
Beast Invasion

Losing his family all because of the beasts attack on their city, Jace vow to take revenge by erasing the beasts from the face of the earth. Stay turned as we witness how Jace could achieve the impossible.....

flamezdoa · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Joining The Academy

Leading the group as they begin to head to their destination, they found the place lively like they are not scared of being attacked by the beast and that is when a lady asked.

"How come this city is so busy with people going about doing their stuff without any worry in the world".

"That is because this city is under the protection of the academy" replied Otis.

"Then how come our city is not under the protection of the academy" asked Jace with a sad face.

When the question was raised, the hunters became quiet since they shouldn't have been attacked and almost wiped out when the academy still exist but it was the opposite.

"Look boy there is no way the academy will be able to extend is protection all the way to white city" said Axel with a sigh.

After the question was answered, they continue heading to their destination and nothing that they are not coming to a stop after walking for hours, Mrs. Donald couldn't help but ask.

"Ain't we there yet, the kids are already exhausted from all this walking".

"Relaxed madam, we are almost there" replied Ryder.

"By the way sir, where are we heading to" asked Mrs. Norman.

"We are heading to the fortress in Los Angeles" replied Ryder.

"But that is about 227 miles from here so how come we are close to the destination" asked Mrs. Norman.

"We are using the teleportation that will take us straight to the fortress where you will begin a new life" replied Ryder.

It didn't take them much time to get to a building where some hunters could be seen guarding a building and the moment they saw them coming with the crowd, they quickly open the door as they wait for them to get in.

"Looks like another city was attacked by the again" said the leader of the team who was sitting at the side as he watch the crowd go inside.

"Why don't you shut up and focus on your job" replied Axel with a serious look on his face as he walked inside.

The moment that they went inside, the teleportation was activated and they were teleported instantly out of the building.


Another teleportation was open as they appear in a room that seem a little bit bigger than the one in Las Vegas. Coming out of the room, the crowd was led to a four-story building where they were told to register their name.

"By the way, the demon academy is recruiting a new batch of hunters, if anyone of you is interested in becoming a hunter, you can come to look for me in the bar not far from here" said Ryder before excusing himself.

The hunters left them in the building since they have already completed their mission leaving them to wait for their turn.

"Hey Jace now is our chance to join the academy since they are recruiting for new members" said Kelly as he walked up to Jace.

Mrs. Donald turn to look at her son when he said those words and couldn't help but ask once more thinking maybe she didn't hear the words he said correctly.

"What did you just say kelly".

"Mother I am going to enroll to become a hunter" replied kelly.

Mrs. Donald was speechless when kelly said the word once more. Meanwhile, Jace didn't say a thing as they proceed with the registration until they have been given an apartment where they will be living and that is when Mrs. Norman spoke up when she was putting things in place.

"I know you also want to join the academy and no matter what I say won't be enough to change your mind".

Jace was all silent as he continue to keep his stuff away before helping his mother with the other stuff and when they were done putting things in order, Jace left the room as he went to meet up with Kelly.

"You still haven't said anything about joining the academy Jace" asked Kelly as he looked at Jace while waiting for an answer.

"I have any change my decision to join the academy so I don't know why you are you still asking that question" replied Jace.

"Haha, I thought you have already given up" said Kelly with a laugh.

"At first I just wanted to join the academy so as to fulfill my dream of becoming a hunter but after what happened at home, I just want to wipe them out of existence" replied Jace in anger.

"So we are visiting Mr. Ryder tomorrow then" asked Kelly.

"Yes but first let's go see the others and know who is also interested in becoming a hunter" replies Jace.

Looking for the others was not difficult since they were all living in the same apartment and after telling the others about their plan of joining the academy, they were able to come up with about sixty people who also want to join.

"Now all that is left for us to do is locate where the bar is located" asked Kelly with a smile.

"That won't be a problem since we can ask for directions. Now we need to go back to inform our mothers about our decision to join the academy" replied Jace.

"I hope my mother would let me join the academy" said a girl named Maria.

"I don't see a reason why your mother will refuse to let you go since your mind has already been made up on becoming a hunter" assured Kelly with a smile.

"I really envy you guys having the courage to join the academy not even caring for your life" name a boy called Excel.

"Everyone is going to die one day. Why wait until then when you can try to make the world a better place. Excel no one will look down or call you a coward if you don't want to go but as for me, I have made up my mind to kill any beast that I come across once I become a hunter" replied Jace.


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