
Batman: The Carnage of Gotham City

A new evil has came to Gotham City with the help from the clown prince of crime himself The Joker, But Batman is under matched against this evil, Batman has to find the source and where this evil came from and what it wants and how it's connected to Joker or there will be carnage in Gotham City for the villians, heroes, and everyone.

Koko_Da_Crazy_Boi · Anime & Comics
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Scene 2 The Batcave

"Breaking news, I'm Vicki Vale and we're here at Wayne Enterprises, we're supposedly Joker thugs did a break in but their bodies were found headless." Bruce Wayne was in the batcave with the news report playing. "As to who the killer was remains unknown." Vicki Vale stated. "Sir, who do you think it is?" Alfred inquired. "I don't know Alfred, the current criminals in Gotham don't leave headless bodies." Bruce stated. "And what are you going to do about it?" Alfred stated. Bruce started to walk away from the batcomputer. "I'm going to find out who." Bruce stated. Bruce put his hand on a hand scanner, a pod rose from the ground. Bruce put his hand on another hand scanner on the pod this time. The pod opened up mist coming out of it. Inside was the batman suit. Bruce put on the suit becoming the batman. Batman then got into the batwing and flew onwards to Gotham City, a screen popped up on the side of the batwing. "Sir, how on earth do you plan on luring the killer, he is anonymous after all?" Alfred inquired. "I'll start at Wayne Enterprises, then I'll set a trap, if the killer is going after laboratories, next would probably be S.T.A.R. Labs." Batman responded. The screen went away and the batwing landed on top of Wayne Enterprises. Batman then entered the building. Batman's eyes turned a light blue then back to white. He shot his batclaw up towards the roof of the building to a hanging pipe. He found a blood stain, he put his finger on it and went back down to the floor. He put his finger where his ear would be. "Oracle I need you to do a DNA sample of this blood sample I sent you." Batman stated. "Ok, may I know why?" Oracle asked. "It's the killer that was at Wayne Enterprises." Batman responded. "Already, how?" Oracle asked, shocked. "Oh, right it's you." "Ok, we have a match, his name is Cletus Kasady, Cletus is a notorious serial killer when he was a kid he killed his family including the family dog, he then got sent to St. Estes orphanage, there he met Frances Louise Barrison, his now girlfriend, they got separated due to Cletus being put in prison, Cletus escaped prison only 3 weeks ago, only thing I don't understand is why is he in Gotham, Cletus mainly is prominent in San Francisco and New York." Oracle responded. "I'll find out." Batman simply stated.