
Battle Of The Realm - Zenneth Realm (Zeo Arc)

Zeo was raised by both adopted parents, not realizing the responsibility he would hold after the Shadow Clan's destruction when the clan protective mechanism suddenly disappears, enabling his father enemies to take advantage of it. Not realizing his father's intention, Zeo starts on the path of vengeance, which may affect the future of Zenneth or perhaps destruction itself. Zeo will have to choose later on to become a protector or a destroyer

DarkSin · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Sudden Calling of the Beginning

While the three of them were enjoying their dinner cooked by the servant known as the best Spiritual Chef in Shadow Island, suddenly, the sound of wind, the waves of the sea, and the chirping of the cicada was gone. Patriarch SiaXin suddenly shows a serious face which makes both of Zeo and Rebecca worry. They know this is a situation that has always occurred when Patriach SiaXin need to leave them and will only come back sometimes a week , sometimes a year. "Im sorry Rebecca and Zeo , I need to leave in 3 month to answer the calling from the Ancient One. I really hope for the current time we spend together to last longer but I really don't have a choice".

"Stinky Sia, let us get married tonight, I won't accept any excuses for today. My child Zeo, go to Elder Kinta's house tonight; he just sent me a message that he has new toys that he invented to play with you."

" Ermmm …. Rebecca , I think there is no such thing as my pal Kinta …" " Shut your mouth, goofy bumps" . Zeo, who heard her mother jumping in delight and ravenously, quickly finished his dinner and went out of the house to Kinta house. " Thank you, mother, for allowing me to go to Uncle Kinta house , YAYYYY !!! ". Patriarch SiaXin was flabbergasted by the situation. In Shadow Island, marriage ceremony is where the couple to swore to protect honor, life, and each other towards the God. Then it is completed by a couple copulate on the same night.

Rebecca takes Patriarch SiaXin hand, sitting cross-legged, and kiss the hand of the man he has loved since she was a child. My love SiaXin , I have accompanied you since we were children , bled for your fight, cheered you up when you were down , accompanied you when you felt alone, and with this life , I'm willing to sacrifice to protect your life, your honor and to bear you a child. Will you accept my pledge to you witness by God above and become my husband".

" Rebecca , isn't the man suppose to do this ?". " I know how slow are you regard this Stupid Sia , SO ARE YOU WILLING OR NOT , THIS IS NOT A QUESTION , YOU MUST BE WILLING".

" Hahahahahaha, Rebecca , Rebecca , or should I say my Little Crybaby, I am hoping that you will be wife and love me for eternity like you always do". Rebecca eyes suddenly moisten up. Little Crybaby is the title that SiaXin gave her when they were child, he always will be the one who cheer her up when she is feeling down during that time. "Owh SiaXin, I will always love you for eternity". The sound of lips kissing, slurping each other tongues greedily with Rebecca's cute moaning makes SiaXin more aggressive. The newlywed first night continues until morning, surprisingly Patriarch SiaXin remembers to put a sound barrier around the house. " SiaXin, I will cherish this moment always". " Rebecca, we still have 3 months to go; let me order Kinta to take care of Zeo for a whole month; Zeo need a younger sibling, right."

" But what reason do we need to tell Kinta for this". "Owh don't worry I already told my pal what we are doing, my dear". Suddenly Patriarch Sia face was slapped and his whole body crushed against the wall of the house. " YOU STUPID SIAXIN WHAT YOU TOLD TO KINTA". " Errr, is it wrong to tell this thing to our pal". " HOW MANY THOUSAND YEARS YOU HAVE LIVED, AND YOU STILL DO NOT DEVELOP ANY COMMON SENSE". Patriarch SiaXin ran from the chase of Rebecca, but instead of anger, the sound of laughing and face of smiling came out from both of them.

"Uncle Kinta, Uncle Kinta, I am here; it so weird for you to ask for me in the middle of the night, but what toy that you have for me. Err uncle, why is your mouth gaping like that, it is scary, I can fill why whole face inside of it ". " Sob sob, Saint Rebecca , you have been stolen but it is okay since it is Big Boss Sia , but Boss kind of more stupid then me telling me the real reason to take care of you for a month". "Uncle, where is the toy , and what are you talking about".

" Mwahhahahaha , young master there is no toy at here , but your father requested me to train you of martial arts. He is hoping that you can protect yourselves in the future, considers your spiritual art, it is futile to train if you cannot sense the spirits around us". Zeo is sulking hearing the remarks from his favorite uncle. Kinta always backs him up if he gets in trouble especially from his mother. " But do you know, our founder of Shadow Clan, was also in the same situation like you , but our clan rise to be one of the top Ancient Family in Zenneth due to his discovery of this black dagger. He name it The Abyss Knife". Kinta took out a strange-looking dagger from his ring storage and showed it to Zeo; this is the first time he saw this color in his life, vantablack. It is like the more u look upon this dagger, it is like the abyss staring at you back.

"This dagger was passed down secretly from one generation to another selected by the bearer; the successor will also succeed the name of "Ryuu" as it has been commanded by our founder name KageRyuu. Only certain ancient families in Zenneth know the significance of " Ryuu" in the name. Our clan started with the assassination business.

During the reign of founder, all our targets usually involved evil people who have done terrible things involving thousands of life . People who did not have the strength came to our clan for assassination in return for monetary rewards. But after our patriarch passed away, the system of the clan was altered a lot, blinded by profit, making among us occasionally have a civil war.

But with rising of Big Boss Sia , all families of The Shadow clan once again united under one flag. The founder never teaches anyone his martial arts. The martial arts you has seen in a different family of Shadow Clan is their interpretation for what they observe during the founder practice. The founder always practices inside the small hall where the Elders can watch and comprehend themselves.

But only selected people know that before the founder passed away, he left this black dagger to the servant who had served him since before his peak era. Due to the founder unable to train in a spiritual way , his lifespan is shorter compared to the spiritualist, but his prowess was the biggest nightmare in Zenneth, nobody dared to offend him , because if they do , it has been told in legend, no one ever saw, hear or sense when Kagerou move. The day he accepted the mission , on the same night the head of the target will be given to the client".

Zeo both eyes shows fiery fire , Kinta words lift his spirit up , and he was planning to bully back the kids who always mocking him, unable to sense spirit. " But Uncle Kinta , martial artist lifespan is shorter than spiritualist , and spiritualist always have the upper hand when fighting martial artist, this was taught by the Elder. I will make mother sad if I passed away before her Uncle Kinta". " You are right. Still, you are wrong as well , In our current era , spiritualist are stronger than martial artist. Still, during our founder era , he is the strongest and has never been defeated". Uncle Kinta's firm voice shows his pride towards the founder of Shadow Clan.

" Your father told me that you will surpass himself and the founder in the future and as Zenneth shine bright , showering all living things on it with it warmth , you will be the shadow that protect that warmth it provide. Even I don't undertand what Big Boss Sia said, but I have always believed in his word, he never lies once in his life, and he never wrong regards someone before". Elder Kinta broadened his spiritual sense confirming no one around when he has this conversation with the young Zeo. He gave the black knife to the child in front of him .

" Little Zeo, from now on, you will bear the name of "Ryuu" , ZeoRyuu as a successor of The Abyss Knife". When Zeo reaches his hand towards the knife, his finger accidentally prick upon the edge of the blade making it bleed. When his blood fell upon the knife , it disappears into his body , but no injury or changes occur to her. " Are you okay Little Zeo , this kind of thing never happen before". "Uncle Kinta ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME !!!! ". "Heyyyy even I don't know whats going on but I think it's a good thing. HAHAHAHA, phew, luckily you are not injured, I don't want to see the Devil Horn came out of your mother head then chasing me to kick my ass. I'm stronger than her , but man, do not beat a woman! That is the gentleman's way. Come here Zeo, you will live with me for a month from now on; your parents are fighting among themselves to create a life,". Kinta said to him while grinning . "Yayy, I won't get scolded by mother for a month and Uncle Kinta stop please with that disgusting face". Elder Kinta snorted then laugh heartily.