
Becoming Invincible With My Revenant System

After dying in an explosion. Lin Min, an ordinary man with and extraordinary hidden past travels to a world unlike any other, a world filled with many mysteries and realities. Since time innumerable humans and beasts alike from this strange world have harnessed 'Vibes' energy to acquire immortality and unimaginable power. As fate would have it Lin Min's new body had limited talent and could be considered utter trash incapable of cultivating. Luckily he hears a Whisper from within and awaken a God-like system with the ability to seize chattel of the dead including cultivation talent. Walk with Lin Min as he starts his cultivation journey side by side with the Revenant system while experiencing the terror and cruelty of this new world and discovering the mystery of his Prodigious past Until he becomes Invincible in the Myriad realms!.

Pizza_overlord · Fantasy
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15 Chs


Chapter 9: Return

However Lin Tao soon calm his mind, there was no way that guy could come back alive, even if he did it would be in different bits and pieces.

Lin Tao shrugged off his worried thoughts as the sound of hoofs stumping and wheels rolling reached his ear.

'hmm, A carriage, its probably here to bring health supplies"

He concluded in his heart before reluctantly turning to look at who it was capable of causing such a large reaction from everyone, and just as he expected he saw a carriage but was taken aback by how luxurious it was, it was actually being pulled by two powerful dragon colts.

'which merchant is so wealthy to have two dragon colts., this is mine first time seeing one, and I'm even lucky to see two at once.." Lin Tao continued to admire the dragon colts but was soon interrupted by a loud shout coming from behind him.

who could that be if not Lin Huana, unlike most people present that only had their eyes on the two dragon colts and ignored the people sitting in the coach sit, Lin Huana was looking for her son so she immediately looked at the sit and saw her son sitting there with his head leaning back as if he was resting?


Lin Huan cried out after a brief moment of shock, the joy in her heart was in full display in her voice, and she immediately dashed forward towards the carriage.

"How?" Lin Tao was dumbfounded when he heard that name, his eyes also landed on the boy in tattered robes sitting beside the unremarkable-looking coachman.

Lin Huana's movements were so quick that some of the people watching couldn't follow. and she soon arrived in front of her son.

she quickly pulled him into her embrace, her hands wrapped around his fat body with a little bit of difficulty and she hugged Lin Min so hard that he almost suffocated to death.

At the moment of the hug, silence enveloped the surroundings and as if they had agreed beforehand, everyone chose to remain silent and observe the heartwarming sight of a mother reuniting with her son

By the side, the third elder raised his eyebrows and was frowning deeply, he was surprised by how fast Lin Huana moved just now, her movement just now wasn't ordinary and required an equally extraordinary cultivation base to activate meaning she was very powerful!

He thought, "Uh? that speed!..this bitch is really making good use of the clan's resources..no wonder she was arrogant just now, too bad she's only a bearer of my Lin clan's name but in actuality, she's an outsider that was married into our family... I have to inform the leader we'll have to find a way to suppress her.....but what a nice scene this is."

As he was waiting for Lin Huana and Lin Min to finish their reunion, he cast a glance at the carriage once again, his piercing gaze carefully observed the people that brought that annoying fatty back here and he was shocked and senseless by what he saw.

'This can't be!"

The third elder muttered in surprise when he laid eyes on the swords and iron fist Symbol on the chariot, he immediately realized what it represented.

He started having a physiological battle inside and thought it was some kind of mistake, how could a chariot belonging to the city lord appear in the Lin clan manor?

And not only that, they brought the fatty back home after his mysterious disappearance, that can't be, doesn't that mean they have some sort of relationship?

if that was the case, then they were in for a lot of trouble today...no it has to be a mix-up

Thinking up to this point he quickly turned his head to look at the coachman closely, hoping he was wrong, but all his hopes broke down when his eyes landed on the unremarkable-looking old man.

At this point, he didn't need anyone to tell him to leave here immediately and report the matter, so he silently removed himself.

someone else was even more shocked and scared than the third elder among the people remaining.

'shit didn't those Xi bastards sure me of his death, how come he's able to walk back here now.... I'm going to fucking skin those bastards alive and grind their bones to powder" Lin Tao was livid in his heart!.

"Mom..... Can.. you let me go... you are hurting me" Lin Min's voice suddenly echoed from the side.


Lin Huana reluctantly let go of him with tears in her eyes, but she noticed something odd from his voice, he sounded frail, only then did she take a close look back at him.

Her son looked like he had aged a few months and had lost a lot of weight, his face was pale white like a sheet of paper, several visible marks were showing on his body, and his eyes were wrapped with bandages.

"Lin'er????? are you alright??, say something!!!, what happened to you? who is the cruel bastard that did this to you? and where have you been? you've lost much weight in just two days! what happened to your eyes? " Lin Min asked a barrage of questions with a tender voice, her face showed deep concern and she wanted to know what was going on, unfortunately, she didn't get any reaction from Lin Min, whose bandaged face just stared in a random direction.

"Alright, you are probably tired and need some rest, let's go home I'll prepare a spiritual medicine bath for you to help you recover quickly," After saying so she immediately pulled Lin Min with her tender hands and began to guide him away but before she left she gave a deep respective bow to Jun Tao sitting in front of the carriage and expressed her heartfelt gratitude, "Thank you very much, great swordsman, for returning my son safely back to me, If I ever get a chance to repay you I wouldn't spare any efforts to do so"

"I did it because I wanted to and not for any reward" Jun Tao replied emotionlessly, he didn't really care about her thanks and casually waved her off in reply, his focus was somewhere else, his eyes were moving around in different directions for any impending attack so he could strike first

Huana didn't bother him further and began pulling Lin Min away again.

"Mom can the people who brought me her come along too" Lin Min suddenly asked as he was being pulled away.

Huana was taken aback by his request and several thoughts briefly flashed through her mind, on one hand she felt her son was up to mischief again, and was trying to seduce the princess after falling in love with her in their journey here?, and on the other hand she felt the young miss of the city lord manor had an ulterior motive for openly coming here even though she was well aware of the tension between the three clans and their city lot mansion.

Regardless of her motive, she was the reason Huana could see her son once again and Hiana was extremely grateful for that, so she ignored her suspicion and said to Lin Min with a tender voice, "If that's what you want I will allow it."

Saying that she turned her attention to Jun Tao and asked calmly with cupped fists, "once again I thank you for bringing Lin'er back, and to express my appreciation ill like to invite you for dinner at my place.

Her words immediately caused an uproar among clan members watching.

" is she mad, doesn't she know that's the city Lord's daughter and the spawn of that devil how could she invite them into our home?"

"Isn't she afraid she might be poisoned to death by that evil girl, everyone we all should stay inside if she stays"

"yes that's right"

Jun Tao immediately wanted to say no, he wanted to leave here as fast as possible unfortunately before he say anything his young miss tender voice answered.

"it will be our pleasure, madam Huana" then a cute young girl walked out from the carriage.

Huana smiled at their reply and lightly said, "That's great to hear, you can leave your carriage and follow me" then she brought Lin Min away under the watch full gaze of angry clan members and elders