
Battling through the Nine heavens: Price and Worth of power

Born as an immortal, condemned to a mortal life. Betrayal shattered his Divine form but his resolve remains unyielding. Can a mortal defy gods and rewrite destiny, or succumbed to his cursed existence? This is the tale of a young man named Ethan who fate seems to play a fast one on. I want to information and apologise to everyone that would pick up this book, is written in animé format so please bear with some elements you see in it But I promise you, you wont be bore with unnecessary information Also do drop your comments on how you see the writing style, if you like it, leave a vote and add to your library.

Charming_8210 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Can this still be called talent

Within one of the training chamber of the dragon empire royal palace, a young man could be seen panting and grunting as he relentlessly swing his training sword none stop

Thick beeds of sweat running down his forehead and his arms twitching from over exertion of strength

Yet this young man ignored the pain, ignored the exhaustion threatening to engulf his figure, his eyes covered in black circle under his eyelid were red out of tiredness but he refused to yield

Swing his sword forcefully one more time, his figure staggered and stumbled along with the trajectory he swag the sword at, falling butt flat on the ground.

"You have to take it easy on yourself Prince Remy, pushing yourself too hard isn't good for your health. Its not like sword play has a lot to do with beast cultivation anyway."

A mid age man who just walked In spoke to the sixteen year old Remy panting tiredly on the floor. Though he said that, his expression still carry admiration to the dedication of the young prince jnlole his other two brothers

"I know uncle, like i always say, no knowledge is lost" Remy helped himself up as he made it for the tower hanger at one corner of the training chamber

"Is it time already, it just felt like a few hours the sun made it for its peak" 

The mid age man mouth twitched a bit not knowing how best to answer, only a workaholic like him would train to the point he lost track of time

"Everyone is already gather prince Remy, you can't be late for such a ceremony, especially when you are a Prince"

"Tell me about it" Remy answered uninterested, a reaction that didn't go unnoticed by his uncle who began a lecture on the importance of him taking interest in the politics of the empire and other related shit he careless to think about

It wasn't his fault many are rooting for him to be the next emperor due to his hard work and dedication to grow

Of only they knew none of this things caught his interest, be it the throne or the power level of this world.

Saving himself the sermon, he reluctant agree to his uncle lecture with a false promise of giving it a try. After which he took a quick shower and head for the palace temple

A palace that could only be visited by those related to the royal family when they turn sixteen and today happens to be his sixteenth birthday.

Immediately he arrived at the temple, everyone their turn towards his direction as they savour his look of splendour. His short wave silver hair that shines like moonlight, slim and tall physique, with a toned body. Piercing sapphire blue eyes that seem to gaze into your soul, chiseled jawline and high cheekbones.

Dressed in a white jumpsuit with intricate designs reminiscent of Royal attire, complete with a flowing white cloak having dragon insignia imprinted at the back.

He is every definition of a woman killer from every angle you looked at him from, even his too older brother pale in comparison to his look

This added a lot of tension to already fragile relationship existing amongst the princes, he got looks, he got support and he is zealous

Why wouldn't they feel threatened by his existence, even right now the way they llll at him when he arrived shows a lot of their resentment toward him

But who is Remy again to care, he simply didn't put those two before his eyes, he shot them a complete nonchalant gaze before heading for his sit beside his father

This action steer the Stormy waters even more as the emperor took great likened to this Kid brother of Thiers

Still all they could do is watch in silence and contempt as they individually within themselves plot a way to get him out of the way

Remy on the other hand unaffected by what ever thought might be going through his siblings head turned towards the figure at the elevated platform, giving speech about the history of fireheart family

"Just get on with it already" Remy mutter inaudibly, he didn't see a reason for the long sermon

The ancestor of the foreheart family chance upon a god when the town was at the mercy of power dragons attack

Defeated the dragon and gave the fire heart ancestor a techniques that allows them tame and cultivate dragon beast cultivation

He has read this history over and over again through out the years, there isn't anything special in it other than some bored arrogant god descending to the mortal plane to show himself

He's probably a weak god too, who couldn't stand the hash reality of been weake amongst other god and this cake down to help his self esteem

While was still rumbling about the arrogant god descending issue, the formation shrouding the other half of the temple was deactivated and he almost choke on his breath with what came in view

His mouth twitching as his expression darkened, it was like he was going through an internal soliloquy

His subconsciousness clapping for hok with a sarcastic welldone tone, "way to go bord arrogant weak god, didn't know the other damper your ego so much you have to run to the mundane world to reclaim some self esteem"

"Nonsense, I ain't that. I'm a self discipline and committed god at my time, i can't be weak" he retort his own thought as he disperse his subconscious thought, retuning to reality

Staring at the scene in front of him once more, he couldn't help but smile bitterly to himself

Right in front of him is a statue of his former self when he was about seven to eight of age standing over a defeated dragon whose head was under his feet

He had always felt the fireheart family history looks familiar but couldn't put jos finger on it, but now that he saw this statue depiction

He recollect where the familiarity was coming from, it turns out he had descended to the mundane world long time ago

He couldn't really tell what time at thenz after all mortal time and god time aren't the same

Back then he had just incidentally murder Sophia when he first used his battle mode, having no control over it then he turn on everyone, friends and foes alike

When he finally regained himself, gaining control of his action back, he was overwhelmed by what he had done that he fled out of guilt

He couldn't stand to face the others and needed to stay away, thus he ran to mundane world where the others wouldn't think of searching

Unfortunately when he arrived then, the same town he descended on was under attack of dragons

With his already sore mood, he wiped out half of the dragon race in one go, sealed the other half and gave the only brave man he could find at the town that time a technique that would allow them control the rest of the dragon and harness their power to protect the town

He never knew that same town would grow to become a powerful empire he had been reborn in right now

How ironic, born from the bloodline of one that had once seen you as his Messiah

The ceremony continued as planned, lots of the fireheart extended family came out one by one to test their talent of cultivation

This world, ones cultivation talent is as important as ones statues of power, no cultivation, no power

The universe energy in mundane world is already pretty low to the state where the law of cultivation in this world is beast cultivation.

If you don't have affinity for beast cultivation, you end up an ordinary man for the rest of your life

Well that has never happened in the lineage of the fireheart family due to the cultivation techniques pass down by the predecessors

Unlike other people that cultivate beast energy, the fireheart family cultivates dragon qi which also tempers their physique a lot the longer the cultivates

Finally after a long cue of the side families, it came to Remy's turn, the third prince everyone looks up to with great expectations

Remy stood up elegantly and with a stroden step approach the platform, his steps filled with majestic rhythm which further annoyed his two brothers who couldn't stomach the reaction people gave when his name was mentioned

If the percentage of hatred were 50% before now, it had just shot past the 100% mark, they really wish they could just kill him right now

And the emperor wasn't making things easy by any means, he nod approvingly when he saw the reaction of the people towards Remy.

Remy arrived before the platform an was warmly spoke to by the elder in charge, instructing him on the procedure to follow as he place his hands on the talent orb to reveal his cultivation affinity

The orb glow bright and blindly that every gasp, the reaction of the orb was so unexpected that many stood up unknowingly

They couldn't believed their eyes, could this still even be called talent, this were the thought on everyone mind as the start at the result of the orb.