
Batman: The Carnage of Gotham City

A new evil has came to Gotham City with the help from the clown prince of crime himself The Joker, But Batman is under matched against this evil, Batman has to find the source and where this evil came from and what it wants and how it's connected to Joker or there will be carnage in Gotham City for the villians, heroes, and everyone.

Koko_Da_Crazy_Boi · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Scene 4 Bonding

"Alfred, Alfred!" Nightwing was screaming as he was carrying Batman with his arms on his shoulders. "Oh, dear God." Alfred said. Nightwing laid Batman down on a table. "What happened?" Alfred asked worriedly. Alfred grabbed his med-kit. "Oh great heavens who attacked him this time Croc, Bane, oh who was it?" Alfred asked, scared. "Carnage." Nightwing stated. "Carnage, why on earth would a symbiote like that be all the way in Gotham City?" Alfred inquired. Alfred began to tend to Batman's wounds. "Wait you know about this Carnage?" Nightwing asked. "Yes Master Dick, I've had some dealings in the past with these alien-like parasites," Alfred responded. "So you know how to beat them?" "Fire and sound, Master Dick, fire and sound." "In the meantime I should say that Master Bruce stays here in the Batcave."

"Now who will help me?" Carnage asked the Gotham City thugs.

Meanwhile at The Iceberg Lounge, "Uh boss?" A goon was calling in through The Penguin's walkie-talkie. "What?" The Penguin said angrily. The Penguin was sitting in a lounge chair while one of his goons was feeding Penguin fish while having two women in bikinis, and having his hand on their asses. "Um, Batman is out of commission." "Whut?" The Penguin responded confused. "Who did it, Bane?" "Oh please don't say it was that clown." "Um it's actually this new guy, we call him Strawberry." "We're bringing him in now." "Wut?" The Penguin. Three of Penguin's goons walked in with Carnage. The two bikini girls screamed at the sight of the red symbiote and ran away. "Wait girls!" Penguin let out a sigh. "There you happy now?" "Take a fucking sit you strawberry." Carnage slowly walked over to a chair and slowly sat down. "So what brings you to Gotham?" The Penguin asked. "Carnage." The Penguin let out a laugh. "I like this guy." A penguin waddled over to Carnage holding a plate with a glass of red wine. Carnage grabbed the wine and drank it. He then looked at the penguin, longingly. The Penguin snapped his fingers, "Oi, you better not be thinking about eating my penguin, he was imported from Antarctica." Carnage ate the glass. "That works too." "So I heard you put the Batman out of commission." "Yes I did, that fucking nusance." "Well, it looks like we have a common enemy then." Penguin took a cigar out of lit it. Carnage's eyes widen. "Wut, you want a puff?" "Fire, hurts." Carnage responded. "Well to bad, I'm not letting this cigar go to waste." Penguin said letting out a laugh. The Penguin got up out of his chair and walked towards Carnage. "Keep that cigar away from me, migit." Penguin took a puff out of his cigar and took it out of his mouth. "Pussy," "Listen I can help you kill the Batman, but if we decide to work together you work by my rules, got that?" Penguin said. "What are the rules?" "Whatever I say they are, depending on the mission." Penguin responded. "How much can I eat?" Carnage asked. "Only Batman, his little family, and civilians." "So do we have a deal?" "I suppose." Penguin put out his hand, Carnage let out a tentacle and they shook.