
Becoming Pokémon

On the way home Alex is summoned to another world, a Pokémon world. He makes friends and join to their team. On the way to the town to register him as official member of the team he had an accident and got turned into a Pokémon but there's problem. What was that problem? Read to find out :)

Domini_Goz · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 16

Alex woke up and saw that he is in the living room on the sofa. There was a smoke in the room. But surprisingly he could breath freely. He stood up and looked around but there was nobody

'Starnge... Where is everyone? And why is everything in smoke? I should look for them' thought Alex

He went to the kitchen. But he didn't found anything. Oven was off same as furnace

'Hmm... Smoke can't be from here... There wasn't any fire in the fireplace either... Very strange...'

Alex went upstairs. There was even more smoke. He looked in every room but couldn't find anybody

'They are not in the house... Maybe they gone to the guild? I should go there today to receive my badge'

He went downstairs and as he opened the door he saw really bad view. Everything was on fire. He could hear screams and panic

'W-what is happening here?!' he thought

Then black triangle flew with incredible speed and he heard jet engine sound

'Oh no... No... Please... Don't tell me that it is what I think it is...'

He rushed to the guild with fear and panic on his face. Then he hear three loud explosions and he fell to the ground when some force pushed him forward



When he gained consciousness he tried to stood up but something pushed him to the ground again. This time it wasn't something... But someone. He raised his head and saw five soldiers

"Heh... It looks like this one is still alive. Well. Tide him and take him with us. We have one building left to check" said first one

"Yes sir!" Rest shouted



Some time later they stood in front of the guild. Surprisingly this was the only building that wasn't damaged

"So... You want to kill everyone in the guild?" Said Alex

"So you can talk... Unlike everyone else. And we don't want to kill them. We want to capture them" said soldier captain

"Heh... I see... I watched too much movies and comics to know what you to do with Pokémon's..."

"So in this world are also movies?" Said second soldier (one that was holding Alex's rope)

"No... This world don't know what even radio is. I know that because I watched them at home... In human world... As a human..."

Soldiers looked at him surprised. But before they could say some he already took his knife and make him free

"Drop it!" Shouted captain when they pointed their guns at him

"If what you said is true then you know what it is" said fourth soldier

"Życie jest grą. Istotne by swoją rolę grać dobrze, obojętnie jaka by ona była...(***) And my role is to protect this world..." Said Alex when he took his fighting position

"That language... And those words... Could it be... What is your na-" captain couldn't finish his sentence when very loud bang stopped him

Alex felt pain in his stomach. He looked down and saw that he have big hole there. He looked at the soldiers before he fell to the ground. He could see suprise on their faces. He closed his eyes waiting for the moment of hitting the ground. But no matter how long he waited he couldn't feel the impact. He opened his eyes and saw that he is in the black void while still falling

'Am I... Dead?' he thought


He heard familiar voice coming from the void

"Why did you let us die?" Said same voice

"Who are you?" He said

"Don't you remember us?"

Now he remembers the voice. It was Alice's voice

"I remember you..."

"Good. Wake up Alex. We are waiting for you here"

Then he felt the impact and woke up


The end of chapter 16

*** It means that life is a game and everyone has it's own role. And that we should always play our roles no matter what the role is

Domini_Gozcreators' thoughts