
before I die I kissed the heorin (for me only)

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Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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17 Chs

168 to 175

Chapter 168 Letter from Sha Xinguo, you are surrounded!

Jiang Yuan was bored lying in the courtyard basking in the sun.

After this period of cultivation, Wu Mang, Shadow and the others have recovered almost.

But he still stayed in Sandstorm City and didn't leave.

Anyway, I don't have any business at hand, so I just took a vacation for myself, and at the same time I wanted to make a good impression on the Son of God.

"Jiang Longtou."

Suddenly, a familiar voice came.

Jiang Yuan was stunned for a moment, then looked back suddenly, only to see Su Shi standing behind him with his hands folded.


Jiang Yuan hurriedly got up and knelt down on one knee, "This subordinate has seen the Holy Son!"

Heart can not help but secretly strange.

When did the other party come to him, he didn't even notice it?

Feeling the deep aura of Su Shi, which was completely different from the other day, Jiang Yuan seemed to have thought of something, and his pupils could not help shrinking slightly.

"Holy Son, could it be that... you broke through?"

Su Shi nodded and said, "The Holy Master preached, and I had an occasional insight, and I was lucky enough to break through."

Jiang Yuan's eyes were shocked and unbelievable.

Really breakthrough?

Before the Holy Son was a complete golden elixir, isn't it already broken into a baby?

"The Holy Son's talent is invincible, it is truly unprecedented, and no one has come since!

Su Shi waved his hand, "It's just a coincidence, it's not worth mentioning."

"Not worth mentioning?"

Jiang Yuan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Last time in Yulin City, the two met for the first time, and Su Shi was only in the late stage of foundation building.

Now, after only a few months, it has broken through two major realms in a row!

Twenty-year-old Yuan Ying!

There is no second one in the world!


"My subordinates have seen the Holy Son."

Wu Mang and others sensed the movement and came to the courtyard one after another, kneeling in front of Su Shi.

The blood of several people is stable, the qi is full, and the injuries have basically recovered.

"Thanks to Jiang Longtou for this time.

Jiang Yuan said with a smile: "The Holy Son is too polite, this is what I should do.

Su Shi looked at Wu Mang and the others.

Since serving as the sect's holy son, he has rarely had time to return to Fengsha City.

Wu Mang and the shadow are basically taking care of all the affairs in the city.

Wu Mang~".


Wu Mang handed over, "My subordinates are here.

Su Shi said: "From now on, you will be the commander of Sandstorm City, and Ying Yi will be the deputy commander."


Several people were stunned.

Wu Mang said solemnly: "My subordinates don't want to be the commander, they just want to follow the holy son.

The shadows also nodded, "This subordinate just wants to follow the Son!

Su Shi said with a smile: "Don't worry, Sandstorm City is not your end, there is a wider world waiting for you in the future. 35

These people are effective and loyal, especially Wu Mang, who is a malleable talent.

Although they took the life and death talisman, the realm was limited to the early stage of Jindan.

But there are a lot of strange things in the mall that can solve this problem.

As long as the plot value is enough, it is easy to promote them to Yuan Ying.

Wu Mang understood in his heart, and bowed his head, "Thank you for the cultivation of the Holy Son.

"Thank you, Holy Son."

Everyone bowed their heads.

Jiang Yuan looked at it, and couldn't help sighing in his heart, the Holy Son is really good at his command.

Compared with realm and ability, loyalty is the most precious quality.


Jiang Yuan remembered something and took out a letter from his bosom, "On the day the Holy Son left, a little girl sent a letter, she seems to be your friend.


Su Shi took the letter, opened it and glanced at it.

There is only one line of graceful text on it:

[If you want to know the secrets of Shavan City, please come to the Oasis Shaxin Country. ]

The envelope also contained a jade pendant with a blooming golden phoenix flower carved on it.

Apparently the messenger's token.

"Sand Heart Country?"

Su Shi seemed to have thought of something.

At this time, Jiang Yuan asked curiously: "Holy Son, what is your business here this time? 35

Su Shi said: "Get ready to go to the desert.

He can perceive the orientation in the west, but the exact location cannot be determined for the time being.


Jiang Yuan said: "My subordinates still understand the Western Regions, why don't I accompany you to go shopping? In this way, there will be someone to take care of you on the road.

Su Shi thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Alright.

Jiang Yuan smiled brightly.

The Son of God does not go to the desert for no reason.

With the great fortune of the Holy Son, if there is a chance to appear in this world, maybe he can also drink the soup.

Western Desert.

A group of stubborn and determined soldiers are patrolling over the desert.

Everyone's eyes were round, as if they were looking for something.

Kurbanhan frowned.

"It's already the last day, where can I find the robbers in the Nascent Soul Realm!"

A few days ago, the second prince of Mochen Kingdom and the sandstorm general were both killed.

This matter caused an uproar in the oasis countries.

The national teacher confirmed that the murderer was a desert robber.

And handed over the task of catching the murderer to the Wild Wolf Army.

In fact, the national teacher has already hinted that it doesn't matter who kills the person, just catch a few rogues.

But the realm can't be too low, at least it must be above Nascent Soul.

After all, the general who was killed was in a state of distraction.

If you just catch a few rotten fish and rotten shrimps to fill them up, I am afraid that Mochen Country will become the laughing stock of all countries.

But I don't know who leaked the rumors. The desert thieves who were rampant in the past have all died down recently and disappeared without a trace.

After so many days, still nothing.

"The trouble is so big, if you come back empty-handed, I'm afraid you won't be able to explain to Your Majesty."

Kurban frowned.

At this time, the soldier on the side said: "General, there seem to be two people over there.

"Huh? 35

Kurban looked up, his eyes suddenly lit up.

I saw two figures flying by not far away.

"Looking at the clothes, it doesn't seem like someone from the oasis."

"Both of them are in the Nascent Soul Realm?"


Kurban grinned and waved his hand, "Take these two thieves down for me!"


The soldiers quickly surrounded them.

Su Shi and Jiang Yuan flew slowly.

The closer he got to the depths of the desert, the clearer the feeling in Su Shi's heart, the ancient bell in his dantian seemed to be shaking slightly.

(Mo Qian Zhao)

Jiang Yuan said: "Holy Son, you will reach the oasis three hundred miles ahead."

Su Shi asked curiously, "It looks like you come here often?"

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "The Holy Son does not know, although this desert is barren and dry, the oasis is a treasure land, and the girl over there is a top water spirit.

Su Shi shook his head amusingly.

This person is so thin, wouldn't he be drained by Western girls?

Jiang Yuan's chest clapped loudly, "In this Western Region, I am half a local, and my face is a passport to ensure that we can travel unimpeded."5


Before the word "good" could be said, a group of soldiers swooped in from a distance and surrounded the two of them in the middle.

The golden-armored strong man at the head smiled grimly, "Give up your resistance, you are already surrounded!"

The air was quiet for a moment.

Su Shi turned to look at Jiang Yuan, "Are you sure your face is a passport, not a wanted criminal?"5

Jiang Ape:

Chapter 169 Let you arrest some1 for the crime, have you brought the real murderer back?

Looking at the murderous appearance of the surrounding soldiers, Jiang Yuan's face was a little ugly.

I had just boasted about Haikou, but in a blink of an eye, I ran into trouble.

Isn't that slapping yourself in the face?

When he saw the strong man in golden armor at the head, his pupils could not help shrinking slightly.


The aura that this strong man exudes is very powerful, even if he is a complete Nascent Soul, he cannot see through it.

At least it's a powerhouse in the distraction realm!

The two just came to the desert, how could they provoke this group of people?

Jiang Yuan asked, "Who are you and why are you blocking my way?"

Kurban hugged his shoulders and said proudly: "I am the general of the Wild Wolf Army of Mochen Country, and I am ordered to arrest the murderer of our second prince!"

"Desert Country?

Su Shi frowned.

Finally figured out what was going on.

Jiang Yuan frowned, "What does this have to do with us?"

Kurban grinned, "General Ben sees that you are sneaky, very similar to a wanted murderer. Luo

Jiang Yuan said coldly: "Do you know who you are talking to? This is You..."

Kurban interrupted impatiently: "No matter who you are, General Ben will now give you two paths."5

"Either, obediently follow me back to be investigated, or else, you will have to leave your life here!

Cang clang.

The soldiers pulled their swords out of their sheaths, forming a siege situation, blocking almost all their paths.

Finally 487 easy to find two that meet the requirements, absolutely can't let them go!

Jiang Yuan's face changed.

This attitude of the other party is obviously unreasonable.

He glanced around and said, "Holy Son, the situation is not right! I will try to contain them in a while, and after you break through the encirclement, fly directly to the direction of Youzhou!"

In the face of the power of distraction, Jiang Yuan was completely at a loss.

But no matter what, the Son can't have an accident!

"Do not impulse.

Su Shi stopped him.

Looking up at Kurban, "Isn't that just being investigated? Let's lead the way.


Jiang Yuan was stunned.

The other party is obviously not good, and it is definitely not as simple as an investigation!

Su Shi's expression was calm and his eyes were deep.

The way to go has been blocked, and facing the great power of distraction, even if he has the Divine Pearl in his hand, there is no guarantee that the two can escape safely.

Rather than fighting to the death, it's better to count.

See what the other party is up to.

Kurban said with a smile: "Smart man, let's go."

The soldiers wanted to shackle them, but Jiang Yuan stood in front of Su Shi and scolded him with deep eyebrows, "Go away!

The soldier hesitated for a moment.

Kurban waved his hand and said, "It's okay.

The two of them couldn't escape anyway.

To say that they are under investigation is actually a top culprit. No matter whether they are innocent or not, there is only a dead end waiting for them.

"Hmph, let's see how long you can be arrogant. 99

Kurban looked proud.

The soldiers surrounded the two of them and flew all the way towards the oasis.

Desert country.

in the palace.

Damuel looked at the petite blond girl in front of him, smiling kindly and kindly, "Princess Alia, came all the way to me Mochen, what's the matter?

The girl in front of her is the princess of the Sand Heart Kingdom.

Desert Dust Country is on the fringes, while Sand Heart Country is a powerful country in the center of the oasis!

The two cannot be compared in terms of strength or status.

Alia blinked her emerald green eyes, and her voice was clear, "I heard that Prince Mukar was killed, I wonder if the murderer has been caught?

Damour frowned slightly.

The two countries have never had any intersection, so why does the other side suddenly care about this?

Moreover, it is the princess with a distinguished status who came in person.

Damour cleared his throat and nodded: "The murderer has been locked and will be arrested soon."

Alia's eyes flickered, and she asked: "Ben Gong is curious, I don't know who the murderer is, but he dares to attack the prince?


Damour looked a little embarrassed.

The culprit hasn't been caught yet, how does he know who the murderer is?

Can't say it's Su Shi?

"Cough, this is the responsibility of the national teacher, and it should have a result in the next two days.

Damour slurred his words and glared at the national teacher fiercely.

No (bcec) is just looking for a scapegoat, and it can drag on for so long, causing him to lose face in front of Princess Shaxinguo.

The national teacher also secretly hated.

Kurban's efficiency is too low!

At this time, the guards outside the hall came in, "Report to Your Majesty, General Kurban asks to see you!"

"Oh? General Kurban is back?"

Damour's expression brightened, "Let him in. 35

The burly man in golden armor walked into the hall, knelt down on one knee and said, "Weichen Kurban, join your majesty."

Damour asked urgently: "Has the murderer been caught?"

Kurban nodded, "Fortunately, the two desert robbers were captured alive, and it was the real murderer who killed the prince and the general! 35

Damour breathed a sigh of relief and nodded with satisfaction, "Good job.

He glanced at Alia, and said, "Bring the prisoner directly! You dare to murder the prince, I will personally interrogate him!

Just taking advantage of the presence of the princess of Shaxinguo, I can shake the prestige of Mochenguo!


Kurban turned around and said, "Bring people up."

After a while.

Surrounded by a group of guards, two figures slowly walked in and stood in the center of the hall.

Seeing the man in white, the national teacher and Alia were stunned.

"This is..."

"How did you get him?!"

Kurban said proudly: "Your Majesty, this is the real murderer of the second prince!"5


Damour slammed the armrest and said sternly: "Bold villain, you know the crime..."

"Cough cough."

Just halfway through the words, the national teacher interrupted: "Your Majesty, don't be impatient, people seem to have caught it wrong.

Damour frowned, "What did you say?"

It's just a scapegoat, what's right and wrong?

Kurban frowned and said: "National teacher, you have to take a closer look, do you know how much I thought about catching this murderer?

The national teacher smiled bitterly: "But the problem is really wrong."

Damour said coldly: "Is the national teacher confused?"

In front of Princess Sha Xinguo, the opponent's two and three demolitions had already made him really angry.

The national teacher knelt on the ground with a plop, "It doesn't matter who the murderer is, but it must not be this person. 35

Damour realized something was wrong, "What do you mean by that?"

The national teacher hesitated for a long time and sighed: "Because he is Su Shi."

Damour was stunned, "You said he was..."

The national teacher lowered his head and said helplessly: "The prisoner that General Kurban captured is the Grand Duke of Zhenguo, Su Shi, the son of the devil!

The hall was silent for a moment.

Damour's throat moved, and he looked at Kurban in disbelief.

I asked you to take a scapegoat, but you brought back the real murderer?!.

Chapter 170 The terrified Mochen Country! Su Shengzi, are you relieved now?


Damour was completely numb.

Not only him, but also the civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty knew that the second prince died at the hands of Su Shi.

It's just that everyone is pretending to be stupid.

Not to mention the various identities of Su Shi, the two superpowers behind him alone are enough to grind the Mochen Kingdom to ashes!

Besides, Empress Linlang's attitude is also very obvious.

Whoever dares to touch Su Shi, Linlang will kill whoever!

So Damour never thought of taking revenge at all.

Isn't that a dead son?

There are hundreds of concubines and concubines in his harem, and there are more than a dozen princes under their knees, and it is not at all distressing that one or two die.

The reason why he was in a hurry to find someone to blame was just to restore the reputation of Mochen Country.

But he never thought,

Kurban even brought back the "real murderer"!

Insufficient success, more than failure idiots!

"His Majesty."

The national teacher reminded, "How do you see this matter? 35

Damour came back to his senses, cleared his throat, and asked, "Kurban, do you know the guilt? 39


Kurban had a question mark on his face, "Your Majesty, did you make a mistake?"

Damuel said solemnly: "It's clear that you made a mistake! I asked you to catch the thief, how did you get Su Shengzi back?"

Kurban: "I..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the national teacher sharply, "Don't hurry up and apologize to the Holy Son!

Facing the cold eyes of everyone, Kurban's scalp was a little numb, and he finally realized the seriousness of the situation.

He walked up to Su Shi, bowed his head and said, "Su Shengzi, I'm sorry, I recognized the wrong person."

Su Shi was silent.

Jiang Yuan hugged his shoulders and said coldly, "You didn't have this attitude just now! You arrest people indiscriminately, you Mochen country is so powerful! 95

Kurban swallowed, "It's really a misunderstanding."


Jiang Yuan sneered, "I will report the matter to the Holy Master and see if she thinks this is a misunderstanding!

The ministers snorted.

Nether Demon King?

That was one of the only remaining supreme powers in the world, and it wiped out the entire barbaric tiger clan with a single slap!

The Mochen Kingdom simply can't bear the crushing of such a strong man!

Su Shi looked indifferent and never said a word.

The ministers' hearts trembled slightly.

It seems that this time it was offended to death!

Damour was silent for a moment, then said: "Kurban offends Grand Duke Linlang and affects the friendship between the two countries, and should be punished by everyone to set an example!

"National teacher, let's do it."


The national teacher walked to Kurban and whispered: "General, bear with me. 35


Before Kurban could react, the invisible air blade swept past, and the entire arm had left the body!

Blood splashed everywhere, and the ministers screamed and hurriedly avoided.

Kurban swayed, gritted his teeth, and his face was as pale as paper.

The national teacher looked at Su Shi, "Su Shengzi, do you think this is okay?

Su Shi seemed unheard of.

His attention was not here at all at this time.

The mind sank into Dantian, and the tremor of the ancient bell seemed to be stronger.

"The induction is closer, but not here.

"Look at this direction..."

"Seems to be in the heart of an oasis? 39

Seeing that Su Shi didn't speak, the national teacher thought it was unsatisfactory, gritted his teeth, and directly cut off Kurban's other arm!


Kurban was dripping with blood, and finally couldn't help screaming.

The wailing sound resounded through the hall, making people feel chills.

Although he is a distraction powerhouse, under the means of the national teacher, his spiritual power and soul power have been imprisoned, and he cannot even stop the blood.

His face paled as the blood gurgled out.

In the state of distraction, although it touches the power of the soul, the soul can only leave the body for a short time.

Physical demise means true demise!

Kurban said in a trembling voice, "Saint Son, spare your life!

Only then did Su Shi come back to his senses.

Looking at the bloody scene in front of him, his brows could not help frowning slightly.

What is this for?

The national teacher asked cautiously: "Su Shengzi, are you relieved now?

Su Shi shook his head, "Is there anything else?"9

The national teacher's voice moved, "No, it's alright.

"Let's go.""

Su Shi turned and walked out of the hall, Jiang Yuan hurriedly followed behind.

Looking at his back, Alia, who had not spoken, flickered, and quickly followed.

The hall fell into dead silence.

just gone?

Looking at the blood and stumps all over the place, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time they felt a chill in their hearts.

Even though Su Shi was the real murderer, he came and went freely in this palace.

And Kurban caught the real murderer, but was cut off two arms abruptly!

But no one sympathized with him.

Might is truth.

If Kurban does not pay the price for this, then this consequence will be borne by the entire desert country!

The national teacher helped Kurban to stop the blood, and took out an elixir and stuffed it into his mouth.

…for flowers …

The pale face eased a little.

The national teacher said helplessly: "You said it's not good for you to catch someone, and you have to catch Su Shi back?"

Kurban's bowels were about to turn blue, and he gritted his teeth: "How did I know it was Su Shi!

The national teacher sighed, "I can't blame others, I can only blame you for bad luck.

Things have happened, and it would be nice to have a life saved.

He reached out to pat him on the shoulder, but found that the other party had no shoulders anymore...

"Cough cough."

The national teacher was a little embarrassed, "If you go to the Tai Hospital now, you may be able to reconnect the broken limb, although it may not be as easy to use as before. 99

Kurban struggled to stand up and said to the guard beside him: "Take my arm.


The guard picked up his arm, and the two walked out of the hall quickly.

Damour sat slumped in the chair.

Did not expect things to develop to such a point.

I lost my wife and lost my army!

After this incident, Mochen Country is in an oasis, and I am afraid that I will never be able to raise its head again!

"National Division."

The national teacher handed over, "The minister is here. 35

Damour's voice was hoarse, and he said bitterly: "I will pass on my will, and draw thousands of copies of Su Shi's portrait, and paste it all over the city's streets and alleys, and all civil and military officials have one copy.

"I don't allow people in Mochen country who don't know Su Shi!

Su Shi and Jiang Yuan leave the palace.

Walk down the exotic streets.

The surrounding pedestrians cast curious glances one after another, after all, the appearance and clothing of these two people do not look like locals.

Jiang Yuan snorted coldly and said, "I knew that I had caught the wrong person. Small country, how dare you offend my Nether Sect?"

Su Shi shook his head, "Actually they were right. 99


Jiang Yuan wondered: "What does the Holy Son mean?"

Su Shi shrugged, "The second prince tried to kill me to seize the opportunity, but I noticed it in advance and killed me with my own hands.

Jiang Yuan was stunned.

After a long time, Su Shi is actually a "murderer"?

Suddenly, a prompt sounded in Su Shi's ear:

[The prestige of the desert oasis increases, which affects the subsequent plot trend and obtains 30 plot points. ]

[Alia's heart has changed, which affects the subsequent plot trend, and gets 10 plot points. ]


Su Shi froze for a moment.

At this time, there was a call from behind: "Su Shengzi, please stay! Qian.

Chapter 171 Princess Sha Xinguo? What a coincidence, we met again

"Su Shengzi, please stay. 99

The two looked back and saw a petite girl in a black robe walking quickly.

The girl has fair skin, delicate facial features, and a heroic look between her eyebrows and eyes.

His long golden hair was tied into a bun, two strands of blue silk scattered around his ears, and his emerald green eyes were as clear as gems.

Jiang Yuan's eyes were slightly stagnant.

The figure looked inexplicably familiar.

The girl came to the two of them and said in surprise: "Su Shengzi, is it really you?

Su Shi frowned, "You know me?""

The girl smiled and said, "The Son of the Devil, the hero of the human race, who does not know the prestige of the Son of Su?"

Jiang Yuan suddenly said: "Holy Son, she is the girl who sent you the letter.

At that time, the other party was too tight, and he didn't recognize it for a while.

But those emerald green eyes are very impressive.

"That's right.

The girl looked at Su Shi, and said generously: "My name is Alia, the princess of Sha Xinguo. "Sibaqi" is very happy to meet Su Shengzi."

Su Shi asked, "Anything with me?"

The girl nodded, "I have a lot of information about the fallen 'Shavan City', if the Holy Son is interested..."

Su Shi interrupted: "Not interested.""

Alia was stunned for a moment and wondered: "Didn't the Holy Son come for the Divine Pearl?

Su Shi shook his head, "I don't know what you're talking about.

Then he turned around and left.

Aria frowned slightly.

If it wasn't for the Divine Pearl, why did the other party appear at the ruins of Shavan City?

Why kill Mukar?

"Liar, I don't believe it."

Alia followed closely behind him.

Noticing the girl who looked like a fart, Su Shi's eyes flickered slightly.

Sure enough, it came to the god beads.

It seems that the change in the desert has attracted the attention of many forces.

However, the other party should not know that the Mysterious Sand Divine Pearl is already in his hands.

"Sand Heart Country?"

The book mentions:

After the Shenzhu appeared in the world, it attracted various countries to fight, and the entire oasis was caught in the flames of war.

In the end, it was obtained by the sand heart country.

However, the name Aaliyah was not very impressive.

Although he didn't feel hostile, Su Shi didn't want to get involved too much with the other party.

He only came here for the ancient clock induction, there is no need to ask for trouble.

"Let's go. 39

Su Shi was in the air, piercing the sky like lightning.

Jiang Yuanfei followed.

Aaliyah only had the Golden Core Realm, so she couldn't catch up with the two at all, and could only watch them disappear into the sky.

"Bengong is really useless... The holy sons that I got have all run away.

The girl was downcast.

The two figures swept across the sky.

The city-states below are scattered, and the closer to the center of the oasis, the larger the city-states will be.

But even so, it is not as good as the land of Linlang.

This shows the strength of Linlang's national strength!

After a long time, Su Shi stopped and looked down at the city below.

According to the feeling of the ancient bell in Dantian, the thing that attracted him was in this city.

The two fell in front of the city gate.

Su Shi and Jiang Yuan were stunned when they saw the word "sand heart" painted on the silver hook above.

"Sand Heart Country?"

"It wouldn't be so coincidental would it?"

Jiang Yuan came back to his senses and said with a smile: "It seems that the Holy Son and the princess are quite related."

Su Shi looked helpless and asked, "Have you ever been to this Sand Heart Country? 99

Jiang Yuan shook his head, "My subordinates are all playing outside the oasis, and I have never been to such a high-end place."


Su Shi could not laugh or cry.

This person really treats the oasis as a foot-washing city.

"Forget it, let's go in and have a look.

Enter the city.

The streets are wide, the houses are just like, the people are bustling and lively, and the prosperity is far beyond that of the desert country.

Jiang Yuan first went to find a place to live.

Su Shi followed the direction of induction alone.

Although the climate in the Western Regions is dry, the girl here is a top water spirit.

The skin is fair and delicate, the bridge of the nose is high, and the facial features are exquisite, full of exotic style.

And the character is more unrestrained.

Su Shi was walking on the street, and from time to time a girl came over to start a conversation.

Although the girls from the Western Regions are good-looking, the men here are quite the opposite.

With a handsome and sunny appearance like him, it is simply a breath of fresh air.

"Sir, come in and do it.

"What a handsome young man.""

"Come and play, my sister can pay for it.""

"I don't know your surname? Have you ever been married?

Looking at the wild bees and butterflies around, Su Shi's brows could not help but jump wildly.

No wonder Jiang Yuan said that the oasis is very exciting.

It's almost like entering a hole in the pan!

Boys must protect themselves here!

Su Shi's body was rippling with spiritual energy, and his body moved quickly, finally breaking free from the heavy siege.

All the way, try to avoid pedestrians and walk through the alleys.

As the perception became stronger and stronger, the ancient bell in the dantian trembled more and more intensely.


At this time, a loud shout sounded...

Several guards with strong determination and perseverance stood in front of him, "The important part of the palace, do not get close to idle people! 35

Su Shi looked up, only to realize that there was a tall fence in front of him.

The red walls and golden tiles behind the walls are magnificent palaces.

Su Shi frowned slightly.

In the palace?

This time it's troublesome, you can't force it, right?

At this time, he thought of something and took out a jade pendant carved with golden phoenix flowers.

"Alia invited me here.

"your Highness?"

The leading guard was stunned for a moment.

He stretched out his hand to take the jade pendant, and after confirming it was correct, he returned his hands respectfully, "It turned out to be the guest of Her Royal Highness, please wait a moment."5

The guard turned to leave.

After a while, a palace maid came out and bowed: "My dear guest, please come with me."

Su Shi frowned.

Looking at the other party's attitude, it was obvious that Alia had already explained it.

Follow the palace maid into the palace gate.

All the way through the pavilions and water pavilions, I came to a quiet palace.

The palace maid said, "Please sit down, your distinguished guest, and don't be impatient. Her Royal Highness has not returned yet."

Su Shi nodded, "It's okay, you can go get busy."

After the palace maid helped him make tea, she bowed and walked out.

Su Shi's mind sank into the ancient bell, carefully sensing the surrounding atmosphere.

It was certain that what he was looking for was in the palace.

But the exact location is not particularly clear.

Looking around, he made sure that there was no one in the palace.

Su Shi started a carpet search, not letting go of any suspicious corners of 4.2.

I do not know how long it has been.

Footsteps came from outside the palace.

Alia walked in dejectedly, looking a little depressed and tired.

He casually threw the robe aside, walked behind the Lingluo tent, and threw himself onto the bed lazily.

His body fell into the soft bedding, his eyes were blank, and he said to himself, "I finally saw Su Shengzi, and he ran away before he said a few words."

"This palace is such an idiot!"

She knocked on her head.

Suddenly, Alia caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of the eye and slowly turned to look.

I saw a man standing by the closet with a pink tube top in his hand.

The two looked at each other, and the air fell into a dead silence.

Su Shi's throat moved, and he said embarrassedly, "What a coincidence, we meet again."


Alia's expression was dull, "Su, Su Shengzi?!".

Chapter 172 Are Alia and the little fox best friends?

"Su Shengzi, why are you here?"

Alia stared at Su Shi blankly, her eyes full of disbelief.

She rubbed her eyes vigorously, suspecting that she was hallucinating.

Su Shi shrugged, "I showed the guard the jade pendant and was brought here.

Aaliyah had indeed ordered.

If someone shows the golden phoenix flower and jade pendant, they must not stop it and bring it directly to the bedroom.

Alia shook her head and said: "This is not what Ben Gong asked. Didn't Su Shengzi say that he is not interested in the affairs of Shavan City? Why is he suddenly willing to come to see Ben Gong again?

"I didn't come to see you.

"I'm here to find something," Su Shi said.

Alia blushed slightly, pointed to the tube top in his hand, and said, "You... came here to find this?"

"Cough cough."

Su Shi blushed, and hurriedly threw the tube top into the closet.

Just now, I was busy rummaging through boxes, and I didn't pay attention to what I was holding.

Seeing his slightly flustered look, Alia flashed a smile in her eyes, "It seems that Lian'er is right, Saint Son is not as indifferent as he looks."

Su Shi was stunned when he heard the words, "You mean Lian'er..."

Alia smiled and said, "Who else could it be? Of course it's the little 12 fox from Qingqiuyuan.

Su Shi wondered, "You know Yu Lian'er?

Alia nodded, "Bengong and Lian'er are very good friends, otherwise why would you be assured to let you come directly to the bedroom?

Seeing that Su Shi was still suspicious of the letter, she took out a letter from the storage ring.

"We are still writing letters to each other recently. If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself."

Su Shi opened the letter, and it was indeed Yu Lian'er's handwriting.

The letter was sent recently, and the words were filled with thoughts of Su Shi.

It also describes some of the details of the relationship between the two.

It can't be faked.

It can be seen from the tone of the letter that Yu Lian'er and Alia have a really good relationship.

Su Shi was puzzled: "Since you know Lian'er, why didn't you talk about it at first?

Aaliyah smiled bitterly: "The Holy Son didn't give this palace a chance to speak.

"Besides, there were other people around you at the time, and Ben Gong was worried that if this matter was exposed, it would have a bad influence on you."

Now the relationship between the two ethnic groups is tense, and Su Shi's identity is very special.

Aaliyah has to be cautious.

Thinking of the cute little fox, Su Shi's eyes softened a lot.

Looking at the gentle look in his eyes, it was completely different from the indifferent defense just now.

Alia's heart moved slightly.

"It seems that Lian'er is really important in his heart.

She cleared her throat and said, "Can the Holy Son trust this palace now?

Su Shi put away the letter and said lightly: "I believe you and Lian'er are good friends, but that doesn't mean I can trust you unconditionally."5

At present, even blood relatives may turn against each other.

Friendship proves nothing.

The other party intended for the bead, and he had to guard against it.

Alia smiled bitterly: "Su Shengzi's words are really straightforward.

At this time, she remembered something and asked: "By the way, what was the Holy Son looking for just now?

Su Shi said, "I'm looking for Zhong."

"Bell? 35

Alia wondered: "Then what are you going to look through in the closet of this palace?

Su Shi touched his nose, "Ahem, it could be a big bell, a small bell, or even a fragment.

"This thing is related to my practice, and it is the induction that guides me."

He didn't know what it would look like until he saw it with his own eyes.

Alia nodded understandingly.

She pinched her chin and pondered: "Why don't you do this, I will help you find the bell, how about you help me find the bead?"

Su Shi's eyes flashed, "Then the bead is very important to you?

Aaliyah sighed: "It is very important, because it is related to the life of the father.""


Su Shi was slightly taken aback.

After listening to the other party's narration, Su Shi suddenly realized.

I thought that Aaliyah was trying to compete for opportunities, but unexpectedly, it was to treat the emperor of the Sand Heart Kingdom.

Three months ago, Emperor Sha Xinguo suddenly suffered from a strange disease, and his body began to turn into yellow sand.

Can barely suppress at first.

Now he is terminally ill and in danger.

Whether it is the imperial doctor or the great power, none of them can see the reason.

Everyone can only watch the emperor's vitality slowly pass away.

Alia accidentally learned from an ancient book that this is a curse from the ancient desert, which can only be resolved by the legendary Mysterious Sand Pearl.

She almost rummaged through the library and learned the secret of the fall of Shavan City.

The location of the bead was roughly determined.

Su Shi puzzled: "But what does this have to do with me?

Alia explained: "After the change in the desert, this palace sent people to investigate, and happened to see the scene where the Son killed Mukar.

"And that place is exactly where the ruins of Shavan City are located. 39

"Ben Gong guessed that the Holy Son might also be interested in this, so he wanted to cooperate with you to obtain the Divine Pearl."

"This palace only asks for the treatment of the father, and when the father's injury recovers, the holy son can take the Mysterious Sand Divine Pearl.

Su Shi shook his head and said, "You Sha Xinguo is not weak, why do you have to find me as an outsider?"

Aaliyah sighed, "Because I don't know who else I can trust.

Su Shi was stunned for a moment, "Do you suspect that the people in the palace did this?"

487 "I don't dare to come to a conclusion.

"But if King Father dies, only those few people will benefit.

"Compared to them, Ben Gong would rather trust Lian'er's vision."

Aaliyah looked at Su Shi and said, "I know that the Son still has doubts. In order to show my sincerity, how about I help you find a bell first?"

Su Shi asked curiously, "How are you going to help me?"

Alia squeezed her chin and looked at him, "You have to change your clothes first."

It was getting dark.

The two figures walked out of the bedroom.

Su Shi looked at the round-neck narrow-sleeved robe on his body and frowned, "I have to wear this?"

This is clearly the costume of a servant.

And it doesn't fit very well, it's too tight to wear.

Aaliyah smiled and said, "This palace is heavily guarded, so it is at least a lot more convenient to have this dress."

"All right."

Su Shi was a little helpless.

This is also no way.

He couldn't sense the specific location, so the two of them could only search one room at a time.

Alia looked around and said, "Let's start with the queen's bedroom.

Taking advantage of no one around, the two sneaked into the bedroom.

ps: I went to the hospital today and will be back to normal tomorrow~.

Chapter 173 Hiding in the closet with the princess, but the queen has to take a bath?!

The bedroom is very large, luxuriously decorated, and there is a noble atmosphere everywhere.

Alia was lying on the crack of the door and said in a low voice: "Go find it, Ben Gong is here to help you guard."5

Su Shi searched carefully.

It may be because the realm is not enough, and the induction is very vague.

Only the general orientation can be felt, and the specific location cannot be accurately determined.

Su Shi could only test Gu Zhong's reaction little by little.

And in order to avoid trouble, he couldn't clutter the scene too much, which greatly slowed down his efficiency.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the hall.

The voices of the palace maids sounded: "The slaves pay tribute to the empress."

Aaliyah sucked in a breath of air, "Oops, my mother is back!"

She was in a hurry all of a sudden.

Bringing a man into the queen's palace, if someone bumps into it, it's over!

It's definitely too late to go out now.

Aaliyah looked left and right, and her eyes stayed on the wardrobe.

"There is no other way, I have to hide first."


Before Su Shi could react, she was pulled into the closet by the girl.

Although this wardrobe is not small, it is still difficult to accommodate two people, they are almost tightly attached to each other.

Aaliyah carefully closed the cabinet door, "Holy Son, don't make a sound, it will be bad if your mother finds out!

Su Shi's throat moved, "Are you sure you won't be found by hiding here?"

Alia whispered: "Don't worry, the mother's cultivation base is average, as long as you cover up your breath, she will not find out."

Shaxin Country is no bigger than Linlang.

The land area is limited, the population is too small, and there are very few people who have the talent for cultivation, and they generally hold important positions in the army.

Therefore, the harem does not pay attention to the realm of cultivation.

Among the concubines and concubines in the harem, there are even ordinary people, and the queen is only in the early stage of Jindan.

Su Shi looked left and right.

The cabinet was dimly lit, surrounded by clothes, exuding a fragrant fragrance.

He raised a piece of cloth with his fingers, shook his head and said, "I didn't expect the queen to be quite avant-garde~

"Don't mess around. 35

Aaliyah hurriedly grabbed the cloth piece.

This is the mother's underwear, why does this person dare to touch anything?


The door to the bedroom was pushed open.

The palace maids filed in, lined up in two rows, and a graceful lady in luxurious clothes walked in.

"Empress Empress, you have been with Your Majesty all day, so hurry up and rest. 35


The lady sat on the chair, her brows were full of melancholy, and she said to herself: "Your Majesty's body is getting worse every day."

"If it goes on like this, I'm afraid... alas."

If the emperor really dies, I am afraid that there will be a big mess in the palace.

The surrounding neighboring countries are already eyeing them, and the situation is not optimistic due to external worries and internal troubles.

In the closet, Alia's mood was also a little down.

Su Shi shook his head.

Even the harem began to worry about state affairs, and it seemed that Sha Xinguo was indeed at a crisis point.

But soon, Alia swept away the haze, and her eyes gradually returned to firmness.

"For the sake of the father and the people of Shaxin, this palace must get the bead!"

Seeing her determined eyes, Su Shi couldn't help but froze for a moment.

He finally remembered why this girl looked familiar.

Blonde, blue-eyed, delicate face with melon seeds, gentle and sweet, but with an unyielding stubbornness.

Just a little petite.

"Loli's version of King Arthur? 35


What a strong sense of sight!

At this time, there was movement outside.

Looking along the gap, I saw the palace maid bowed and said: "Empress Empress, the jade soup is ready, do you want to change and bathe now?"

The two looked at each other, "Bath?!

The queen nodded and said, "Undress this palace.


The palace maid responded.

The queen stood up and spread her arms.

The maid helped her untie the cumbersome laces, and the luxurious palace skirt was slowly taken off, revealing a smooth, well-maintained back.

Su Shi's throat moved.

Good guy, is there such a benefit?

Before he could appreciate it carefully, his eyes were covered by a small hand, and Alia's humiliated voice transmission came from his ears, "No peeking! 99

Su Shi reluctantly said: "I'm not peeking, I'm forced to watch, okay?"

Alia snorted coldly: "Su Shengzi's eyes were almost glued to the mother's body just now!

Su Shi:

After a while.

The queen finally finished dressing and walked into the jade soup pool behind the screen.

Aaliyah breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Shi whispered, "Can you let me go now?"


Alia reacted.

Because of the narrow space and her petite figure, in order to cover Su Shi's eyes, she almost lay on his arms.

Even through the clothes, you can feel each other's strong muscles.

Aaliyah looked flustered and wanted to back away, but almost fell out of the closet.

Seemingly aware of the movement, the sound of water paused slightly.

Su Shi hurriedly pulled her back and whispered: "."Don't move around, be careful to be discovered!"

Alia trembled, her body was stiff, and she was hugged by him like a piece of wood.

The air fell silent.

Alia's pretty face flushed and she stammered: "You, don't mess around, be careful that this palace tells Lian'er!""

Su Shi said lightly: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in washboards.


Alia looked bewildered.

Su Shi glanced at her.

Although this princess is not tall, her figure is very well-proportioned.

The waist is thin and the legs are long, and the body is delicate and soft.

However, compared with Yu Lian'er in some aspects, there is still a big gap.

Alia suddenly understood when she noticed his gaze, and covered her neckline with a blushing face, "Nonsense, this palace is not a washboard!

"What Lian'er said was right.

Su Shi curiously asked (Li's): "What did Yu Lian'er say? 35

Alia lowered her head and said faintly: "She said that Su Shengzi was arrogant and cynical, no matter which girl is by your side, you will definitely be bullied by you!"5

"... Courageous? Slander, she slandered me!"

Su Shi frowned.

This little fox ruined his reputation again!

Next time we meet, we must repair it well!

Aaliyah bit her lip.

In fact, Yu Lian'er had half a sentence behind.

The little fox said that she liked being bullied by Su Shi the most...

After half an hour, the sound of water outside gradually ceased.

The queen stepped out of the bath under the service of the palace maid, changed into pajamas and entered the bedroom.

Su Shi observed for a long time and made sure that no one was outside, and then carefully walked out of the closet.

"It should be safe, let's go.

Alia's voice is not very natural, "Su Shengzi, you, you let go of this palace first.

Chapter 174 You dare to insult this palace? Feng Chaoge's anger has destroyed the country of Mo

Only then did Su Shi notice.

He also hugged his slender waist.

Alia's feet did not touch the ground, hanging on him like a koala.

The other party's body is light, and his waist is unbearable to hold, just like a paper man without weight.

Su Shi let go.

Alia landed lightly on the ground, her eyes were erratic and she dared not look at him, "Let's go quickly, it will be bad if someone bumps into it later."

The two sneaked out.

Go back to the princess' bedroom.

Alia closed the door, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It's too late today, let's wait until tomorrow."

"That's all.""

Su Shi asked, "Where do I live tonight?

Alia hesitated for a moment, "At this hour, the palace gate is under curfew, so you must not be able to go out, or... or you should stay here.

Su Shi touched her nose, "That's not right.

Alia gave him a faint glance, "When Su Shengzi hugged Ben Gong just now, he didn't seem to think it was inappropriate."


Su Shi said, "This huge palace doesn't even have an empty room?"

Alia shook her head and said, "Saint Son Su is Ben Gong's trump card, and Ben Gong does not want others to know about it for the time being. Living in the dormitory is also an expedient measure.

"The bottom card?

Su Shi frowned, "I don't seem to have promised you yet?"

Although the other party is Yu Lian'er's good friend and is very concerned about his affairs, this matter is the internal affairs of Sha Xinguo after all. 500

Any words related to imperial power, conspiracy, and succession are generally very troublesome.

What he hates most is trouble.

Aria Dai frowned, "I am so help you, you are not touched at all?"

Su Shi shrugged, "I'm sorry, I've been in the magic way for thirteen years, and my heart has long been as cold as my sword."

Alia rolled his eyes at him.

Although the time they spent together was short, she could feel that although Su Shi was not a good person, she had her own principles and bottom lines.

"This palace doesn't care."

Alia hugged her shoulders, "If you don't help Ben Gong, Ben Gong will tell Lian'er that you insulted Ben Gong and peeked at the queen's dressing!"

Su Shi frowned, "Are you threatening me?"

Alia raised her delicate chin, "You guessed it right..."

Before the words were finished, a red rope flew over and tied her firmly.

His hands were tied together and held high above his head, revealing his exquisite figure.

"Su Shengzi, what are you doing?"

Alia looked at him blankly.

Su Shi sneered: "Since it's said that I insulted you, isn't it too bad for me not to do something?

"You, you dare?

Alia nervously said: "Everything outside (bcec) is the imperial guard, if you dare to mess around, this palace will call someone!"

"You shout, no one will come to save you if you shout.

Su Shi carried her to the bed.

Aaliyah wriggled like a caterpillar.

But the gap between the two is too great, and she has no ability to struggle at all.

Su Shi threw her on the bed.

Falling into the soft mattress, Alia was flustered and stammered: "You, you, don't mess around, you are worthy of Lian'er..."

Before he could finish speaking, Su Shi was sitting cross-legged on the ground.

"Get some rest early, there's still work to do tomorrow."

Aaliyah was stunned.

"Are you frightening Ben Gong just now? 95

Su Shi said lightly: "As I said, I'm not interested in washboards."

"...Nonsense, this palace is not a washboard!"

Alia's face was slightly red, and she glared at him angrily.

Just now I almost thought that Su Shi was really thinking about it.

This time she understood why Yu Lian'er always called him a "bad" person...

Really dead!

She looked down and muttered in a low voice, "Where does it look like a washboard? It's so annoying! 99

In the hotel room.

Jiang Yuan paced anxiously.

"Where did the Son go? 39

As soon as he entered the Sand Heart Country, Su Shi asked him to find a place to stay, but he disappeared.

It was dark now, but there was still no movement.

"It's not going to happen, is it?"

"Why don't you tell the sect..."

At this moment, he seemed to sense something.

When I took out the sect spiritual jade, I saw a gleaming ray of light on it, and vaguely came the unique fluctuations of the Nether Sect.

"It's the news from the Holy Son!

[I am in the palace, everything is safe. ]

After deciphering the information, Jiang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

It's fine.

But why did the Son suddenly run to the palace?

Jiang Yuan pinched his chin, remembering the blond princess of Sha Xinguo, and a sudden smile flashed across his eyes.

"Go to the palace to pick up girls? As expected of a holy son!"

Weiyang Capital, Yugan Palace.

The sky was already dark, and Feng Chaoge was still at his desk to review the memorial.

She hadn't been back to the bedroom for a long time.

Because as soon as you step into the room, the figure of that person will appear in your mind.

Only by keeping yourself busy, can you barely divert your attention.

At this time, the imperial court lady walked quickly into the hall and said in a panic, "Your Majesty, something happened!"

Feng Chaoge didn't lift his head, flipped through the memorial, "Furious, panicked, what kind of formality? Could it be that there is trouble in the northern border again?

The female official shook her head and said, "No, it's about Duke Zhen Guo.


Feng Chao singer's memorial was accidentally torn in half.

The air was quiet for a moment.

"What happened to Duke Zhen?"

Feng Chaoge's voice was low.

The female official lowered her head and said, "The Western Regions sent back a report that Duke Zhen Guo was taken away by the people of Mochen Country, it seems that it was because the Second Prince was killed.

Since Mo Chen came to make it.

The Holy Emperor sent people to the desert to keep an eye on the movements of the Mochen Kingdom.

Unexpectedly, the other party really dared to attack Su Shi!


The atmosphere dropped to freezing point, there seemed to be thunder in the void, and the entire bedroom trembled under the glory of heaven!

The female officer knelt on the ground tremblingly, breathing a little hard.

"It seems that my warning, they did not take it to heart."

"Very well, then I will do as he wishes! 39

"Passing on my will, the general Wei Su, led 30,000 tigers and Ben army, went to the oasis in the Western Regions, and surrounded the country of Mochen!

"If Duke Zhen has any mistakes, he will directly destroy the city and destroy the country, and wash the gold with blood!

Feng Chaoge's voice echoed in the hall.

"Hu Ben Army?""

The female officer looked horrified.

That is the forbidden army guarding the king's lineage, and each of them is a leader in the army.

Thirty thousand tigers can be a million teachers!

"Your Majesty, with such a big fanfare, I am afraid it will attract dissatisfaction from the oasis countries, should we send messengers first...

Feng Chaoge's voice was cold, "I have already given them a chance.

"Su Shi is a hero of the human race, and more importantly, Grand Duke Linlang! If he can't even protect him, what qualifications do I have to call myself the co-lord of the world?"

"Whoever dares to intervene in the oasis countries will let Wei Su be destroyed together!"

She is in charge of Qiankun, and she is the most powerful person in the world, and she is also diligent in political affairs, making Linlang a top-level power.

All this is done not to reason with others!

Looking at Feng Chaoge's murderous eyes, the female official couldn't help shivering.

Your Majesty is really hot this time!

Sand Heart Country, the bedroom.

Aaliyah opened her eyes dazedly.

After seeing the scene in front of him, his eyes suddenly became round.

"Holy, Holy Son?!

Chapter 175: The destiny character Alia? Is the emperor dying?

Alia's eyes were wide open and she stared at Su Shi blankly.

I saw him sitting cross-legged on the ground, golden flames burning all over his body, revealing his strong and sturdy muscles.

"He is practicing? Why doesn't he wear clothes?"

"Obviously looks like a scholar, but he is so strong..."

Recalling that last night in the queen's bedroom, the two were huddled together in a small closet, clinging to their strong chest, with almost no gap.

Aaliyah's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"Bah, bah, what is this palace thinking about!"

"This man is the most annoying!"

Not only to scare people, but also tied her with ropes to make her look like that.

As the princess of Sha Xinguo, why has she ever suffered this kind of treatment?

Aaliyah turned her head away from looking at him, but after a while, her eyes couldn't help but glance over.

I have to admit that such handsome men are rare indeed...

Su Shi closed his eyes slightly.

The mind completely sank into the incomplete ancient clock.

The Hunyuan Taihe Fu automatically runs, and the Desolate Star Divine Flame is constantly tempering his body.

The realm of the first turn has been perfect.

"Unfortunately, the power of Shenyan is still a little short, and it is not enough to push Taihe Fu into the second round."

There are nine rounds of Taihe Fu.

Take heaven and earth as the furnace, use the flesh to smelt elixir, and finally see the infinite good fortune.

If you want to achieve a breakthrough, you must temper yourself with a higher-quality divine flame.

The Desolate Star Divine Flame is of high quality, but he can't even break through the first turn.

The difficulty of Taihe Fu cultivation is evident!

"Bitian Shenhuo, plus Taihe Fu, it seems that this is the real inheritance of ancient emperors."

"It's just that the difficulty of cultivation is really too high."

Not to mention how harsh the requirements of Taihefu are.

Just improving the quality of Shenyan can already stumped countless people.

"Fortunately, I have a store.

Su Shi opened the system panel.

[Host: Destiny Killer Su Shi]

[Status: full of qi and blood, refreshed]

[Talent: Perfect Saint Product]

[Realm: Early Nascent Soul]

[Gong method: Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Taihe Fu (First Revolution), Heaven and Human Scripture (Consummation), Nether Breathing Method (Dacheng), Netherworld Magical Art (Xiaocheng)... 1

[Plot value: 150 points]

To exchange Pure Origin Tinder, 260 plot points are required.

With the power of the Desolate Star God Flame, probably a pure source fire can successfully break through.

"Fortunately, it's not as difficult as I thought."

At this moment, Su Shi noticed that an emblem was flashing on the panel.

Take a closer look:

[The Destiny Killer effect is triggered. ]

[Trigger object: Alia. ]

The achievement of Destiny Killer was obtained after killing Ye Xiao, the protagonist of the original book.

As long as there is a destiny character around, you can improve your various attributes, even temperament and charm.

The so-called destiny character is the original protagonist of the book.

Yun Qiluo, Feng Chaoge, Zhan Qingchen, Chen Qingluan, Yu Lian'er... As long as these people appear beside Su Shi, they can trigger the effect of "Destiny Killer".

But Aaliyah was an accident.

The name is not mentioned in the original book.

"Is it a hidden man of destiny?

"Or did I change the plot and also change the character's identity?"

Su Shi thought secretly in his heart.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw Alia looking straight at him, not knowing what she was thinking.

Su Shi stretched out his hand and shook it in front of her, "What are you looking at, haven't you seen a handsome guy?

"Who, who looked at you?"

Alia came back to her senses and blushed and said, "You quickly put on your clothes, it's so frustrating."

Su Shi shrugged, "I'm not afraid of burning my clothes.

He stood up and changed into a narrow-sleeved robe.

Alia's eyes were erratic, as if she didn't know where to look.

"Okay, let's go.


The two walked out of the bedroom.

"your Highness.

"I have seen Her Royal Highness.

The palace maids who came and went all bowed to greet him, but no one cared about Su Shi beside him.

With Aaliyah's cooperation, Su Shi quickly turned over the entire bedroom.


Su Shi frowned, "Looks like things aren't here.

Alia said: "If it's not here, then it should be on the father's side.

Since the emperor of Sha Xinguo became seriously ill, he has been living in the Funing Hall, and is taken care of by the imperial doctor of the Taiyuan Hospital.

"But there are many people over there..."

At this moment, a palace maid walked over quickly.

"your Highness!"

Seeing the other party's flustered expression, Alia Dai frowned slightly, "What happened?"

...for flowers...

The palace maid breathed heavily, bowed and said, "Your Majesty, he doesn't seem to be in a good condition, the Empress asked you to go to the Funing Hall as soon as possible.


Alia was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked, "What happened to the royal father?"

The palace maid shook her head and whispered: "His Royal Highness should go as soon as possible."

Alia realized something.

She looked anxious, and flew towards the Funing Hall without touching the ground.

Su Shi hesitated for a while, but still raised his legs and followed.

Funing Hall.

When they arrived, a lot of people had gathered in front of the palace, and the imperial doctors of the entire Imperial Hospital were here.

Each one's expression is extremely solemn.

Seeing Alia coming, they all bowed and greeted, "I have seen Her Royal Highness."


Alia looked at one of the white-bearded old men and asked, "Envoy Zhebu, what happened to the royal father?"

Zhebu sighed, "Your Majesty may not be able to survive today.

Alia's face paled, "How is it possible? Didn't it say before that it could last another three months?

Zhebu shook his head and said: "I don't know why the old minister, the speed of His Majesty's deterioration suddenly accelerated, and now the desertification has spread to the heart. 35

Aaliyah swayed.

She was also thinking about how to obtain the divine beads and help her father to lift the curse.

But I didn't expect that the emperor could not survive even today!

in the palace.

The atmosphere was quiet and low.

A thin middle-aged man was lying on the bed, his face was sallow, his eyes were slack, and yellow sand was constantly seeping out from under the quilt.

The queen sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes were red, and she had just been crying bitterly.


Seeing Aaliyah walking in, the corner of the man's mouth twitched into a smile, "Aaliyah, you're here.

The man wanted to raise his hand, but only a wisp of yellow sand was thrown up.

His body had turned into sand from the chest down.

Alia sat beside him, her eyes were misty, and she choked: "Father, why did you become like this?

The man sighed and said nothing.

Su Shi on the side frowned slightly.

"This emperor seems to be..."

He seemed to have thought of something, his eyes suddenly froze, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Interesting. Thousandq