
Beautiful Sky of life

Akuma Jin, Secret Weapon Akuma was born when greed and devils want power...

Gangy221 · Action
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8 Chs

I want to live

"Nurse, go get the head doctor, this patient is convulsing!" yelled Li Mimao, the nurse hurried and notified the head doctor but as they entered, and were about to treat the patient.

They saw Li Mimao holding Aku in her arms and the way Aku began to slow down. "I TOLD YOU, THIS IS FATE!!! WOHOOO!!!" yelled the other doctor...

Patting his back, Li Mimao felt Aku calm down a little, taking in her scent, Aku calmed down and closed his eyes to fall asleep.

Feeling the tears of Aku, Li Mimao felt sad and wiped them off his face, laying the boy down. Li Mimao got up but then Aku's hand held hers, stopping her movement. She saw that Aku was shivering.

"I'll be back, I promise," said Li Mimao rubbing Aku's hand as he let go.

"W-Whhat was that?" asked the Head doctor.

Li Mimao shrugged, "I don't know."

2 days later, holding onto Li Mimao's hand was our little devil boy, holding on as if his life depended on it. "We're here, does it look good?" asked Li Mimao smiling.

Nodding, Aku went behind Li Mimao and entered the house, checking everything out. "My dad is not here so, don't be scared, okay, I'll introduce him to you later. Is that okay with you?"

Slowly nodding as if he cared he saw the toys, dinosaurs, power rangers, etc. His eyes began to sparkle, tugging on Li Mimao's hand, she noticed that he was staring at the toys and patted his head.

"You want it?"

"Yeah," said Aku quietly.

Li Mimao grabbed a dinosaur, and Aku grabbed the dinosaur so fast as if he was the Flash. He checked the teeth, it was not sharp, but it was so cool looking. "You like it?"

Aku smiled at Li Mimao making her heart just melt, "So cute..."

"So, can you take off the mask?" asked the doctor.

The doctor shook his head, "No, it seems it is fingerprint activated, how does he have this, I don't know. Ask the writer..."

"Are you hungry...what was your name again?" asked Li Mimao sheepishly.

"Akuma Jin..."

"A-Akuma Jin? It is a nice name, then can I call you Jin?" Li Mimao knelt close to Aku and patted his head. Aku nodded as he was too busy playing with his dinosaur. "You can call me, hm, Sister Mimao."

"Aunty Mimao?"

Twitching her eyebrow, Mimao sighed, "No, it's Sister Mimao."

Nodding as he was crawling on the floor with the dinosaur, 'This is what it is like to be a dinosaur' thought Aku.

Yawning, Aku fell asleep on the ground, Li Mimao was making some dinner when she spotted a sleeping kid. Picking up the surprisingly heavy Aku, she placed him in bed and ate some dinner.

Walking to the sofa, Li Mimao found her heart not at rest, she wanted to check up on Aku. Luckily she did, opening the door, Li Mimao found that Aku was shivering badly and he looked quite pale.

Running to Aku, Li Mimao held him tight, noticing Aku's breathing was calming down. She decides to sleep in the same bed as Aku so she stops his convulsing.

Morning comes...

"Daughter? I got fishcakes...where is she?" asked the dad. Opening her room, he found the boy she saved, and they were hugging each other in sleep...

Separating the two, Li Mimao opened her eyes and found her dad staring at her. "What's up? Did I hear fishcakes?"

"W-What are you doing..." asked Li Mimao's father pointing to Aku sleeping soundly.

"Hm? Oh, the doctor said I needed to stop his nightmares and his convulsing, last time I stopped him from convulsing by hugging him. I guess I fell asleep." yawned Li Mimao.

"He looks like he is only 14, and you are 16, this isn't right," reprimanded Li Mimao.

Rolling her eyes, Li Mimao said sarcastically, "Yes Officer Li Chen," as she threw in a lazy salute.


"Are you gonna watch me get undressed or something?" yawned Li Mimao stretching.

Giving up, Li Chen sighed heavily and walked out of his daughter's room, closing it. Li Mimao began to undress, and then suddenly she met Aku's eyes...

"You're awake..."

"Scar, like mine, see," said Aku as he revealed his stab wound making Li Mimao shocked. 

She looked at her scar which was tiny and compared it to Aku's, it was like a pen against a gun.

"Yes, how did you get that scar?" asked Li Mimao curious. Aku clutched his head, making Li Mimao kinda of scared, "Never mind, I don't want to know, calm down, okay?"

Hugging Aku, she liked the way he calmed down and slowed his breath to match hers. She faintly heard his heartbeat, feeling his heartbeat. Li Mimao felt his heartbeat was kinda of matching hers.


"Hello Dad, this is Jin, did you find anything about him?" asked Li Mimao eating an egg.

Aku looked at Li Mimao's dad and nodded, he then began to copy Li Mimao peeling and eating the egg perfectly.

Li Chen sighed in confusion. "His DNA isn't registered on any database, this is weird."

"Then, that means we can adopt him right?" said Li Mimao smiling at Aku who is awkwardly smiling back because he doesn't know why she is smiling at him.

"He has to get a new identity first since he doesn't have an identity, he might be from those places that are away from civilization. I'll pull some strings to get it done, I guess you gonna have a new brother from now on..."


2 years later...

"Brother, stop hugging my leg, we have to go to school!" said Li Mimao as she kicked Jin off the bed.

Catching himself subconsciously, Aku stood up then fell down and hugged Li Mimao once more, feeling some sort of way, Li Mimao got up and began to tickle Aku. "HAHAHAHA!! STOP ALRIGHT, I'm up."

Staring into Li Mimao's eyes, he poked her forehead. "What did you do that for?"

"You are so adorable, haha!" said Aku as he got up and stretched.

Feeling heart fluttering a bit, Li Mimao smacked Aku in the head. "Idiot, now we are gonna be late, look at the time."

Seeing the time, Aku grabbed everything quickly and rushed out of the house. "WAIT FOR ME!" was heard from the house.

Laughing, Aku began putting on his school uniform as he ran with his new leg.


Aku, when you lose a limb, you can use anybody's leg to replace it, remember. You are the pinnacle of humankind...


His leg color is a bit tanner than normal, doing a front flip. Aku jumped on top of the rooftops like Healer and began zooming.

"WAIT FOR ME!" yelled Li Mimao riding her bike hurriedly.

"So...tell me, why you two are always late together?" asked the disciplinary teacher.

"Didn't you arrive on time?" whispered Li Mimao to Aku.

"I waited for you since you are so slow," said Aku seriously.


Wall jumping off the wall, a cat suddenly bumped into a brick near where Aku was supposed to land making landing painful as he slipped on the brick.
