Within the Green Abyss Forest, Zhou Lin is fighting against the pack of Feral Wolves. The Feral Wolves are known to be a very strong Demonic Beast. Each of them being a match against a peak Human Realm expert.
Feral Wolves are a ferocious bunch who lurks within the forests. There are many packs of these wolves living around the continent. Existing along with the many Demonic Beasts and fighting for their own territory.
Even Earth Realm Cultivators don't dare to fight them alone. They need at least a group of them to even safely defeat a single one.
This time he is fighting a large group of them, which is already a dangerous thing. Feral Wolves are strong, fast, and smart. They're greatest weapon is their ferociousness against their opponent coupled with their amazing cooperation.
It is said that if a pack of Feral Wolves sets their eyes on you, then you are already dead.
Those who are at the higher stages of the Nature Realm can hope to contend against the pack of Feral Wolves, and even then it will be called lucky.
He quickly notices just how strong they are from the amount of Qi leaking out of from their large body. They have more power within them than those prodigies within the Cloud Wind City.
When one of them pounces on his side, the others are already moving around and blocking every possible escape routes he can use. When he struck the one who pounces on him, two more will replace it to bite his leg and his arm.
When he strikes the another one and dodges the other by ducking, another will pounce behind him, and seems to be intent to overwhelm him with it's weight.
It is only thanks to his own Supreme Martial Arts that instead of it falling on top of him, he manages to counter it by raising his feet behind him and kicking it straight to it's exposed belly with a sharp kick infused with a great amount of Qi.
Still, despite the shocking display, the wolves are not even bothered as they continue their assault at him. The others are circling around him to find a chance to sneak on his blindspot, while the others distract him by throwing their bodies at him with ferocity.
Even those who he has struck fatally are still moving and snarling at him as if the broken bones within their body doesn't matter. Even as those who are coughing blood get struck by his fists or his kicks, they still stand up as if they are an undying force.
It only took a few minutes before he notices that he only manages to kill a few. The majority he beats up are not even retreating. Their maddened eyes are just glaring at him as they snarled while charging at him.
"Che! Do you think I'm scared!"
He is indeed a bit scared. He is only pumping himself up by letting out battle cries and striking them with pinpoint strikes to further cause pain or even kill them instantly.
Still, these wolves are surprisingly tenacious. Despite attacking them with a strength that can destroy trees, they are somehow enduring it. Their furs and skin are as thick as a rubber. He felt like he is using his fist against an elastic ball or something.
'Just them alone and I'm already struggling...!' He thought to himself before glancing at the obvious leader of these wolves who is standing proud and looking down on him on that tall rock. 'And that one is still not attacking me yet!'
These wolves are supposed to be more weaker to him. It's their formation and their strong defiance against him that is causing him trouble. They tolerate pain like maniacs, their cooperation is impeccable, and they are harder to kill than he was hoping for.
He can only kill them instantly if he hits them with their vital points. Like eyes, head, and their belly. Other than that there is nothing else to do but only to hope for the best.
He dodges a series of pounces, claw attacks, and bites, before he uses his newfound ability to incorporate on his Supreme Martial Arts.
"Lightning Control!"
Due to learning Lightning Control, he acquired the relevant knowledge of how to use it. So it felt like a switch he only needs to turn on and he can quickly activate it.
Lightning was released when he pointed his finger at one of the wolf. That wolf was instantly struck, but instead of being turned to ashes it's fur only stands on end and it fell on the ground while convulsing.
'It died.... but it's really tough if it's body wasn't reduced to ashes...' He thought in a bit of awe and nervousness.
He has realized just how ridiculous is this world. Despite releasing a lightning that has enough strength to turn a whole tree into cinders, the wolf's body can somehow endure it that they only turned into roasted wolf corpse.
That defies any common sense. The laws of physics truly doesn't matter on this world.
'Well... even animals can become cultivators in this world, and becoming a cultivator means paving the path to immortality. So I think having a strong flesh is just normal for anyone living here...' He reasoned within his mind.
This further strengthens his impression of this world. He must forget what he knows on his past life and adapt to the ways of this world. That's the only way he can survive.
He quickly turned his head to see the alpha finally moving and take the field. The other wolves seems to have sensed it as after he punches the remaining wolf who pounces at him, literally anyone surrounding him takes a few steps back. Taking their distance from him.
Now, the wolf alpha is standing there in front of him.
He wasn't really that tired. Strengthening his body and his cultivation level seems to have extended his stamina greatly. That doesn't mean he has unlimited energy. If this takes any longer, it will be very bad with him.
"I have to finish this quickly!"
With that declaration under his breathe, he quickly pointed his finger at the wolf and uses Lightning Control to surprise attack him with a lightning.
Surprisingly, the wolf manages to dodge it. It's speed surpasses his imagination.
He didn't have enough time to even think about it as the wolf is quickly covering the distance between them. Even with his Thought Acceleration, the speed of the wolf is astounding. It's like it's a bullet shooting through the air and going straight at him.
When he shoots another lightning at it, it only changes it's trajectory in a diagonal manner. Before continuing it's quick strides towards him.
This is the leader of the Feral Wolves. The Feral Wolf Alpha. It was known to be a stronger variant of a Feral Wolf. It can easily kill Earth Realm Cultivators, and even give trouble to Nature Realm Cultivators by it's lonesome.
Only those on the Mountain Realm, a realm higher than the Nature Realm, is capable of contending against it with ease.
It is why no one in this city even dares to venture deep within the forest. Because Demonic Beasts like this one roams the forest. There are many types of beasts who have the same or superior power than this alpha wolf.
"Che! You think your the only one who can do those kind of speed?" He yelled at it with a glare of his own.
It is very risky, but he decided he won't be scared by something like this.
He takes a runner stance, before quickly bursting with immense speed. His vision zooming until he is instantly in front of the beast. His hand already in a pointing gesture, and turning it to it's snout. The beast seems to have reacted even at that speed as it opens it's mouth to bite his hand pointed at it.
He is the faster one though as before it closes it's mouth, he quickly managed to release a lightning straight to it's gullet.
In a single thunderous clap, the beast was blown away with it's mouth still smoking. Even it's ears and nose are leaking with smokes and there seems to be a smell of burnt meat and acid spreading on the surroundings.
"Haaaaa!" He let out a heaved of nervous sigh, as he touches his chest. A bead of sweat sliding on his cheek as he felt his heart pounding so much in both fear and excitement.
As he straightened his gaze and glances around him, he saw the wolves surrounding him have all their tails standing upright. They are visibly shook as they gaze at him, and some were even whining softly.
He growled at them, and secretly hoping that they leave.
He can still fight, but he didn't want this fight to get longer. He felt like he might slip up sooner as his heart is still pounding so much in nervousness. He really wanted to get back to his house in one piece.
He is thankful that the wolves are intimidated. They quickly turned around and ran away. Leaving the corpses of some of their pack and their leader.
He stayed in his upright position for awhile until he is sure that no malicious Qi are near him anymore. When he confirmed that the wolves are not here, he finally sagged into the ground while feeling a great relief.
"Aaaaah.... I'm alive!" He said while feeling very proud of himself.
It is his first battle, and as expected it is very tough. This also shows him that he is still not strong enough that he can have an easy life on this world.
'I need to acquire more power until something like this doesn't happen. I'm sure there are stronger cultivators out there who can beat these wolves with ease.'
Once again, the bubbling arrogance taking root on his heart was destroyed after experiencing something like this. He thought he is already very strong in this world's standards when he saw those children the city is calling as prodigies. Who would have thought that his thinking is so shallow?
He stood up, and look at the wolf corpses around him.
".... Well, I heard Demonic Beasts are delicious. I think I should take some." He said with a shrug before carrying the corpse of the leader of the corpse.
That's the only beast he can carry as it is more larger than his own body.
With that, he quickly left the scene while making sure that he is using the Presence Concealment Technique. He didn't want another group of Demonic Beasts to notice him.