
Battling through the Nine heavens: Price and Worth of power

Born as an immortal, condemned to a mortal life. Betrayal shattered his Divine form but his resolve remains unyielding. Can a mortal defy gods and rewrite destiny, or succumbed to his cursed existence? This is the tale of a young man named Ethan who fate seems to play a fast one on. I want to information and apologise to everyone that would pick up this book, is written in animé format so please bear with some elements you see in it But I promise you, you wont be bore with unnecessary information Also do drop your comments on how you see the writing style, if you like it, leave a vote and add to your library.

Charming_8210 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Remy request

"As presumed, not soul drastic damage left a lasting marking on me" Remy said in a sigh tone as he took his hands off the orb

The bright dark glowing that seem fk bd darker than the night resides, bringing clarity to the temple once more

"Seem like he is right after all, you don't get disappointed when you don't place expectations on anything"

His temperament was calm and collected unlike everyone else watching, even the elder conducting the ceremony had a shocking look on his face

They were all lost for words as drop pin silence enveloped the whole place, meanwhile too people were rejoicing more than anything else

They were gloating in their new hand down triumph. There are usually two grade of cultivation talent in the mundane world

Green which indicate the rich vitality of ones body to embark on normal cultivation which happens to be beast cultivation or white which show no talent for normal cultivation

Why does with white talent has no talent for normal cultivation, they can still go against the world rule by taking a more difficult route with huge sacrifice

The Like of cultivating corpse or puppet cultivation, turning the body it nothing more than a tool to be able to absorb world energy

Then there is the black talent grade or more precisely the blank talent grade, the one in a million chance of those that got it is completely hopeless and useless as there is no hope ever for the cultivating

This turn around is so timely they couldn't thanks the heavens more for this miracle

"Seem like the god of fireheart family is not asleep after all" sunny the oldest Prince said to himself when he saw this. 

With one major competitor gone, all that's left is fixing the other troublesome one

Thinking of this, his mind Span into action, deducing plans to outsmart the second prince

He had little to no good impression on the people due to his arrogant and prideful nature

Sure he is no different from the second Prince, but he knows best to hide his pride behind the facade of a calm Prince....

He wasn't the only one thinking, the second Prince OJ was in his own world of thought

The only thing similar in their thought pattern is their over joy for Remy misfortune

While on the side of the emperor, his fist where clenched so tight one can hear the sound of his knuckles cracking from the force exerted on them

His anger, his disappointment and his helplessness made him succumbed to this state of utter hopelessness.

Amongst his three son, he had barely seen anyone that could carry the throne legacy forward during the selection of kings except Remy

Thus his favourable attitude towards him, he would be utterly disappointed the throne left his lineage to another during his time because of his hopeless son

But Remy had restill the confidence he need to know it would be lost to side family only for fate to be cruel to him at the last moment

He felt like punching something, destroying things to satiate his anger bit atlast there is nothing he could do other than swallow his pain and grief.

"Fear not brother, I vow by the god of our fireheart family, no one would ever treat you any less that the Prince you are" sunny placing his bet right decided to use this opportunity to his favor

If he could get Remy supporter to his side, he his half step to gaining the throne

His only concern is the selection of king coming up in threei months time, that would page more competitor on his back

Well when it gets to that bridge, he would find a way to cross it

There were mix feelings as a reaction to sunny words, everybody could tell the subtle intent to his good will

Especially Remy, "this bastard want to use me as a stepping stone huh" his expression darkened for a split second that the air around him see to carry a certain amount of killing intent

He isn't angry because of the throne but the intention kind of reopened old injuries

The anger he had been bottling up due to his present situation struggle to take hold of his rationality

Wanting to regain his strength back, fate seems to be playing with his intelligence. Sure his soul injuries would have adverse effect on his rebirth condition

But this.....this is just over the board, like hell over the board. What had he been training for the past twelve years for then

Why constantly push himself to the limit only to break it and start over again. This is just too cruel and he isn't going to accept this fate.

Calming his mind once more, he chuckle to himself mocking, "so much for still state of mind"*sigh*" guess it all fall to that guy now, hope he isn't dead yet"

Exiting his world of thought he turn to the elder conducting the ceremony who was starring at him weirdly

He didn't know if it was a fragment of his imagination butbhe cuod swore he felt a powerful killing intent befitting a veteran emanate from the third prince body for a split second

"I guess I ain't cut out to be a cultivator after all" Remy word broke the tension in the air as he childishly rub the back of his head wearing an helpless smile

Everyone didn't know how to react to his words, the reaction they envisioned in mind was what they were getting from him

It was like h didn't care one bit if he is a cultivator or a commoner, this trait increased the people thought of him albeit the fact couldn't be changed

Some even went far to which this misfortune fell on Prince OJ or Sunny, to them, Remy is the best candidate they wish to see ascend the throne

"Um big brother" Remy turned to Sunny, time to dish him is come back for planning to use him

Sunny turned towards him when he heard his name, the milkness and gentle tone where like piercing spear to his heart as he felt a premonition of evil coming his way

"What do you want kid brother, just mention it as long as it within my power, I'll do it to make you feel comfortable

You are my own blood after all" on the inside he is cursing this damn brother of his

If he didn't know him well while growing up, he wouldn't feel a need to fear but this damn brother of his is good at redressing ten portion of what was done to him back at the offender

He could still recall the time he was five ad was training in the training chamber then

Been the smallest and youngest In the training chamber, no one paid him any attention leaving him to carry out his funny looking training routintof training his body

An absurd decision for a Prince who should be studying kingdom politics and other power related study till he is old enough to cultivate

Back then he happens to pass by the training chamber and saw Remy, an evil thought to exploit this younger brother of his cross his mind as he turned and head his direction

He decided to coerce Remy into using his princely authority to request a challenge from a dragonkin Apprentice contracted to a rank one beast

Hopefully happy to watch a torture and beat down for his younger brother. Been at twelve and Remy at five, he thought he got more maturity over him

Unfortunately the lesson he Learnt that day wasn't one he could forget in an hurry. He instinctively touch the scar at the side of his face

That was the mark he got for trickling Remy, it turned out he was the one tricked

Remy instead of heading to a dragonkin apprentice as he urge him, went to a dragonkin novice.

Pulled him to the side, whispering hushly to him after which he turned to him asking loudly in front of everyone. "Big brother Sunny, you'll bear witness of my challenge and stand to agree with it right" thinking it was a challenge he had urged him for

He nodded and spoke boldly, even vowing to stand firm to his word of agreement and witness

Only to find out Remy had told the dragonkin novice cultivator he is requesting for an unrestricted training to prepare himself for his coming of age ceremony

And currently this milk and gentle tone seems to ring a bell but he decided to cast his lot hoping to have a fortune outcome this time around

The side of Remy lip arc into a wicked grin as he proceed to carry out his evil plans. "As you already know, I can't be a cultivator anymore, its do hurt to see me placing my burdens on you

You can decline if you feel it overwhelming for the first Prince of dragon empire to fulfill" more the speech went on, more sunny felt the sense of premonition increases until Remy hit the nail at the head

"....., what I'm trying to say in essence is, can you please teach my the remaining part of the 36 script of dragon language, I already learnt eighteen of them

At least with that I can end up having a tamed dragon companion to be by my side always"

Sunny felt his scalps numb as his hands resting on his armrest shake from both anger and intimidation when he heard Remy request.