
Batman: The Carnage of Gotham City

A new evil has came to Gotham City with the help from the clown prince of crime himself The Joker, But Batman is under matched against this evil, Batman has to find the source and where this evil came from and what it wants and how it's connected to Joker or there will be carnage in Gotham City for the villians, heroes, and everyone.

Koko_Da_Crazy_Boi · Anime & Comics
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Scene 1 The Lab

Gotham City

"You really think we can pull this off?" A Joker thug questioned another Joker thug. "Oh shush if Batman comes, we'll shoot him, why would he come stop us robbing a science lab?" The other Joker thug responded. "Why are we robbing this place again?" The Joker thug asked. "Joker wants the stuff here, don't question it." The Joker thug responded. "Hey where's Johnny?" The Joker thug questioned. The Joker Thug went into the headpiece he has. "Johnny come in, Johnny!" The Joker Thug said. Johnny's earpiece was on the floor with blood with someone or something eating his body. The lights then went out. "Oh God, it's the bat" the Joker thug said scared shitless. Something quickly scurried across the ceiling. The Thugs looked up, a red tentacle came and grabbed one of the thugs. Blood dripped onto the other one. He looked up and screamed of terror and began shooting at the thing eating the thug. The thing dropped the body and then onto the ground. The thing started walking towards the Joker Thug. The Joker Thug continued to shoot at the thing. But the thing just made the bullets phase through it. The Joker thug threw the gun at the thing in fear and began running. The thing grew its hands into tentacles and dragged the thug into the darkness but let go. The Joker thug got up. "Wh-h-h- what the f-fuck." The Joker thug said scared. The creature then arose from the shadows and ate the Joker's thug's head.