough for the other party to destroy the Sand Heart Kingdom five times!

Although the imperial court has great powers, but in the face of this crowd of people, I am afraid that only the supreme shot can reverse the situation!

"Let the inner guard escort the eldest daughter of the emperor to break through the siege, leave the oasis, and go to Linlang country!"

Babuch made a decision and turned to look at Su Shi, "Su Shengzi, I'm sorry for dragging you into danger."

"The matter here has nothing to do with you, I just ask you to protect the safety of the little girl and let her have a place to live in the country of Linlang.

Saying that, he bowed deeply to Su Shi.

Alia shook her head vigorously, "Father, my son won't leave, my son will stay and fight!"

Babuch patted her on the shoulder, "You have done a good job, leave the next thing to me.

"Remember, leave the oasis, don't think about revenge, survive first!


Aaliyah looked sad.

Babuch turned around, the bead curtain swayed, and looked around at the civil and military officials, "Everyone, the other party is aggressive, and I am weak, and Sha Xinguo has reached the juncture of life and death."

"The state is in trouble, the doctor died in the ancestral temple, and the king died in the society!"

"After the three breaths, I will open the city gates, the guards will be responsible for evacuating the people, and I will fight until the last moment!


Babhli's sword was unsheathed, "Those who dare to retreat and surrender will be regarded as disturbing the heart of the army, and they should be killed!"

The ministers shuddered, and their faces were as pale as paper.

Nobody wants to die.

But in this case, there is no other option.

They can only pray that their children, wives and dependents will survive.

Aaliyah swayed, blood dripped from her lips, and tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Is it really the end of the Sand Heart Kingdom?

There was an air of despair on the walls.

At this time, the royal eunuch frowned and exclaimed: "Your Majesty, what do you think that is?"


Babuch looked up.

I saw dust flying in the distance, and the Kuroshio surged like a tsunami!

"There are still people on the other side?"

The despair on the faces of everyone is even stronger!

Wei Su rode on the one-horned demon, looking at the crowd of people in front of him, his brows could not help frowning slightly.

"It should be the Sand Heart Country in front.""

"Looking at it like this, it seems to be attacking the city?"

The nearly 100,000 soldiers and horses had their backs facing them, and the target was obviously the Sand Heart Country.

At this moment, a scout came galloping on his horse and shouted, "Stop! 55

"Stop. 39

Wei Su raised his hand.

The Black Armored Army ordered the line to stop and immediately stopped.

The scout came to Wei Su and frowned, "Which country's army are you from?"

Wei Su was silent, and the deputy beside him said solemnly: "If you want to have a conversation, let your generals come over, you are not qualified.

"Hmph, that's pretty arrogant.

The scout said arrogantly: "Ahead is the 100,000 army of the Lion Country and the Gale Country!"

"If you don't want to die, hurry up and get away, or be careful to kill you all together!"

The number of his own side is more than three times that of the other side, and he does have the confidence to say this.

Wei Su glanced over the scouts and saw the white python robe on the city wall, a surprise flashed across his eyes.

"It's Duke Zhen!

Finally found!

Just looking at this situation, Duke Zhen Guo seems to be surrounded.

Wei Su narrowed his eyes.

The situation is already clear, the soldiers and horses in front of you are all enemies!

The scout said impatiently: "Laozi is talking to you, are you deaf? If you don't get out, I will destroy you and Shaxinguo together..."

Before he could finish speaking, Wei Su raised his hand, "Breaking the formation..."

Thirty thousand tigers moved violently, instantly forming a sharp knife.

Above the black armor, the flying phoenix feathers were burning, and a faint light enveloped everyone.

Wei Su waved his hand down, "Kill the enemy."


The bloody killing intent rose to the sky, and the black sharp knife pierced directly into the army of 100,000!

The scout was stunned.

Does the opponent dare to take the initiative to attack?

30,000 hits 100,000, isn't this hitting a stone with an egg?

But the next scene made his eyes round.

I saw two torrents colliding, and the defense line of the coalition was torn apart in an instant!

On the periphery of the Black Armor Army were giant shields and long spears, flexible swordsmen and axemen swept the flanks, and thousands of Taoist practitioners in the middle carried out long-range bombardment.

Several officers rode on fierce beasts, like butterflies wearing flowers, their hands raised their knives, and their heads rolled!

Like a grindstone of flesh and blood, once it is started, it will not stop, and all enemies within sight will be strangled!

The siege soldiers reacted and raised their weapons to start a counterattack.

But the sword slashed on the black heavy armor, leaving only a shallow mark.

Not to mention 100,000, even if the number is several times larger, it is impossible to stop the footsteps of the Hu Ben army.

The gap is too big.

This is a real dimensionality reduction blow!

The scout's expression was dull, his eyes were full of disbelief, "This, which country is this...


The flying sword whirled and whistled, directly beheading his head!

The deputy snorted coldly, "I almost forgot about you.

Blood splattered, flesh and blood flying!


The 100,000 army was directly pierced by the black sharp knife!

"Ah ah ah!

The miserable wailing can be heard incessantly!

Looking at the storm that swept in, Zarin's throat couldn't help but feel a little dry.

"what's going on?!

Just then, a shadow covered him.

Zarin looked up blankly, and the cold air instantly spread from his spine to the back of his head.

I saw a one-horned ferocious demon swooping over, biting down fiercely with its ferocious giant mouth covering the sky!

"and many more!"


Before Zarin could exclaim, he was directly bitten and swallowed by the fierce demon!

The allied generals of the Tong Xuan Realm died tragically in an instant!

Wei Su was dazzling in silver armor, and blood dripped from the corner of the mouth of the fierce devil under his seat.

"I am Wei Su, General Linlang.""

"Surrender, or die!""

Rolling thunder resounded across the battlefield.

The air is instantly quiet!.

Villain: Before I Died, I Forcibly Kissed the Heroine

Chapter 182 The Empress is really loyal!

The blood was splattered, and the corpses were all over the place, and all of them could be seen to be broken limbs.

This is real war.

Every minute someone dies.

The blood dyed the land dull, and the pungent bloody smell was disgusting.

The surrounding coalition forces stared blankly at Wei Su.

Is General Zarin dead?

That is the perfection of Tongxuan, the power of half-step divine transformation!

This silver-armored general didn't even make a move, just drove the fierce devil under his crotch to kill him!

"General Linlang?"

"Flying Phoenix Feather! 35

"It's Linlang's army!

The coalition army was gutted.

Unexpectedly, this black armored army turned out to be an army from Linlang country!

When did the other party come to the oasis?

Why do you want to help the Sand Heart Country?

Everyone was puzzled.

A trace of impatience flashed in Wei Su's eyes.

"Still stubbornly resisting?"

He raised his right hand, and the sky and the earth suddenly became dark, and everyone who was oppressed by the dark clouds had difficulty breathing.

In the center of the dark cloud, a vortex emerges.

12 The faint thunder light condenses, exuding a doomsday terror!

"Surrender, or die.""

"This general will only say this once."

As long as this thunder strikes, the radius of a hundred miles will be turned into scorched earth!

As a great master of calamity, Wei Su must exercise restraint for the sake of the stability of the society, and he rarely has the opportunity to take action in Kyushu.

But this time it was the decree of the Holy Emperor himself.

As long as Su Shi is safe, you can let go and kill!


Someone's sword fell to the ground.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the coalition troops threw down their swords and fell to the ground tremblingly.

too strong.

They were so strong that they didn't even have the courage to resist.

The dark clouds dissipated instantly.

Wei Su said lightly: "All of them are put up."

"Yes. 95

The black armored tiger Ben escorted the coalition forces.

There were more prisoners than Hu Ben, but no one dared to resist, all of them seemed like well-behaved sheep.

Some people even took the initiative to tie themselves up...

The walls were dead silent.

The emperor, prince, civil and military officials were all dumbfounded.

what happened?

Just now, the army was overwhelmed, and the country of Sha Xin was at stake. Even the emperor was ready to go to the battlefield in person.

As a result, in just a few breaths of time, the 100,000 coalition army was directly defeated and was wantonly slaughtered by the black armored army that emerged from nowhere.

Even Zaarin has become food for fiends!

"General Linlang?"

Hearing the voice of the man in silver armor, everyone was stunned for a moment, and all eyes were focused on Su Shi.

Linlang and Oasis have nothing to do with each other, so it is impossible to send reinforcements suddenly.

It must be because of Su Shi!

Babu He suddenly said: "Su Shengzi, you have expected it!"

Su Shi was taken aback, "What to expect?"

Babuch breathed quickly, "So you already knew that the eldest prince was going to rebel, so you asked Linlang to send reinforcements in advance, just to wipe out the combined forces of the two countries!

Su Shi: 66.99

These tens of thousands of soldiers of the army descended from the sky, like a prophet.

Apart from Su Shi's arrangement, Babukh couldn't think of any other reason.

The ministers were stunned.

It turns out that everything is under the control of the Holy Son!

Alia stared at Su Shi blankly.

Although this man is cynical and doesn't seem to care about anything, he is always able to stand up at critical moments.

He didn't say anything, but he did everything in secret.

At this moment, she finally understood why Yu Lian'er was so fascinated by him.

"This is the real man!

Su Shi shook his head and said, "It's none of my business, and I don't know where these people came from."

He himself was puzzled.

How could Linlang's people suddenly come to the oasis?

At this time, the silver armor general flew to the city wall.

Feeling the terrifying and majestic aura, Babuch's pupils shrunk to pinpoints.

To be able to easily kill Zarin, at least he must be in the spirit realm.

But this man gave him more than that.

It is very likely that it is the great power of transcending the calamity!

Wei Su took off his helmet, revealing a resolute face, nodding his head and saying: "Zhenguo Gong, I am Wei Su, the general of the Zhu Kingdom, and I am under the order of the Holy Emperor to protect you. 39

Although the man in front of him was only Yuan Ying, Wei Su did not despise him in the slightest.

The holy product is complete and the future is infinite.

It cannot be simply measured by realm.

What's more, the other party is a hero of the human race, the Grand Duke of Zhenguo, who also serves as the supervisor of the censor, and is the pillar of the Linlang country!

"The order of the Holy Emperor?

Su Shi suddenly realized.

It seemed that Feng Chaoge knew about Mochen Country and was worried that something might go wrong with him.

Thinking of the Supreme Empress, a trace of tenderness flashed across his eyes.

"Looks like she's quite polite.

General Zhuguo.

This is the highest position in the military!

It can be seen that Feng Chaoge attaches great importance to him!

Su Shi cupped his hands and said, "It's thousands of miles away, and I'm here to help, it's hard work for General Wei.

Wei Su shook his head and said, "It's not hard work, raising troops for a thousand days is not just to protect the pillars of the family and country?"

"Ahem. 55

At this time, Babu He came over and said, "This general, thank you for saving the country of Shaxin, otherwise the people will be wiped out if the city gate is broken. 99

Wei Su said lightly, "You don't have to thank me, I'm only here for Duke Zhen.

Babuch looked at Su Shi.

Sure enough, it was Su Shengzi's arrangement, and he was humbly refusing to admit it just now.

Babuch folded his arms in front of his chest, bowed deeply, and touched the ground.

"On behalf of the people of Shaxinguo, I would like to thank Duke Zhenguo for his mighty kindness!

The civil and military officials knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Su Shi in unison.

"Thanks to Duke Zhenguo for his mighty kindness!

Everyone's tone of voice is sincere, all from the heart. 500

What dynasty, what faction, is meaningless in the face of life and death.

Su Shi not only saved their lives, but also their wives, children, and countless people in this city!

This is a great kindness!

Su Shi shook his head, too lazy to explain any further.

Babu He was excited, "Saint Son Su, I don't even know how to repay your great kindness!

"Then there is no need to repay, just treat it as..."

Su Shi looked at the girl who was staring at him madly, and said casually, "Just take it as my dowry gift to Alia."5

Alia hurriedly lowered her head, her pretty face instantly blushing and hot.

"Hire, dowry?"

"Could it be that he really wants to marry Ben Gong? 35

Her heart was in a panic, filled with unspeakable shyness and... a trace of joy?

The corners of Babuch's mouth twitched uncontrollably.

"Okay, what a Dixu!

"Alia really gave me a big surprise! 35

At this time, a prompt sounded in Su Shi's ear:

[The reputation of the Sand Heart Kingdom has increased significantly, affecting the subsequent plot trend, and gaining 30 plot value. ]

[The prestige of the desert oasis has been greatly increased, which affects the subsequent plot trend, and obtains 60 plot points. ]

[Alia makes a major decision, which affects the subsequent plot trend, and gets 20 plot points. ]

Su Shi's eyes flashed.

"One hundred and ten points of plot value..."

"As if enough?",

Chapter 183 Sha Xinguo's counterattack, Desolate Star Divine Flame transforms!

The original deadly and desperate atmosphere completely dissipated.

The city walls were filled with a cheerful air.

The ministers gathered together in twos and threes to chat.

Even the mortal enemies of the past seem to be very friendly now.

In the face of life and death, the so-called factions seem so ridiculous.

At this time, the only one who felt desperate should be the eldest prince Habu Ri.

In just half a day, he experienced the ups and downs of his life.

I thought that the father emperor was dying, and he was already gearing up to fight for the throne with the other two princes.

As a result, the dead father suddenly attacked him.

Not only did Alia become the prince, but he also directly demoted him to a commoner.

So Habu Ri showed his trump card.

Prepare to die and the net will break, and fight to the death.

But the 100,000-strong army was easily defeated by the black armored army that fell from the sky!

He slumped to his knees on the ground, his eyes dazed, and there was an unreal feeling.

Babuch's cold voice sounded, "The eldest prince Habu Ri, colluding with neighboring countries, intends to rebel, his crime is very clear, and his heart can be punished!

"Pass my will, put him in the heavenly prison, and choose a day to ask for the execution!"

Haburi's body trembled, and his face was full of disbelief.

"Father, this son is your own!

The father was going to kill himself?

Babuch snorted and turned his head away, as if he didn't even want to look at him again.

The ministers were also disgusted.

It is understandable to seize the heir, after all, he is the first prince, and it is understandable to want to compete for the throne.

However, Habu Ri secretly withdrawn his post and put 100,000 troops into the cordon in an attempt to subvert the entire Shaxin Kingdom.

This can no longer be described as ambition.

Simply insane!

Habu Ri's face was as pale as paper, and he finally realized that it was all a foregone conclusion.

"Su Shi!"

"It's all Su Shi's fault!"

His eyes were bloodshot, and he stared at the white-robed man, hissing: "Breaking good things for this king over and over again, you goddamn devil in the way..."


Before the words were finished, the whole person exploded into blood foam in the sky!

Wei Su said lightly: "Insulting Grand Duke Linlang is a death penalty~

The ministers are silent!

It turned out that the General Silver Armor was telling the truth.

Without Su Shi, Sha Xinguo is worthless in his eyes.

The so-called royal family is just a joke.

The other party is not only the savior, but also has the ability to destroy everything!

Babuch didn't dare to have a trace of dissatisfaction, but had to praise the other party for his good kill.

Power is truth, weak countries have no diplomacy!

At this time, the imperial eunuch came to Babuch and whispered: "Your Majesty, now seems to be a good time..."


Lightning flashed in Babuch's mind.

Neighboring countries come out in full force, and the country must be empty at this time, and now is the perfect time to fight back!

"Notify the generals who are rushing to help."

"Turn your troops and horses immediately, divide your troops into two groups, and attack the lion and the gale at the same time!"

Although this move is a bit risky, the opportunity is not to be missed, and the time will never come!

The other party never imagined that Sha Xinguo still had the ability to fight back!

If the Gale Wind and the Lion are annexed, the Sand Heart Country's position in the oasis will no longer be shaken!

"Murderers, people will always kill them. Those who destroy the country, the country will always be destroyed!"

"Since the sky does not destroy my sand heart, let's see who can have the last laugh!

Babuch's eyes were cold.

Since the opponent started the battle, it must end with a bloody battle!

Wei Su looked at Su Shi and asked, "Prince Zhen Guo, when are you going to go back?"

Su Shi thought for a while, and said, "Don't worry, these tens of thousands of soldiers must be exhausted after traveling long distances, so let them repair them first. 39


Wei Su nodded, "Then let's fix it for a night.

People always have to rest.

Although Hu Ben is an elite soldier, he is not an iron man.

Wei Su's eyes flashed across the shadows in the distance.

Looking at Su Shi, he still didn't speak in the end.

Su Shi turned and left.

Alia looked at his back, her eyes flickered slightly, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

In the hotel room.

Jiang Yuan leaned against the wall, his forehead dripping with cold sweat, and he was panting heavily.

"Wei Su definitely found me!"

Recalling the indifferent look in his eyes, his throat could not help but become dry.

Others may not have heard Wei Su's name.

That's because there are too few situations where Wei Su needs to take action!

General Zhuguo!

Great power in the later stage of the robbery!

When the Nether Demon Emperor had not yet ascended the throne, the name alone made the Nine Provinces Demon Dao unable to lift his head!

"It is estimated that he did not take action against me because of the face of the Holy Son. 35

"I didn't expect that there would be 30,000 tigers and beasts this time!

That is the absolute elite guarding the royal line!

Jiang Yuan swallowed his saliva.

I thought that the Holy Son was here to pick up girls, but it turned out to be such a big move!

The question now is whether to report this matter to the Demon Emperor.

"If the Holy Master sends someone here, there will definitely be a conflict with Wei Su.""

"It is estimated that the Holy Son does not want to see such a thing happen..."

Jiang Yuan hesitated for a long time.

In the end, I decided to wait for Hu Ben to evacuate before notifying Zongmen.

"The Holy Son actually became Emperor Xu?

"He and the princess seem to have only known each other for a few days, don't they?

"As expected of the Holy Son!"

Wei Su and several officers all lived in the palace.

Outside the city, a barracks was also quickly set up, cooking sheep and slaughtering oxen to reward the army of 30,000 tigers.

Babuch also wanted to hold a large banquet in the palace.

But was rejected by Su Shi and Wei Su.

Now that the prince has just died, the war has not yet ended, and the Shaxin Kingdom is in chaos, it is not the time to celebrate.

Su Shi is no longer fit to live in the Princess Palace.

After all, the so-called Emperor Xu was only verbally saying that nothing really happened between him and Alia.

in a luxury palace.

Su Shi sat cross-legged, and the shopping mall interface appeared in front of him.

This time, the Rebellion in the Sand Heart Country, he obtained 110 plot points.

Add the previous one hundred and fifty points.

There are already two hundred and sixty points!

Just in time to buy a pure spark!

[Whether to buy a strange object: Pure Origin Tinder?]


Su Shi did not hesitate.

A pure flame appeared in the palm.

The energy contained in it is far above Pu's (Li's) Tinder Seed!

The Desolate Star Divine Flame ignited, and the fire was blended into it.

Time seemed to stand still.

The originally beating flame was frozen at this moment, and even the splashing sparks were suspended in the air.

The next moment, starting from the inner flame, the divine flame seemed to be slowly lit up, continuously bursting with blazing rays of light.

The original deep gilt gold has transformed again.

Bright golden light is dazzling!

A reminder sounded in the ear:

[The Desolate Star Divine Flame fuses the fire seed to obtain the Blazing Star Li Huo. exhausted]

Looking at the golden flame in his hand, Su Shi can feel the terrifying power of the burning sky and boiling the sea!

Compared with before, the improvement cannot be counted!

In the dantian, Li Huo melts into the Milky Way, like a blazing hot star!

"How can this Lihuo resonate with the meaning of the stars?"

Su Shi was a little surprised.

However, this is not the most critical.

He took out a small bronze bell.

The blazing star is far from the fire, enough to push into the second turn of Taihe Fu!.

Chapter 184 The betrothal gift is given, and this palace is yours!

Hunyuan poor world, Taihe through ancient and modern.

The image of Hunyuan Taihe Fu is endless.

It is to bury the true seed in the body, use the heaven and earth as the furnace, and use oneself to smelt the pills, and finally see the infinite good fortune.

And if you want to smelt yourself, you must have a strong enough fire.

"The blazing star leaves the fire.

A brilliant golden flame ignited, wrapping Su Shi's whole body in it.

The raging flames burned, destroying all the meridians of the body.

The Taihe Fu is running rapidly, the dazzling stars and rivers are shining, and the stars are intertwined like silk threads, restoring everything again.

The so-called Hunyuan Jiuzhuan is a process of continuous destruction and remodeling.

During this process, Su Shi's spirit seems to be swimming in the infinite universe, all distractions and disturbances have left him, and the will in the dark is constantly infiltrating the Zifu Lingtai.

The small bronze bell seemed to be sensing something.

The size of the original slap began to grow larger with tremors, and finally turned into an appearance that was almost the same as that of Jiuyou Zhong.

The ancient seal script on the bell wall flashes with divine light, echoing the seal script on Su Shi's body from afar.

In the dantian, the broken little Zhong Huaguang bloomed, and one of the missing parts kept condensing.

Seems to be being fixed in general.

Boom, boom, boom.

Su Shi's heart beat slowly, the same frequency as the tremor of the bronze bell, and the invisible resonance made the void make a muffled sound.

He swims in the universe, and the time has lost 500 meanings.

I don't know how long it took, and a little pride appeared in front of me.

Reaching out and touching it, the Lingtai instantly showed infinite images!

And a gap in the broken bell was also repaired at this moment.


Su Shi's body was bubbling with energy, and behind him appeared an incomparably magnificent Dharma-shaped golden body!

The second turn of Hunyuan Taihe Fu.

The law is yin, the law is yang, the world is the same, there is no object and no self, there is a mystery!

The Golden Body of All Dharma!

Outside the palace, Alia followed the base of the wall and crept to the door.

After hesitating for a long time, he carefully opened the door.

Seeing the scene in front of him, the whole person froze in place, and the cherry lips opened slightly.

"Okay, great!

"What a big giant!"

Such a violent change naturally attracted the attention of others.

Wei Su and several officers rose into the air.

Looking at the magnificent Dharma image, his eyes couldn't help but pause for a moment.

The deputy frowned and said, "Tong Xuan Fa Xiang? It seems to be Duke Zhen's room!

Is there an enemy attack?

Several people immediately prepared to go to support.

Wei Su stopped them, "Look carefully at the face of that dharma.

The officers looked up, and their pupils shrank suddenly, "Mr. Zhen, Duke Zhen?!

(bcec) This golden identity is clearly an enlarged version of Su Shi!

"Could it be..."

"It's Duke Zhen Guo who is practicing.

Wei Su sighed, "In Yuan Ying's body, he can actually comprehend the golden body of the Dharma. Duke Zhen Guo's talent is simply terrifying!"

The golden body of the dharma phase is a supernatural power that can only be understood in the Xuantong realm.

Su Shi actually straddled two realms and forcibly comprehended the Dharma, which was really unreasonable.

Looking at this mysterious atmosphere, it is still the top golden body!

There seems to be a hint of Dao Law in it?

"I finally understand why His Majesty is so interested in Su Shi."

"As long as this son does not die prematurely, in time, I will add another Supreme Being to Linlang!"

Wei Su's voice trembled a little.

The officers looked at each other, and a storm surged in their hearts.

Is this true genius?

After a long time, the infinite image finally dissipated.

Su Shi slowly landed on the ground.

The spiritual power in the body is galloping, like a mighty river, and the realm has been raised to a new level.

Open the properties panel.

[Host: Destiny Killer Su Shi]

[Status: full of qi and blood, refreshed]

[Talent: Perfect Saint Product]

[Realm: Middle Nascent Soul]

[Gong method: Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Taihe Fu (Second Revolution), Heaven and Human Scripture (Consummation), Nether Breathing Method (Dacheng)...]

[Plot value: 0 points]

Taihe Fu has entered the second round!

The realm has also soared directly from the initial stage of Nascent Soul to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Just crossed a small realm!

"This time the Western Regions really didn't come in vain.

Su Shi is very satisfied.

Although the process was a little bumpy, the result was very satisfactory.

Kung fu breakthrough, realm breakthrough, divine flame breakthrough, and I also realized the magical power of the second turn!

The strength has improved qualitatively compared to before!

Su Shi slowly opened his eyes.

What catches the eye is a delicate and pretty face.

I saw Alia slipped in at some point, and her emerald green eyes looked at him without blinking.


Su Shi wondered, "What are you doing here?"

Alia looked away, cleared her throat and said, "Bengong can't sleep at night, so I just went out for a walk.

Su Shi frowned, "You came to my room for a walk?"

Alia said stubbornly: "Can't you? This palace is the princess, this palace can go wherever she wants! 35

Su Shi held her shoulders and looked at her.

Alia's eyes dodged, not daring to look at him.

"Okay, okay, this palace is indeed looking for you for something.

Su Shi asked, "Tell me, what's the matter?

Alia tangled her fingers together and said in a low voice, "I just wanted to ask you, is what you said during the day true or false?

Su Shi asked, "Which sentence? 99


Alia was a little embarrassed, and said with a blushing face: "The 30,000 Heijia army saved the country, you said it was a dowry gift to this palace, but it was sincere?"

Su Shi nodded and said: "Your father and emperor have already given dowry, isn't it normal for me to give some dowry?

He didn't think much about it, his original intention was just not wanting to repay the favor.

Alia's pretty face turned even redder, her eyes gradually firmed, she seemed to have made a decision, and then she got up and walked towards the door.

Su Shi was a little baffled.

This princess came here at night just to ask this question?

But Aaliyah did not leave, but closed the door tightly and stood there for a long time without moving.

Su Shi puzzled: "What's wrong with you?"

Alia lowered her head, "Since the Son of God has given a betrothal gift, then this palace is yours."


Before Su Shi recovered, his eyes suddenly became round.

I saw Alia turned around, untied the tie with her slender hands, and the gorgeous palace skirt slowly faded.

Snow greasy skin dazzling white.

She hugged her slender jade arms, her pretty face flushed with blush.

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, Su Shi's throat moved, "What are you doing? Is it from Babkhrang?

Aaliyah shook her head, "No.

Su Shi asked again, "Then you are repaying the favor?"

Aaliyah bit her lip, "Is this palace so contemptible in your eyes?"

"I just don't understand...

The two have known each other for a short time, and although their relationship is not bad, it should not have reached this point, right?

Alia walked in front of him, her hot and tender body embraced in her arms, her voice trembling slightly, "Su Shengzi changed the fate of this palace, and also rewrote the history of Sha Xinguo."

"But this palace is not for repayment.

"Ben Gong... I'm just worried that I'll never meet someone like you again in the future."

Alia is shy and reserved.

But in her bones, she is still a girl from the Western Regions who dares to love and hate.

If even Su Shi is not worth it, who else in the world can be seen?

Su Shi was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I take that sentence back.

Alia was taken aback, "Which one?"

"You're not really a washboard. 99

Before Aaliyah could react, the whole person flew into the tent.

"Slow, slow."

"Sorry, I'm rough."

Chapter 185 I am so worried about him, but he is picking up girls in the Western Regions?

Noon the next day.

Aaliyah stared blankly at the ceiling.

"Five hours...why is this palace asking for hardship? 35

At this moment, Su Shi's voice sounded, "Hey, are you awake?

"I'm not awake!

Aaliyah hurriedly closed her eyes.

No, it's really going to kill people if it goes on like this!

Su Shi took her slender hand, and a stream of pure spiritual power poured into her body, quickly dispelling sleepiness and exhaustion.

Very warm and comfortable.

Aaliyah whispered: "You sure~ didn't lie."

Su Shi asked curiously, "What do you mean?

Alia blushed and gritted her teeth: "You really are a rude person!


Su Shi didn't do anything wrong, but held her in his arms.

Listening to the powerful heartbeat, Alia gradually calmed down, and the shyness and anxiety that had been suppressed gradually emerged.

"Su Shengzi..."

"Let's just call me by my name, otherwise it always feels like we don't know each other very well.

Aaliyah snorted.

It's so familiar it can't be cooked any more!

"Su Shi, don't worry, Ben Gong will not tie you and Sha Xinguo together."

Alia looked at him seriously, "This palace is voluntary, and you don't need to take any responsibility.

She is not interested in Su Shi's identity, nor does she want to mix too many interests between the two.

Su Shi nodded and said, "Don't be responsible? Great, it's exactly what I want.

"you dare!"

Alia hurriedly stood up.

Seeing Su Shi's smile, he finally came to his senses and slapped him angrily, "I hate it, and make fun of others. 35

Holding his neck, Alia lay on top of him like a koala.

Smelling the reassuring breath, he secretly said: "I hope Lian'er can forgive Ben Gong, I can't help it, Su Shi is so fragrant..."

The two embraced quietly.

The atmosphere is quiet and warm.

After a while, Su Shi asked aloud, "How's your rest?"


"No, don't mess around!"

"Are you going to toss this palace to death?"

Aaliyah hurriedly ducked far away.

For the next two days, both of them spent their time without shame.

So much so that Alia's legs go weak when she sees Su Shi.

And Sha Xinguo's counterattack was also very successful.

The Gale Kingdom and the Lion Kingdom came out in full force, resulting in the emptiness of the domestic defense, which was broken by the soldiers of the Sand Heart Kingdom in one fell swoop.

Under the instruction of Babuch, they did not move the people in the city, but the royal family did not leave a single one!

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye!

After this battle, the Shaxin Kingdom has two more satellite cities, plus the captured tens of thousands of troops, the strength has jumped to become the most powerful oasis!

And Su Shi's reputation also resounded throughout the Western Regions.

Everyone knows that the reason why Sha Xinguo can turn against the wind is all because of this emperor-in-law from Linlang!

[Sand Heart Country annexes Gale Country and Lion Country, which affects the subsequent plot trend, and gains plot value of 30 points. ]

[The reputation of the oasis has been greatly increased, which affects the subsequent plot trend and obtains 50 plot points. ]

"It's 80 o'clock again.

Su Shi nodded in satisfaction.

Lay and earn!

At this time, Aaliyah stepped out of the screen and wondered, "Why did you make this palace look like this?"

I saw her wearing a black and white servant costume, outlining a slender and slender figure, and her blond hair was tied into two long ponytails.

Emerald green eyes are full of ignorance and confusion.

Su Shi's voice moved, "I'm such a genius!"


In the bedroom, in the Jade Pond, Feng Chaoge was immersed in the spiritual spring, and the steaming water vapor dyed his eyes with mist.

It's hard to see what emotions are in it.

"Incomparable to a drunken life..."

"But even the immortal brew, drinking it alone has a little less flavor.


She raised her fair jade arm and fiddled with the petals on the water.

At this time, a footstep sounded from far to near, and a female official's voice came from behind the screen: "Your Majesty, I received a message from General Wei's flying eagle."

Feng Chaoge made a move and said, "Let's talk."

The female official said: "The Duke of Zhenguo confirms that he is safe, and the country of Mochen did not dare to touch him. 99

She snorted coldly, "I don't even dare to forgive them.

He said that, but he breathed a sigh of relief, and even his tone was much lighter, "Is there any other news?"

The female officer continued: "Shaxin Country was besieged by two countries, and the Hu Ben army just arrived..."

Feng Chaoge's eyes flickered.

Didn't expect such a thing to happen.

The Hu Ben army did not destroy the Mochen country, but just saved the Shaxin country, causing the Gale Wind and the Lion to be annexed by it.

Indirectly changed the situation of the entire oasis.

"Emperor of the Kingdom of Shaxin sent an ultimatum to express his gratitude to the Holy Emperor for his kindness, wishing to have good relations with Linlang from generation to generation, and to perform the ritual of pilgrimage every year.

・・・・ Flowers ・・・

The meaning of Sha Xinguo is obvious.

Self-awareness does not match Linlang's strength, nor does he expect to establish equal diplomatic relations, and directly considers himself as a vassal state.

Willingly, bowed his head and bowed his head.

"This Babuch is a wise man."

"In this way, the Hu Ben army has become famous, and who would dare to fight against him in the oasis countries?39

"Although it seems to have become a vassal state, the Western Regions and Kyushu are far away, and they have no interest in each other. Instead, they have a backer out of thin air.

Feng Chaoge has completely seen through the other party's mind.

The female officer asked: "Then should this matter be dealt with?"

Feng Chaoge nodded, "Come on, things are a foregone conclusion, no matter what, multiple vassal states are not a bad thing. 99

"It's just that I don't understand something.

"Why are Su Shi and Sha Xinguo so close?"


The female official whispered: "This is the third piece of news reported by General Wei.


Feng Chaoge said curiously, "Let's hear it. 39

The female official cleared her throat and said, "The Duke of Zhen and the Crown Princess of Sha Xin have tied the knot, and now they have become the emperor-in-law of Sha Xin...

The air was instantly quiet.

Feng Chaoge fell into silence, as motionless as a sculpture.

The female official said cautiously, "Your Majesty?"

"Happy Knot?"5

"The son-in-law?

Feng Chaoge's face was expressionless, and his voice was low, "I am so worried about his safety that I don't even hesitate to send troops to the Western Regions, but he is flirting with other women, and he has become a son-in-law?"


The steaming spiritual spring turned into ice in an instant!

The graceful figure stepped on the ice and walked out slowly, Huang Huang coercion made the female official kneel on the ground involuntarily.

Feng Chaoge's indifferent voice sounded: "Tell Wei Su to bring Su Shi back to me immediately.

"I want to ask him carefully, what's so good about the wild women in the Western Regions!"

"If he doesn't dare to come to Weiyang Capital... in this life, don't even want to see me wearing that dress! 35


The female officer responded with a trembling voice.

She seemed to hear a trace of grievance in His Majesty's voice?

Thinking of seeing the two of them sleeping together before, an unreal thought came to mind.

"Your Majesty isn't jealous, right?!

"and also..."

"What does that dress mean?

The female officer scratched her head.

Her intuition told her that Duke Zhen Guo was going to have bad luck this time! Qian.

Chapter 186 Bad Woman Alia, the Holy Emperor asked me to go to Kyoto?

Su Shi got the bronze bell, and Taihe Fu was also pushed to the second turn.

It can be said to be quite rewarding.

But he was in no hurry to leave.

Although the crisis of the Sand Heart Country has been resolved, Alia has just ascended the throne after all, and her foundation in the court is still unstable.

Su Shi can also support her here.

And Alia lived up to expectations, showing an amazing ruling talent.

Under the training of Babuch, she was promoted to Wenhua Hall with a seal, and she was in the East Palace, divided the general administration, assisted the army and supervised the country, and quickly sorted out the chaotic Chaogang in an orderly manner.

Obviously petite, and looks cute and well-behaved.

But the means are strong and decisive, and the mind is ambitious.

In her, Su Shi even saw a trace of Feng Chaoge's shadow.

Given time, she must also be the empress who oppressed one side.


In the plot of the original book, Sha Xinguo obtained the Mysterious Sand Pearl.

In just a few "500" years, it rose rapidly, swept across the oasis countries, and almost ruled the entire Western Regions.

Now the bead was intercepted by Su Shi.

But by chance, he helped the Sand Heart country to annex two neighboring countries and still became the most powerful country in the center of the oasis.

"It seems that there is a certain number in the dark?"

Su Shi soaked in the pool, shook his head and smiled.

Alia gently pressed his shoulder and asked curiously, "What are you laughing at?"

Seeing her well-behaved appearance, Su Shi said, "I was thinking, if those ministers knew that the princess, who lives in the East Palace, was serving me to take a bath, what kind of psychological reaction would it be?"

Alia snorted: "So what's the matter? Ben Gong is willing."

"In the imperial court, this palace is the crown princess, but here, this palace is..."

Su Shi asked curiously, "What is it?"

Alia's cheeks were slightly red, and she said softly: "It's your woman. 55

Western girls dare to love and hate.

Now that the two are together, what else is there to tweak?

Looking at her shy but magnanimous eyes, Su Shi suddenly had a thought: "Compared with the realm of chance, maybe she is the biggest gain of my trip?

At this time, Aaliyah took out an ancient book, "This is for you."

Su Shi wondered, "What is this?

Alia said: "It records the history of Shavan City, including the location before its fall, the structure of the entire city-state, and some of the secrets about the bead.35

"Although Father Emperor Dragon is healthy, I still want to help you get the Divine Pearl. 35

"Everyone is ready and can leave tomorrow.

Su Shi helped her too much, and she also wanted to do something for the other party.

But Su Shi shook his head, "No need."

Alia asked, "Why?"

Su Shi spread his palms.

A golden bead is suspended in the air, and there are endless yellow sand escaping out, which seems to contain an endless desert.

Alia's cherry lips opened slightly, her eyes full of disbelief.

"Mysterious Sand Divine Pearl?!

It turns out that Su Shi was telling the truth at the beginning, and he really didn't come for the Shenzhu.

Because the bead is already in his hands!

Su Shi rubbed her hair and said, "So even if your father is really cursed, it's not that easy to want to die."

Looking at that handsome face, Alia's eyes were stained with a faint mist.

This man seems to be omnipotent, what else is there that he can't do?

"Your kindness, Ben Gong can only slowly repay in a lifetime.

Su Shi shook his head and said, "No need..."

Before the words were finished, Alia's cheeks were flushed, and she slowly submerged into the pool.


Three days later.

Abroad in the heart of the sand, the Hu Ben army is ready to go, with a hundred spirit boats lined up neatly behind them.

Su Shi cupped his hands and said: "General Wei, thank you again for coming to help, and if you have the opportunity to drink together, I will not send you.

He wants to go south to the sect, and the other party wants to go north to Kyoto.

Completely the opposite direction.

Wei Su shook his head, "Prince Zhen Guo really has to send us off. 35


Su Shi froze for a moment.

Wei Su said: "I received an order from Your Majesty to let Duke Zhenguo and I return to Beijing together. 35

Su Shi frowned slightly.

How could Feng Chaoge suddenly let himself go to Kyoto?

It's nothing to go to the capital, but intuition always tells him that it's not that simple...

Seeing his hesitation, Wei Su said with a wry smile: "Your Majesty gave me a death order, don't make it difficult for Duke Zhen Guo."5

"All right."

Having said all that, Su Shi couldn't refuse.

After all, the other party came all the way and saved Sha Xinguo from fire and water. No matter what, he owed a great favor.

Wei Su looked overjoyed, "Very good, Duke Zhenguo, please board the spirit boat.

Su Shi nodded, "General Wei, please."

After the two went up, the Hu Ben army also boarded the boat in an orderly manner...

Hundreds of spirit boats rose into the air and left the Western Regions desert in a mighty manner.

city ​​wall.

Looking at the distant spirit boat, Alia remained silent.

Babuch walked up to her, "Aren't you a little reluctant? 39

Alia said softly: "Su Shi doesn't belong here, and the little Sha Xinguo can't keep him.

Babuch sighed, and just wanted to comfort his daughter, only to hear her continue: "But the son will always belong to him."

"Shaxin Country is too small, so open up territory.

"The realm is too low, then try to climb to the top."

"Even if you can't keep up with his footsteps, Erchen must not embarrass him.

Alia's blond hair is flying, and her emerald green eyes are full of determination, "Let's start from the unified oasis."5

Babuch was stunned.

Aaliyah has a calm personality and has never shown such ambition.

It seems that Su Shi really changed her.

But after a while, a touch of bitterness appeared on the delicate little face.

"I hate it, why did Ben Gong start thinking about him just after we separated? 35

"The most important thing is, how should this palace explain this to Lian'er!"

"She must think Ben Gong is a bad woman, right?"

She was as dejected as a frosted eggplant.

in the restaurant.

Jiang Yuan looked at the news from Zongmen Lingyu.

"Why is the Holy Son suddenly heading north?"

"Although I wasn't being coerced, I'm still with Wei Su after all... 4.2 I still have to report to the sect as soon as possible.

As soon as he opened the door, he was stunned.

I saw a woman in rough clothes standing outside the door.

"Jade Saint Messenger?"

Jiang Yuan came back to his senses and hurriedly knelt down on one knee, "This subordinate has seen the Eastern Saint Envoy!

Yu Jiaolong looked around and asked, "Where's Su Shengzi?"

During this time, the Holy Master stared at her very much.

She finally found an opportunity to slip out, and followed the trail all the way to get here.

Jiang Yuan shook his head and said, "The Holy Son has already left..."

He briefly recounted what had happened recently.

"The fascination of the Son is unstoppable. 35

"After only two days of knowing the princess of Sha Xinguo, he became the son-in-law recognized by the emperor, and his reputation is roaring throughout the oasis."5

"Tsk tsk... uh, Jade Saint Envoy?"

"Sage Jade, why don't you speak?"

Chapter 187 Don't rob my brother Su Shi! Sikong Luna's curiosity!

The Linlang frontier was pushed three hundred miles north, causing an uproar in the entire barbaric world.

Linlang Kingdom's behavior is already plundering territory!

This is something that has never happened in history!

Some of the more radical tribes clamored for war with Linlang.

Most of the rest were silent.

The demise of the Tiger Clan made them see Linlang's strength and ruthlessness.

Although the overall strength of the barbarian world is strong, the various tribes are scattered.

What's more, Linlang has more than one Supreme!

In the end, after the deliberation of the various tribes, it was decided that several powerful people would vote.

As a result, except for the fox clan, all the remaining old fritters chose to abstain.

And the opinion given by the ancestors of the fox clan has only four words:

Don't mess with Linlang!


Yu Lian'er lay on the bed bored.

Since the Wasteland City incident, she has been grounded by Yu Yuan, unable to take half a step out of the Qingqiu Plain.

"Alas, I don't know what brother Su Shi is doing..."

"Did you miss anyone?"

Thinking of what Su Shi said before leaving, Yu Lian'er's little face quietly crawled into a blush.

"Brother Su Shi said he likes me too~"

"Although I'm sorry Chief Zhan, people just like Brother Su Shi."

Bad women are bad women.

Yu Lian'er felt that she couldn't live without Su Shi in her life.

At this moment, there was a thud outside the window.

Yu Lian'er's eyes lit up.

"It should be Alia's letter!"

She got up from the bed and jumped open the window.

A falcon flew into the room, flapping its wings and landing on her shoulder.

Yu Lian'er took the letter on the eagle's claws, and the eagle flew out like a spirituality.

She and Aaliyah had known each other many years ago.

The two have a very good personality and are good friends who talk about everything.

Even though they are far apart, they have been keeping in touch through letters.

Open the letter.

Seeing the contents of the letter, Yu Lian'er opened her mouth slightly.

"No wonder Alia didn't reply to her letter for so long, so there was such a big mess in Sha Xinguo?"

The emperor was seriously ill, the three kings seized the heir, and even nearly wiped out the country!

Fortunately, Su Shi was there, and the situation was completely reversed.

Yu Lian'er's eyes curved into crescents.

I feel happy for my good friend out of danger, and at the same time feel a burst of pride in my heart.

"I didn't expect Alia to meet Su Shi's brother too."

"I'll just say, brother is the best, there is no problem in this world that he can't solve.

She continued to look down, and the smile gradually solidified on her face.

[I'm sorry, Lian'er, although it's hard to tell, but I still want to tell you the truth. ]

[I fell in love with Su Shi, and I will never be able to live without him. ]

[hope you can forgive me. ]


Yu Lian'er's eyes were wide open, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

This line sounds familiar!

I felt sorry for Chief Zhan just now, but I didn't expect the same thing to happen to me soon.

Is the clown herself?

She felt sour in her heart, as if she had knocked over a vinegar jar.

"There are so many men in the world, why do you have to like my brother Su Shi? 35

"I don't know where the two of them are..."

"hand in hand?"

"Didn't you already hug?"

Yu Lian'er's sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger.

Take out a slip of paper with a string of addresses written on it.

This is what Su Shi left to her at the beginning.

"No, I don't want to give Brother Su Shi to others!"

Yu Lian'er made up her mind and crept out of the room.

As soon as he walked out of the room, he found that Yu Yuan was sitting outside with his shoulders in his arms.

Yu Yuan sneered: "I knew you were dishonest... eh? What's wrong with you?"

I saw Yu Lian'er holding her mouth shut, tears welling up, and she looked extremely pitiful.


"Dad, what should I do? Brother Su Shi is going to be taken away, woohoo~"

Yu Yuan:


Hundreds of flying boats stopped in front of the city gate.

In the open space, the Tiger Ben army was neatly arranged.

Wei Su said: "Prince Zhen Guo, come with me to return to life? 35

Su Shi thought for a while, and said, "It's better for General Wei to go first, and I'll go to the palace later to meet your majesty.


Wei Su did not force it.

Since the other party came to Weiyang Capital, his mission has been completed.

"We have time to drink together.


Watching Wei Su and the others go away, Su Shi pondered slightly, wondering why Feng Chaoge was in such a hurry to see him.

"Anyway, I've come here, just in time to see Qingluan. 99

He walked into the city gate with his hands behind his back.

When the passing children of noble families saw him, they were all stunned.

"Zhen, Zhen Guo Gong?"

"Prince Zhen Guo is back?!"

In the palace, two figures sat facing each other, with a chessboard in the middle.

Feng Chaoge raised his hand and said lightly, "Fear of hands and feet, this doesn't look like your style of chess."

The person sitting opposite her was covered in clouds and mist, "Pin Dao is not good at playing chess."

Feng Chaoge pressed Heizi, "What's the matter with me?

Sikong Zuiyue sighed: "Qingchen's Taoist heart is in a mess. 35

Feng Chaoge frowned, "What does that have to do with me?

"It's because of Su Shi.

"Qingchen has always hated men, but his attitude towards Su Shi is completely different.

"And you are suspicious, indifferent and harsh by nature, but you can trust a person in the devil's way so much."

Sikong Zuiyue asked, "Pin Dao is very curious, what magic power does this Su Shi have?"

Feng Chaoge didn't answer, but instead asked: "How do you know that Zhan Qingchen hates men?"

"Poor Dao..."

500 Sikong Falls to the Moon was interrupted by Feng Chaoge before he finished speaking.

"Maybe Zhan Qingchen doesn't hate men, it's just that he never met someone he likes."

"You think I'm suspicious by nature, that's because few people deserve my trust.

"Don't jump to conclusions before everything happens.

Feng Chaoge's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, "It's like you feel that you are detached from the world, but you still don't know which man you will be infatuated with in the future.


The clouds are rolling like waves!

"Feng Chaoge!"

Sikong Yueyue's tone was very dissatisfied.

"Is this angry?"

Feng Chaoge didn't change his face, shook his head and said, "It seems that Daoist Master Sikong's qi-raising skills are not at home."

Sikong Luyue angrily ignored her.

At this time, a female official's voice came from outside the hall: "Report to Your Majesty, General Wei is back.

Feng Chaoge was silent.

The female official said again: "Gong Zhenguo also came back together."

The air was slightly quiet.


Feng Chaoge calmly dropped the black chess piece.

Clouds and mists rolled, and a white piece landed on the chessboard in the air, like an antelope hanging its horns, directly revitalizing the situation!

Bai Zi turned defensive.

Da Fei guards the corner, should cooperate with the inside and outside, and surround the sunspots!

The Feng Dynasty singer pinched the chess piece, and for a while he didn't know where it should land.

Sikong Yueyue's voice was vague: "It seems that your heart is also messed up."