
Beautiful Sky of life

Akuma Jin, Secret Weapon Akuma was born when greed and devils want power...

Gangy221 · Action
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8 Chs

The Boy lives...

"Aku, it is time to wake up," said Xi Xi as Aku stared into her eyes.

"I, don't want to, I want to be here forever..." stated Aku holding Xi Xi's hand tightly as if she was going to disappear in front of him.

Aku suddenly grasped the air, looking around, Xi Xi seemingly disappeared to nothingness. "XI XI! Where did you go?!"

Opening his eyes slowly, Aku felt the bright light assault his eyes. Closing his eyes once again, the bright light was unbearable. Noticing he was in a blanket, he covered himself up even though his muscles were aching.

'Didn't I die?' wondered Aku trying to find out if he was dead or somehow alive. A poke was felt on top of Aku's head, slowly revealing the covers, Aku touched his face, he still had his mask as well as his homemade eyepatch.

Opening the covers, Aku was blinded by a bright light, grabbing the hand that was holding the light, he noticed it was quite small. Letting go as the light got shut off, Aku curled up into a ball.

"Why am I alive, didn't I die?" muttered Aku in his sleep.

"Doctor, what is his diagnosis?" 

The doctor sighed, "He seems to have heightened senses, like a blind person, or something similar seeing how he reacted to the flashlight. He keeps his mask on even while he sleeps, anytime I tried to remove it, he would grab my hand with incredible strength. His muscle-to-bone ratio is unlike anything I have ever seen.

His muscles are underdeveloped but he has so much strength, his missing leg, somehow his body stopped the bleeding on its own. He is very weird."

"What does he keep muttering?" asked another female voice.

"Why am...I alive, didn't I die or something like that."

"Why do you think that is?" asked a male voice.

"I am guessing he is suicidal, so you have to watch this room, or he might try something. Maybe he tried to off himself, that is why he was floating on the ocean, just a hunch."

"Li Mimao, since you found him, you can watch him. I'll try to find his identity if I can," said the male voice leaving the room.

The doctor begins to bite his nails, "It's weird because he seemed like he was in a coma but somehow he woke up the first day you came, must be fate, haha!"

Li Mimao was confused, ignoring the doctor, she approached the bed as Aku fell asleep curled up in his tiny ball of protection. Feeling her heart pain a bit, she slid her hand into Aku's revealed fingers.

Breathing slowly as she touched the fingers, it was rigged, and filled with scars. Aku began to breathe slower and slower, "Wow, is this fate?" wondered the doctor leaving the room.

Li Mimao stayed there and held the fingers of Aku for the whole night, making Aku have a good night's rest.

2 days later, "So how is he?" asked a male voice.

The doctor sighed, "He is opening up, slowly, your daughter is having an effect on him."

Nodding as he made his way out of the room, tonight will be an unforgettable night for everyone.

Approaching the hospital, Li Mimao came back from work and brought fruit as well as candy. Making her way to Aku's room, she set down the treats near the bed and saw Aku's hand as she smiled.

Sitting down, Li Mimao slowly caressed Aku's hand as she felt his breath become slower. Falling asleep, Aku slowly peeked out of the covers, the sight he saw was breathtaking. A pale fair-skinned adorable girl with delicate features was sleeping holding his hand.

"Xi Xi? No, she is different..."

Getting up without disturbing her sleep, Aku slowly opened one of her eyes, she had hazel brown eyes that sparkled like a firework lighting up the world. One word was in Aku's mind, beautiful.

Suddenly, Li Mimao opened her eyes to see the most beautiful red eyes filled with curiosity. Poking her forehead, Aku was confused, where was he at? "Why did you save me?"

Li Mimao opened her eyes fully to see Aku, the darkest hair on his head as well as those eyes. Suddenly Aku began to remember, remembering everything...

"The drug has worn off, and the memory pills have probably worn off as well."


Feeling the pain they put him through, he used a nail to practice surgery on live patients. Ripping open their bodies to know the human body inside out, shooting people, beating people to death using their own bones.

Using a chopstick to kill someone, even a freaking pencil...

Suddenly, he remembered Xi Xi, the loving girl, the one who was first to show a demon like him some love. His first love, whom he killed in cold blood...

The people he has killed, then all of a sudden a curtain was put all around himself, the warmth felt so wonderful as if the sun was shining throughout the universe wrapping them in love.

Calming down, Aku stopped shivering and convulsing, feeling two hands hold him tight, he felt the tears fall down his eyes as if the world stopped right there. This embrace, it feels nice is what Aku thought at that moment.

This warm feeling is nice...