
Beast Guardian: I am the only one with a beast core

A war orphan gains an unexpected destiny. Can he bring peace to the world or will he destroy it instead Akira a ten year old war orphan fuses with the strongest existence and gains immense power and has to choose what he will do with it I don't own the cover This my first book and english is not my first language so please be soft on the comments Also I have school sooo, sometimes I won't release any chapters for a long time but don't worry I drop this that easily

Sora122_4 · Fantasy
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9 Chs


"Whaaaat!!?" Irving exclaimed. Reaching level six in just two days was insane. 'Even I took a week to reach level five, but he reached level six in just two days'

'This could not even be called a genius anymore. This, how could there be two such talented people in the same generation and that too at the same age'

'No wonder that guy wanted Akira to stay at his house. His presence will motivate the girl to work harder and to not get too conceited about her powers as well.' This was not the only goal that Dwain Carter had when he proposed that Akira stayed at his house for training but Irving was not aware of that.

Irving realised that Akira was staring at him causing him to break out of his train of thought. 'Makes sence because in his perspective I just screamed and got lost in thought. I must look like a madman to him.' He thought

"You, you're not lying are you" Irving said. He just could not believe him. "Come here let me check your level" Irving said motioning for Akira to come closer to him

"Sure" Ahira said while getting off of his chair to go move closer to Irving.

When Akira came closer to him, Irving put his palm on Akira's stomach near his mana core. "I am now going to pour some of my aura into your body to sence you level, so just calm down and not oppose it okay." Irving said to which Akira nodded his head.

Seeing Akira nodding his head. Irving closed his eyes and controlled his aura to move towards Akira's mana core.

After moving his aura to Akira's mana core he used his aura to measure the amount of aura present in Akira's mana core. 'He wasn't lying his amount of aura is around the amount present in level six'


As Irving put his hand on my stomach I felt a warm energy flow through my body. 'That must be aura', I thought while staring at the red coloured energy with my special eyes activated. 'Aura looks a lot less viscous and easier to control than mana, but I'm not sure about it being easier to control as I've never used aura before.' Akira thought while Irving was moving his aura around Akira's mana core trying to measure the amount of aura present in him.

After a while Irving took his hand from Akira's stomach. "It seems that you were really not lying. I still can't believe that you managed to reach level six though." Irving said with a smile on his face.

"Anyway we should get going now that you've finished eating." Akira nodded and went to take his things to move out.

When Akira was ready he went out to see Irving waiting for him. "Are you ready kid"

Akira nodded and followed after Irving who had already started walking.


After walking for a few minutes Akira made a face as if he just remembered something important and said to Irving "Can we stop by where my house used to be before we go to Dwain Carter's house. I need to pick something up from there"

"Huh, sure but what do you want to pick up from there? Wasn't your entire house destroyed"

"I need to pick up something that my parents left for me. I think they are aura techniques and spells that were created by them and were left behind for me. You don't have to worry about them being stolen as they were stored underground in a secret compartment"