
Battling through the Nine heavens: Price and Worth of power

Born as an immortal, condemned to a mortal life. Betrayal shattered his Divine form but his resolve remains unyielding. Can a mortal defy gods and rewrite destiny, or succumbed to his cursed existence? This is the tale of a young man named Ethan who fate seems to play a fast one on. I want to information and apologise to everyone that would pick up this book, is written in animé format so please bear with some elements you see in it But I promise you, you wont be bore with unnecessary information Also do drop your comments on how you see the writing style, if you like it, leave a vote and add to your library.

Charming_8210 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Remy request 2

Like what hell, you already know 18 of the 36 script of dragon language and you Ade still asking for more

Even the emperor of the kingdom comprehended only twelve at most, who doesn't know how powerful the 36 script of dragon language is

One don't need any sort of cultivation to comprehend it, but its even more difficult to master than cultivation itself

Same as Sunny, sounds of gasp and shock echoed from every one present, even the emperor couldn't keep his calm demeanor facade anymore as he asked with batted breath

"Remy dear, are you by any means saying you've comprehend the first twelve parts of the dragon language and 3 part of the second part" Remy nodded as a matter o fact

This further increased the gasp as everyone can't believed their hearing.

"Can you demonstrate the first twelve for us to see" the elder conducting the ceremony beat the emperor to his words

This discovery is too shocking, aside the first and original ancestor of the fireheart family, no one had been able to comprehend more than the first twelve of the three section

Remy nodded and took a deep breath, after all its dragon language, it take both the voice and intent of the user.

A deep rumbling sound dragon like sound resounded from him, a sound carrying the resonance of strength and power.

Those with contracted dragons felt their dragon reacting to this sound deep within their beast bag

The emperor eyes brighten as he mutter the name of the script Remy just used, "Zyrr - representing strength and power in dragon language

A sharp hissing sound followed the first one and just like the first sound, every dragon reacted to it

Becoming restly and apprehensive, if not for the beast bags they were in, maybe the whole place would have been chaotic

"Thrax- symbolizing danger and warning." The emperor do well to identify each one used as his hands were shakokg for reasons best known to him but the most apperant one is excitement

Next was a low dragon like growl" the restless dragons seems to calm down as if soothing in tranquil

"Droon - expressing protection and loyalty"

Just like that Remy spoke all eighteen dragon language he had learnt, leaving the crowd stupefied

It notable the emperor knows only twelve and his son know eighteen, for the first them the saw hope on the reemergence of one of the fireheart family heirloom and artifact "dragon fang"

The fireheart has three precious artifacts known as their heirloom, one is sitting right on the emperor head

"Fireheart" the crown the emperor's currently wearing at which the fireheart family name originated from

It was said when the benevolent god at that time save the town by killing half if the dragons he used their remains to forge three artifacts, fireheart the crown, dragonfang a unique great sword with incredible power and then the 36 scripts of the dragon language

If one can wield all three, he would become a formidable presence but that is a pipe dream a none had ever been able to wield dragonfang after the death of the first fireheart ancestor

It is said only those who could master the complete dragon language would be able to wield that sword

Thus the reason it has been gathering dust in the temple as it serve as nothing more than the heart of the formation used to guard the dragon cave.

"By my authority as the emperor, I declare Remy fireheart to have past the first round of coming of age ceremony

Let his fate decide if he can get himself a dragon as companion" the emperor declared loudly and there was no singles objections aside for two which didn't count one bit as they could only object in their heart.

"As expected, I really don't need to put much efforts to play my way through after all" Remy said to himself with a cunning grin at the side of his lips

Things worked out according to his prediction after all. Now he just have to focus on the next part of his plan.

He couldn't imagine what they would do when they find out he has comprehended the entire script of dragon language.

Once the announcement had been made, Remy walked over to join the others that have had their talent tested and are awaiting the opening of the dragon cave to get a dragon of their own.

"Hey Prince Remy" an average looking guy drew closer to Remy at the side he has decided to separate himself from the others

Remy looked at him tiredly, he didn't want to chitchat hence the reason he took a lonely spot but seem like some people still need that to be spelled out for them.

"I'm Alice, 279 in line to the throne" Remy raised a brow at his introduction

"Isn't that too much of a weight to bear on your average shoulder and what's with the girl name" he couldn't help but asked.

"Haha, I know right" Alice air of friendship seem to over look Remy air of don't you get it, I want to be alone vibe

"Thing is, my parents kind of wanted a girl when my mom was pregnant of me, they thought I'll be girl thus named me even before I was born

Turns out I showed up instead, disappointing them a bit, and they were just to reluctant to give me a change of name so here I am" wore a careless look, placing his hand over his head, giving of tjr feeling of I don't really call what I'm called kind of person

"Good for you" Remy replied coldly, wanting this guy to just leave him be, "so what do you want with me?"

"Nothing much, just wants to be friends with you, probably explore the wor...." He was still explaining when a punch landed on his stomach, causing his got spit of a mouthful of air as he crush down holding his stomach with widen eyes

"What did you do that for?" He asked barely able to hold in the pain

"Bad habit, kind of react this way when ever someone mentioned friend in front of me"

Alice almost rolled his eyeballs out, who goes around punching people when they are asked of friendship and what with that powerful punch for a nor talented cultivator.

He looks like he had been training his punches all his life.

"As expected" another voice trailed in from the side as a stunning figure waled over, "you should have expected that from one who had shut himself in door for the past 16 years training and studying

I'm quiet impressed he got communication skills, I was expecting to see a nerd when I came over today"

Remy looked at the stunning 16 year old lady only for one word to escape his dumbfounded lips, "Adora!"

"Taddy close, its Maria and 362 in line to the throne. Its quiet reliefing to see the Prince so frequently mentioned every now and then isn't a nerd" she wore a friend air just like Alice and it seem like both of them are acquainted too

Because she help that big mouth guy up the moment she walked over, "so this Adora is a friend of yours".

Remy recollect himself quickly, nodding his head sideways in denial to her question, "just someone I knew way back, what do you guys want from me

You should already know I have no chance to the throne so I don't need any supporters either"

Both of them looked at Remy as if they were looking at an idiot. "Bo chance to the throne ehnn

But got the privilege to go through the dragon selection process after been declared talentless

Comprehended 18 of of the 36 script of dragon language and got the support of many people

That doesn't sound like someone without a chance for the throne to me" Maria recounted

"Let's just say I'm lucky" Remy threw the blame on luck shamelessly, causing Alice lips to twitch when he heard this

"You most be the service man of lady luck to favour you this much, I bet she had plans for you too during the selection of kings right" he asked sarcastically in a mocking tone

Remy could only shrug his shoulder, refusing to answer that question

"That aside" Maria picked the conversation up once again, "we came to asked if you would like to team with us in a little adventure to see the world outside dragon empire

I can tell you don't like been tied down by the political business of the kingdom and wouldn't fight for the throne even if you got cultivation talent"

Remy cock his head sideways, giving her the weird I don't get your point kind of look, "my life's is a book now?".

"far from that Prince Remy. I saw your expression when you found out you didn't get cultivation talent

It wasn't one of utter disappointment, its more like I couldn't care less kind of expression and that explained it all to me"

"She is just the same, the hypersensitivity one that could pick up minute details. Guess I'll have to be careful around her" Remy thought within himself while doin his best not to show any expression on his face.