
Beast Invasion

Losing his family all because of the beasts attack on their city, Jace vow to take revenge by erasing the beasts from the face of the earth. Stay turned as we witness how Jace could achieve the impossible.....

flamezdoa · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Eliminating The Fang Wolf

With Ryder taking the left side while Axel take the right, they tried to bring the fang wolf down but whenever they have the opportunity to land a hit on it, it will quickly react either by slamming them away or running out of their encirclement and with that speed of its, it becomes really hard for them to get it down.

"I wonder how long it is going to take for us to take it down" complain Axel as he injected a liquid into his leg and the next moment, he was walking fine.

"Weren't you the one who was happy a moment again, so happen" asked Ryder as he avoid the fang wolf slam.

"I was happy because if we succeed in taking it back and teleport its body back to the academy, we will get a high point which will put us ahead of the others and let's not forget about being promoted to B-rank squad" replied Axel.

"Since you want this promotion so badly then what choice do you have than to fight" said Ryder as he swing his sword at the fang wolf who was coming at him only for him to miss.

The fight went on with the two trying to get a hit on the fang wolf but they couldn't not until the fang wolf tries to slash Axel from behind when Chloe finally let a shot out as the fang wolf was rooted to the ground in an electric field.

"Fast let's get rid of its legs before it comes out of the stunning state" said Ryder as he dashed forward before slashing the sword on the fang wolf's left leg.

"Roar Roar Roar"

The fang wolf begin to roar in pain as they continue to attack its legs until the effect of the stun bullet ran up and the fang wolf was free to move again but before it can make a move, Axel threw a flashbang at the fang wolf before closing his eyes and seeing this, Ryder quickly closed his eyes and since they already have an earphone on that help then transmit a message to one another, they don't have to worry about the sound that would occur when the flashbang goes off.


The flashbang goes off just as the fang wolf was about to get at them and the next moment the fang wolf begins to roar as it started to slash at things. Seeing the state that it's in, they begin to attack the legs once more.

"Next time inform me before doing something like that" said Ryder as he continued to strike the right leg of the fang wolf.

"I thought you will know what I threw at it" replied Axel.

It was about ten seconds when the fang wolf gain its sight and was just about to attack Ryder and Axel when a gunshot was heard and the fang wolf was stunned again giving them time to get rid of the legs before the effect wears off.

"Now that your legs are gone, let's see how you are going to move" said Ryder with a smile on his face as he take a step forward.

The fang wolf tries moving but whenever it tries getting on his fit, it will fall down as it let out a roar and that is when Chloe came out of where she was hiding and join the group.

"You almost have us there Chloe" said Axel.

"What can I say, I need to be certain that I can get a shot at it" replied Chloe as she smile at Axel.

"Well now that we have the fang wolf where we want it, I say we finish the job before someone else takes the credit" said Ryder as he made an advance toward the fang wolf who keeps slashing at them as it lay on the ground.

"It would be a suicide if someone dares" replied Axel as he pushed a button on the sword handle and the next moment the saw teeth that were around the sword begin to rotate really fast making it look like a chainsaw.

With an evil smile on his face, Axel went forward as he placed the sword on the fang wolf neck while Ryder delivered a powerful slash at the other side of the fang wolf neck while killing it in the process. The fang wolf fell to the side leaving the team to have space to breathe.

"Chloe I will leave the transportation of the fang wolf to you" said Ryder.

With a nod, Chloe took a step forward and took out a device from her storage before placing it on the fang wolf and pushing a button and a bright light begin to move round the fang wolf like it is being scanned before it suddenly disappears.

"It is done" replied Chloe with a smile as she bent down to pick the device up.

Just after the fang wolf was transported out of the place, the other squad begin to meet up with them as they were soaked in beast blood.

"I heard there was a B-rank beast in the area, so where is it hiding" said a young who seen to be at seventeen years of age.

"For you to still have the time to think about a B-rank beast, I guess you have all cleared the area of the remaining beasts" replied Ryder.

"Or could it be that your squad has already taken care of it" asked the young man once more while ignoring Ryder's question.

"You got that right Otis, now our squad is a step ahead of your squad in becoming a B-rank squad" replied Axel with a smile.

"Seem like we are a bit late, so now that the beasts have already been taken care of, what about the others, where are they hiding" asked Otis.

"They are hiding in a warehouse north from here" replied Ryder.

"Since we are done with the hunting, why don't we go get them out" said Otis.

"Just wait a minute, there is something I want to check out" reply Ryder as he left the team.

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