
Battling through the Nine heavens: Price and Worth of power

Born as an immortal, condemned to a mortal life. Betrayal shattered his Divine form but his resolve remains unyielding. Can a mortal defy gods and rewrite destiny, or succumbed to his cursed existence? This is the tale of a young man named Ethan who fate seems to play a fast one on. I want to information and apologise to everyone that would pick up this book, is written in animé format so please bear with some elements you see in it But I promise you, you wont be bore with unnecessary information Also do drop your comments on how you see the writing style, if you like it, leave a vote and add to your library.

Charming_8210 · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Absolute darkness, this were Ethan first thought when he woke up, the next thought through his mind is, "where am i?"

He couldn't recall anything, his mind a blank slate other than the fact he is self aware and for some reason a nagging feeling that something isn't right with him

Also this darkness around him feels to cozy and warm, the peace, quietness and freedom felt so heavenly that he desire to just soak in this feeling

Well nothing last forever because right when he felt like embracing this feeling he felt an ejecting force pushing him out of the darkness

No matter how much fight and struggle he put up to push back the force acting on him, he still ends up falling

His figure embraced the light that had just shone into the darkness, his body slowly forced out through a soft cozy tunnel

The brilliant light permitted his sight, forcing him to close his eyes for a splits moment and when he finally open them back, his vision adjusting to his surrounding

He was shocked to find himself encircled by giant beauties and an old hag, his figure held steadfastly in the hands of the old hag who kept giving him a weird look

Ethan felt insulted, he felt his pride damped on and was furious he want to smash this gaint old hag face only to be shocked by his tiny hands

It was then the realization done on him together with an influx of foreign information that suddenly invaded his mind

Assimilating and digesting the information which where original his, a barrage of anger raised from his dept as he screamed out a single name "M...AX...WE...LL!!!"

Funny enough that scream came out as a baby cry which got the old hag relief as she took the baby and hand him over to his mother.

"He is a stubborn one my Queen, he had a feisty temperament too" she chuckles while giving the baby a few forceful tap on his backside.

Ethan could careless about those at the moment, the thought of becoming a baby is the lest of his worries

His major pain and anger is the fact he failed, after all the effort, the struggles and sacrifice he still end up failing and why

Because he trusted someone, he became too sentimental to the point it blinded him from the truth laid before his own eyes

Thinking of this regret and grief also began to set in, he recalled his own words, "Sentiment might be seen as a weakness but its also a driving force for a determined mind

Unfortunately you all can't understand that as you've been too detached from the world to be able to tell"

Seem like he Is the one who couldn't understand it after all, maybe been detached is that bad after all

Multiple thought race through his head as his mind became a mess, the most apparent and nagging thought are the last word a he heard before darkness embraced him

He could still recall the scene as if it happening right in front of him over and over again

"You don't understand it do you Ethan" Maxwell walked over his chained figure, held down by time chain, spacelock and chains of Valkyrie

Stopping before him with his heart he had just rippped off from his chest leaving a huge bleeding hole in his chest which further weakened him along with the many restrictions used on him

"You know the price of power but you never truly know its worth, and to that end I can't allow you fulfill your wish

I'm truly sorry for this isn't the path we want to take, we've tried changing your mind but you are just too hell bent on your goals" Maxwell voice seem to carry an hint of pain for a split second but disappeared the next minute as he crushed his heart merciless.

Now that he thought back at that scene, be felt stupid as they had been hinting him of this very betrayal way before hand

But he was just too blind to pick the subtle message, thinking of the look of self righteousness they wore when they said they were going to fulfil the promised of dying in their own hand his stomach shun from digust and hate as he pour our his stomach

Unfortunately he really did empty his stomach in reality, he had been so engrossed he didn't notice when he was breast feed by his mother

Immediately the fluid pour down his throat, he recollect himself and was overwhelmed with shame to the point he spat everything out right back at his mother

"Nan, he's refusing to be fed" his mother complained after a few more attempt to fed Ethan but the little child just won budge

"Told you he is a feisty one my Queen, you don't have to be worried he is perfectly fine

He would come along soon" the old hag lady reassure while preparing an herb soup for the Queen

"Damm you woman, I'm a god for crying out loud. How can I allow myself to be down graded to such level

Even if I'm small, I still have my dignity as a god and one of the strongest on there is" Ethan grumble it it came out as baby chuckles and gasps

"Hmm, vibrant I see, I guess I'll call you Remy then. From onward you are Prince Remy, third son Prince of the dragon empire".

Ethan ears peck when he heard her words, like who the hell still use those kind of name in present world

What happen to the immortal asura clan or the heavenly sword clan. He was rumbling this thought through is head when he sudden hit an hurde as clarity brace his understanding

"Did I just hear her say empire?" Ethan eyes were filled with disbelief, he fear his speculation ain't through

The energy level in the air is minute to the point its almost unnoticeable, the lady who happens to be her mother is addressed as Queen and then she called him a Prince of an empire

If knowledge serve him right, there is only one place all this things could be found, its the mundane world

Thinking up to this point a loud roar of unfairness and defiance erupted from him, "NOOOOOO" he was screaming his lungs out

He can't accept this, if all places to be reborn in, why the mortal mundane realm, why the trashiest of the trashiest.

His roar once again was misunderstood and could only get settle with the breast milk of a mother stuff into his mouth and force down his throat.

He felt oppressed and mostly he felt he had been curse and punished for failing to fulfil his goal

His mind spin in overdrive as he try to figure out what had happened and why things turn out this way

First he wasn't supposed to be alive, he was sure of that. Maxwell's and the others had exploit his ability weakness back at the elder god realm

Maxwell himself spoke of it back then, "struggling is futile Ethan, you of all people should be aware i know how your power works

I've got Aurora to seal the space around us not to allow a ounce of energy in while I drained every last bit within the space

You can already tell I've drain every bit left inside of you when I ripped your heart out

Xavier time chain stops your body from regaining the lost energy or heal your ripped out heart" saying that he squat down to pick the equilibrium blade laying in front of him, "I don't need to mention the life essence draining effect of the chains of Valkyrie do I"

Ethan spat out more blood as his nose bleed from the amount of rage inside of him listening to Maxwell

He spoke as if for a matter of fact they are sworn enemies.

"It would have been much of an headache to battle you after we are done with that guy

I never for once believed we would fail especially when you set your eyes on the goal

All I have do is wait and give you subtle push every time your faith falters. Thanks to his timely distraction with his endless question"

He pointed at the elder god whose body had almost completely disintegrated, leaving just a portion of his chest, an arm and his head.

He continued afterwards " that little distraction of his lend us a hand by giving us the apple time we needed to come up with a good plan"

The elder god laugh maniacally, "oh, I didn't do anything of such, I was only playing my path in fate already defined"

Maxwell laughed at his words, "you sure are a good role player to keep your path of defeat real

How ironic it was, an elder god fear by all was defeated by a bunch of supreme god, it such sound like a good tale to tell in time to come"

"Haha, naive. I wasn't talking about my fate or the fate of any of us here, I'm talking about his fate"

"Huh" Maxwell raised his brow at his words, a bit lost on what he meant by that statement

"Haha, you really can't tell right? Let me help you out then, you can take a fish from the river but you can never take the river from the fish"

Maxwell brow frow even more until epiphany hit him bit it was too late as a powerful force blast all them skidding backwards as Ethan figure slowly began to rise in the air

His appearance has taken his demented look again and it blazing with energy, his eyes filled with rage, regret and pain

"I've made a blunder I can't atone for in words, but it doesn't matter now, I'll fix everything up as I initially wanted to do

It only a pity I can't be there to see it anymore" 

The other frown, Maxwell racking his brain to see where he had miscalculated until he find the clue he needed

He had sealed away all of Ethan source of energy but his soul still remain a and the mad man had decided to sacrifice his soul to fulfil his goal

He can't believed this guy truly decided to kill himself, its not like that wasn't his intended outcome for him anyway

But not through this method, his thought out plan, his gaol's, his sacrifice and all can't just go to waste like that.

This were his thought as he saw Ethan levitating mid air, and Ethan ever growing aura made it clear he isn't backing out

Ethan looked down on Everyone, people he knew a his family, those that had been through thick and harry with him and a surge of pain hit him

He couldn't bear the emotional pain anymore and like a god giving his final verdict, he uttered with a booming voice. "RETURN"

Their faces of betrayal were the last thing he saw before his vision went balck. Vile soul, Ethan curse after reviewing the incident one more time

A surge of rage raising inside of him as he solely swore to get back at those bastard and make them pay

He would make them regret ever betraying him or foiling his goals after everything he had done for them

The should just wait, he would utilized this chance giving to him, correct all his errors and cover all his lapses In his previous life

He would not rest till he have everyone of them under his feet begging for live.