
Cruel Fate

The rest of the fight was a blur. When I regain my senses, I was on top of an unconscious girl. Blood covered my fist and her face.

"Hey!" Teachers ran at me.

Oh shit. What did I do?

They dragged me off to the principal's office. Everyone looked at me like I was a monster. They wouldn't even let me wash the blood off my hands. They knew that Mrs. Costhol was my guardian now, so they called her in. Right now she was in his office talking with him.

"Ben" I looked up to see our guidance counselor, Ms. Smith.

"Please follow me." I walked behind her to her office.

She sat behind a desk.

"While they meet to discuss what to do with you regarding the fight, I want to know why you did it." She spoke like she actually gave a fuck.

"Why?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"Ben, you realize that this is a very serious matter. You injured six other girls, who had to be rushed off to the hospital. If their families do decide to press charges, you will be in some serious trouble."

"No, I won't."

I took on six of them and won? Damn.

A smile crept onto my face while I examined my stained hands. It's gonna be hard to scrub it out from under my nails.

"Why are you smiling? This isn't funny. You should be worried. If not for you then for Mrs. Costhol, who took you in. How do you think this makes her look?"

"You need to shut the fuck up." I smiled angrily at her.

She was stunned. But I was down being quiet.

"You talk all this shit like you care. So yes, it's funny. Because if you actually cared you would've known what they do to me and everyone else in this school. They got what was coming to them." I stood up.

"Ben! I did not permit you to walk out that door!"

"You know if you helped that boy last year when he asked you for help, he wouldn't have killed himself. That is on you." Her eyes went all wide.

She stood there all shocked. I walked out back to the main office, seeing Mrs. Costhol leaving their meeting.

"Did you meet with Ms. Smith?" The principal looked at me.

"Yes, and it was useless."

"Excuse me?"

"Hey don't be rude." Mrs. Costhol nudged me.

"It won't matter because no one cares. So there's no need for all the formalities. I know you plan on expelling me so you can keep your corrupted school as it is."


"Young lady I would consider my words if I were you. We understand you are a teenage girl who is angry but that is-"

"You understand?" I glared at him.

"I am not angry sir. I am tired. If you understand then please tell me why you allow your students to be tormented every day under your supervision." I took off my jacket, standing there in just a tank top revealing the scars that littered my skin.

All their eyes widened.

"You know nothing. Nor do you care to. Half of these were done by those girls."

"If would have told us, we could've helped you."

"I did. Do you remember what you told me?" His face scowled looking around.

"You told me to just try and stay low. Keep a low profile so that they leave me alone. That's what all of you told me to do." All the adults in the office averted their gaze. Embarrassed to look at me.

"Everyone except Mrs. Costhol."

"They're gonna arrest you, you know."

"No, they won't. All their dads are drug dealers wanted for murder and possession, so I highly doubt that they will willingly go to the police. It's more likely I'll end up dead somewhere." I walked towards the exit.

"As the principal, I cannot just sweep this issue under the rug. We are here to discuss what actions should be placed for this violent act of yours." He crossed his arms trying to seem all big and bad.

"Why don't you just ignore their bruises like you did mine." I left.

Once my feet left the doorway I ran like hell. I was pissed at all the fake people around me pretending to care. I'm tired of being played around with. What did I do to deserver this?

I saw the look on Mrs. Costhol's face. She was disgusted by me. The sight of my scars made her face twist in disgust. I knew it was too good to be true. Me, being happy and safe? Yeah right. It was obvious the Gods don't deem me worthy of even the tiniest glint of hope.

My feet took me back to the beginning. Where my hell resided and the one place that never lied to me. Staring at my old house was hard. Many things have happened there. Both good and bad. I sat on the porch just closing my eyes, trying to remember the feeling of my younger days. When I laughed and smiled so effortlessly. But it was like watching a film in my head with a random actor playing my role. All I could do was admire the girl and watch from afar. When I opened my eyes I didn't even know it had gotten dark. I looked up to the sky bathing in the pale blue moonlight. The night air was warm and comforting. It felt good in my lungs as I inhaled it deeply, feeling that warmth congest my chest. I loved the dark. Nighttime or just sitting in a dark room was comforting to me. It always felt natural.

The wind whipped my hair around in my face. I stared at the dry ends that dangled in front of me. It's been forever since I've had a haircut. Maybe I should get one tomorrow. Tomorrow? I looked at my phone seeing a dozen missed calls from Mrs. Costhol. The time read 9:56 PM, May 29th. I haven't celebrated it in so long I forgot that today was also my birthday. After my mom died, she kind of stole this day from me.

I looked up to the crescent putting on a smile.

"Mom, I survived nineteen years in this hell hole. I'm still here, right where you left me." Tears brimmed my eyes.

"Please mom, tell the Gods to set me free. Please." I bit my lip to keep the whimpers from escaping my throat.

I jumped hearing the door slam open. I slowly turned around.

"There you are." My father glared at me huffing.

My eyes were fixated on the object in his hands, not noticing the tears that stained his face. I should have ran, but I froze. Just watching the knife in his hands sway along with him.

The Gods have a sick sense of humor.