
Beast Guardian: I am the only one with a beast core

A war orphan gains an unexpected destiny. Can he bring peace to the world or will he destroy it instead Akira a ten year old war orphan fuses with the strongest existence and gains immense power and has to choose what he will do with it I don't own the cover This my first book and english is not my first language so please be soft on the comments Also I have school sooo, sometimes I won't release any chapters for a long time but don't worry I drop this that easily

Sora122_4 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Type and affinities

Akira calmed down after seeing his ID and the awakening confirmation test results. "So I'm really a guardian now huh" Akira said with an excited face. "I'm now one step closer to my goals."

"So what do I do now." Akira asked Irving as he knew that the government will take good care of an early awakened. 'I will atleast get a personal tutor and a closed space for cultivation'

"For now let's go get your type and affinities checked, after that if you are an aura user, you will get trained by me and if you are a soul user you will get trained by Dwain Carter he's the only general ranked soul user in the continent"

"Okay" replied Akira. He couldn't hide his excitement of finding out his type. He wanted to be a dual type as they were undefeatable by someone of the same level but he knew that the chances of becoming one were low. He was already thankful for being able to survive the attack of the black dragon and awakening as an early awakened on top of that. But maybe today was his lucky day and if got checked today he could become a dual type or atleast a soul user, but he was okay with that not happening as well.


After walking past a few corridors we arrived at the centre. The testing centre was at the same hospital that I was admitted to. When we opened the door on which was written 'Awakened Affinity Testing (AAT)', we saw a lot of machines that I did not recognise.

He could still smell the medicine from the hospital though it had weakened a lot. "Must be because I awakened, it seems like all my sences have sharpened, not just my sence of smell I can see and hear everything more clearly and I can feel it when someone is close to me' Akira thought even though he had not heard of any sences other than sight increasing for guardians, he thought that he may just have not heard of it. 'It was not like he knew everything in this world'

After we entered Irving knocked on the door three times and a middle aged man wearing a white lab coat and round glasses came out from behind some machinery "Ah Mr. Irving is this the kid that you talked about?" he had brown hair. Although he was not bad looking in front of Irving who looked like a model and Akira who would without doubt grow up to look better than Irving, he did not stand out

"Yes this the kid that awakened early. His name is Akira. Akira this is Mr. Tony Ariel, he is in charge of the AAT" Irving said introducing me to him after answering his question

"Then let's get started right away" he said as he didn't want to keep the kid waiting. Akira had a calm face throughout the entire time but he was running and jumping with joy inside to finally be able to know his type and affinities

"Akira I want you to stand inside that capsule right there" he said as he pointed towards a blue capsule. Akira quickly walked over to the capsule and entered it. When he entere it the door door the capsule and looked over to see Irving and Tony standing near a panel which he guessed was the control panel for the capsule.

"Now when I activate the capsule, you will feel an tingling sensation on your stomach that is where your mana core is, when that happens, I want you to focus all you consciousness on that point. When you do that your mana core will transfer all the information on the basics of cultivation to your brain and it will also allow the machine to scan your mana core and identify it's type and affinities"