
Beauty of Magic

In the midst of a failed drug deal, Raven and his friend stumble upon a kidnapped girl, who turns out to be the second princess to the throne. This chance meeting thrusts the criminal Raven into the dangerous world. How will this meeting impact the life of a criminal like Raven?

Mesarik · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Aboard Cultist Ship

Climbing down the Creeping Ivy, Theresa asks me what's the plan. "Plan? Does it look like I have a plan? We're climbing down a Creeping Ivy, a few stories above the ground!"

Finally reaching the ground, I peek from behind the corner only to see normal patrol guards.

"You sure we didn't just break into some docks? Cause I sure have that feeling." Telling me to hush, she points at the workers. "Look, they're loading a lot of cargo very quickly, they must be trying to move it from here as fast as possible."

Theresa almost yells as she spotted a man robed in yellow walking onto the ship. "That's him! That's Oswald!" Standing proudly as if the whole world moved around him, He brushes his brown hair back and watches the goods be loaded onto the ship.

Asking her what we should do, she tells me that we should get on that ship and check its cargo. Nodding my head, we move towards the ship. Running up the ramp, I look at our back making sure, we don't get spotted.

Now moving through the small spaces between the containers. Getting to the ones in the middle, Theresa tries to open one, only for a lock to stop her. Pulling out her gun she readies herself to blast it, but I stop her.

"They're more civilized ways, to opening a locked lock." Showing her my small metal tools. I put in a snake-looking thing and began to shake the lock violently. "What are you doing? That's not how you pick a -"

*Click* Taking the lock off, I smile and look Theresa dead in the eyes. "I'm sorry, who doesn't know how locks work again?" Sighing, she accepts her defeat, and we look inside. There are a lot of small crates stacked on top of each other. Grabbing one, I rip the lid off.

"No way... A medium amulet." While Theresa takes a look, I grab another crate only to find another medium. "Something wrong? It's just mediums?"

Shaking my head, I point to the dark crystal which has a slight yellow streak on it. "Lantern mediums, this for enhancing your shadow manipulation." Raising her eyebrow, Theresa tells me it's true, but just because they're a shadow medium doesn't pin them as criminals.

Seeing that it's getting, nowhere, I put them back and close the door of the container.

"Hey, you! Who are you!" Getting noticed by a guy, I quickly run to him and hit his head on the metal railing. Falling to the ground, I see a lantern tattoo on his neck.

"Ne mercy then." Pushing him off the board, Theresa runs to me screaming. "Raven! I agree that we need him to shut up, but you can't kill him!" Telling her that he had the tattoo, she argues that everyone is to be treated as innocent until proven guilty.

Finding it funny, we get into a heated argument, which ends only once the whole boat starts to move. Catching onto the railing, I sigh. "The last time I was on a boat, I was being kidnapped inside one of these containers." Turnign to the other containers, I decided to simply unlock them all. Lock after lock, Theresa checks the inside.

Stopping at one, I ask. "Found something?" Taking a peek inside, I see bags, no, entire pallets of white powder. Stabbing her finger into one of them, Theresa smiled. "It's cocaine."

"No way! really? Damn, I thought it was sugar! Wait, let me check." Stabbing my finger into it, I nod. "Yep, cocaine." Not taking my remark lightly, Theresa says she will call the river guard to stop this ship.

But as she's about to do that, her shadow wobbles. "Get down!" Pulling Theresa to the ground, I see her shadow stab the place where she stood. "It seems that They're smarter than they look." A Woman's voice resounds

"Two huh? This could be troublesome." This time a man's voice.

"No matter, More than one, less than three" The woman says

Seeing two hooded individuals atop the containers, I tell them to come down here and talk like civilized men with the guest. Seeing just their large white teeth, I whisper to Theresa.


Throwing ice all around us, a small fog forms where we stood. Running out of the fog, I think Theresa is running after me, but we split up. Jumping down in front of me, the woman introduces herself as the left harbinger of death.

"Death? Little pessimistic don't you think?" Licking her lips like a predator seeing her pray, I begin to smile. Running straight at her, I pull out my gun. Raising her shadow, a dark shield wall forms in front of her, I laugh out loud.

*Bang* Firing a bullet into it, it gets stopped and falls to the ground. "You can't pierce the shadow!-" Stomping over the shadow wall, I wrap my hand around the woman's neck and bring myself to a stop. Starting to struggle, she tries to stab me with her shadow to no avail.

"Let me ghwo-" Becoming hard to understand, She slams my back against a container wall. Loosening my grip only a little bit, they managed to slip out and kick me away.

Holding their throat, they take deep breaths only for me to jump on the back. Tackling them to the ground, I rip apart pieces of her sleeve. Punching me, I spit in her face. The second, I see my spit get into her eye, I blow cold wind onto her face.

Screaming in pain, She holds her eyes and shakes like a worm on the floor. After all who wouldn't after someone's spit in your eyes turn to shards of ice? Grabbing my gun, I place it on the woman's head.


Hearing a second gunshot in the distance, Theresa wonders if Raven is doing okay, but nothing having the time to think about it, She jumps back, as a bunch of barbs, comes flying out of the small gaps between each container.

Having enough of it, Theresa says collateral damage is just a suggestion, and forms large lighting rods that she blasts into the ground. generating a huge thunderous shock way.

Shaking the whole ship, A huge part of it gets blown away, and containers fall into the large river. "You're crazy!" The hooded man yells. Forming a crackling sword out of lighting, Theresa's white coat gets blown away. "In the eyes of the law, I'm the Judge, the Jury, and the Executioner!" Running at the man, he tries to throw his shadow spikes at her, but the dazzling light keeps the shadow from coming too close.

Calling Theresa a manica, he sprays water at her only to go through the electric sword, but nothing happens. Stabbing through the masked man, Theresa twists her sword and Whispers.

"You've died due to police self-defense" Twisitng it out, The hooded man falls to the ground unmoving. Stabbing the sword into the ground, Theresa Falls to her knee. "Bloody cultists" Hearing the rushed footsteps she expects it to be enemy reinforcements, but instead she see's a familiar black-haired man.

"Raven? Where is that woman?" Pointing at the dead man, I tell her they're burning together in hell. Shaking her head, she stands up. "We've got to find Oswald before he runs away!"

Nodding my head, I help her get up, only for an enormous shadowy tentacle to pierce a nearby container. "You have no idea what you did."

Seeing Oswald standing behind the container with a large inky tentacle, instead of an arm. I get excited. "I'm sorry, but I think you're the one who needs to be lectured." Reaching to grab, my cane I find it missing.

"What the... Oh no, I forgot it at the bridge."