
Bardock The Savior Of The Saiyan Race

What happens when Bardock father to Kakarot saves his race and becomes the first super saiyan in a thousand years? More fights and more Saiyans that's what.

SpaceOrbisStories · Anime & Comics
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Setting The Wrong Date

As the pair flew away from the small island of that was the home of master Roshi Kakarot knew that he and that small, weak boy would likely meet again. It was only the when and how of the meeting that was unknown to him. Bulma, of course, held onto him like a lifeline, which in many ways was fair. He was after all the only thing keeping her from meeting the uncaring sea far below her and her traveling companion. Oddly enough, however, she felt no fear being nearly a thousand feet up nor the knowledge he could drop her. She knew instinctually that he wouldn't.

"Bul...Bulma the dragon ball". Kakarot said pulling her back to the here and now. They were now stopped in midair with the air now only strong enough to move her hair in small movements. She at once pulled out the dragon radar and answered him.

"Oh...sorry. It's 2,128 miles due north". Bulma replied. Her cheeks were now a light color of pink. With the needed knowledge in hand, the two soon blasted off again at an ever greater speed.


(Capsule Corporation)

Date: Unknown.

"You sure about this"? A female voice asked in the darkness of the room. A voice of worry. A voice she loved with every fiber of his being. She knew of course what was being asked by her and try as she may she knew it was really the only plan that could maybe possibly work. She needed to tell them of the grave threat that would soon befall the planet. Maybe with more people at her side, they could stop this nightmare from ever coming to pass.

"Yes, mother I am. I'll be back as soon as I can". Bura said before giving the blue-haired woman a kiss and hug. The woman's much smaller form seemed to almost embed itself into her own much taller one. But she knew in her heart that this would soon end and when it did she slowly climbed inside and closed the cockpit with a loud hiss. The hissing sound told them both that this plan was now locked in place. There was no turning back now. Taking the only seat inside the small machine she soon set the time and in seconds the ship lifted off the ground. In mere seconds all she could see was a mess of color. Outside the ship itself just seemed to stop existing. In truth, it was just falling back through time. Homes that had long since been forgotten by man soon started to reform. Streets that hadn't seen a car in more than a decade soon started to be filled with cars, pick-ups, and of course people. Trees lost and regained their leaves over and over again in a span of seconds. But something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong of that she could tell. The seasons that had passed outside the glass of the cockpit were far too many. Looking down she saw that she had somehow inputted the wrong date. She knew now that this was now a one-way trip. The ship just didn't have the power needed to make more than two jumps. Not without his mother at any rate and she was at best sixteen or seventeen now and so all she could do was wait to be dropped back into normal space.


Kakarot and Bulma were nearing the area the dragon ball was when the sound of something forced the two to watch as a ship seemed to appear from thin air and crash into the side of a hill with a thud. Kakarot landed and Bulma removed herself from his arms. Clicking his scouter his eyes widened by the reading.

"Five million...that's impossible nobody can be that strong"! Kakarot said to himself. He was sure the thing was acting up and that this was clearly a fake reading. No sooner had he had that thought the ship made a hissing sound and his mind soon turned to that. Bura pulled herself out of the now useless ship. A small cut and a few ribs being broken were nothing to the granddaughter of the richest man on the planet and who would've been next in line to take over had the world not fallen into darkness. Her long blue tail moved to and fro before it wrapped itself around her side akin to a belt. Her dark eyes moved over the land slowly. Somebody was nearby. She could feel their power level without even the smallest of efforts on her part. She had picked it up a second before the ship had landed. A power level of 50 could only mean one person. Her father. She was unsure how to feel about meeting her father at what would be around the age of 11. Mother had always made it a point to never cover him much past the basics. He died fighting a powerful foe and that was the end of that. She had stopped asking about her father around her tenth birthday when her mother had sent her flying into the wall by a kick that would have killed a lesser being. But she was not a lesser being. She was a saiyan. She was the daughter of Kakarot<msreadoutspan class="msreadout-line-highlight msreadout-inactive-highlight"> and Bulma. She wouldn't die by a <msreadoutspan class="msreadout-word-highlight">pitiful</msreadoutspan> kick. Not even one by her own mother. Her saiyan pride </msreadoutspan>would never allow it. Stepping onto the cool ground she turned and faced her father or who would one day become her father. He was right now only a kid but if she had the date right her mother was nearby.

"Hello, my name is Bura. What's yours"? She asked. Her father eyed her closely. Something was off about this human. Was it her smell? No, that was likely not it. Was it her odd hair color? Maybe, it was a blue color and to date, he knew of only one person with that color. But maybe it was a normal color he had only known a few humans after all. Then it hit him. It was a small thing and at first, he may have missed it but he had seen it. Something moved. Something with fur. In seconds Kakarot was upon the newcomer his fist ready to embed itself into his face. At least that was the plan before the older of the two stopped the attack and kicked him away effortlessly. Powering up he was again stopped when he moved his attack skyward before a kick sent him flying into a sizeable tree.

"Stop I wish only to speak". Bura said. Bulma by this point having walked into the open. As soon as she saw her heartbeat quickened. She had always known that her mother was always beautiful in her youth but now she could fully understand why her father mated with her. She was truly a sight to behold. However, she didn't have the hunger for battle in her eyes that she knew so well in her own time. No, she hid away like a weak human. Odder still was her power level. It was downright pitiful being a lowly five. Five. What the hell was going on here? Surely she was holding back otherwise something was amiss besides her poor inputting skills.

"That's a Capsule Corporation logo...is it not"? Bulma asked upon seeing the logo. Bura at once span around.

"Stupid I knew I should have picked something else". She said to herself feeling like an utter tool. "It is...good eye". She said her back still to her mother.

"Do I know you...you look f..."? Bulma began before Kakarot shot forward and kicked the older girl hard. For his work, her head was moved an inch to the side.

"OwO" Kakarot's face seemed to say before he was once again sent flying. That seemed to pull her mother's attention over to him giving her some time to relax and plan her next moves. Everything would be fine all she needed was more time and she had more than enough time to ensure the fate of her time needn't be the fate of this one. However, now that she was for all intents and purposes stranded in time forces great and small were being awoken by her being here at all. One of those forces was a man by the name of Emperor Pilaf and his gang of misfits.

So this is the most up-to-date chapter I have of this story so updates will be much slower moving forward. As such I'll likely be working on my Naruto story while I do some planning on the next chapter of this one.

As for why I have Bura here my logic is it would be nice to have her children flipped so she had Bura first. That and it's my story and I can have her have whatever child I want so :p

To the readers of this story I thank you all for reading my stuff. I know I'm not the greatest at storytelling but I try my best and I hope you enjoy my stories.

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