
Beast Guardian: I am the only one with a beast core

A war orphan gains an unexpected destiny. Can he bring peace to the world or will he destroy it instead Akira a ten year old war orphan fuses with the strongest existence and gains immense power and has to choose what he will do with it I don't own the cover This my first book and english is not my first language so please be soft on the comments Also I have school sooo, sometimes I won't release any chapters for a long time but don't worry I drop this that easily

Sora122_4 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

You're a guardian now

Well he is right, thinking about it won't change anything. So with a sigh Akira said "My name is Hidaka Akira, ten years old, I turn eleven in three months. I'm an orphan and I like chocolate"

"I want to become a guardian when I grow up like my parents and become the strongest in the world."

'Well you're already a guardian and that too one with the potential to become the strongest in the world. I wonder how you will react when you hear that' "Good, my name is Irving Anton and I'm a general ranked aura user" Akira raised his eyebrow when he heard the name but was no longer able to hide his surprise when he heard his rank

Guardians were separated into three types and five ranks. The three types are aura users, soul users and dual types.

Aura users are able to absorb the mana from their surroundings and assimilate the aura into their body which can reinforce their bodies this giving them superhuman strength. They are also the most common type of guardians

Soul users are able to absorb the mana and assimilate the soul energy into their souls which lets them use spells to perform superhuman feats like breathing fire or controlling water. Only a tenth of all guardians are soul users

Dual types are guardians who can assimilate with both soul and aura. The chances of becoming one are one in a million

Mana is an energy which is present all around us. Mana is absorbed by a guardian during cultivation and is separated into aura and soul if the guardian is an aura user he will assimilate with the aura and soul for a soul users the part that is not assimilated is released outside which collapses into nothingness due to instability.

When a guardian absorbs enough aura or soul he gains a sudden raise in strength this is called a level up.

The strength of a guardian is measured using their level. Based on their levels guardians are separated into five ranks

1.Soldier Lv- 1-20

2.Lieutenent Lv -21-50

3Captain Lv-51-100

4.Lieutenant General Lv-101-150

5.General Lv-151...

General ranked was the highest rank for a guardian there are only three generals in city Z and Irving Anton is the strongest of them all, in other words the strongest guardian in city Z.

"Why am I talking to the strongest guardian in city Z?" Akira asked with suspicion as the man in front of him with brown hair and eyes and a handsome face standing at about 180 cm tall could be lying but that was unlikely because the man in front of him greatly resembled the Irving Anton he had seen on newspapers. He just didn't realise this earlier due to the confusion.

"Ah yes, I was just about to come to that. You see in the attack last night you awakened as an early awakened."

Akira still had a look of suspicion on his face as him awakening early and meeting the strongest guardian in City Z just seemed like a dream that was too good to be true. But after thinking about it for a few seconds everything just made sense but he still had some suspicions left

Upon seeing that that Akira still had a suspicious look Anton took out a small rectangular object the size of a coin and put his thumb over it "This is my ID to the right and your awakening confirmation test results to the left. This should be enough to convince you" Irving said as two holographic screens appeared from the coin sized object