
Beautiful Sky of life

Akuma Jin, Secret Weapon Akuma was born when greed and devils want power...

Gangy221 · Action
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8 Chs


Pointing their weapons at the intruder, they were confused to see a kid walking up to them with no fear. "Brat, what are you doing here, this is private property!" yelled one of the guards.

Without a wasted effort, Akuma pulled out a Glock and already made 10 deadeyes before they could react, "SHOOT!!"

They began to shoot but the bullets began bouncing off his skin, "What...What is he?" asked one of the guards.

A bullet pierced his eyes, and Akuma began to smile. Blood dripped out his eye, he looked like a demon. "RUN!" before they could do anything a knife had pierced through their brain.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

"Die, you devil," said a lowly fodder cannon as he aimed his 50. cal sniper at Akuma's face.

Predicting the trajectory of the bullet, Akuma saw as the bullet came out of the sniper, turning his head at the exact moment the bullet was fired, he avoided it.

"I...possible." The last words uttered were of confusion and amazement.

Flicking his wrist, a kunai pierced through the fodder's neck, making his way onto the camp, but before he made his way there, a sniper was aiming at his location.

"Sir, I have a clear shot, should I take it?"


*Bang* Akuma heard the wind whistling and quickly jumped up avoiding a critical injury to his brain, feeling the loss of a limb, he saw that his leg was shot off.

"Damn, I got his leg only? What the f*ck?"

Calculating where the shot came from, Akuma began crawling like a wild animal to the sniper's location. Not having a clear shot of Akuma moving from brush to tree made the sniper scared.

"What is happening," said someone over the intercom.

"A beast is..coming. Run."


"Sir, Sir?!, SIR?!"

"We've lost contact with Commander Lao," reported a grunt.

"General, what do we do?!"

"Gear up, this beast is still human, and take Mr. Kim someplace safe."

General SangChi was in disbelief as his walkie-talkie was filled with screams. Hearing a thump, The General aimed at the door, opening the door slowly, he saw a monster, covered in blood, and missing a leg.

Without a second of wasted time, the General and the other soldiers shot at the demon but somehow this demon could predict their bullets as if he had done this before. "HOW IS HE DODGING THESE BULLETS?" screamed a terrified soldier.

"STAND YOUR GUARD!" yelled the General as he saw his doom. "WAIT, STOP SHOOTING!"

Everybody stopped shooting and Akuma paused, Putting down his weapon, the General went onto the ground in a submissive state. Walking up to the General, Akuma took off his eye patch, SangChi couldn't believe what he saw.

A Kid, not even an adult yet had such terrifying eyes but what lay behind those eyes was nothing but death. Wiping the blood dripping from his eyes, Akuma remembered his target was not this man but they said to kill all witnesses.

Akuma began clutching his head and twitched, "What is happening?" asked a voice on the intercom.

"He is fighting back the drug, not good, he might run away, what is going on?!"

Akuma picked up the General from his collar holding him up with one hand, shivering, the General couldn't muster up the courage to say anything to this demon kid.

Suddenly a kid came out of the crowd, "FATHER! Let my father go!"


"I wanted to know where you went so I followed you..."

Looking at the girl clutching his remaining leg, Akuma looked into her eyes. At that moment, the girl froze in those death-like eyes. "Please, let my...daughter go, if you have to. Just kill me, please..."

"Daughter? Is she precious to you?" asked Akuma in a deep gravelly voice.

Nodding his head, the General pleaded, "Let her go, please..."

Remembering Xi Xi, Akuma wondered how it would feel if this person lost the most precious person just like him. Slowly reaching for the girl's neck, Akuma grasped her neck slowly.

"Please, no..." whimpered the General.

All of the soldiers began to kneel and beg Akuma to spare Weng Mi, looking at these ants, Akuma felt something, but he didn't know what it was.

Pity, or compassion? Akuma began to feel tears falling from his eyes, "I...am crying, why?"

Letting go of Weng Mi, Akuma looked at everyone and wondered what this feeling was. "Do you love your daughter?" asked Akuma looking at the dejected General.

"I do..."

"Then, cherish her, don't regret, don't be like me, because I...am a demon." With those words, Akuma limped out of the camp, with a new goal in mind. To Die...

"Where is his current location?" asked the voice on the intercom.

"The tracker on his leg and eye is gone, we can't track their signals..."


The doctor gulped and said, "The tracker was messing with memories, so we removed it."

"WHAT?! WHEN WAS THIS APPROVED?!" said the voice as he made his way onto the computer screen.

Judging by his face, he was not pleased, "I am sorry, I deserve to die!"

'Escape, this is all I can do for you, Akuma' thought the doctor as he felt a sudden shock to his neck rendering him dead. 

Akuma looked down at the waterfall, "Xi Xi, I will join you in the afterlife..."

The soldiers all began to cheer and cry, as they didn't die to that demon that day but Weng Mi had a very different thought. 'Those eyes, carry such sadness.'

Clutching her father, she couldn't stop thinking about those eyes, such sadness is only felt when one has lost the will to live...

"Father, what was he?"

"I...don't know, but he spared us and you, I will thank him for that in the next life..." Clutching his daughter's hand, General SangChi held her deeply as he remembered the tears from that kid's eyes. They seemed so sad as if a thousand raindrops formed them in the heavy rain of 10 lifetimes.

Looking down at the waterfall, Akuma remembered how much Xi Xi loved him, and those caring eyes, the way she spoke, and the way she held his hand. Closing his eyes, Akuma fell slowly down the waterfall with a smile on his face.

One day, Xi Xi got a letter, it read:

Aku has escaped, MIA, 50% he is alive...

Clutching the letter, Xi Xi remembered his smile when they would look at the sky together, his sparkling eyes when he looked at her, "Please, don't die, Aku, please live..."

Crying herself to sleep, Xi Xi dreamed of looking at the stars with Aku, forever, as they held each other's hand...

"I am coming Xi Xi," drifting into a deep sleep, Akuma finally didn't have any more nightmares only a dream where he was holding hands with Xi Xi looking into the beautiful sky thinking how beautiful this would be if it lasted forever.