

John Keynes bound tyrant system. Open the novice spree and get the superhuman black hole fruit. Kill Shichibukai Moria and gain high-level armament. Conquer Cavendish and gain high-level arrogance. Kill the rebel pursuers and gain domineering power. Returning to the country for revenge, succeeded as king, and obtained the swordsmanship of the great swordsman. Conquer the giant pirate group, get the six-style training method of the navy, and increase the physique tenfold. …… With the help of the system, John Keynes became stronger and stronger, surpassing the Admiral and the Four Emperors. Attack all countries, destroy the four emperors, unify the four seas, and establish a new holy land!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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170 Chs

Chapter 22 The night of the annihilation, the bloodbath of the twelve families

After the coronation ceremony, Keynes returned to the palace.

In fact, all of this is just a passing scene.

Rhodes was crowned king and needed the support of the nobles.

But Keynes doesn't need it.

Even if he is alone, he can still take over the throne.

What's more, the entire Keynes Kingdom's escort army has been subdued, led by Badgers.

All military and political power has been mastered by Keynes.

"Next, it's time to get rid of that swarm of worms."

Destroying Rhodes and the four families, Keynes's murderous intention has not been extinguished.

All nobles loyal to King Carlos VI have perished in the past decade.

All the nobles of the Carlo Empire Kingdom are now supported by Rhodes.

These nobles are all lawless, do many evils, and oppress the commoners, causing the entire Caro Empire Kingdom to be in chaos.

Keeping them will do all the harm and no benefit.

They now submit to Keynes' rule, not because they are loyal to Keynes, but out of fear of his power.

And Keynes, naturally, will not keep these worms at both ends of the first mouse.

Before clearing the remnants of the four families, as well as repairing the palace, and holding the coronation ceremony, they can still use it.

Now that everything is over, they will naturally lose their final use value.

"Cavendish, Badgers."

Keynes gave a soft cry.

Cavendish and Badgers immediately walked in from outside the hall.

"Wee ha ha ha ha, here I am, Captain Keynes."

Badgers still hasn't changed his name for Keynes.

In fact, in Badgers' view, the identity of Captain Keynes is more noble than the identity of the king.

In the world of One Piece, the title of captain originally represented strength and identity.

In contrast, the king fell into the inferior position.

Keynes asked, "Are you ready?"

"Yes, everything is ready."

Cavendish responded: "There are people in the twelve noble families watching to ensure that no one can escape."

"Okay, let's get started tonight."

Keynes walked to the window and saw on the far horizon that the sun was starting to set.

"Blood wash the twelve families, not a single one!"

"Yes, Captain!"


As night fell, the Kingdom of Caro was shrouded in darkness.

The lively atmosphere of the day gradually faded, and the entire Carlo Empire fell into a calm.

The Nadal family, one of the twelve nobles.

Keynes appeared silently on the roof of the Nadal family's castle, and none of the guards in charge of the outside world noticed his presence.

Unleashing the Observation Haki to sweep the castle, it didn't take a moment for Keynes to locate the head of the Nadal family, Nadal Anjosen.

call out!

Keynes disappeared above the roof.

In a room, Nadal Anjosen was eating a lot.

He was huge and covered in fat.

In one bite, you can eat a huge piece of flesh with bones.

There were more than a dozen guards in black suits standing around the room, responsible for protecting his personal safety.

Suddenly, the knife and fork on the dining table flew up by themselves.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

Knives and forks are flying at an extremely fast speed, invisible to the naked eye.

The guards in the room, as well as Nadal Anyosen himself, were stabbed in the throat with a knife and fork.

No one screamed, everyone died at the same instant.

After killing the boss, Keynes began to bloody the castle.

In the darkness, a small sharp knife was quickly shuttled through the air under the control of the black hole's gravity.

The knife flashed, and someone was pierced by a knife through his throat.

In a small room, several senior officials of Nadal were discussing matters.

The knife broke into the door, flashed back a few times in the room, and everyone was killed.

The Nadal family members, branches, subordinates, thugs and servants in the castle were all silently assassinated.

In just a few minutes, the Nadal family castle became a Shura field.

More than 200 members of the Nadal family were killed, and none of them survived.

Keynes appeared on the roof of the castle, sensed it with Observation Haki, and disappeared into the air after confirming that there was no survivor's breath.

He is going to the next target family.

After he left, the soldiers of the escort entered the castle quietly and began to deal with the funeral.

All the corpses were packed and taken away, the Bloodline on the ground was cleaned, and all the Nadal family's inheritance was taken away.

The action was neat and tidy, and the whole process did not disturb outsiders.

By the time everyone left, the Nadal family castle had been looted, and all the living and treasures had disappeared.

It was as if the members of the Nadal family had fled with the treasure themselves.

At the same time, Badgers and Cavendish also infiltrated other target families and began to kill the family.

After the assassination, there are also special escort soldiers responsible for washing the ground.

In this way, the twelve noble families of the Carlo Empire Kingdom were wiped out overnight.

After that, the citizens of the Caro Empire suddenly discovered that the nobles who had oppressed the commoners in the past had never appeared again.

Some people think that it is the constraint of the king, and they dare not come out to bully people again.

Some people think that they have left the Karo Empire, others think that they have broken the law and been thrown into prison by the king.

But in either case, the citizens of the Caro Empire were very happy.

Without the oppression of the nobles, their lives could be better.
