
Battling fate

A mysterious boy with a mysterious background encounters a space storm, taking him to a cultivation world, he embarks the cultivation path in order to ensure a smooth life, but there is more to him than meets the eye.

cutelord · Fantasy
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11 Chs


"By the way, uncle bear can I get more of those leaf-shaped sweet, one isn't enough to satisfy me", hearing those words Lucas felt like dying. The so called leaf-shaped sweet was the federation's treasure infact it was the reason the military base was built there. after several experiment it was established that the energy contained in it could make an average person attain a higher level than the universal warrior, which is currently the highest level humans are known to achieve. Every effort to move it from the spot it descended on proceed abortive, and right now a little boy actually ate it, and didn't have any reaction."Did you really eat the leaf?"."Yes is there more of it"

Lucas felt like strangling him, but seeing his innocent face, he couldn't do such a thing, he held his hand and took him out.

The guards were surprised to see the fabled 'Lionheart' come out with a cute boy, what really surprised them was the fact that the boy actually called him, 'uncle bear'. Everyone knew the fact that Lucas's huge stature was a taboo topic, now a little boy was actually calling him 'bear' to his face without him taking action.

"Who is he boss, where is the thief?", "There's no thief in the warehouse, it's just him, you two remain here, I need to see the general".

After he left, the guards looked at each other strangely but didn't dare say anything, they remained in their duty post.

Frank was surprised when Lucas entered the room with a little boy, "where is the infiltrator and why are you here with a little boy"."This is Carl I found him in the warehouse". "what about the treasure?". Lucas was thinking of how to explain when Carl spoke"uncle bear, who is this uncle?, is he your superior, can he get me more of those sweets?". Lucas thought to himself, "Don't you know what fear is". He said,"Carl has eaten the treasure". Immediately Frank's face became even colder, and with a chilly voice, said"did you just say this boy ate the holy leaf"."yes boss".

Lucas was expecting him to flare up and perhaps even kill him, but he just laughed and said "good". "Good? am sorry to ask general, but why is him eating it good"."You know the amount of time and energy we've spent on the damned leaf, still we couldn't find a way to use it, now this little boy here has managed to eat and store it's energy, so all we have to do is extract it from his boy"."no way, that will be going against the law, he is just a little kid"."humph, leave him here and go to the gateway now, and am adding a extra year to your punishment". Lucas was conflicted on what to do, but as a soldier, he couldn't disobey orders."Am sorry boy, am really sorry". he said and left."you're a baddie, when my father comes he'll punish you". Carl said to frank."really, I'll like to see what your father can do to me"."Jeff come in"he said.

A man entered."here I am sir"."You are to assume Lucas's post from this moment onwards"."Thank you boss".

"Take this boy here to the teleporter, and send him to the research facility, tell they to start making research on him"."yes sir". he said and left.

"Sorry boy, but I have to follow orders"."hmph, when my dad comes you will regret all of this".

Jeff took him to teleporter, put him in it and activated it, everything seemed smooth when a huge wave of energy bursted out of the machine."oh no, how could there be a spatial storm, now I don't know where he'll get teleported to,I need to tell the general right away".