
Battling through the Nine heavens: Price and Worth of power

Born as an immortal, condemned to a mortal life. Betrayal shattered his Divine form but his resolve remains unyielding. Can a mortal defy gods and rewrite destiny, or succumbed to his cursed existence? This is the tale of a young man named Ethan who fate seems to play a fast one on. I want to information and apologise to everyone that would pick up this book, is written in animé format so please bear with some elements you see in it But I promise you, you wont be bore with unnecessary information Also do drop your comments on how you see the writing style, if you like it, leave a vote and add to your library.

Charming_8210 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Dragon selection 1

Unfortunately for him, that didn't take the expected route. " pathetic and rude, how unruly. Are you trying to hide your expression from me" Maria was beyond pissed when she notice him trying to hide his expression behind a stoic look

She completely disregard the fact they are hist meeting for the first time and hadn't know each other more than a few minutes

She scold Remy as if she was scolding her younger one, "what do you mean you aren't hiding your expression

Your fingers were sutlely twitching and your lips edge to the side a bit as him trying to maintain an monotone expression

 Not to mention the forced look on your face..." She went on and on while Remy mental figure was holding his head screaming at the top of his lungs

"Not again!, not again!!"

Alice knew best not to interfere as he stood to the side watching pitifully at Remy as he could reprimanded by Maria

"Maria! Maria!!" Alice called pulled her back as she turned toward him with an angry face and tone

"What?" Alice swallowed hard when he saw the expression and tone of Maria but he still went on to say the reason for his call

"You are been called up the platform" he said pointing at the elder called her name once again after repeating it a couple of time before now

"Huh, I got carried away again right" she asked Alice with a shy tone as the other nodded to her in agreement

"I guess I really need to work more on my temperament" she said before turning to Remy "I'm not done with you yet, once all this is over

You are going to explain what you were trying to hide" her tone and temperament took a 360 in a split

Saying that, she gave him my eyes are on you gesture before heading for the platform her name is been re-announced

"Don't take it to heart man, that just her for you. It was a nightmate when I first met her but I soon get to understand her person and find out she is a sweet caring soul behind the harsh mask"

"I know" Remy answer came almost immediately, startling Alice as he wonder If the two were acquainted before now

He was tempted to asked but the don't asked gaze Remy gave him made him swallow back his question and hope to dig out clues later.

Back at the platform, Maria arrived before the elder who instructed her to sit cross leg on a seal area of the platform made of of dragon language and let her self free as the wind

Let her emotions and personality run wild, her ambition and deepest disire break free in her meditation

She followed the instruction promptly and was sited cross leg in a meditative pose as she allow herself free from every shackles

The seal glow mildly as a soft humming sound resonant from it, permitting through the entrance of the dragon cave down deep Into the cave

Few moment later, a power roar resonated and resounded from deep within the cave as the roar kept growing closer

All those that had gone through the same process felt their rank one dragons they had contracted reacting to the roar as the fidget and shook when they heard that roar

Bowing their head to its deterrence, the elders watching from the side and everyone else present had a brightened expression

From the beginning of the selection up until now, no one had been able to contract a dragon above rank one

So this is sure a great moment as they were earger to see which dragon she contracted and what its rank is

This also goes to show she got great future ahead of her, a prodigy amongst prodigy if one is to put it that way.

Slowly the dragon began to emerge from within the cave, its body shimmering with cosmic energy and stardust

When it fully emerged, it gave out another powerful roar that seems to shake the space around it

The elder conducting the ceremony had his eyes wide open as he frantically flip through the pages of the dragon beastry that had been compiled and handed down generation

"A dragon with body that shimmers with cosmic energy and stardust, its roar can affect the space around it" the emperor mutter within himself as he scan through his memories

The crown on his head gave a soft hum sound and a sharp brief glow blink as he immediately got the information he is in search of

At the same time the elder at the platform found what he was looking for too and excited recite it to the hearing of every.

"Nebula Dragon, Element: Space. It had only been contracted once during history and it contractor got ability to Manipulate space and time and create black holes. From what he record down

It also note that there are more to be discovered but the user at then couldn't cultivated more than level five dragonkin master realm of cultivation, leaving him with only 50% of his contracted dragon strength and power

Its also states evolving a nebula dragon is incredibly demanding, he could only evolved his from rank one to rank three

But I guess having a rank three nebula dragon at a start point is sure a bun for you

Ranking it up to rank four would be too difficult for you if you work hard enough, as for other rank after

Only time would tell" the elders voice was indeed elicited with joy.

Maria looked at the 28 feet dragon who's wings span about 42 feet and could help but marvel at her dynamic appearance

Its scales a swirling mix of purples, blues, and pinks, resembling a galaxy. Its eyes twinkle like stars, and its horns emit tiny sparks of cosmic energy. The dragon's wings seem to ripple with stardust, and its claws glitter with celestial light. It moves gracefully, as if propelled by the forces of the universe.

"Well then, what are you waiting for, contract her already. She is sure a true beauty and seem to be interested in you" the elder said gazing into the dragon eyes of affectionate look toward maria

"You sure are a lucky one little girl, my bet is her level of loyalty might exceed fifty percent, shifting from the equal standing contract unusual gained by others"

Maria felt excited as she bit her tumb, drip a droplet of blood on her palm as she held out towards the dragon, reciting her full name while requesting the dragon to be her contract beast

The dragon roar in return and that drop of blood turned into a mythical magical seal that split into two identical one. One flew over to the dragon, submerging into her while the other submerged into Maria

This is the way of dragon contract, other beast don't need this process, once they had been caught and subdue

A contract can be forced on them, though such route isn't advisable since the beast would end up being the cultivator source of power

After Maria contracted her dragon, they felt companionship towards each other as their mind immediately got link as one. A rider and its dragon.

The ceremony continued with other contract all sorts of dragons but unlike Maria, none got a dragon above rank one

"Alice fireheart"

"Guess its my turn now, wish me luck" Alice said to the duo on his side, Remy to his right away from maria and maria at the other side

She didn't pursue her case when she returned due to been excited but Remy just don't want to be around her that much

"You don't need one, you'll be good" she replied in a mater of fact tone while Remy just pretend he didn't hear Alice say anything

Alice shook his head at Remy attitude and made his way to the platform, everything went on as usuals and in no time a powerful roar resounded from within the cave

It was powerful but lacking compare to that of maria, shortly after a dragon emerged from within the cave.

 Its 22 feet in height, 44 feet wing span dragon with dark, shadowy scales that seem to absorb light

Its eyes a pools of endless darkness, complimenting its serpentine body that moves with eerie grace

To top it all its Horns are curve like crescent moons giving it a domineering look all together

"Void Dragon, Element of Darkness. Can blend into shadows and darkness, nearly invisible

It give its contractors the ability manipulate darkness, create shadowy illusions, drain light and energy from surroundings

It had only been contracted six time through history

Just like the nebula dragon, evolving it would be hell of a task but you got a good head Starr by contracting a rank two void dragon"

The elder explained Alice dragon information to him and everyone else, Alice returned to Remy and maria side as they continue to watch the ceremony continued in silence

After a while everyone had gotten a dragon save Remy, as per the emperor instruction, he was called upon like the others

He step up the platform amidst the multiple expression gaze from the onlookers hoping to see a miracle

Remy looked at the seal on the platform and could tell straight away it was made with dragon language script

He took a step forward but instead of entering the circle seal, he walked past it heading for the entrance of the cave. The elder wanted to stop him out of concern but the stubborn brat wouldn't budge or heed to advice

Amidst everyone surprised gave he walk through the entrance and disappeared from sight while everyone looked on in anticipation.kl