
Prolonged Goodbye

The days passed on like normal. She took care of my "wounds" and I made meals for us. Before I knew it, a week had gone by and the thought of leaving was the furthest thing from my mind. I couldn't understand why the hell I was wasting my time playing house with this rat. I convinced myself that it was because of my curiosity for the core that she held. Every fiber of my being was telling me to leave. But I couldn't bring myself to do so. I wanted to know more about what was inside her. Beyond that, she brought a carefree feeling back to me.

For years I've lived hidden away from the world. Constantly being hunted and prosecuted by the King's men. I didn't have the luxury of being relaxed. Especially now that I betrayed Blyne, I have to stay alert. I know him. Right now he's planning on how to slowly torture me until I take my last breath.

There's no telling what he'd do to Ben.

I jumped at the sound of the slushy machine clanking together. Watching as this idiot poured an icy drink in the dead of winter.

"Are you sure you want a slushy in this kind of weather?" I put my coffee on the counter.

"The cold is the best time to have one." The guy scanned our things as Ben kept adding sweets to the pile.

To be honest I could care less. It wasn't my money she was spending.

"That'll be $8.57." The cashier placed our snacks and candy in a plastic bag.

"Here you go." Ben slid the cash over to him.

She looked extra tiny today because of the thick sweater and mittens she wore.

I grabbed the bag and our drinks off the counter.

"Thank you!" She ran out after me taking her slushy.

From the outside, she seems like a perfectly normal human child. But on the inside, she was anything but that. It's also weird how her body can handle that kind of energy. Even a demon would have difficulties maintaining it. Will it slowly kill her? Or will I have to?

"Kai look!" She pointed up to the orange sky sipping on her drink.

"I don't get it. What am I looking at?" I sipped my coffee.

"It's the clouds. Don't they look like a dragon?" She went on to make up a background story for this so-called dragon.

"Mmm. Interesting." I looked behind us feeling uneasy.

I wasn't really listening because something didn't feel right. The hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up as a chill ran down my spine. Then it hit me.

We are being watched.

"Ben stay behind me." I pushed her behind me dropping my coffee.

"What's wrong?"

"Shut it and do as I say." She hid underneath my jacket.

I scanned the area. Carefully observing the space around us. Backing us into an alley. I placed the bag on her arm.

"Stay right here and do not move. Got it?" I walked her behind the dumpster.

"Y-yes." She nodded.

I closed my eyes and felt an odd aura radiating from our far left. I took a deep breath. Absorbing the natural energy that flowed around us. Blue flames grew from my feet. It spread like a wildfire up my legs. Engulfing my shoulders and collar bone.

I straightened my fingers, signing with my hand an ancient symbol. A portal opened and I let the unfamiliar aura pull me in. Within a second a demon appeared in front of me. Dressed in a skin-tight black suit that covered his face. I wasted no time tackling him to the ground.

"Who sent you?!" I held him down by his neck.

He kicked me aside into the wall before running off.

"Hey!" I chased him down the street.

Panic filled my being when I noticed him running in the direction where I hid Ben.

As I ran I gathered all of my energy into my right hand. Feeling a rush build within me. Fire hovered me above the ground. Increasing my speed.

I have to go faster Before he reaches Ben.

I must be faster!


My glowing arm piercing right through the chest of the demon. It gripped my collar as it choked on its own blood.

"H-he will find y-you." It spoke weakly.

"I'll be waiting." I threw the demon aside and watched as my fire spread over it, rotting it away.

I don't understand how they found me. I thought I was careful.

My heart beat irregularly fast. My hands shook and it was almost impossible to catch my breath.

"Kai?" Ben peeked out from behind the dumpster.

I have to keep it together. Now is not the time to panic.

I ran over to her taking off my jacket, using it to clean my bloodied arm.

"Come on. We need to go." I threw the jacket aside. Picking her up.

A sigil lit up on my hand as I snapped my fingers, teleporting us back to the house.

"Argh! I hate it when you do that." Ben shook her head.

I placed her down. Running over to close the blinds.

I hope he was the only one.

"Kai, what's happening?" I could feel that she was worried.

"They found me. I thought I was careful but it looks like I slipped up." I searched the house making sure we were alone.

"What does that mean?" She clutched her slushy with both hands.

"Remember what I told you before about me staying here too long?" I knelt down to her.

"Yes. That a bad man will come to kill you and me." Her brows furrowed.

I could tell she was trying to piece everything together.

"Yeah. Well, it's time."

"Time for what?" Her eyes watered.

"I, I have to go." I stood up.

"No! You can't. You can't!" She threw her drink to the ground. Yanking at my shirt.

"Ben stop!"

She sobbed as her little fingers uncurled. Letting me go.

This is my fault. I was too careless. I'm sorry.

"But I don't want you to go. I don't want to be alone again." Her chin trembled.

I sighed rubbing my temple. I took off the necklace that I had hidden beneath my shirt. I moved her hair aside and laced it around her neck gently before tucking it away in her sweater.

"This belonged to my mother. She gave it to me before she died. So make sure you keep it safe." I wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"I-I will. I promise."

I bent down, kissing the top of her head.

"Can't I come with you? I don't want to be here. I wanna be with you." She held the necklace under her clothes.

"You can't. But don't worry I'll come back for you."

"How do I know you're telling me the truth?" She looked up at me with glossy eyes.

"Because that necklace is the only thing I have left of my mom. So I'm gonna want it back. I don't want a little rat like you to keep it forever." I smirked at her feeling a little uneasy.

My world is no place for a child like her. It's better that she stays here.

It is.

"Please make sure you come back for me."

"I will." I took a deep breath.

"You have to save me o-okay?" She wiped her eyes with her sleeve.

I had to put my hands in my pockets to stop them from trembling. I know that once I leave, her life will no longer be in danger. I don't want her to end up like the others.

She's safer without me.

"It was fun while it lasted kid." I smiled at her before opening a portal.

My feet were heavy but I forced myself to make my way inside, slowly stepping into it. Behind me, it started to close.

As soon as my feet hit the ground, I ran. I don't know where to, but I ran. I threw bits of my energy into the air, hoping to veer them away from Ben. I'll become stronger and better than I am now. When I do,

I'll come back.





As Kai vanished from sight, the room became eerily quiet. Even the crickets didn't feel the need to make any noise. The only sound was the little girl's cries as her knees gave out on her. She crashed to the tiled floor. The chilled ice from her drink stained her legs. She threw her mittens aside, clutching the pendant on the necklace. Her little body shook as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Please, Kai. Please come back to save me."