
Battling fate

A mysterious boy with a mysterious background encounters a space storm, taking him to a cultivation world, he embarks the cultivation path in order to ensure a smooth life, but there is more to him than meets the eye.

cutelord · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Planet Tera,

In the military base 1, a cold looking man could be seen in a room filled with high tech systems, he seemed to be relaxing when he saw the radar pick up an energy signal in the warehouse. Angrily he said,"Lucas!"

A huge looking man entered and said"yes general","can you explain the fact that someone infiltrated the warehouse under your watch". Shocked Lucas quickly contacted the warehouse guards"lock down the warehouse now"."I am sorry sir, please punish me for this mistake, I deserve to be punished"

"humph after catching the thief, you should go to the gateway without coming to base for a year, now get out","thank you sir".he saluted and left.

After Lucas left, Frank said to himself "it seems my absence in the federation has made them forget who I am, this is my turf and anyone that invades must face my wrath,I will remind them why am called the angel of battle.

Getting to the warehouse, Lucas reprimanded his subordinates,"where were you when someone sneaked into the warehouse","were here all day, we didn't notice anyone or anything around here"."I don't care when am going to the gateway you two will go with me and you can't come to base until I do"."yes sir".They said with a strange expression. In their minds they were thinking "why would you go to the gateway, when there are soldiers there already". Lucas seemed to know what there were thinking since he coldly humped and opened the warehouse."stand guard here, do not let anyone come near this place".

Cautiously entering the warehouse, Lucas looked around, expecting some famous assassin or worldly renowned thief, but he was surprised to see a little boy of about five years staring at him, he had fair skin, dark hair, sharp eyebrows and a pretty face. He was so cute that seeing his face loosened Lucas's guard, but remembering the fact that he could enter the warehouse without been found out, he entered battle stance and said "who sent you". The boy suddenly smiled, the smile was so pure that it erased every suspicion he had about the boy being some old master in disguise, there was no way an old master could have such a pure smile.

"Uncle bear, where is this place?". Hearing this Lucas face became ugly as he said."who are you calling bear, my name is Lucas, so call me uncle lucas"."no you look like a bear and you're older so I'll call you uncle bear".

"Call me whatever you like, how did you get here, "my father sent me here","where is he", "He's coming with Mom". Lucas was Shocked, even the strongest man in the federation couldn't send someone to the first military base without anyone finding out.

"Follow me", he said and stretched his hand to the boy. he took his hand and they walked out together.

"By the way, what's your name","my name is Carl".