
Bitter Hope


I waited, but he never came.

I believed in the words of a demon. I trusted them. Hoping that he would repay the favor one day. I clutched onto the pendant he gave me for dear life. Filling it up with all my hopes and dreams. He made me feel safe. He let me envision a future beyond this torment, and when I did I saw a girl who smiled so naturally, it engulfed me with jealousy. She was happy. Blissfully and simply happy. She didn't need to act or pretend that she was okay, because she was. I wanted to be her and Kai was my way out. He was supposed to be my Peter Pan. Demon or not, I needed him. He was my ticket to Neverland.

So I waited.

Days, weeks, months, and in a blink of an eye twelve years painfully passed. And still, I waited. But now the taste of that imagined bliss turned sour in my mouth. Bittering the dream I once had.

"Baby girl you hurry and come eat this breakfast before it gets cold." Mrs. Costhol yelled from the kitchen.

"Coming!" I slipped on a large jacket before hurrying down the hall.

Mrs. Costhol is the lunch lady at my school. She is five foot seven, with an attitude to match. She has deep chocolate colored skin and she was the only one who cared about me. After she got tired of seeing me black and blue all the time, she took me in. Set up a room and everything for me. Being here was like having a mom again.

"Ma'am, today you don't need to drive me home." I sat at the table.

"How come?"

"I still have a few things at my old house that I need to get."

"Honey I'll drive you. I don't trust to leave you alone with that asshole."

"No, really it's okay. I know you have dinner plans with your family today. I can get the things myself."

"How many times do I have to tell you? Girl as long as you are under my roof you are my family too. Which means this dinner is for us."

"I know but still, they're your family and they want to see you. Not me. Plus today I know he won't be at the house because It's my mom's death anniversary. He usually goes to the park to drink and get high, so I won't run into him." I shrugged.

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't realize it was today. Is that why you don't wanna come to the dinner thing?"

"Dinners with family is supposed to be a happy occasion. I don't want to ruin the mood."

"Still I don't think I should let you go alone."

"I'll be fine, I promise. I'll quickly get my things and leave."

"Fine, but call me as soon you get home. You know I worry about you."

"I know."

After that, we went to school. Things happened like normal. I wandered through the halls unseen and unnoticed. I preferred it that way. It was better than having their judgemental eyes peering right through me. Tracing all the scars on my skin. Pretending not to notice my pain. That was just how it was here. It didn't bother me, not anymore. After my brother abandoned me, I was left feeling kind of numb. It was like something snapped inside me and it bottled up all the emotions that would harm me in a jar. Along with memories and other things as well. It's how I survived this long. But, there was something that bothered me. Lately, a woman's voice would echo in my head saying all these weird things and telling me to give in to her. Sometimes, she even tries to take over my body. I'm always able to keep her under control but I feel like I've gone crazy. I'm scared that I may be losing my mind.

"Hey, bitch!" The head whore at our school called to me. Storming at me with her posse around her.

"I'ma make you pay for what you did earlier in the halls." She blocked my way from leaving the school gates.

"Yeah! No one disobeys our girl." One of her copies shoved me.

I ignored them trying to get past.

"The hell you think you're going?" The head bitch grabbed my hair.

"I think it's time we taught you a lesson." She slapped me across the face.

I sighed looking up at her.

"I see. You're just begging for more." She slapped me a few more times before throwing me to the ground.

I landed hard making the necklace Kai gave me pop out from under my shirt.

"Oo, what do we got here? Some fake ass jewelry? Bet we can't even get a stick of gum for it."

I glared at her hiding it away from them.

"Take it." She ordered them.

The other girls hit me. Holding my arms out and away from my neck as another gripped my hair. The head girl knelt down, taking the necklace off from around me.

"Give it back!"

One girl smacked my head.

"No, I'll take this as your apology. Next time you better learn your place."

They all laughed walking away from me. My eyes were fixated on the pedant as a fire swelled up inside me.

Let's handle this, shall we?

I heard the voice again.

"I said give it back." I stood up.

"What?" She scoffed at me.

They approached me balling up their fist. She swung her hand and I caught it without looking. They all stared in disbelief. I tightened my grip around her wrist, feeling a sense of power wash over me. Like nothing could stop me. It coursing through my body, filling my head with smog. I was dazed but heavily in control.

"Give it back."

"Fuck you." She spat at me.

Benny, let me help you teach her a lesson. Just let go and accept me. She deserves to be punished.

The voice now sounded as though she was standing right next to me. Smiling at the anger bubbling inside me. I felt her hand slither across my shoulders.

I smiled squeezing the bitch's wrist tighter. She screamed as it snapped.

"Yes, let's."