
Beast Invasion

Losing his family all because of the beasts attack on their city, Jace vow to take revenge by erasing the beasts from the face of the earth. Stay turned as we witness how Jace could achieve the impossible.....

flamezdoa · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Going To The Academy

After leaving the group, Ryder went back to where Mr. Norman and Mr. Donald were lying to inform them that the beast have been dealt with only for him to discover that they have already passed away. Letting out a bitter sigh before bending down to search their body for their dog tag before returning back to meet up with the others.

"So where did you run off to" asked Otis.

"Nothing of your concern, come on let's go get the citizens out of the warehouse" replied Ryder in an unusual tone before walking off.

Seeing as Ryder was acting, Axel and Chloe decided to follow quietly without asking what went wrong. After walking for ten kilometers, they were able to get to the location where the warehouse is as he begin to knock on the entrance to the warehouse in a way that every human would but to their surprise there was no reply from the other side.

"We are here to tell you that the beast has been dealt with and are here to take you back to the academy where you will be safe from their attack" said Ryder as he stop knocking.

They waited for some time to get a reply but there was none until the sound of things being pulled out could be heard before the door was opened. After the door was open, people begin to rush out with happy expressions on their faces until they are completely out of the warehouse.

"Okay, this is not what I expected to see" mutter Otis.

"You better shut that mouth of yours Otis" reminded Ryder with a frown on his face.

"Thank goodness that you are all here, I never will be able to see the sunlight even again" said a lady.

"Where are father and the others, why are they not here with them" and is when the question came and everyone who was happy a moment again became silent before the happy expression they had earlier turned into a sad one.

"I am sorry to say that those who were protecting the city before our arrival have all passed away due to using more than what their body can handle from using the beast weapon. These dog tags belong to the men I came in contact with" said Ryder bitter as he threw more than ten dog tags toward for them to take a look at.

After they have picked up the tag that belongs to their family, Chloe suddenly speaks up in a low tone.

"They may have died but they will continue to live in our heart".

"We need to move out as quickly as possible before it gets dark, you can go back to your home and take whatever you need since this will be the last time that you will be staying here" said Otis.

They all nodded with their head lowered as they begin to head out but before they could work far, Ryder suddenly spoke up.

"We shall be waiting for you all by the city entrance".

They all left to get their stuff leaving those from the academy to stand alone.

"I can't believe there was a city that is occupied by these people and was not under the protection of the academy" said Ryder with a sigh.

"Calm down Ryder, you know that the fortress isn't big enough to house everyone which is why you still see some people living out the fortress" replies Chloe as she tries to console Ryder.

"All these beasts need to be dealt with as soon as possible" said Ryder with grit teeth as he begin to head toward the city entrance.

Back at the Norman home, Mrs. Norman was in tears as she begin to pack up her stuff while Jace was just standing to the side while watching his mother pack. Seeing her son just standing instead of packing up, Mrs. Norman wipe the tears off her eyes as she said.

"Son are ain't you packing your stuff yet, did you want them to leave us behind".

Ignoring his mother as he looks at the dog tag in his arm before he walks out to get his stuff ready. It didn't take long for him to come out with a bag before they left the building to meet up with the rest. Seeing that not everyone has arrived, they all waited until everyone became present and that is when Otis took a step forward.

"Since we are quite far from the fortress, we will be traveling vie" said Otis as he threw a device on the ground and a bright light shot out of it.

They all take a step back when the light suddenly burst out of the device since this is the first time that they have seen a thing like this.

"Do not worry, it is just a teleportation device which we use as a midst of transportation" said Otis noticing their strange behavior.

"I will be going forward to ensure that the destination ahead is safe" commented Ryder before walking into the portal before Otis could say anything.

After Ryder went into the portal, the crowd had an amusing look on their face when they saw him going through the light and that is when Chloe and Axel also went into the portal leaving Otis in anger as he said.

"Who is going next" and that is when they begin to enter the portal one at a time until Otis and his team were the only ones left.

Otis went in after cursing at Ryder and his team before going into the portal and the moment he did, the light suddenly went off and the device exploded. It didn't take long for a bright light to appear and Ryder was the first to come out before the rest begin to come out of the portal.

"Look like we made it to Las Vegas" said Ryder after looking around.

"The academy shouldn't be far from here" replied Axel.

"Alright then let's move out" order Ryder after making sure that everyone is out.

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