
Battle Of The Realm - Zenneth Realm (Zeo Arc)

Zeo was raised by both adopted parents, not realizing the responsibility he would hold after the Shadow Clan's destruction when the clan protective mechanism suddenly disappears, enabling his father enemies to take advantage of it. Not realizing his father's intention, Zeo starts on the path of vengeance, which may affect the future of Zenneth or perhaps destruction itself. Zeo will have to choose later on to become a protector or a destroyer

DarkSin · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Beginning of Shadow

The Rising Sun Empire is the most powerful and largest empire among the five empires on the planet Zenneth. No one knows how many empires were before the raging war, which has been occurring since thousands years ago, and no conclusion of the battle.

The rise and fall of the empire have been like a norm in this world. How many millions life has been sacrificed for the sake of the empire they believe in. How many betrayals and alliances have been forged among them. The exact numbers of the empire that has been buried throughout the warring state are unknown, perhaps thousands or hundreds. History has been altered many times for each empire's benefit to show the ruling family or clan's generosity, glory, and kindness. Especially for the Rising Sun Empire, many propaganda been delivered towards citizens to obscure many of the evil deeds of the empire.

Within the empire, King Eldarth from the Glory clan, with the help of 12 vassals, boldly claimed that they were the best generation leading the empire. Each of them specializes in spiritual, martial arts, mentalism, crafting, alchemy, etc.

Combining their talent, they expanded the empire, its influence, and the power of the empire can be proclaimed as the strongest throughout history. On the surface everything they have done and shown has been the brightest, winning the heart of the people of the empire, but where there is light, there is darkness. Only a selected few knew the dark history of the king and his vassals. For many millennia, people have been suffering and waiting for the war to end, but when there is a likelihood for the empire to succeed, they will be crumbled suddenly due to the alliance that has been forged between the weaker empire. This is one of the reasons The Rising Sun Empire has been carefully expanding further, not to destroy the balance which they conquer one-third of the Zenneth.

A twig is easily broken when applied force, but if many of the twigs are combined, the same forces may not be able to break them. History shows too much power can be double edge sword and not beneficial for the empire FOR NOW. A thorough plan must be devised to destroy all the remaining empires in one clean sweep, making them remain dormant. But why the battle of empire has not been concluded even though years by years go by.

It started with the sudden disappearance of the Shadow Clan, who ruled Zenneth long ago. The Ancient One has blessed the clan previously. No one knows the Ancient One's face, shape, or voice, but it has been believed the Ancient One is the Ruler of the spirit in Zenneth , with its blessing, the luck and strength of the clan will be multiply. One day, the Patriarch of the Shadow clan suddenly vanished, with the blessing of the Ancient One of the Shadow Clan. With absence of patriarch Shadow Clan, the clan has been obliterated by the cooperation of the many rivaling clans. Still, they parted ways afterward, aiming to get the blessing of the Ancient One.

No one knows how to meet the criteria for the approval of the Ancient One, but assuming the Shadow clan rule Zenneth previously, it is assumed one has to conquer Zenneth. This is the beginning of the rise of a different empire in Zenneth.

Seven thousand years ago, on the Island of the Mist, where the Shadow Clan reside, "Father, why does our clan isolate ourselves from the world", asked the 3rd young master of the Shadow clan, who is 5 years old. Zeo looks behind the silhouette of the man who has conquered Zenneth and been blessed by the Ancient One, standing at the edge of cliff looking across the sea with deep eyes. His eyes have different colors to show his attractiveness and are easily identified by every living being in Zenneth.

The Patriarch has a black right eye but the left side is white in color, but no people in Zenneth are able to tell the abilities of his eyes because only a few of his enemies who witness his abilities dare to say to his eyes abilities, perhaps due to his power that force them to keep quiet or because of the trauma. Most of them secluded themselves not to come out afterward or decided to live as ordinary people in Zenneth. The figures turn around to Zeo, and while he turns around, the surrounding suddenly stiff, such as nature also conscientious around this figurehead, NOT TO OFFEND HIM.

"Stinky Father, stop acting cool and tell me the reason, you promised me on my 5th birthday you would tell me regard this , and on my 7th birthday, you will tell me about my biological parents. I am so bored here; every day, I see the same person on this island; no one dares to tell me about the outside world, saying it is a taboo for the clan. None of the young ones dare to befriend me due to my status, and when you are not around, they will insult me as an outcast child, and you are only around here like once in a blue moon. Stinky father, I will surpass you in the future and beat your ass for trapping me here". Patriarch SiaXin looks towards Zeo full of affection; the clan knows only this child can make the Patriarch show this side of him.

Suddenly, he sighs deeply, thunder accompanying, making the surroundings vibrate. Usually, the Patriarch's action would not have this kind of effect, but when it is related to the child in front of him, his emotion will cause "accidental power" to emerge.

The Shadow Clan know the Patriarch never have a romantic life , always pursue the path of spiritualist , but one day he is suddenly transported to the Ancient One , and was blessed by the Ancient One , afterwards he take on journey that last for few hundred years , suddenly came back with an infant.

The infant looks like an average child, but there is birthmark at the left knee , like a crow or scythe. The elder was instructed by the patriach to take the most care for this child and to give maximum resources to ensure the child's health. A childhood friend of the Patriarch, Saint Rebecca, the most beautiful and strongest woman in the Shadow Clan, was selected as caretaker of this child; she is 3rd in command of the Shadow Clan.

Initially, she rejected the order, making every elder in the clan stammer, not obeying the authority of the strongest person in Zenneth, but the Patriarch never seems to be mind for her action. Saint Rebecca is the only woman in Zenneth who has witnessed the growth of Patriarch until his peak, swore never to let any man touch her except for the Patriarch. But the Patriarch seems to have no interest in romance , but her persistence of thousands of years towards him entitled her to the title of Saint (a pure woman who only has a heart towards one man).

"Rebecca, this child will be the future of Zenneth, and I will take him as my child, but he still needs a mother. The person whom I think suit to be his mother is only you in my mind; please do take care of him, I have no one else to rely upon." The word "mother" that came out from the Patriarch's mouth is like a rain that was suddenly pouring out down to the desert of her heart, making her smile. The elder who saw her smile were absent-minded with the beauty of Rebecca, and this was the first time they saw she smile sincerely.

"Stupid Sia , I will take care of this child as my flesh and blood as I see myself as your wife. Since you are taking this child as your son, I will be his mother". The Patriarch was delighted to hear this. "Elder, I do not wish to destroy the tradition of the Shadow Clan, it has been written in the event of the leader death, the child of the 1st in command, the first young master, will succeed the clan with the blessing of three of the grand elder. Since this child is not my own flesh and blood , but I and Rebecca adopt it, he will be 3rd young master of the Shadow Clan.

Grand Elder Kinta, whom was first in command, spoke, "Big Boss Sia, you save me trouble to knock out my clan regarding the successor things. If that is what you decide I will abide. Still, suppose there is a situation regard the life of my son and this child. In that case, I will prioritize this child as the future of Zenneth is in his hand, as you said". SiaXin patted the shoulder of his old friend and said, "you should priotise both of their life, my friend". "Hahaha Boss Sia, you are brilliant, I will always let you do the thinking, so when can we spar again, the last that we spar is 800 years ago, I would like to see that how is the blessing of The Ancient One against my technique, you never reveal the ability of the blessing since you receive it. My body is itching to experience that power. Since you receive the blessing, you seldomly return to the island and use your power to make this island surrounded by mist, secluded from the outside world. Aren't you the ruler of Zenneth , who are you afraid of". "From the people, my friend, I may be powerful as you said, but only here, and I have a responsibility to take care of, since I received the blessing, I realized there are more dangers that I need to take care of, but my clan is here, this is the only solution I can think of. Don't you worry; this mirage will obscure the sight of people, and without my guidance, people would not find this island. I have upgraded the ecosystem here and put some formation, so all the ecosystem here will be sufficient for eternity for our clan." "So Big Boss Sia, what are the things that are worrying you? Let me shoulder it with you ". "I entrusted the safety of the clan to you; other than that, let me shoulder it, without the Ancient One permission, if you learn about this, disaster will befall our Zenneth."

Reminiscing the event of 5 years ago, Patriarch SiaXin chuckled. "Zeo, outside of the island, there is thousand of other clans but none of them is superior to our Shadow Clan, I have made a lot of enemies at the outside but none of them dare to set food to this island while I am still alive. We are located at the North of the Zenneth, to reach where they need to go through the winter, sea monster and lastly, my mist barrier to reach here. I decided to isolate our clan from the world because I am not always here, due to some issue that required my calling. So during my away, my enemy may take advantage to destroy our clan which I can not allow. Why I don't bother to destroy them, because they are the people of Zenneth and there will be one time enemies can become friend and vice versa". "Urghh stinky father, why you explain these complicated things, I don't get it , and why I can not sense any of the spirits like other kids making me lack behind in training of spiritualist. I blame this place; the outside world might help me, father ". Zeo grinning, his mouth looking like the moon's crescent, hoping his father will bring him outside of the world.

"When it is time, you will eventually go out of this island, but not this era ". "Not this era stinky father? Another riddle, I hate you". He ran towards mother's house located nearby the seashore. Rebecca is doing the house chores outside the house, hanging the clothes under the sun. "Rebecca, you can always request the servant to do this. Since we adopted Zeo, you refused to let the servant do any of the chores except cooking as you are not good at it." "It is been my dream, my dear Sia, to have a family with you, even though we still do not have ties, I am satisfied to be part of your family". "Stinky father, today is my birthday, promise me you will do anything I requested." "Little Zeo, as long it is not against my honor, I will try to fulfill your request ".

"Then marry my mother ". Zeo shows the brightest smile toward his mother. Rebecca stammered at the request of her child. SiaXin was surprised at his only child's request, then looked towards Rebecca. Flashback to the day they met when they were children reminiscing in his head. The sacrifice that she made not caring about the consequences to allow him to be this day. "I have been thinking about this previously but it feels unfair for you waiting for a long time; that's why I never mention regard this, but our son would like us to tie the knot,I am sorry for being selfish for this few thousand years, but will you be my wife, Rebecca".

Rebecca cries and smile, "I do, Stupid Sia; I am only for you as my heart only beats for you the day we met." "Yayy, mama is happy, and Stinky father make mama cry , you are not gentleman, your self father". Three of them happily laugh accompanied by sounds of the shore.