
Beautiful Sky of life

Akuma Jin, Secret Weapon Akuma was born when greed and devils want power...

Gangy221 · Action
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8 Chs

Li Mimao

Nursing his bruised ankle in the nursing office, Aku was putting ice on his ankle until a girl opened the door. The girl smiled as she saw the most mysterious person at L Academy, "Jin, how are you today?"

Jin smiled as he saw the girl, blonde dyed hair, with red tips. Some white teeth, with a smile as bright as CRUEL SUN. "Annoying..." muttered Jin.

Staring into her eyes, felt as if he was under a microscope waiting to be revealed. "What..are you doing? Oh, it seems you are injured, let me help you."

Taking the ice bag, she began to massage Jin's bruised ankle. Then she began to tickle his feet. Laughing uncontrollably, the girl seemed to enjoy messing with Jin.

Removing his feet, Jin cleared his throat, "I am...healed already."

"Come on, when are you gonna remove that mask? I've known you for 100 days, and you've never taken that off? Do you take it off when you sleep?"

"No, I've never taken it off," said Jin hurriedly as he scurried away from this psycho.

Standing behind the scurrying rat, Mi Sang will find out what Jin looks like and spread it all over the school. "You cannot escape me for long, hehe."

On the weekends...

"I booked us a trip to the mountains, there is a resort and everything. Some classmates will be coming, you want to go?" asked Li Mimao to Jin who was cuddling with her.

"No, I want to stay home, and finish Goblin, I have to know if Goblin gets his sword taken out or not."

Turning around, Li Mimao stared into Jin's face, "Come on, Please, if you go, I will buy you a lot of sweets and ice cream, okay?"

Kissing his forehead, Jin thought about it, "Sweets, ice cream, and food."

Smiling, Jin said, "Don't forget, a lot of sweets, okay?"

"Of course, I promise," as they cuddled deeper...

"This road, was built on blah blah," said the mountain guide.

Aku looked at the stalls selling sweets, his mouth was wide open. Closing his mouth, Li Mimao looked embarrassed, "Come on, if we gon on this trail then we can find a mountain hotel."

"Are there sweets in that hotel?" asked Jin.

"Wait, you have to follow me okay, please."

"Fine, if there are no more sweets then I won't cuddle with you anymore," pouted Jin turning away.

Li Mimao's mouth was wide open, dragging Jin up the trail, the other classmates were dumbfounded. "No, way, they cuddle..." thought Mi Sang feeling weird.

"Woah, look at that animal, what animal is that?" asked Jin holding Li Mimao's hands since they were far away from the rest of the classmates.

Smiling, Li Mimao said, "That is a duck, it goes Quak Quak. Didn't you ship the Quak couple in Doctor Stranger?"

"Yeah, Quack Couple was so sweet but they didn't end up together, it makes me sad a little..." Jin quickly let go of Li Mimao's hand.

"What is wrong?"

"My hands are sweaty," stated Jin walking ahead and looking at the beautiful flowers.

Li Mimao felt a bit sad he let go of her hand but the thing he said next was the most beautiful thing she heard. "Why did you pick that flower?"

"A rose, it looks like you, very beautiful," said Jin as he smiled with his eyes making Li Mimao feel a new feeling she had never felt before. Jin held Li Mimao's shoulders and slowly put the rose in her hair.

"OW, that is prickly," said Li Mimao, throwing the rose onto the ground, Jin rubbed Li Mimao's head.

"Sorry, I forgot they are thorny, haha!" as he rubbed Li Mimao's head making her heartbeat..."Okay, let us go eat some sweets!" said Jin as he dragged Li Mimao to the mountain hotel.

At Night...

"I assume everybody is here, right?" asked the class representative.

"Yes, let us have fun then!" yelled one of the students.

Everybody began cheering, Mi Sang looked for Jin but he was gone. "Where could he have gone?"

She spotted Li Mimao but no Jin, looking around, she saw that everyone was going to have fun or swim. Making her way slowly like a ninja, she made her way to a trail that had candles lighting the way.

'Is this the way to the hot springs?' wondered Mi Sang creeping her way towards an unsuspecting victim.

Placing his mask on the side, Jin revealed his flawless skin with a toned chin, and small nose, washing his face is a pleasure he likes. 

"Oh my god..." Mi Sang could not say anything, 'To think this cutie was living with Li Mimao is such a waste' thought Mi Sang as she noticed a few scars that made him look more manly...

Washing his jet-black hair, Jin felt as if someone was watching him. Taking out his pocket knife, he was about to incapacitate this creature but then he noticed this beast's heartbeat seemed to speed up.

'Is it getting ready to attack?' wondered Jin readying his throwing knife then suddenly he heard a branch snap.

Turning around he saw a footprint, and the beast fled, "Human, who is it?"

"Phew, luckily I was a ninja in my past life, or else I would have been caught, haha, but wow he is hot..."

"Who's hot?" asked Li Mimao.

Jumping out of her soul, Mi Sang turned her head around slowly, "Haha! I'm hot, I think I need to take a bath..."

Scurrying away like a rat, Li Mimao was confused. Making her way to Jin's room, she opened it slowly and found Jin without a mask. Gulping, Li Mimao saw the face that haunted her dreams.

Gripping her clothes tighter than before, Jin turned his head slowly, "Come on, let's sleep, I am tired."

"Um, I can sleep, over here," said Li Mimao.

"You've seen me without my mask, why are you surprised?"

Jin got up and dragged Li Mimao onto his bed, holding onto her tightly, Li Mimao was awake the whole night as she felt the breath on her neck as if Jin was about to bite it...

Falling asleep when she felt his heartbeat, she snuggled deeper and felt at peace. Waking up first, Li Mimao just stared at Jin's face for a couple of hours snuggling into his warm embrace as if she was his. 

If she could capture this moment, she would call it, the best feeling in the world, no universe.

Seeing that Jin was waking up, Li Mimao pretended to sleep, "Oy, wake up, its time to eat some sweets, are you asleep?" Breathing on her neck, Jin said, "If you don't wake up, I will bite you so hard you become a vampire...okay fine."

Biting down softly, Jin began to nibble and bit quite hard, making Li Mimao wake up immediately. Looking into Jin's eyes, Li Mimao was shocked, smacking his head. "OW, why did you bite me so hard?"

"Told you, to wake up, or I won't share any sweets with you," said Jin kissing her neck. "There, kisses make the pain go away right?"

Li Mimao froze in place, "I think, I am in pain, can you kiss it again?"

"Really? Okay." Placing a small tender kiss on her neck, her heart failed to listen as she even let out a cute whimper. "Are you a dog?"

"Um, I have pain near my...lips as well, can you kiss there?" asked Li Mimao staring into his eyes.

"Okay, after I get my sweets, okay?" said Jin getting up cracking his neck.

Clearing her voice, Li Mimao touched the kiss, and began day dreaming. Jin dragged her off to eat some sweets...