
Batman: The Carnage of Gotham City

A new evil has came to Gotham City with the help from the clown prince of crime himself The Joker, But Batman is under matched against this evil, Batman has to find the source and where this evil came from and what it wants and how it's connected to Joker or there will be carnage in Gotham City for the villians, heroes, and everyone.

Koko_Da_Crazy_Boi · Anime & Comics
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Scene 3 Crime Alley

Growling and groaning starts coming from Crime Alley. A red figure falls over to the wall next to him, the red disappeared off of the figure and into a blob. The Blob slugged to the alleyway. "Is it true?" A thug asked. "Is what true?" Thug 2 responded. "That Bruce Wayne's parents died here?" the thug asked. "Yeah, it is, and rightfully so, the Waynes can go to hell." Thug 2 stated. "What's that noise?" Thug 2 turned around. The red blob latched onto the thug's face. "Woah, what the hell!" The other thug shrieked. Thug 2 became all red, and grabbed the other thug by the throat. "What are you?" "I am Carnage." Carnage then ate the guy's head. "Why can't these hosts stay alive longer, they are weak, because of a batman, Oooo maybe I should get one of the big criminals for a host." Carnage thought to himself. Carnage then climbed up a building. "Batman get this." Oracle stated a screen coming up on the Batmobile. "It can't be Cletus, he died last year." Oracle stated surprised. "How, if his blood was at the scene?" Batman inquired. "I don't know." Oracle responded. Batman was coming up to Crime Alley. "Nah, I want him." Carnage saw the Batmobile. "Oracle I'll call you bac-'' Batman swerved the batmobile trying not to hit a thug. The Thug came over to the front of the Batmobile. Carnage took over the thug and wrapped his tentacles around the Batmobile, lifting it up, now being eye-to-eye with Batman. Batman ejected out of the Batmobile and landed away from Carnage onto the street. "Bruce are you ok?" Oracle asked, worried and shocked. "I'll call you back." Batman simply responded. Batman got up, Carnage threw the Batmobile, it exploding behind Carnage. Carnage turned his hand into a blade. "So this is the legendary Batman!" Carnage stated. "And you're a walking corpse, you're playing god, you're keeping Cletus alive." Batman stated. Carnage pulled his head back. "Cletus?" "Cletus is dead, but I am here, to bring carnage to Gotham." Carnage pointed the blade at Batman. "Starting with you, Batman" "I'd like to see you try." Batman stated with no fear. Batman and Carnage ran towards each other. Carnage tried to stab Batman, Batman simply doged and grabbed the blade and upper kicked Carnage in the head and jabbed his neck, then punched his chest, arm, then head and then threw him behind him. Carnage wrapped his tentacles around Batman. Batman started to grunt of pain. "So this is all Batman has?" Carnage stated letting out a chuckle. He chucked Batman towards a gate. Carnage slowly walked towards Batman, making his blade again. Batman was bleeding from the mouth. Batman got up and jumped up in the air and threw 2 batarangs at Carnage. Carnage phased through them. Batman then kicked Carnage in the stomach making him topple over but Carnage swiftly got up and slashed Batman's stomach and chest. Batman let out a yell. Some thugs came around hearing the screams. "Yeah, kick his ass!." "To hell with you Batman." The thugs were cheering for Carnage. Carnage turned around to see who was cheering, but got a kick in the face by Batman. "I grow tired of you." Carnage said angry tentacles coming out of his back. Batman started to punch Carnage and kicking his knees and legs. Making Carnage fall on one knee. Batman jumped and was going to land the finishing blow by kicking Carnage in the face. Carnage caught his leg and snapped it, breaking Batman's leg. Batman let out a scream. Batman dropped smoke bombs and grappled up towards the nearest builidng, Carnage soon following. Batman and Carnage continued duking it out on the rooftop. Batman kicked Carnage in the chest, making him fall down onto the streets. Batman gilded towards Carnage, Carnage wrapped his tentacles around Batman's broken leg and slammed him against the wall next to him. Batman got up on one knee, Carnage threw Batman through another gate. Batman landing on the outline of where Bruce's parents died. Carnage started to walk towards Batman. "Enough of this." Carnage said, raising his blade at Batman. A pair of legs wrapped around Carnage's head and toppled him over, Batman rolling away to not get hit. "You know, you're kinda ugly." Nightwing quipped smirking, pulling out his escrima sticks. "You're one to talk." Carnage stated. "I am, and nah I'm not ugly I'm pretty even the criminals think so." Nightwing snarkly responded. Nightwing put his escrima sticks against Carnage's neck and electrocuted him, then kicked Carnage in the head. Nightwing then grabbed a plastic bag and ran towards Carnage. Carnage tried to stab Nightwing with his tentacles, but Nightwing doged. Nightwing put the trash bag onto Carnage's head then lit it on fire with the escrima sticks. Carnage let out a shriek of pain and quickly threw the trash bag, but Batman and Nightwing were nowhere to be found. Carnage climbed up to a building, to see the thugs cheering thinking Batman was dead. "Hmmm, I could use this to my advantage." Carnage thought to himself. "Criminals of Gotham City, I am here to save you from the great and terrible Batman but for that I need to meet one of your leaders, to help me reek my carnage." Carnage speech with a smile.