
before I die I kissed the heorin (for me only)

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Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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17 Chs

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Even within Linlang Kyushu, there are many places covered by clouds and mists.

For example, Haoyunzhou is a vast fog.

Obviously belong to a different camp with him.

"That is to say, I can teleport between Zongmen, Imperial City and Sand Heart Country?

This function is very useful.

This "picturesque country" covers the nine realms. If all the clouds and mists can be dispelled, wouldn't the world be as big as possible?

Su Shi looked at the Western Regions.

The Sand Heart Kingdom has just annexed two countries, and now it is the strongest force entrenched in the center of the oasis.

Su Shi raised his finger and clicked on the royal court of the Sand Heart Kingdom.

The void cracked open, and the figure disappeared instantly!

After a while, Feng Chaoge's voice came from behind the screen: "It's been so long, you haven't washed it yet?"

The air was quiet and no one answered.

Feng Chaoge glanced around the screen.

I saw that the bath was empty, and Su Shi had disappeared.

"Strange, where have people gone?

Feng Mu couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Sand country.

It was late at night, and the candlelight flickered in the palace.

Alia rubbed her brows tiredly, looking at the memorials that were piled up on a hill in front of her.

Standing as the heir, and entering the East Palace, you will not only gain status and power, but also take on more responsibilities.

Although the Sand Heart Kingdom has occupied the Gale Wind and the Lion Kingdom, how can the national affairs be so simple?

Reorganize the imperial government, smooth people's hearts, integrate resources... and always be on the lookout for other countries that are eyeing them.

These endless complicated affairs make Alia, who is disorganized by nature, very difficult.

But when she thought of that man, she quickly cheered up.

Jing "It's just getting started now."

'If you easily admit defeat, how can you be worthy of his sacrifice?

"This palace must not let him down!

She raised her small fist to cheer herself up.

Picking up a memorial, ready to continue reviewing it, suddenly a big hand pressed the memorial.

A familiar voice came from my ear: "Let's take a rest. 39

Aaliyah froze.

She looked back slowly, and saw a handsome man standing behind her, looking at her with a smile.

"Ken (Lee's) must be Ben Gong's illusion.

Aaliyah rubbed her eyes vigorously.

However, in the next second, the whole person was picked up by the waist.

Feeling the strong arms and the familiar body temperature, Alia's eyes quickly filled with misty water vapor.

"it is true!"

"You're back!"

She hugged the man tightly, as if she was afraid that he would disappear.

"When did you come back? Why didn't Ben Gong receive any news?

"I just arrived too.

Su Shi couldn't help but marvel at the magic of "the picturesque rivers and mountains".

From Linlang to the Western Regions, it has crossed thousands of miles of void almost instantly!

Aaliyah looked at him and wondered: "But... why are you not wearing any clothes?"

How could she know that Su Shi was still taking a bath in Weiyang just now.

Su Shi smiled and said, "Isn't this more convenient?


Alia's pretty face blushed, her watery eyes rolled at him, "Bad man!"

Chapter 199 Jealous little fox, I decided to take care of you!

In the bedroom.

Alia was lying in Su Shi's arms, her petite figure was as light as nothing.

His fingers drew circles on his chest, and there was still a blush on his face that had not completely dissipated.

Smell that reassuring breath, all the tiredness of these days disappears.

Although I don't understand why Su Shi suddenly appeared, the surprise of the reunion has completely occupied my heart.

At this time, Alia thought of something and said: "By the way, our affairs, Ben Gong has written to Lian'er to explain."

Dare to be brave.

In any case, the other party has the right to know.

Su Shi nodded.

Even if Alia didn't say it, he wouldn't hide it from Yu Lian'er.

"Then what did she say? 39


Aaliyah gave a wry smile and took out a letter, "You better read it yourself.

Su Shi opened it and saw that it was densely written: Hate, hate, hate...

There are thousands of "hate"!

He could even imagine Yu Lian'er holding a brush, her cheeks puffed up, and muttering as she wrote.

"It's really her style.

Su Shi couldn't help laughing.

Alia glared at him angrily, "You still laugh? It's not all your fault.

Su Shi frowned and said, "It's clear that you hooked me up..."

Aaliyah covered his mouth and said angrily: "Who hooked you up? You are not allowed to talk nonsense! 35

Su Shi blinked.

Alia's little face turned even redder, and she snorted: "I don't care about Ben Gong, Lian'er is Ben Gong's best friend, you have to coax her, otherwise, Ben Gong will ignore you!"

Thinking of the clingy little fox, a smile flashed across Su Shi's eyes.

Although he has been to Qingqiuyuan, he does not belong to the same camp as the fox clan and cannot directly cross the void.

It seems that I can only find a chance to go to the barbaric world.

"Yu Lian'er is fine."

"But Qingluan and Qingchen are a little troublesome..."

Su Shi couldn't help sighing.

A long way to go.

Alia looked at him madly and asked, "Bastard, how long can you stay here this time?

Su Shi reluctantly said: "I have to leave when the child is over.

After the time has passed, even if it is the second day, the number of uses of the picturesque will be refreshed.

After all, he sneaked out, and Feng Chaoge still didn't know what happened. If it was delayed for too long, there might be some trouble.

"So fast?"

Alia was a little disappointed.

There is only one hour left until the hour.

She bit her cherry lips, her pretty face flushed red.

He leaned close to Su Shi's ear and exhaled, "Husband, let's hurry up...


Feng Chaoge withdrew his consciousness and frowned slightly.

Her consciousness has been swept through the imperial capital countless times, but she has not found a trace of it.

Su Shi seems to have disappeared out of thin air!

"Even Yun Qiluo and Sikong Luyue would not be able to take people away under my nose.

"Where did he run off to?"

"Isn't there any danger?""

Feng Chaoge was inevitably a little worried.

Suddenly, she noticed something, and she couldn't help but startled.

The figure instantly appeared in the bedroom, and he reached out and opened the brocade tent embroidered with silver thread begonias.

I saw Su Shi just lying on the bed.

After seeing her, he beckoned, "His Majesty, come quickly, the bed has been warmed for you.


Feng Chaoge wondered if he was hallucinating.

"Where did you go just now? 35

"Cough, I just took a walk in the palace.

"Walking without clothes?"


Su Shi didn't know how to explain it.

Seeing this, Feng Chaoge didn't ask any further questions.

Everyone has their own secrets.

It's just that Su Shi's secret is too bizarre...

"Don't suddenly disappear again next time, do you know how worried I was just now?"

Looking at her resentful eyes, Su (bcec) smiled and said, "Didn't Your Majesty just say that he didn't take me to heart?"

Feng Chaoge's expression froze, turned his head and snorted coldly, "I'm just worried that no one will help me to warm the bed.

Su Shi is a little funny.

This duplicitous appearance is somewhat similar to that of the Demon Sovereign.

Could Tsundere be the unifying attribute of the strongest?

"The bed is also warm, will your Majesty go to bed?"

Feng Chaoge seemed to have never heard of it.

Su Shi quietly stood up and wanted to pick her up.

But it took a long time to hold back, and even if the other party did not resist, it was still as motionless as a rock.

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere was slightly awkward.

Seeing his panting appearance, Feng Chao Singer silently pressed his fingers between his eyebrows.

The cultivation base is sealed, and the aura dissipates.

Her jade cheeks were slightly red, and she whispered: "How about you try again?"

So embarrassing!

Su Shi picked her up and said angrily: "One day, I will become the strongest!

Feng Chaoge's eyes were full of smiles, "I believe in you.

At this time, she leaned over to Su Shi and sniffed, wondering, "What is this smell?"

In addition to his original breath, there was also a faint fragrance like roses.

"It should be my body fragrance.

Su Shi sneered.

Feng Chaoge looked suspicious.

I always feel that this guy has done something shameful behind her back...

The two were lying on the bed.

Feng Chaoge nestled beside him, and the feeling of long absence made her feel very peaceful.

Su Shi scratched his head.

Before the two sticks of incense, Alia was lying beside her.

"I seem to be more and more like a scumbag?


I just heard Feng Chaoge say, "Sikong Zuyue came to me before."

Su Shi curiously asked: "Sikong Lunar? What is she doing to you?

Feng Chaoge glanced at him, "She wants you to visit Haoyunzhou, probably because she wants to accept you as her apprentice. 55

"Accept me as a disciple?

Su Shi was stunned.

Sikong Yueyue is the most powerful person in the world, and the two of them have never had any intersection.

Feng Chaoge told him the idea of ​​Sikong falling to the moon.

Su Shi suddenly realized, "It seems that it should be because of Qingchen.""

When he was in Wasteland City, Zhan Qingchen asked him to go to Haoyunzhou.

It was just delayed by other things.

He is not interested in the inheritance of Tianji Pavilion.

But if you want to be with Zhan Qingchen in the future, you will definitely not be able to get around Sikong Falling Moon.

But if he really went to the Tianji Pavilion, how should the Demon Emperor explain it?

Su Shi was in a dilemma.

Seeing his frowning frown, Feng Chaoge stretched out his slender hand to gently smooth it out, "Go if you want, but don't go if you don't want to. With Zhen as your backer, you don't have to worry about anything.

Su Shi turned his head to look at the stunning beside him.

This time, she didn't look away, "I've decided.

Su Shi asked curiously, "What to decide?"

Feng Chaoge looked serious, "I want to take care of you."

Su Shi:

Chapter 200 Feng Chaoge slowly getting used to, Chen Wangchuan asking for marriage?

"Didn't you say you could take care of you?"

"I agree!"

Su Shi was stunned.

At the military parade, he did say something like this.

But that was just a joke.

Unexpectedly, the Empress took it seriously, and the most important thing is that she even agreed!

"I will protect you, you just have to drink with me and help me... warm the bed.""

Feng Chaoge was shy but serious.

Originally, she was still a little hesitant, but after what happened just now, she has completely made up her mind.

She was afraid that Su Shi would disappear again inexplicably.

Su Shi blinked, "Your Majesty, are you sure?


Feng Chaoge nodded, "I say one thing or another. 39

The next second, the whole person froze.

"You, what are you doing?!

Su Shi caressed the black silk, enjoying the silky smoothness, and said with a smile: "Did your majesty forget? I have to pay a price for taking care of me."5

Give money to spend, be a bodyguard, touch your thighs.

The price is clearly marked, and the old man is not deceived.

Feng Chaoge's cheeks flushed, biting his lips and said, "But you look like you, I won't be able to sleep.

"It's okay, just get used to it. 99

Su Shi had no intention of stopping.

Feng Chaoge rolled his eyes at him angrily.

How do you get used to this kind of thing?

When Su Ma came, she was flustered and couldn't get up any strength.

Can only let Su Shi fool around.

"It's getting more and more absurd..."

The next day, Chen Mansion.

"Be careful!"

Chen Qingluan threw his right hand.

The long sword of autumn water hangs in the air, one becomes two, two becomes four, and finally the sky is densely covered.

"If the sword is like a rainstorm, the demons will be annihilated!


Countless long swords moved in response to the sound, pouring out like a storm.

Su Shi looked at the sword rain coming from the sky, shook his head and said: "It's too fancy, and the power will be scattered.

Just as he was about to dodge and dodge, he saw that the long sword also moved along with him, blocking his path if he had spirituality.


Su Shi prepares for a hard pick.

The sword rain merged again to form an unforged giant sword, which roared and slashed through the air!

This sword formation can move with one's heart, it is simply impossible to guard against.


The giant sword slashed.

Su Shi's figure dissipated like yellow sand.

Chen Qingluan frowned, "Where's the person? 55"

Suddenly, she noticed something, and just as she was about to turn her head, a finger poked her face.

I saw that Su Shi had already stood behind him at some point.

Chen Qingluan was dejected, "It seems that even if you suppress your cultivation, I am not your opponent."

In order to cooperate with his own sword practice, Su Shi deliberately suppressed his cultivation to the same level.

But even so, she still couldn't even touch the other side's clothes.

Su Shi comforted: "You already have a strong control over the swordsmanship, and no Jindan can easily take this sword.

Chen Qingluan is indeed a kendo genius.

According to the follow-up plot in the book, it is even more comprehensible to the meaning of the sword of heaven and man, entering the Tao with the sword, and achieving the position of the unparalleled swordsman!

"It's okay to lose to you.

Chen Qingluan cheered up and said proudly, "My husband is the best!"

"Of course... wait, what did you call me just now?"

Su Shi looked at her in surprise.

Chen Qingluan stuck out his tongue, secretly asking how did he speak his mind?

"I'll listen again.

Su Shi smiled excitedly.

Chen Qingluan couldn't beat him, and said with a blushing face, "Xiang Gong~"

Seeing the girl's shy appearance, Su Shi reached out and took her into his arms.

"Don't make trouble, in case someone sees it...'

Su Shi lowered his head and blocked all the words back.

After a long time.

Chen Qingluan's face was like a red cloud, his legs were weak, and he lay weakly in his arms.

Su Shi smiled and said: "It's not that people haven't seen it anyway.

Chen Qingluan beat him, "Bastard!

The two were tired and crooked for a while.

Su Shi raised his head and looked around, the Chen residence was exceptionally quiet today.

"By the way, why didn't you see Master Chen?"

Chen Qingluan said: "He went to the palace early in the morning."

"The Royal Palace? 35

Su Shi wondered, "Didn't I go to court today? 35

Enjoyed silky smoothness last night, and didn't fall asleep until dawn.

How could Feng Chaoge get up and go to court?

Chen Qingluan lowered his head and said shyly: "He is not going to court, but to ask your majesty to marry him.

"What did you say? Marriage?"

Su Shi suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Chen Qingluan nodded, "My father said that you are good at everything, but there are too many girls around you.

"He is afraid that I will be bullied in the future, and insists on asking His Majesty to marry us, no matter how much I can stop it...

She believes that Su Shi will not live up to her.

...for flowers...

And once the marriage is granted, the world will know it, how can it be hidden from Zhan Qingchen?

But Chen Wangchuan was determined and insisted on fighting for her a spot.

Su Shi swallowed.


Feng Chaoge has always been careful, and has always been brooding about Chen Qingluan.

Now Chen Wangchuan dares to ask for marriage?


"Huh? 35

"Why don't we run away. 35


In the bedroom.

Feng Chaoge stared blankly at the ceiling.

The phoenix robe was messy, the jade legs were slender, and the numbness and itching seemed to have not dissipated.

"This guy is really getting better and better.

"Simply, treat me like a bartender!"


Unspeakable shyness flashed across Feng Chaoge's eyes.

What embarrassed her the most was that she seemed to have gotten used to it slowly...

At this time, the voice of a female official came from outside the room: "Your Majesty, Master Chen said that he has something to ask for and has been waiting outside the palace gate for a long time. 99

Feng Chaoge raised his brows.

Can Chen Wangchuan find her for anything?

"Let him wait at Yugan Palace.

"Yes. 35

The female officer bowed and stepped back.

Yugan Palace.

Chen Wangchuan knelt down and kowtowed, "My minister, see Your Majesty.

Feng Chaoge, dressed neatly and dignified, said lightly, "Get up.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Chen Wangchuan stood up.

Feng Chaoge asked, "I heard that Master Chen has something important to report?"

Chen Wangchuan was a little embarrassed, and said, "It's not a big deal. Wei Chen just wants to have an imperial decree with His Majesty."

Feng Chaoge nodded, "But it doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't go too far, I will try my best to be satisfied. 35

Chen Wangchuan was not only the commander of the Division of Demon Slaying, but also the minister of Luanyi's security affairs.

A decree is nothing.

Chen Wangchuan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "Thank you for your grace."

"It's not really a big deal. 99

"The little girl Qingluan has reached the age of marriage, and she is in love with Duke Zhen again.

"I would like to ask your majesty to issue a decree to grant marriage, and to settle the marriage between the two.

After the words were finished, the hall was silent.

For some reason, Chen Wangchuan suddenly felt a chill on his back.

"It must be an illusion..." Qian.

Chapter 201 Marriage? Su Shi has been taken care of! Zhan Qingchen's sudden visit!


Feng Chaoge's face was expressionless, and his phoenix eyes looked at him coldly.

Chen Wangchuan nodded and said, "Wei Chen is here for this matter. 99

Feng Chaoge was silent for a while, then said lightly, "I said just now, as long as I don't ask too much, I will try my best to satisfy it.

Chen Wangchuan showed joy, "Chen, thank you Lord Longen!"

Feng Chaoge continued: "But your request is too much, I can't agree."


Chen Wangchuan was stunned for a moment, "Is this request too much?"

Feng Chaoge nodded, "It's not too much, it's too much."

Chen Wangchuan puzzled and said: "The Duke of Zhen Guo and the little girl are in the same family, and they are in love with each other. Besides, the two are of the same age, isn't it normal to tie the knot?

Su Shi is a minister of great merit and fully meets the conditions for marriage.

Feng Chaoge frowned slightly, the more she listened, the more uncomfortable she felt.

The door "five zero zero" is right?

Su Shi is a perfect saint, a grand duke, and in the future, he will have to prove the existence of Taoism.

How come you are right with your Chen family?

And in love...

There are so many people who are in love with that guy, why should you give Chen Qingluan a marriage?

"What about the same age?"

"Who told you that only people of the same age can be together? More

"A practitioner has a long life, and it's normal to be a few hundred years old. Besides, what if Su Shi likes someone older than him?"

Feng Chaoge was very dissatisfied.

Chen Wangchuan swallowed.

What is all this mess?

"Then what does your majesty mean? 35

"No! 33

Feng Chaoge said coldly: "This matter is not negotiable, you can go down! 99


Chen Wangchuan wanted to fight again, Feng Chaoge waved his sleeve robe impatiently, a gust of wind whistled, and his figure disappeared immediately.

"Su Shi has been taken care of by me.

"I don't want to marry him!

Feng Chaoge's eyes were filled with resentment, and her jade cheeks were puffed up.

Standing at the gate of the palace, Chen Wangchuan looked confused.

He was thrown out by His Majesty?

I thought it was a logical thing to do, but I didn't expect this to happen.

"Why is Your Majesty so opposed to the gift of marriage? 99


"What makes Su Shi like older people?"

Chen Wangchuan pinched his chin, "Could it be that in the imperial capital, Su Shi has another woman?

in the courtyard.

Su Shi absent-mindedly accompanies Chen Qingluan to practice swordsmanship, thinking about marriage.

With Feng Chaoge's temper, he would definitely be furious when he heard this.

"I don't know what happened to Master Chen..."

At this moment, the closed door was suddenly knocked.

Chen Qingluan's eyes lit up, "It should be Daddy coming back."

She ran over quickly and reached out to open the door.

After seeing the figure standing outside the door, the whole person was stunned.

Seeing that there was no movement for a long time, Su Shi wondered, "What's wrong?"

He walked over to take a look, but was stunned in place.

I saw a figure wearing a moon-white robe standing outside the door.

The face is clear and handsome, floating out of the dust, like a bright moon without a trace of dust.

It was Zhan Qingchen.

Zhan Qingchen smiled and said, "Why, don't you know me?"

"Clean up the dust!"

Chen Qingluan took her hand and said excitedly, "Why didn't you come over and say anything in advance?

"I happened to pass by the imperial capital, and I stopped by to have a look."

Zhan Qingchen raised his head to look at Su Shi, with eager thoughts and love in his eyes.

But in the end, he managed to restrain himself.

"Su Shengzi, long time no see."

Su Shi nodded, "Chief Zhan, long time no see."

Listening to the other party's calm tone, Zhan Qingchen's eyes were a little lonely, and his slender hands silently clenched his jacket, trying to hold up a smile.

Just wanted to say something.

The body suddenly lightened and fell into a warm embrace.

Zhan Qingchen was stunned, "Su, Su Shengzi?"

She came back to her senses and hurriedly said, "Don't do this, Qingluan is still watching!"

Su Shi ignored her, hugged her tightly, and whispered, "Qingchen, you've lost weight."

Zhan Qingchen's heart trembled, and his eyes quickly became misty.

All the haze of these days was instantly dispelled.

The pretty face was buried in the chest, listening to the vigorous heartbeat, the suppressed longing could no longer be suppressed.

"Bad man, I miss you so much!

"I miss you too."

The two embraced quietly.

"I say..."

At this moment, Chen Qingluan's faint voice sounded, "Can you two think about my feelings?

One is his girlfriend and the other is his man.

So the two of them hugged each other as soon as they met?

It's outrageous!

Zhan Qingchen blushed and was about to break free...

As a result, Su Shi not only did not let go, but instead pulled Chen Qingluan over and hugged the two together in his arms.

"Isn't that okay?

Chen Qingluan:

Zhan Qingchen:...33

At this time, Chen Wangchuan walked in shaking his head, looking very puzzled.

"What do you mean, Your Majesty?


Looking at the scene in front of him, he stood there dumbfounded as if struck by lightning, "Chief Zhan?!

Zhan Qingchen jumped away like an electric shock, his pretty face flushed, "Chen, Uncle Chen.""

Chen Wangchuan's expression was stiff.

He looked at Zhan Qingchen and then at Chen Qingluan.

Finally, his gaze rested on Su Shi.

"I really don't understand more and more about your young people.

Chen Wangchuan shook his head.

Today's experience was so magical, it made him doubt his life for a while.

The two women glared at Su Shi with resentment.

Blame him!

in the hall.

Chen Qingluan's eyes were suspicious and kept spinning around the two of them.

Even an idiot could see that there must be something wrong between Su Shi and Zhan Qingchen.

But she herself was very guilty, and she didn't dare to say anything more.

Su Shi looked at Zhan Qingchen, "Chief Zhan, why did you suddenly come to Weiyang Capital?"

Zhan Qingchen said: "I went down the mountain to practice, and I happened to pass the imperial capital, but I didn't expect to meet Su Shengzi.

Su Shi quietly pulled her snow-white 4.2 catkin.

Zhan Qingchen's face turned red, and he voiced: "Don't make trouble. 99

Su Shi smiled and said, "To be honest, did you come here to find me?"

"Knowingly asking.

Zhan Qingchen snorted: "I heard that you married a princess in the Western Regions, I came here to congratulate you.


Su Shi looked embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, this matter has already spread to Haoyunzhou.

Zhan Qingchen gave him a pretty sideways glance, "Hmph, I'll torture you later.

Originally, her heart was full of resentment and sourness, but after seeing this man, it all disappeared without a trace.

Su Shi squeezed her little hand.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in the waist.

I saw Chen Qingluan's expressionless face, but his slender hands twisted around his waist several times.

"Hi! 35

Su Shi's face turned green.

Chapter 202 To Haoyunzhou? Su Shi is my man!

Zhan Qingchen looked at Su Shi quietly, with a bright brilliance in his eyes.

Originally, I learned that he became the son-in-law of the Sand Heart Kingdom, and my heart was full of resentment and sourness, but under the warm embrace just now, it has all been turned into nothing.

"This bad guy actually hugged me in front of Qingluan, and was seen by Master Chen..."

"It's really embarrassing!"

Although he was shy in his heart, he refused to let go of Su Shi's slender hand.

Reason told her that the two should keep their distance now.

But how can emotions be measured by reason?


Su Shi frowned wildly.

The soft meat on the waist was twisted again.

Not to be outdone, his other hand quietly climbed up the slender waist under the blue shirt.

Chen Qingluan's body froze, and the bright red instantly smudged on the pretty face.

A flustered voice transmission: "Don't make trouble, Qingchen is still here!

Su Shi snorted coldly, "Who told you to be dishonest first?"

"I-I'm wrong, okay?"

The big hand rubbed on the waist, and the feeling of numbness and crispness came.

Chen Qingluan seemed to be drunk, her cheeks were hot and her head was dizzy.

"Hmph, it's too late.

Su Shi held Zhan Qingchen with one hand and went around Chen Qingluan's slender waist with the other.

Both of them were shy and didn't dare to look up, but they didn't notice anything unusual about the other.

The atmosphere was quiet for a while.


Zhan Qingchen said: "Su Shengzi, did the Holy Emperor tell you about my master coming to the imperial capital?"

Su Shi nodded, "I did."

Zhan Qingchen looked at him, "Then what did you think? Would you like to come back to Haoyunzhou with me?""

She came for this.

Only when Su Shi worships in the Tianji Pavilion can the two be together openly and aboveboard.

Looking at the expectant eyes, Su Shi couldn't bear to refuse, nodded and said, "Then let's go."

"Really? 35

Zhan Qingchen looked excited, "That's great!

Su Shi smiled.

Anyway, it's just a trip to Haoyun Continent, and it may not really be a teacher of Sikong Luyue.

After all, the Taoist nun was notorious for her distaste for men.

At this time, the housekeeper came in, "Gong Zhen Guo, a guest is looking for you."

I saw Wei Jinzhong in the sun suit behind him.

"Eunuch Wei?"

Eunuch Wei nodded his head in greeting, "Eunuch Zhenguo."

Without waiting for the other party to explain his intention, Su Shi already knew, "Your Majesty is looking for me?"

Eunuch Wei smiled and said, "That's right. 35

Su Shi stood up, "Let's go.

It should be because of Chen Wangchuan's request for marriage.

Eunuch Wei didn't leave in a hurry, but turned his attention to Zhan Qingchen, "Chief Zhan, please join us, your majesty will summon you."

"The Holy Emperor wants to see me?"

Zhan Qingchen was a little puzzled.

Su Shi was also stunned.

Why did the Holy Emperor suddenly want to see her?

She had just arrived in the imperial capital, so this action was a bit too fast.

The two walked out of the Chen residence and boarded the golden sedan chair.

"Get up.

As Eunuch Wei shouted, the luxurious golden sedan chair rose steadily into the air.

Lifting the sedan chair curtain and looking at the scenery outside, Su Shi frowned slightly, "Eunuch Wei, this doesn't seem to be the way to the imperial palace. 99

They were clearly flying out of the city.

Eunuch Wei said: "Your Majesty did not summon the two of you in the palace.

Su Shi wondered, "Where is that going?"

Eunuch Wei smiled and said, "School ground." 5

Octagon campus.

Tens of thousands of mysterious armies were fighting on the battlefield.

This is not only the place for the military parade, but also the military will practice here in peacetime.

On the high platform, the golden sedan slowly stopped.

Eunuch Wei's voice sounded: "Gong Zhen Guo, Chief Zhan, here we are."5

The two got off the sedan chair.

Seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but be slightly startled.

I saw the Empress wearing a satin embroidered cloud, sun and moon phoenix robe, wearing a crown of twelve emerald beads, and the whole body seemed to have the light of the sun and the moon, exuding the splendid coercion of all directions.

She sat on the phoenix chair, and there was no one around her.

"I have seen the Holy Emperor.

Zhan Qingchen bowed and saluted.

Feng Chaoge looked at the drill below, as if he had never heard of it.

Under the pressure of the Supreme Being, Zhan Qingchen was stiff and seemed to have lost the ability to move.

"Cough cough.

At this moment, Su Shi cleared his throat, "Your Majesty, Chief Zhan is greeting you."

Feng Chaoge glanced at him, "I heard it. 99

The aura dissipated.

Zhan Qingchen breathed a sigh of relief, the robe was soaked in cold sweat at some point.

Although the master is also the strongest.

But the majesty of the other party's long-standing reign and commanding the country still made her feel a little trembling.

Feng Chaoge said lightly: "Chief Zhan is not practicing well in Haoyunzhou, what is going on in Weiyang Capital?"


Zhan Qingchen hesitated for a moment, but said the truth: "I want to invite Duke Zhen Guo to go to Haoyunzhou."

Feng Chaoge nodded and said, "Your master has already told me about this. As long as Duke Zhen is willing, I have no opinion. 39

Zhan Qingchen's eyes lit up, "Thank you, Your Majesty.

"Don't rush to thank me."

"There is a word that I hope you will convey to Sikong Yueyue. 35

Feng Chaoge's expression was cold, "Su Shi is my person, not a tool for your game of righteousness and evil!

Zhan Qing shook his head and said, "The Holy Emperor has thought too much, and Master has no ill will towards Duke Zhen Guo.

"So best.""

"If Sikong Yueyue really wants to accept apprentices, then teach Zhen Haosheng."


Feng Chaoge raised his delicate chin, "Did you see the poem written over there?

Zhan Qingchen turned his head to look, and saw a few lines of large characters written on the battlefield.

His eyes suddenly froze slightly.

A cold and cruel voice sounded in my ears:

"If you dare to make a wrong idea."

"I will let you Tianji Pavilion understand, what is the black cloud pressing the city, the city is about to be destroyed by 500!"


The Xuanjia army below is in full swing!

The bloody murderous aura that shot up into the sky made Zhan Qingchen shudder, and his heart was cold.

Air chill!

Feng Chaoge's eyes were indifferent, "Eunuch Wei, let's see you off.

Eunuch Wei came over, "Chief Zhan, please.""

Zhan Qingchen turned to look at Su Shi.

Su Shi nodded, "It's okay, you go back first.""

Then Zhan Qingchen got into the sedan chair.

The golden sedan chair flew away, leaving only Su Shi and Feng Chaoge on the high platform.

Su Shi frowned, "What did you scare her about just now?

Feng Chaoge snorted coldly and said, "Why, it hurts?"

Su Shi said helplessly: "You know that Chief Zhan has no ill will towards me.

"I know.""

"But after all, you are a person in the devil's way, and Haoyunzhou is the place of the righteous way. I'm just a little worried..."

Feng Chaoge's eyes lowered.

A smile flashed across Su Shi's eyes, "That's why His Majesty dressed so formally and arranged to meet at the school grounds, just to help me stand up?

Feng Chaoge turned his head, "No way, I just happened to be watching the soldiers here."

Su Shi came over and sat beside her.

The two of them squeezed together on the large phoenix chair.

"Why are you sitting so close?"

Feng Chaoge was inexplicably nervous.

Su Shi lifted the skirt with one finger and said with a smile, "It seems that His Majesty is wearing stockings?""

"Let, let loose!"

Chapter 203 I promise to take care of you only! 2 girlfriends who are crazy and tempted!

Feng Chaoge glared at Su Shi angrily.

This guy is really getting bigger and bigger.

She thought of something and snorted coldly: "Aren't you and Chen Qingluan in love? What are you doing to provoke me?

Apparently, he was still haunted by Chen Wangchuan's request for marriage.

Su Shi laughed, "Your Majesty is jealous?"

Feng Chaoge glared at him, "So what?"

Su Shi froze for a moment.

I didn't expect her to admit it so generously this time.

"How many women are around you, I don't want to, and I can't."

Feng Chaoge bit his lip, "But in front of me, you are not allowed to hook up with other women!"

She knew about the relationship between Su Shi and Chen Qingluan.

But I also know that this cannot be changed, so I turn a blind eye.

But Chen Wangchuan actually asked her to marry them?

Isn't this bullying!

Su Shi pinched her chin, "Why do I feel... as if I'm in a relationship with His Majesty?"

"Talk about, fall in love?! 35

Feng Chaoge's pretty face turned red, "What nonsense are you talking about, who is in love with you? I just took care of you!

Su Shi suppressed a smile, "Then agreed in advance that you can't take care of anyone else except me."

Feng Chaoge frowned slightly, "Is this unbearable in your eyes?"

Su Shi shrugged, "Your Majesty is the richest woman in Kyushu. Don't you want to take care of whoever you want? Although I'm the only one now, but what if you don't fall in love in the future?"

Feng Chaoge glared at him.

If she was really that kind of person, the palace wouldn't be empty now.

As Empress Linlang, who is worthy of standing by her side, sitting on the frosty sky overlooking the common people?

Feng Chaoge hesitated for a moment, and said in a voice like a mosquito: "I promise you that from now on, only you will be able to get on my phoenix couch, and I will only wear my socks for you to see."


"Promise to always take care of you only.

By the end, her cheeks were burning.

I don't understand why I would say such a shameful thing.

Su Shi smiled and said, "Then I'll just trust Your Majesty~

"Hmph, I don't care.

Feng Chaoge began to be duplicitous again.

Su Shi shook his head and didn't pierce her.

After all, he is the head of a country, so he should save face.

Feng Chaoge endured the numbness of his jade legs and asked, "When are you going to Haoyunzhou?"

Su Shi thought for a while, "I should leave tomorrow. 99

This has to be done soon.

The longer the delay, the more unstable the Demon Emperor's mood.

A small gift like sculpture works the first time, but not the second time...

"So fast?

Feng Chaoge was a little disappointed.

This person just came back two days ago, and is leaving so soon?

She looked up at the sky, got up and said, "Let's go. 99

Su Shi asked, "Where to go? 39

Feng Chaoge's eyes were gleaming, he gave him a sideways glance, and said, "Of course you are fulfilling your duty, accompany me to drink, help me... warm the bed.

She didn't want to waste a minute and a second of the two of them getting along.

Su Shi added: "And the scrubbing...

"do not have this!

Chen's mansion.

In the bedroom, Chen Qingluan and Zhan Qingchen were lying on the bed.

The two are slender and curvy, and they look very seductive.

They have known each other since childhood, and have often slept together since childhood, and now they occasionally lie together and chat.

"Qingchen, you went to see Your Majesty just now, did His Majesty embarrass you?

Chen Qingluan asked.

Zhan Qingchen thought for a while, and said, "It's not a problem, right... It's just that the Holy Emperor seems to be very concerned about Su Shi? 35

The actions of the Holy Emperor today are obviously to establish prestige.

The purpose is to ensure the safety of Su Shi.

Chen Qingluan said with a smile: "Maybe you are far away in Haoyun Continent and don't know Su Shi's status in Weiyang Capital, that is the real favorite of His Majesty's side.

She probably told Zhan Qingchen what happened during this time.

Zhan Qingchen covered his mouth and looked very surprised.

Although I heard a little about Su Shi's feat, I didn't expect that the truth was far beyond my imagination.

Especially the emperor's attitude towards Su Shi.

Ride the imperial carriage together, share breakfast, and stay in the palace.

In order to vent his anger during the military parade, he brazenly shot and killed a general of the forbidden army.

This can no longer be described by a simple "respect".

It's true love!

"No wonder the Holy Emperor wants to 'threate' me.""

"It turns out that Su Shi has such a high status in her heart?"

Zhan Qingchen frowned slightly.

I thought that the Holy Emperor just wanted to use Su Shi to deal with the magic way.

Now it doesn't seem like that at all.

Chen Qingluan said: "There are even rumors in Kyoto that now the royal family is withering, and His Majesty wants to train Su Shi as his successor."


Zhan Qingchen's eyes widened.

The Holy Son of the Devil's Way, is actually going to take over Linlang Jiangshan?

In "Of course, this is just a rumor, but His Majesty is indeed very kind to Su Shi. 35

Chen Qingluan said with a wry smile: "He is now a very popular celebrity in the imperial city. Who would not want to have a relationship with him? There are still many people who want to marry their daughters to him.

Zhan Qingchen suddenly became nervous when he heard the words, "So, did Su Shi agree?"

Chen Qingluan blushed and shook his head, "It shouldn't be. 35

He added in his heart: "Except for myself..."

The two of them had their own concerns, and the atmosphere was quiet for a while.

After a long time, Zhan Qingchen said quietly: "Qingluan, do you still remember the agreement between us?"

Chen Qingluan was stunned for a moment, and said nervously: "Dang, of course I remember, what's wrong?"

Will not be found!

Zhan Qingchen turned his head and whispered: "I thought about it carefully, this agreement is not fair to you."

"I am a disciple of Tianji Pavilion, and I should have cut off the red dust, but you are a kendo martial artist, and the love between men and women is not a burden for you."

"Besides, Master Chen doesn't want you to die alone. 35

(Lee's) "Or..."

"Is this agreement cancelled?"

Chen Qingluan's voice moved, "Cancel?

Zhan Qingchen nodded and said with a smile: "From now on, you can fall in love casually.

As long as the other party falls in love first, they shouldn't laugh at themselves, right?

Zhan Qingchen had a small calculation in his heart.

Chen Qingluan blushed a little, "Who wants to fall in love casually, but Qingchen you... Your misogyny seems to be cured?

Otherwise, why would you hug Su Shi so tightly?

Zhan Qingchen's eyes dodged, "Forget it, let it be. 99

In fact, when other men approached a few meters by her side, it would make her a little short of breath.

The resistance hasn't changed, it's just that Su Shi is special.

The two of them each "has a ghost", but they are too embarrassed to talk about it.

Chen Qingluan thought about it and said, "Why don't we make a new agreement?

Zhan Qingchen: "Huh?"

Chapter 204 The Empress's deposit, the real role of Dantian Xiaozhong!

Zhan Qingchen asked curiously, "What agreement?"

Chen Qingluan said seriously: "No matter who we fall in love with in the future, we will always be best friends."

Zhan Qingchen smiled, "What do I think, that's for sure, we are good best friends for a lifetime.

Chen Qingluan's cheeks were slightly red.

That's what it says now.

If her guess is true, I'm afraid...

No matter what, Chen Qingluan didn't want to lose this good friend.

She looked at Zhan Qingchen beside her.

Because of lying on the bed, the Yuebai Taoist robe was pressed under the body, outlining a graceful and beautiful figure.

"Qingchen's figure seems to be getting better and better?"

"Let me check. 35

Chen Qingluan laughed wickedly and couldn't help but stretch out his claws.

"Don't, don't make trouble, it's so itchy! 99

Zhan Qingchen dodged and exclaimed.

The two made a fuss on the bed, and the beautiful scenery was not enough for outsiders.

the next day.

Northern Region, Xuefeng City.

Two figures walked into the city gate.

The men are handsome and unpretentious, and the women are elegant and out of the dust, attracting countless eyeballs for a while.

It was Su Shi and Zhan Qingchen.

"Let's take a break here first. 35

Su Shi said.

Zhan Qingchen nodded, "Okay."

After the two came out of the imperial city, they went all the way north, and they had already left the Central Plains and entered the territory of Chengtian Continent.


But there is still a long way to go from Haoyunzhou.

But they were not in a hurry.

Zhan Qingchen was holding Su Shi, and the two were hanging out on the street.

Facing the gazes cast by the surrounding pedestrians, she frowned slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Su Shi watched.

He looked up and looked around, then dragged her towards a stall.

This little stall is filled with all kinds of masks.

Su Shi picked two at random.

One is a rabbit and the other is a pig's head.

Handing the rabbit mask to Zhan Qingchen, "Here, you won't be afraid of being seen.

Saying that, he put on the pig's head mask first.

Looking at the naive little pig, Zhan Qingchen couldn't help laughing, "Children, will you attract more attention like this?

Even so, there was warmth in his eyes, and he still put on the bunny mask.

The two continued to stroll forward, and the strange appearance really attracted the attention of more people.

But with the mask blocking his sight, Zhan Qingchen felt much more at ease.

Holding Su Shi's big hand, she walked briskly, her blue silk was vibrant, and she was full of the freshness of a girl.

Looking at the slender figure, Su Shi's eyes were full of tenderness (bcec).

Back then, he had nothing, and there was a huge gap in their identities, but this girl still firmly identified him.

Taking off the shell of indifference and alienation, her heart is soft and kind, full of innocent girlish heart.

"Clean up the dust.""


Zhan Qingchen turned his head, "what's the matter?"

Su Shi said seriously: "I like you."

Under the rabbit mask, her pretty face climbed to crimson, and her eyes were as bright as stars, "Bad man, I like you too."

The two looked at each other, Su Shi slowly lowered his head.


The masks collided.

The little girl passing by saw this scene and said in amazement: "Mother, look, that pig's head is gnawing on the rabbit's mouth!"

"Cough, don't talk nonsense! I'm sorry, you continue.

The woman dragged the child away quickly.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Su Shi scratched his head, "Forget this thing, how about we take it off and do it again?"

Zhan Qingchen rolled his eyes at him shyly, "Who wants to come with you again? Pig head!

Then turned around and ran away.

The two walked for a long time and walked into a restaurant.

Although the decoration is not so luxurious, it is better than the environment is elegant and not so noisy.

"Guest officer, is it a tip or a hotel?"

The little one came up.

I was stunned when I saw the appearance of the two of them.

But then back to normal.

There are many people in the rivers and lakes in this city, and most of them are dressed in fancy clothes, and it is not a big deal to wear a mask.

"One room, two buckets of hot water. The room needs to be clean, we don't like being disturbed. 99

Su Shi threw a gold ingot at random.

Xiao Er weighed it and smiled brightly, "Don't worry, I will definitely arrange the best room for you! 55

"Two guest officers, please go upstairs!

in the room.

Su Shi lay on the bed with a hosta in his hand.

The hairpin is inlaid with gold and jade, luxurious and extravagant, and a golden phoenix flying with wings is carved on it.

This was given to him by Feng Chaoge before he left.

Although it is not a spiritual treasure, but she has been wearing it since the age of 笄, which has a very important and unique meaning.

[This is the deposit to support you, and you will be my person from now on. ]

The queen's voice seemed to be still in her ears.

Thinking of her drunkenness, her cheeks were flushed, her drunken eyes were hazy, she hugged herself obsessively and refused to let go.

Su Shi's heartbeat accelerated slightly.

"The Holy Master attacked Kyushu for the sake of dragon energy."

"If I can control the Qi of the True Dragon, I will naturally be able to mediate the conflict between the Demon Dao and the imperial court. 35

This is not wishful thinking.

He mastered the True Dragon Hope Qi technique.

As long as the cultivation base is enough, there is even a powerful power to reverse the dragon veins and change the sky!

"It is still necessary to improve the realm as soon as possible.

Su Shi's mind sank into his dantian.

In the dantian, the clouds are steaming and the clouds are shining, the stars of the Milky Way are shining brightly, and over the aura lake, the simple and simple bell is suspended quietly.

After Sha Xinguo got the bronze bell, the broken bell wall made up a small piece.

But there are still many gaps.

"Sure enough, as the Holy Master said, there is more than one Jiuyou Bell."

"There is no sense at present, it may be that the distance is too far, or that my cultivation is not enough."

The Nine Realms Continent is incomparably vast.

Shuojin Realm is only a part of it.

In addition, there are: Barbarian Realm, Thunder Realm, Thick Earth Realm, Li Huo Realm, Yuanmu Realm, Soft Water Realm, Void Wind Realm and Empty Bright Realm.

If the nine secluded bells are really scattered all over the world, it would be a big project to find them all.

"I just don't know what's the use of this dantian bell?"

Su Shi was a little puzzled.

Since stepping into the Nascent Soul, this little bell has basically remained silent.

Only when Han Hao used his soul power to sneak attack, did a bell rang, and the soul power flying sword collapsed directly.

Su Shi tried to sink his mind into it.


The ancient bell trembled slightly, and the ancient seal on the wall of the bell lit up.

Su Shi's perception became extremely clear in an instant, and his consciousness was magnified countless times!

"This ancient bell can actually strengthen the soul power?!

Su Shi was full of surprises.

In the realm of Nascent Soul, the soul power is still relatively weak, and the perception range of spiritual consciousness is also very limited.

But now he is overlooking a hundred miles, and the entire Xuefeng City has a panoramic view!

No bells and whistles can escape his perception!

At this time, he noticed something.

"Huh? This is..."

Chapter 205 Is Zhan Qingchen crying? I am Su Shi's baby!

"There seems to be a lot of cultivators in this city."

Su Shi's consciousness passed by.

I saw that there are many practitioners living in each restaurant, and the realm does not seem to be low.

Most of them arrived at the Golden Core Realm in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and a few have reached Golden Core Consummation.

This is indeed a bit unusual for a small town in the northern region.

Hearing their conversation, Su Shi couldn't help frowning.

"Fengjiang? Monster beast?"

These people seem to be here to get rid of demons?

Su Shi recalled it, and there seems to be no related plot in the book.

He was too lazy to investigate any further, it had nothing to do with himself anyway-.

Withdrawal of consciousness, consciousness - returned to the room.

The magical effect of the ancient bell in Dantian is not a small gain.

He has mastered a lot of top-level magical powers, but he is indeed lacking in divine soul attack.

This ancient clock can barely make up for the shortcomings.

At least a sneak attack like Han Hao couldn't help him.

Su Shi opened his eyes.

I saw Zhan Qingchen lying beside him, his right hand resting on his chin, and his bright eyes looked at him without blinking.

"What are you looking at? I have flowers on my face?

Zhan Qingchen nodded, "There are peach blossoms.""

Su Shi was stunned for a moment, "You... aren't you still jealous?"

"I'm not jealous.

Zhan Qingchen turned his head and ignored him.

Su Shi leaned into her ear, "Qingchen?"

Zhan Qingchen didn't seem to hear it.




"good boy?"


Zhan Qingchen couldn't hold back anymore, his pretty face flushed, "Who, who is your little girl?

Su Shi smiled and said, "Of course it's my Qingchen baby."

"Stop talking!"

Zhan Qingchen covered his mouth, unable to lift his shy head up.

How did this person say something so nauseous?

"Aren't you jealous?

Su Shi asked.

"Hmph, don't try to fool around."

"You haven't told me clearly about the Princess of the Western Regions. 35

Zhan Qingchen hummed: "In order to save the princess, you don't hesitate to fall into a siege, what a touching love?

Seeing that sour appearance, Su Shi couldn't help but laugh.

But it really shouldn't be hidden from her.

So he went deep into the ground to get the Divine Orb, to the first meeting with Alia, and then to the crisis of destroying the country in the heart of the sand.

All told each other one by one.

Zhan Qingchen opened his mouth slightly.

Did not expect Su Shi to experience so many things in the Western Regions?

After hearing it all, she fell silent.

Su Shi sighed: "Qingchen, I know you may be angry, but I...

Before he could finish speaking, Zhan Qingchen got into his arms and buried his pretty face in his strong chest.

Feeling the wet coolness from his chest, Su Shi suddenly panicked.

"Qingchen, what's wrong with you? Don't cry.

He was in a hurry.

Zhan Qingchen raised his head, mist in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "I'm not angry, I just feel that I'm useless, as if I can't help anything."

"You have gone through so many dangers, but I don't know anything, and I am still playing a small temper here.

"If you really died in the sand sea, or fell into the chaos of war, I, I...

As he spoke, his small mouth shrunk, and tears almost fell again.

Su Shi was stunned.

Unexpectedly, the other party's attention is not Alia, but how much danger he has experienced during this time.

He stroked his long brocade-like hair and said softly, "Who said you were useless? You may not know that it was you who changed my life with your own hands."

Zhan Qingchen shook his head, "You changed my life.

Leaning on that strong arm, his slender fingers drew circles on his chest.

"I know there will be many girls around you, and I don't expect you to only like me.

"I just want to occupy a small corner in your heart."

She measured it with her thumb and forefinger, "I'm very thin, just a little is enough."

Seeing that serious look, Su Shi couldn't help sighing.

"Silly girl."

The two embraced each other quietly, and the air was silent.

After a while, Zhan Qingchen whispered, "Can you repeat what you said just now?"

Su Shi wondered, "Which sentence?

Zhan Qingchen's voice was like a gnat, "You just called me little, little baby..."

Su Shi suppressed a smile, "Little Qingchen baby?"


Zhan Qingchen's cheeks were hot, but the corners of his mouth curled up in a charming arc.

"I'm his baby!

dong dong dong.

At this moment, the door was knocked.

...for flowers...

"Guest officer, the water has been boiled.

Su Shi got up and opened the door.

Xiao Er moved in the two tubs, which were still steaming hot.

"You slow down.

The little one backed out.

Su Shi just turned his head and saw Zhan Qingchen blocking the screen between the two tubs, blushing: "You are not allowed to peek. 35


He shook his head, "I knew I only needed a bucket of water."

Soon, the sound of water came from behind the screen.

The screen was originally a semi-transparent fabric, and through the dim candlelight, one could vaguely see the graceful figure.

"Chief Zhan, do you want to help rub your back? I'm very professional.

"no need!

Hearing her flustered voice, Su Shi smiled and entered the tub on his own.

Although the friendship between the two is deep, he has always maintained restraint and did not break through the final bottom line.

the reason is simple.

Sikong falls to the moon.

If something really happened to the two of them, they would definitely not be able to hide it from Sikong Luyue.

At that time, what Zhan Qingchen will face is not just as simple as being punished, he may not even be able to keep the position of chief.

"It is not an easy task to settle that Taoist nun. 35

Su Shi sighed.

After soaking in the warm water, the mind gradually emptied and the spirit calmed down.

After a while, I suddenly felt the water sway.

Su Shi opened his eyes.

The whole person was stunned.

I saw Zhan Qingchen and him soaked in the same bucket, only a small head was exposed outside.

"You are..."

Zhan Qingchen's cheeks were blushing and his eyes were erratic, "I-I want to rub your back for you."

Su Shi's throat moved.

It's hard for me to get rid of the distracting thoughts, why do you put this to test the veteran cadres?

Noon the next day.

Su Shi's nose was itchy, and a soft voice came from his ear: "Big slacker, don't sleep, the sun is drying your ass! 39

He didn't even open his eyes, he directly took the delicate body into his arms.

"I let you go last night, how dare you provoke me?"

Pressing the beauty under her body, she put her palms on her slender waist.

Zhan Qingchen looked flustered and stammered: "I, I dare not!"

Just as Su Shi was about to say something, a sudden exclamation came from outside the window: "It's eating people, and the monsters are eating people again!" Qian.

Chapter 206 The big treasure of Su Shi, the beast hidden in the river!

Hearing the chaotic shouts outside, Zhan Qingchen was stunned for a moment.

"Did you hear it? It seems like monsters are eating people outside?"

"heard it.

Su Shi looked down at her, "The monster eats people, I eat you."5


Zhan Qingchen covered her blushing pretty face.

How can this man say anything?

Su Shi ignored the noise outside the window.

He caught the clues yesterday, but he didn't take it to heart.

Chengtianzhou is a fertile land of Fanchang, and it is impossible to see the beast tide in the wasteland city.

There are only one or two monsters, and there is no movement.

Holding her light and soft body, Su Shi adjusted to a comfortable posture.

"It's still early, sleep a little longer."

At this time, Zhan Qingchen noticed something.

He took out a jade pendant carved with floating clouds, and saw that it was exuding a radiance.

"Zongmen Lingyu has a feeling. 35

"May 17"

"Is there a Tianji Pavilion disciple nearby?

He looked out the window, and then looked at Su Shi, who was sleeping with his eyes closed.

Zhan Qingchen hesitated for a while.

Before she could speak, Su Shi opened his eyes and sighed, "Let's go and have a look, I know you're worried."5

Zhan Qingchen raised a smile, "You are so kind.""

Su Shi said helplessly, "Who made you my baby?"

Zhan Qingchen pecked his lips and said with a blushing face, "Then you are my big baby~"

"I do have a big baby, and I will show it to you when I have the opportunity."

Su Shi jumped up and said, "Let's go, go back early, and get some sleep.

Zhan Qingchen got up and followed behind.

I thought to myself, what kind of treasure is this man hiding?

The two walked out of the restaurant.

"Step aside!"

A loud shout sounded.

Pedestrians stepped aside one after another, and a group of black-clothed hunters rushed out of the city.

Many practitioners followed behind.

Su Shi thought for a while, then took out the pig head mask he bought yesterday and put it on his face.

There are people in the right path here. He and Zhan Qingchen appear at the same time, which will inevitably make people think.

To avoid trouble, it is best not to be recognized.

The two walked out of the city gate.

Not far ahead is the Fengjiang River, and many people have gathered on the bank.

The wreckage of the fishing boat was still floating on the river, and a wisp of scarlet blood was quickly washed away by the current.

"The monsters at the bottom of the river are eating people again?"

"I don't know how many times this is."

"The river surface has been blocked, why are there still people who dare to sneak into the water?"

"Xuefeng City is a riverside city. It's okay to block it for a day or two. After a long time, it will become a problem to make a living."5

There was a lot of discussion.

They are the disciples of the righteous sects in the Northern Territory.

Hearing that there were monsters attacking people, they rushed to support them one after another.

Among them is the Tianji Pavilion.


"That seems to be Chief Zhan?"

Seeing the moon-white figure walking in the distance, several Tianji Pavilion female cultivators couldn't help being stunned.

There was an exclamation from the crowd.

"Chief James!

"She's here too!"

"With Chief Zhan here, I have a bottom line."

The chief of Tianji Pavilion, Linlang's top arrogance.

Zhan Qingchen became the center of attention as soon as he appeared.

"Meet the chief.

The disciples of Tianji Pavilion bowed and saluted.

A little junior sister looked at her with admiration and asked, "Chief, why are you here? 35

Zhan Qingchen rubbed her little head and said, "I want to go back to the sect, and I happened to pass by here.

The little junior sister saw the man with the mask on the side, and said curiously: "Then this is..."

Zhan Qingchen glanced at Su Shi, "He's my...good friend.

"good friend?"

Several people looked slightly puzzled.

When did the chief have male friends too?

At this moment, a female arresting head wearing a robe with iron rulers hanging from her waist came over.

"Chief Zhan, I didn't expect you to come too."

The female catcher cupped her hands and said, "I am the catcher Jiang Tieyi of Xuefeng City."

Zhan Qingchen nodded, "It turned out to be Jiang Zhaotou, what happened here?"

Jiang Tieyi briefly explained the situation.

The two were stunned.

The Fengjiang River is the largest river in the Linlang Kingdom, running through almost the entire Kyushu from north to south.

The surrounding cities in the Fengjiang River Basin are basically rich land of fish and rice.

For example, in Xuefeng City, almost every household is a fisherman.

But since two weeks ago, fishermen have been missing in the city.

At first, I thought it was swept away by the rushing river, until someone found tooth marks on the broken shipboard!

Obviously, there are beasts at the bottom of the river that are devouring the fishermen!

Zhan Qingchen asked, "I don't know what plan Jiang catcher has?"

Jiang Tieyi said in a deep voice, "This monster in the river is very cunning, and it only eats human flesh, so it can't be drawn out with livestock.

"This is the end of the matter, we can only use people as bait..."

Zhan Qingchen nodded, "It seems that's the only way to go."

Fengjiang is vast and boundless, bottomless, and there is no way to capture the traces of monsters.

You can only lead the beast out first, and then find a way to kill it.

Jiang Tieyi glanced at Su Shi.

I feel that this person is a bit strange, but I don't take it to heart.

"Get ready to board!"

Fast catchers untie the ropes that hold the fishing boats.

A group of several people boarded the fishing boat and rowed the boat towards the river.

Su Shi and Zhan Qingchen were on the same boat.

Looking at the vast river surface, he tried to release his consciousness underwater.

But it could only detect a distance of a few meters, and was blocked by an unknown force.

Su Shi frowned slightly.

It always feels like things are not that simple.

At this moment, the vast white fog suddenly rose, and soon shrouded the entire river.

Everyone was separated by white fog, like isolated islands, and they couldn't see the surrounding situation at all.


The water splashed, and there seemed to be shadows bursting out of the thick fog!

"It's a monster!""

"I have it too!

The river was surging, and there were bursts of exclamations.

Su Shi raised his brows, "How do you know how to defeat this beast one by one? 35

"Danzhu's mouth is divine, spit out filth and remove the atmosphere. Through life and rejuvenation, but evil and true!

Zhan Qingchen sat cross-legged and muttered an ancient mantra.

The invisible wind swept through the whole body, whistling and blowing the thick fog away!

Everyone's vision returned to normal.

I saw the wreckage of several 4.2 fishing boats floating on the river surface, and the practitioner who was attacked just now hung in the air with lingering fears.

Through the water, you can vaguely see countless spots of light swimming below.

"Be careful, there is more than one beast!"

The iron ruler in Jiang Tieyi's hand rose against the storm and turned into a huge iron pillar nearly ten meters high.

slammed into the underwater shadows!

As if a stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves, the calm river immediately caused waves.

Countless monstrous monsters burst out of the water!

It is clearly a fish body, but it has human-shaped limbs, its mouth is full of dense teeth, and its scarlet eyes are like faint candlelight.

It looks so ugly and vicious!

"Water Candle Demon! 99

"so much?!

Everyone took a deep breath.

The Water Candle Demon is a unique monster in the Fengjiang River Basin.

Fierce temperament, good cannibalism!

But generally they are alone, how come there are so many gatherings now!

Chapter 207 Shenyan slays the devil, a god like pig headed boy!

The water candle demon is still breaking out of the water.

Looking at the dense monsters in front of them, everyone's scalp couldn't help but feel a little numb.

Why are so many monsters gathered here?

"Prepare to fight!"

"Don't let them enter Xuefeng City!

Jiang Tieyi's voice sounded.

Everyone's heart froze.

If these monsters rushed into the city, the consequences would be unimaginable!


The Water Candle Demon opened its hideous mouth and stepped on the water, surging forward!

The battle begins in an instant!

For a time, the sword light method is dazzling!

The water candle demon is a relatively common beast, and its strength will not exceed the golden core, but if it is in the water, its combat ability will almost double!

Practitioners rely on Taoist supernatural powers, and they can still fight back and forth.

But ordinary catchers are not so lucky.

"Ah ah ah!"

Almost a moment later, several arresters were torn to shreds!

Jiang Tieyi's eyes were cold.


She swung a giant ruler and snapped it!

The surface of the river sank suddenly, and then a huge wave was set off!

Dozens of monsters were directly photographed into meat mud!

Everyone's eyes were surprised when they saw this. Jiang's 12 heads were too powerful!

Zhan Qingchen's figure was in the air, and his Taoist robe was hunting.

"The Big Dipper has seven yuan, and the spirit is the same as the sky. The great sage of Tiangang is so powerful!""

The palm of the hand bursts with brilliance, instantly turning a large ferocious beast into ashes!

Heavenly Supernatural Powers: The Big Dipper Curse!

With the blessings of these two powerhouses, the morale of the crowd rose suddenly, and the Taoist method poured down without hesitation.

The monsters were quickly harvested.

The broken limbs floated on the river, and the scarlet blood was constantly diluted by the current.

The water candle demon finally realized that it was wrong.

Their intelligence was turned on, and when they sensed that the situation was intractable, they turned around and began to dive underwater.

"No, they're going to run!

A trace of anxiety flashed in Jiang Tieyi's eyes.

If these monsters are allowed to leave, they will make a comeback if they are not used up, and they cannot fundamentally solve the flood!

But the Water Candle Demon is an aquatic monster that walks on the ground like water.

There was nothing they could do, and they could only watch them sink into the water.

"Damn it! 35

Jiang Tieyi clenched his teeth tightly.

At this time, I saw the masked man who had never made a move, a golden flame ignited at his fingertips, and he casually bounced into the river.

In the next second, the entire river surface will turn into a sea of ​​fire!

Everyone was stunned.

I saw the monster that had just entered the water leap out of the water again.

The whole body was burning with brilliant golden flames, sending out a piercing wailing that pierced the heart!

The golden flames were burning, and the river was boiling and surging, swallowing all the beasts in it!

Even if they hang in the air, they can feel the terrifying power that burns everything!

Everyone stared blankly at this scene.

What is the origin of this masked man, to actually hold such a terrifying divine fire?

Jiang Tieyi seemed to have thought of something.

"Golden flame?"

"He wouldn't be..."

"But the color doesn't seem right.

Even the monsters in the Golden Core Realm couldn't resist the Blazing Star Li Huo, and they were burned to ashes almost instantly.

In no time, all the water candle demons will be annihilated!

The golden flame subsided, and the river returned to calm.

The scorching temperature has not yet dissipated, and the air is filled with water vapor and the smell of barbecue.

Su Shi slowly rowed the boat back to the shore.

Jiang Tieyi flew down, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you senior for killing the demon!

Although I can't see each other's appearance.

But for a powerhouse of this level, there is definitely no problem with shouting seniors.

"The flood disaster in the Fengjiang River has been eliminated, and the practitioners who help out will be recorded in the Xuefeng City Chronicle. Do you still know the name of senior Gao? 35

Jiang Tieyi asked.

A city chronicle is a record of the development of a city.

The turmoil encountered and the help received will be recorded one by one.

The name of Su Shi is also recorded in the current Wasteland City Chronicle, calling him "a lone hero who single-handedly destroyed the alien conspiracy and desperately saved the Wasteland City"

In a sense, it has become famous in history.

The reason why many Righteous Dao are willing to take action is not to leave a reputation?

Facing Jiang Tieyi's curious eyes, Su Shi shook his head and said, "Who told you that the flood has been cleared?"

"Huh? 35

Jiang Tieyi wondered: "The monsters should have died, right?

Su Shi turned his head to look.

The True Dragon Hope Qi technique is activated.

I saw the dark and evil spirit surging on the river surface, wrapped in a strong demonic aura that covered the sky and the sun!

There are big monsters in this river!

"Let your people evacuate as soon as possible, it is estimated that there will be a big mess soon."

Su Shi looked helpless.

He is not a living Lei Feng, he is busy helping others every day.

"Can't Zhao Zhao be Conan's physique?

"Why is it that every time I'm with her, it's not an alien slaughtering the city, or a vicious beast ravaging it? 39

Zhan Qingchen was still out of the situation and looked at him with a smile.

Seeing that silly smile, Su Shi sighed, "No way, who made Laozi just like her?

Jiang Tieyi was puzzled and said, "Senior, when you talk about the big mess, you mean..."

Before he finished speaking, the calm surface of the river suddenly set off thousands of waves, which came overwhelmingly!

Su Shi nodded and said, "That's what I'm referring to.


Jiang Tieyi opened his mouth slightly, "This, what is this?"

I saw that the water level of the Fengjiang River was constantly rising, and it crossed the embankment with the trend of destroying the dead.

The turbid waves were emptied, as if straight to the sky, and the entire Xuefeng City was covered by shadows!

This is a real gigantic wave!

The crowd was horrified!

517 Jiang Tieyi's face was as pale as paper.

If this huge wave is really photographed, I am afraid that the entire Xuefeng City will be submerged by the river!

But in the face of this formidable power, it was difficult for them to even move their fingers, and they couldn't even raise the slightest resistance.

"It's over."

Jiang Tieyi's eyes were full of despair.

Suddenly, the ground under my feet trembled.

Everyone looked back and was once again shocked by the scene in front of them.

I saw Su Shi hanging in the air, and the endless yellow sand condensed behind him, forming a towering barrier out of thin air!


The river water was photographed, and the sand wall remained motionless.

It actually blocked the waves!

The huge waves rose again, and the sand wall continued to rise.

Boom boom boom!

Let the waves crash wildly, and never give in!

Su Shi manipulates the yellow sand and seems to be fighting the entire Fengjiang by himself!

Looking at the pig-headed boy who looked like a god, Junior Sister Tianji Pavilion swallowed and said, "Chief, your friend is too powerful, isn't it?

Zhan Qingchen came back to his senses, his cheeks were slightly flushed, and his eyes were full of admiration.

"Of course, he is the best! 99

"Look, what is that?!

At this time, the crowd exclaimed.

Everyone looked up and saw two large lanterns lit up in the waves, revealing a huge sinuous figure!

"It turned out to be...
