

John Keynes bound tyrant system. Open the novice spree and get the superhuman black hole fruit. Kill Shichibukai Moria and gain high-level armament. Conquer Cavendish and gain high-level arrogance. Kill the rebel pursuers and gain domineering power. Returning to the country for revenge, succeeded as king, and obtained the swordsmanship of the great swordsman. Conquer the giant pirate group, get the six-style training method of the navy, and increase the physique tenfold. …… With the help of the system, John Keynes became stronger and stronger, surpassing the Admiral and the Four Emperors. Attack all countries, destroy the four emperors, unify the four seas, and establish a new holy land!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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170 Chs

Chapter 23 The arrival of Marine

In the Royal Palace of Carlo, Badgers led the escort soldiers to pull carts of treasures to the palace.

This is the treasure that was looted from the homes of twelve nobles after the door was destroyed last night.

There are countless coins, gold and gems.

After calculation, the total price is about 25 billion Bailey.

On average, the wealth of each nobleman is about 2 billion baileys.

2 billion Bailey is already a lot, and the average national aristocrat does not have the property of 2 billion Bailey at all.

That is, in the Kingdom of Carlos, the nobles looted the wealth of the commoners to have so much money.

In addition, the four families including Farmiga that were destroyed before, and the legacy of Rhodes.

Keynes now has about $45 billion worth of property on hand.

(If Fortune has different opinions, don't spray if you don't like it.)

45 billion Bailey is indeed a huge wealth for individuals.

But for the entire Carlo Empire Kingdom, it is not much at all.

It can be said that these 45 billion Baileys are almost 70% or even 80% of the wealth of the Carlo Empire Kingdom.

Apart from the royal palace, the citizens of the Caro Empire had almost no money in their hands.

All their money was squeezed out by Rhodes and nobles.

There is still a lot to be done for Keynes to restore the Carlo Empire to the prosperity it was ten years ago, or even beyond it.

At this moment, the Karo Empire needs to be rebuilt, and the hungry citizens need food and shelter.

These all require money.

Just rebuilding the country and feeding its citizens doesn't know how much it will cost.

In addition, Keynes also plans to buy weapons to enhance the military's combat capabilities.

The 45 billion Bailey alone is not enough.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have enough money. There are many pirates in the sea, and you can get a lot of wealth just by collecting bounties."

"And there is also the golden city of Sky Island. I have no shortage of money on hand."

"What is lacking now, there are still powerful subordinates."

Keynes knows that there is a golden city on Sky Island. With his strength, he can completely rule the entire Sky Island and take the golden city as his own.

So he doesn't need to worry about lack of money.

What Keynes lacks now is a capable cadre.

Now he is on the throne and owns a country.

But the manpower around is still far from enough.

The only people who can help him do things and have combat power are Badgers and Cavendish.

Although Randall Quinn was the Prime Minister, he was a civilian, weak in combat, and old.

If he had a few more cadres under his command, he wouldn't need to take action in person for the annihilation last night.

In addition to the cadres, the soldiers of the escort army of the Caro Empire are also weak.

If such a guard army encounters a large pirate group, it will not be able to resist it.

Unlike John Lord, Keynes didn't want to mess around.

He doesn't need a weak army, he would rather abolish it and save a fortune.

What he needs is always the elite.

Bang bang bang.

At this moment, the sound of rapid footsteps sounded.

Randall Quinn came hurriedly.

"Your Majesty, Marine's warship has docked."

"What's so strange about Marine coming?"

Keynes said calmly: "The Carlo Empire is a member of the world, and there is a Marine Base in the country, perhaps to replenish supplies."

"No, it's not just Marine who came this time, but also the CP personnel of the Holy Land, who asked to meet His Majesty."

Randall added.


Keynes narrowed his eyes slightly.

CP, as a secret espionage agency under the Enies Lobby, an agency directly under the Holy Land, has been working for the Holy Land and Celestial Dragons.

This is a bunch of guys who will do anything to get their way.

It's generally not a good thing to have a relationship with them.

"What does CP do in the Kingdom of Carroll at this time?"

"Maybe it's because of the gold in the sky."

Randall guessed.

Randall was prime minister ten years ago and has a great deal of experience in state affairs.

And this time of year is also the time when each member country turns in the gold in the sky.

"Take them to the palace hall, I'll be there soon."

"Yes, Your Majesty the King."

Randall saluted and respectfully exited the study.


Palace Hall.

Randall entered with a group of Marine soldiers.

There were three people at the head, one was a CP member in a black suit, and the other two were Marine officers.

One is Vice Admiral, and the other is the base commander of Caro Empire, Brad Rear Admiral.

Vice Admiral and CP walked side by side, with Brad Rear Admiral one step behind.

Randall brought everyone into the palace, and seeing that Keynes did not come, the CP members headed were somewhat dissatisfied.

"Hey, hey, did we actually wait here? That guy is really arrogant."

Randall stood up and explained, "Sorry, His Majesty the King will be here soon, please wait a moment."

"Hey, you guy, do you know who we are? I'm…"

"Shut up, Spandam."

Marine Vice Admiral spoke up, with multiple X-shaped scars on his face and a terrifying expression.

"We didn't come here to cause trouble, be careful."

"Hey, Dauberman, are you ordering me?"

Spandam is despicable and sinister, even in the face of Marine elite Vice Admiral Dauberman, "I am a world conqueror, but your superior."

(Those two words will be harmonized, sorry.)
