
Battling fate

A mysterious boy with a mysterious background encounters a space storm, taking him to a cultivation world, he embarks the cultivation path in order to ensure a smooth life, but there is more to him than meets the eye.

cutelord · Fantasy
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11 Chs


After Carl was pushed into the portal, he had the feeling he was flying through space, which felt familiar to him, when suddenly he felt the space become chaotic.

He wasn't worried since he instinctively believed his father would calm space, he then realized he couldn't remember who his father is."what is happening to me, why does my head hurt so much,". He thought.

"Someone help me". He shouted but all he saw was darkness, when the storm was about to consume him, he had a blackout.

Planet Spiritus,

In a little town, a bunch of kids could be seen playing around when one of them suddenly stopped, pointing at the fountain in the middle of the Town square, looking up, the rest of his friends saw the space above the fountain cracking, immediately they dispersed, the parents, wanting to know what made their children stop playing saw the space crack above the fountain.

"Cole, go and call the chief now".a woman said to the child beside her.

"There is no need to panic, am already here". A white haired man said, seeing the man, the crowd calmed down, it was like the man presence could solve any problem.

"Everyone calm down, if I remember correctly this is the sign of the holy child's coming...". The man was about to explain the situation to the people when he suddenly stopped speaking, when the people followed his eyes they were shocked too, there was another space crack above the fountain.

"Are there two holy children",a naive child said to his father.

"I don't know anymore". The chief was as shocked as he could be,"could it be that our ancestors were duped, how can there be two holy children, or did the so called great diviner make a mistake, or could it be this isn't the sign of the holy child's coming.

As the whole town kept staring at the cracks, an unconscious chubby figure suddenly came out of the first crack, not long after another unconscious little figure came out of the other crack.

Seeing the to little boys, Ragnar Said to the townsfolk, "I think they are really the holy children, not even I can travel through the space barrier here unscathed, Billy, Tristan come and take them to my house"

A few days after, Carl woke up, looking around here realized he was in an unfamiliar room, he saw a chubby boy around his age sleeping on a bed on the other side of the room.

He stood up looking around the room, the room's design was very simple, just like that of an old man.

Not long after he woke, the chubby boy also woke up, seeing him the boy shouted,"who are you".

Perhaps hearing the boy's voice, a man entered the room, seeing them awake the man ran outside excitedly shouting, "Chief, Chief, they're awake".

A few seconds later, the man came back with Ragnar. seeing the two of them awake he said, "hello little kids, my name is Ragnar but you can just call me chief".

"My name is Carl, where is this place, and why are we here?".

"Well little one, this is Sunil town, our warriors found you two in the woods and brought you here". Simon was surprised when he heard this,"why is the chief lying", but seeing the look on his face he decided not to say anything.

"My name is Ralph, can I get something to eat, am starving". The chubby boy suddenly said.

"The two of you follow me let's go eat, we'll talk after eating". Ragnar answered, leading the two boys out of the room.