
Becoming Pokémon

On the way home Alex is summoned to another world, a Pokémon world. He makes friends and join to their team. On the way to the town to register him as official member of the team he had an accident and got turned into a Pokémon but there's problem. What was that problem? Read to find out :)

Domini_Goz · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 17

Alex quickly looked around. And there were no smoke. And the fireplace was burning. He relaxed himself a little seeing it. He took a quick look at the kitchen. Nobody was there. No even at the dining table. He walked upstairs to the bedroom. He saw all three of them sleeping. Now he was really relaxed. He quickly and quietly run to the window. There was no fire. No panic and screams. Just a normal day in the city. Pokémon's walking on the street and blue sky with some clouds

"*Sigh* I wish I could eat some chips or fries..." Said Alex

Then John woke up and said to him

"What are those chips and fries? And how and when did you walked in here so quietly?"

Alex looked at him and said

"Oh... Sorry I didn't meant to wake you up. And to answer your questions. Chips are very thin slices of potatoes fried in oil and sprinkled with salt. And fries are long, small sticks made of potatoes and fried in deep oil and sprinkled with salt. Even those are simple they are very tasty"

John stood up and walked closer to Alex. Placed his grey hand on his shoulder and said

"Do you miss your world?"

Alex looked down and then looked at the city outside of the window. Then after some time he said

"Yes and no..."

John looked surprised

"Why not?" He said with really high noticeable curiosity

"I miss my world because it is much more advanced, has good food and because I was a ruler of the world-wide company. I could literally get anything from that money I had... But I don't miss because if you were poor you couldn't do anything. Literally nothing. People who don't like others that are better than them or someone because he like something... And because it has an unofficial rule... 'The strongest and most advanced wins'..."

When Alex said that he started crying and looked down. John's hand was still on his shoulder so he hugged him.For the first time for a long time he hugged someone and cried at the same time.

Then rest has woken up. They saw Alex and John hugging each other and that Alex was crying in his shoulders. They didn't knew what happened but it didn't stopped then from hugging Alex all at once



Some time later when Alex stopped crying they left the house and headed to the guild because they still had to get Alex's badge

"Are you okay now Alex?" Said Alice

"Y-yeah... Some bad memories came back..."

"Hey Alex... You said that there is one unofficial rule in your world... 'The strongest and most advanced wins'... Wins with who?" Said Bob

Alex looked down and said

"Only humans can understand eachother. Humans cannot understand animals... But they can understand sometimes humans... Because of that humans are other humans only worst enemies... *Alex stopped and looked at them* And you don't want to know what humans can do to others..."

They saw tears on Alex's face. They understood that it really must be something bad... Or worse...

"Let's go... We have to take your badge" said Alice



The rest of the way they walked in silence. And when they opened the guilds door they saw guild master waiting for them

"Oh there you are. I was starting to worry about that you won't come. I want to talk to you in my room. Now" he said

The end of chapter 17

Hi guys

I want to tell you guys that I had created an account on the Wattpad

My name should be the same but if it isn't then my alternative name is "sparrolek"

I will create this novel there too

But don't worry because I will continue writing here

I will just copy paste my work from here to Wattpad

And as always if you have any suggestions for the story write them in the comments

Also if you find any misspellings or grammar mistakes please write them in the comments because I'm not from England or America so I'm still learning English

Domini_Gozcreators' thoughts