
BanG Dream! The Lost Star! | Volume 1

[ This is a rewrite of the entire BanG Dream Series with the inclusion of a male protagonist and an expansion of the whole story line. There is also a slow but wholesome development between the characters and as well as a - somewhat - balanced pacing ] ~ Excluding my OC's. I do not own any of the characters here. All rights go to Bushiroad & CraftEgg ~

Katsuki_Ch · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Volume 1 | Episode 7 - We Fought!

"Well? How does it feel?" Miss Yui asks as she hovers her head over my shoulder. Through the mirror, I could see her smile at me in anticipation.

"It actually feels nice, Yui-senpai." I replied. Staring at my person through that same mirror. Eyeing the black and white fabrics worn over my body as I raised my skirt.

I slightly turned to check my back side. It was plain, but otherwise simple and neat to look at.

"As always, my tailoring skills worked as I intended." Miss Yui responds, posing proudly as she chuckles. "Though, If I'm going to be honest. I never thought I would actually tailor a maid outfit specifically for someone like you in this institute."

"I understand how that alone is surprising." I replied with a sheepish chuckle.

"Hmm. . . Though I have to say, you don't seem to show any ounce of complaint. I thought most boys would find it embarrassing if they entertain the idea to cross-dress." Miss Yui said.

I lightly scratched my cheek, "Well. . . It's no use complaining if it's the theme for our cafe. Plus, I don't mind the idea."

Miss Yui nods in understanding. "Plausible. Alright then."

After a little while, she hands me some boxes containing the rest of the outfits for the girls. Mine was obviously separated as it was neatly tucked inside a plastic bag.

As I was currently inside Miss Yui's classroom. I took the time to look around. Noticing some few props here and there and some dark tainted walls.

"I'm sure you're wondering what our class is up to, yes?" Miss Yui said, grabbing my attention.

"Um. . . Yeah, but I have a few guesses." I replied.

"Remember our deal? I make you your outfits, and in exchange you'll have to come and see what our class has in store. Trust me when I say that it'll be a worth-while experience." Miss Yui said with a wink, leaving me with no hints whatsoever.

Later on, I delivered the boxes to our classroom. I came to notice just how neatly decorated our room was. There was a kitchen area around the corner, then there are sets of tables and chairs for our customers to sit and dine.

It seems like they're working their best to make our cafe appealing. I like it so far though.

I take a moment to walk around to see if anyone is in need of any help.

I noticed Hanazono scribbling a few. . . indistinguishable characters on the chalk board.

What the heck are those?

"What's that?" I asked as I walked up to her. She turned to acknowledge my presence.

"These are Panda's, Kuro-kun." She replied.


"I drew Pandas."

"Pandas. . . ?" I let out confusedly as I looked back at the chalk board. It took me just a couple of seconds until I was at my final conclusion. "Those look like rodents to me."

"Aren't Panda's rodents?"


"They aren't." I replied, deadpanned.

"Oh. . . . . . . ."

". . . . You don't know? Seriously. . . ?" I said, then sighing as she soon continues to draw more of those. . . . amalgamations on the board.

. . . .

Seriously though, they look nothing like Pandas.

. . .

[ Location ] [ Hanasakigawa Girls' (?) School ]

There were a few more things needed to be done here. So I had to make sure I can be of any help as best as I can. Luckily, I managed to lend some hand to any of those who needed it. Giving me their thanks right after.

I continue to walk around the classroom, to see if there's anything else. And my eyes happen to land upon a certain someone sweeping along the floors.

That person being our cafe's sponsor, Yamabuki.

We had a small conflict yesterday. Though brief as it was, it did left me concerned for her right after.

Without an ounce of hesitation, I walked up to her to help out. Grabbing the dust pan from the floor, her eyes widen when she noticed it was me. "Yo." I casually greeted her.

"Oh. . . um. . . hey." She responded. "What is it?"

"I'm not allowed to help?"

Her mouth opened, but no words came out. Only a moment after, she shook her head as she responds. "N- No. . . I can handle this."

"Yeah, no. I'm not taking that as an answer." I replied. "At least let me help, I got nothing better to do anyways."

A sigh escapes from Yamabuki's mouth. And it was only then she gave in. "Honestly. . ." She spoke. "Just hold that dust pan for me, please?"

"Roger that." I saluted. To which I heard a soft audible chuckle from her.

I crouched down as I held the dustpan in front of her. To which Yamabuki continues to sweep the floor. Stroking the dust into the dustpan whilst a cloud of dust trails behind.

Watching as she continues her work. It feels a little awkward for me, considering how neither of us are talking and how I actually dislike silence when I'm alone with someone.

And considering what happened that time. . . . .

. . .

. . . .

"Hey." I spoke up, grabbing her attention.

"Hm?" She responds, pausing her movements. "What is it?"

"Sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have butted in like that." I said with sincerity.

She shook her head. "N- No. It's okay. I forgive you." Yamabuki replies to me. "I-. . . I shouldn't have acted like that when I know you were just trying to help."

"We all have our moments, I suppose." I shrugged. "But, I understand your concern for your mother. It just shows how you genuinely care for her. And just seeing how responsible you are just for her sake. . . ."

"I dunno, I kinda see how you'd be like if you were a mother yourself."

. . .

"Eh?" Yamabuki dumbly replies.

"Hm? What?" I asked.

"That's a bit of a stretch there, Katsuhiko-san. . ." Yamabuki sheepishly chuckles at my comment. "It also sounds kinda weird when you say that."

"What do you mean? Like in all honesty, If I were to end up as your husband, I would genuinely be proud to have such a beautiful and caring wife to our children."

". . .?!" I flinched the moment Yamabuki ended up dropping her broom. Thus making a loud noise.

"Y- Yamabuki-san!?" I let out in concern. I noticed her face turning a little bit red.

"A- Ah. . . I- It's. . . Um." Yamabuki stutters. She tries to calm herself down. "S- Sorry. I overreacted."

"I- I see." I replied, though I feel a little concerned. Perhaps it was my comment? I mean, I only said that just to lighten things up, but I feel like it instead worsened the mood.

"A- Anyways. Im done here." She immediately went to grab her bag.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to help out at home." Yamabuki replies to me, though she wasn't making eye contact. "I- I'll see you there."

I simply waved my hand a good bye as soon as she left the bustling classroom. I remained in my place, contemplating about what just happened.

I know I already apologized, and it seemed that she already had forgiven me. But just now. . . Was she mad from what I said?

I was only left confused.

A moment later, whilst checking the time. I then decide to head out for a bit to check any interesting activities. Booths and such, though speaking of which. I remember that our club has something to contribute.

Maybe I should go check that out.

"Katsuhiko-chan!" before I could make my way out, the star bunned brunette walks up to me. "Where are you going?"

"Just going out for a bit. Do you need anything?"

"Would you mind helping me with the clean up here?" She asks.

"Clean up?" Didn't I already Help out Yamabuki with that partially? Didn't that count?

"Now now, Kasumi-chan. You should at least give him a break. He's been going around the room helping us out, you know?" One of our classmates said as she walks up to us. "All that's left is the cleaning duty, right? Think that you can handle it?"

"Can she? By herself, even?" I stated, staring at the brunette, whom in turn pouts to me in disbelief.

"Have faith in me! Besides-" Toyama says before getting cut off by our classmate.

"If anything happens, we'll lend her a hand."

"E- Eh?!" Toyama exclaims in disbelief. Meanwhile, I am at least assured that they won't be needing my help.

I put a hand on her shoulder. Patting it. "You'll be fine." Toyama didn't respond, I only sighed. "Well then, I'll be back soon." I waved as I left the classroom, leaving Toyama and our classmate in charge of the cleaning.

"K- Katsuhiko-chan. . .!" [ Kasumi calls out to him, but it was already too late. A comical tear visible in her eye. ] "We're supposed to be cleaning just the two of us. . ."

. . .

[ Location ] [ Hanasakigawa Girls' (?) School: Court Yard ]

As you would expect. There were a lot more stuff going on right out here as there were many bustling activities going about and such. Stalls, booths and the like. Decorations for the festival of course were evident around the area, like those paper lanterns over the path ways for example.

As I continue to walk around, taking in the fresh air and listening into the tranquil noise, I then encounter a rather eye catching stall. A mixture of purple and yellow, there were tables and chairs laid in front of it.

"Huh. Must be a food stall. Albeit, a fancy one." I mused as I stared at the structure before me.

"Oh? Look, it's Katsu-Katsu!" Not long after, I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a voice. I redirected my gaze inside the store and was met with two familiar students. One with brown hair bob cut adorned with little red ribbons, bergundy eyes that accompanies her carefree demeanor.

"Kanzaki-san?" I uttered as I slowly made my way in front of the stall.

This is Kanzaki Rui. A fellow club member who is a year above me. She doesn't bite, but her extroverted energy is just enough to possibly kill an introvert.

"Taking a stroll, Natsuki-san?" Right beside Miss Kanzaki was another fellow member of the culinary club. Tachibana Marija, a first year.

Waist length blue hair that shares the same color as her eyes. And wearing a white cardigan over her school uniform.

She greets me with a solemn bow. I simply greeted back with a small bow and a wave from my hand. "Is this what our club is going to contribute?" I asked as I looked inside the stall to see all of the cooking equipment from the club-room.

Tachibana smiles as she gently pats the counter top. "By Takahara-senpai's suggestion. It is. And we thought it would be a good idea as well. To show everyone what the culinary club can do!"

Miss Kanzaki nudged Tachibana, the latter glances to her, confused.

The former motioned her head to me, and Tachibana realizes. "Um. . . T- To show everyone what most of the culinary club can do!"

"Why do you feel the need to say that. . . ?" I deadpanned. Even with euphenism, the fact itself still hurts regardless of the amount of sugarcoating.

"Haha. . . " Tachibana chuckles nervously.

"Well look on the bright side! There's plenty more room to improve, so it's not too late!" Miss Kanzaki states.

"I suppose. . ." As much as cooking isn't exactly my prowess.

I then looked around a bit more, only to realize something. "Wait, shouldn't Yui-senpai be here too?"

"She often comes by to supervise our progress in setting this whole place up. Though she promises to help out just as soon as she does her part in her class." Tachibana explains, a curious look crept on her face. "I wonder what it'll be. . ."

I wonder as well.

"Yui-Yui did tell us to take a look tomorrow before opening up. So, we'll find out soon enough." Miss Kanzaki assures with anticipation. "Speaking of tomorrow." she glanced towards the entry way of the auditorium. "We expecting some band performers again this year?"

"It seems so." Tachibana replies with a nod. "Just hoping this time we get to see everyone perform without one group being unable to."

"It was really unfortunate last time." Miss Kanzaki sighs. I gently raised a brow quizzically.

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"Oh it's nothing too serious." Miss Kanzaki says, waving off my concern. "This group wasn't able to perform because their drummer went home due to an emergency."

. . .


"From what I've heard. It was because her mother was taken to the hospital." Tachibana adds.

. . .

Ever since that day.

. . .

I think I'm very certain of who this is . . .

"Nothing too serious, huh?" I deadpanned.

"I guess I shouldn't have phrased it like that." Miss Kanzaki chuckles nervously as she rubs the back of her head. "But in the end, we were hoping that things were fine on all parties involved. Which I think they are, I believe. But anywho. . ."

"I'm looking forward to the up and coming performers. I'll be cheering them on as loudly as I can!" Tachibana expresses, pumping her fists. "That way, they'll be extra motivated!"

"I should be the one doing that." Miss Kanzaki chuckles in amusement. She then turns to me as she realized something. "Oh yeah, Katsu-Katsu. Heard your class is doing a cross-dressing cafe of sorts."

"I suppose Yui-senpai told you?" I said, certain of that thought.

"Mhm." Tachibana nods. "Though, you guys should've asked a free sponsor fromt the club. But I suppose what you got right now is probably enough."

You know, now that you mentioned it. Why didn't we think about this idea in the first place?!

But I suppose that's too late now.

"Though, would you spare us some time tomorrow? We would like to take pictures with you as a maid." I hate how you just casually asked me that, Tachibana. . . "If you're okay with it, that is?"

"Oooh! I would love that!" Not you too Miss Kanzaki. . ." Please Katsu-Katsu??~"

I sighed. I generally don't have a problem with it anyways. "Sure, I can do that."

They both happily cheered upon my agreement. "With it, our stall will be more popular!"


[ Later ]

After all that. I made sure to check back into class to see how things were going. And unsurprisingly, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong thus far. And if I could guess, they'll be done sooner.

And with that, I decided to head off. Seeing as there was nothing left for me to do.

Sharktsu: You at home?

Yamabuki-san: Currently helping out with the remaining stuff. Why?

Sharktsu: I'm on my way! to the rescue!~

Yamabuki-san: Well, I could seriously use some extra help over here. haha

Meanwhile, I'm currently busy chatting with Yamabuki. And seeing her recent reply saying that she requires my assistance. Then by all means, I shall be there for her as Yamabuki Bakery's part time worker.

Sharktsu: Do not fret milady help is on the way!

Yamabuki-san: . . .

What's with that response? Did I say something wrong?

Yamabuki-san: Um. okay then?

Sharktsu: was it something i said?

Yamabuki-san: ah. no, its nothing, really

Sharktsu: oh, okay then.

Well, I guess that's reassuring.

[ if only he'd realize how Saaya was blushing from the other side. ]

"Now, I should probably head there quickly in order to assist Yamabuki-san." I said to myself as I slide my phone back inside my pocket.

"Oh, so you know Saaya?" I immediately stopped in my tracks when I heard that voice. I turned around and my eyes were met with a girl unfamiliar to me. She had short tortilla brown hair and brown eyes. She stares at me with a smile on her face.

I could only look back at her confusedly. "Um. . . Do I know you?"

"Wait, you don't know me?- Oh, of course you don't! I suppose Mizu-nee forgot to tell you!" She said with a light chuckle.

Wait. . .

"Mizu-nee? Who are you and how do you know my sister?" I asked curiously and somewhat cautiously. The name Mizu instantly made me think that she's referring to my sister.

Is she perhaps a fan? A crazed one even considering that use of honorifics?!

"Well of course I do. She's a relative after all!"


"And that includes you."


"What!?" To say that I am baffled sounded like an understatement. "So wait, does this mean my parents had an affair this entire time?!"

"What?! No!" She replies, waving her hands up front. "We're cousins!"

. . .

"A. . . Ah. . . ." I let out dumbly.

"Probably should've been straightforward then." The girl chuckles amusingly. Before giving me a formal yet casual smile whilst gently waving her hand. "I'm Umino Natsuki. Natsuki is my first name."

"Oh, um. Nice to meet you. I'm-"

"Katsuhiko Natsuki?" I physically cringed as Natsuki spoke. Cutting me off. "Do you really need to introduce yourself? Especially when almost everyone here knows you? And Especially when you're the only guy here?"

"Right. . . I should've thought about that." I muttered

"Anyways, do you have some time to spare? I just want to hang out with you for a bit." Natsuki says. I pondered for a moment. Considering the amount of time that I have right now, I suppose Yamabuki wouldn't mind if I decide to take just a little bit longer.

I nodded to Natsuki in response. "Sure."

Seconds later. Me and Natsuki found ourselves seating by a bench in the courtyard. And it didn't take long til' we began to converse.

"So, how's this school been treating ya?" Natsuki asks. Watching me expectantly.

"As far as I can say. Nothing bad, actually." I said to her with honesty. "Sure being here was uncomfortable at first. But I later got used to it. Plus, everyone here seems to be nice."

"Probably because of your gender privilege." Natsuki snickers at that joke of hers.

"I wouldn't want to put it that way. Besides it sounds dumb." I chuckled.

"Haha! Right-right." Natsuki chuckles as well out of amusement. "But in all honesty, everyone here in Hanajo are nice. So it's no wonder. Though, if anything. You'd get even more popular once they knew that your sister was an idol."

"I. . . "I uttered.

I begin to imagine myself being put in that particular scenario. Where I get surrounded by everyone asking me questions about my sister - their favorite idol. It send shivers down my spine. I'd honestly suffocate if that would ever happen.

"I'd rather not think of that. Besides, I don't think anyone from this generation knows who she is." I stated almost a matter-of-factly

"Hm. Considering that she actually retired as an idol. That would make even more sense if you put it that way." Natsuki ponders over that thought. I sighed as I recall the reason for my sister's retirement.

"Well, putting that aside." She glanced to me. "I hope you're doing okay after you got kicked out. It was really harsh the first time I heard what happened."

I shook my head. "It's all behind me now. Though, If it wasn't for my sister. Then I wouldn't be here in the first place."

Memories from those certain events flashed. A reminiscement to something special despite having those ones that still genuinely traumatize me to this day.

I felt a hand pat my back. And it belonged to Natsuki who gave me a kind smile that tells me that everything is going to be okay. While I am definitely living the best I could without those thoughts bothering me anymore, the kind gesture was still enough of an assurance.

Just mere moments, me and her began to converse some other stuff. One of which includes having to explain to her why I chose to be a first year again. Why I was here to begin with. So on so forth.

Meanwhile, she also shared to me some of her stories. About her time during middle school, her friends. Heck, she also says that she has a band. Which was actually cool.

"You guys are catching up on this era. Huh?" I said in amusement. Natsuki chuckles at my comment.

"Sorta? But it's not like we're going to try and aim for greater heights. We just want to play together as a band." She states so humbly.

"That's one great mindset to have." I commented. "There are some bands who are usually just in it for the fame and glory to the point of blatant narcissism and constant abuse."

"Heard that from a band called "5Ds". Their vocalist is well known for the latter. And I'm utterly baffled that no one dares to question him for his actions. Luckily, he was sent to prison soon after assaulting defenseless minors."

I could see a hint of disgust from Natsuki's eyes when she talks about this particular band. I fortunately knew who this band she's referring to due to some random researching that I do within every weekend.

Personally. The band itself is awfully cringe. The songs they sing aren't even theirs and are basically just copyrighted.

So much for being called "The Legendary Band."

Pfft yeah. Legendary for being apes!

Though that would be an insult towards actual apes with a better intellectual capacity.

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot." Natsuki spoke up. Pulling me out from my deep thought. "Are you friends with Saaya?"

I raised a brow quizically upon that question. "With Yamabuki-san? Yeah, I mean. Sort of?"

"Huh? Really? I almost thought you two were a thing considering how you were texting her earlier." Natsuki said with a pondering look on her-

"THAT'S INVASION OF PRIVACY!" I exclaimed. But I suppose this is my fault earlier for thinking out loud.

Seriously though, what the heck!?

A stifled laughter escapes from Natsuki's mouth. To which I simply just deadpan. "Haha! Sorry, I just couldn't help it!"

"Don't do that again. I'd rather not have moments taken out of context." I said. Sighing an exasperated sounding sigh. "Why do you ask, by the way? About my relation with Yamabuki-san, that is?"

"I. . ." Natsuki pauses for a moment. "I just want to know how she's been doing." I began to look at her curiously.

"Huh. . . Are you two friends as well? Or. . ."

"I suppose it's a little complicated." Natsuki chuckles sheepishly. "Lately, Saaya has been avoiding us ever since the last time we tried performing together."

My brow instinctively raises itself upon suspicion and curiosity. "Perform? Where?"

"The cultural festival from last year." Natsuki replies. "Just like this year, we were one of the few groups who were set to perform as a band. Though sadly, we couldn't."

"What happened?"

"You see. . . Saaya was actually part of our band before." Natsuki explains. "Though, her being a member there was short-lived. It was still fun. Our practice sessions and all of that."

"We couldn't perform together because she hurry home for an emergency. I heard through her phone that her siblings were crying because their mother collapsed out of exhaustion."

"Then right after that. . . She began avoiding us. . ."

. . .


Natsuki nods slowly. "It feels like she's blaming herself for what had happened to her mom. At least, as far as I see."

"It. . . sure sounds like it." I spoke up in agreement. She glances to me, surprised slightly. "Based on my observation. She looks like she's restricting herself from anything else aside from working at the bakery. Hence the reason why she doesn't join clubs."

"Her mom tries to encourage her to have fun with her friends. But even that is still making her reluctant."

"Huh. . . I see. . . " Natsuki mumbles. A look of concern hinted in her eyes. "You know, at first. I was actually happy to find out that she found herself another band. Which makes me think that she probably must've moved on from whatever happened. . ."

"But I guess I was wrong. . ." Natsuki frowns. A gentle sigh escapes from her mouth. "She's probably guilty for what happened."

. . .

I felt a stinging pain in my chest. Though I try my best to endure it. This situation is just as similar. . .

I should be mad. . . But that would make me a hypocrite.

. . .

"Even if she decides not to be part of the band anymore. I just wish things would go back to the way it should be." I glanced to Natsuki. She has a sad face with a longing gaze.

"Is that how it is then. . ." I sighed. "Not even once has she tried talking to you guys again?" I asked Natsuki. She turned to me and shakes her head in response.

"Though there are times where we did. But it would often end up as a small conversation. With a disregard of that event." Natsuki adds.

"I see." I muttered quietly. My gaze downcast.

Is this the same thing to what Miss Kanzaki and Tachibana are referring to? I certainly have no doubts about it. The situation alone is understandable. But at the same time it's frustrating knowing how Yamabuki's handling it.

Why is she being so selfless? The thought alone makes me upset.

I hate it.

I genuinely hate it.

"I suppose we'll have to wait and see. She can't just run away like that forever." I spoke up. I felt my hands clench. I turned to Natsuki once more. "I'm sorry that happened to you guys."

"Huhm? Oh, it's fine! We're doing fine! We don't want to sulk about it forever!" Natsuki reassures. "Again, We-. . . We just wish that things would go back to the way it should be."

I simply nodded my head in response.

A moment later. We parted ways. Though Natsuki asked if we could ever hang out again, to which I made a promise on that.

So, soon enough. We may as well have another conversation between us as relatives. But for now, I have some place to go to. . .

Is she going to complain that I took too long?

. . .

. . .

. . .

[ Location ] [ Yamabuki Bakery ]

[ Third Person POV ]

With preparations finally done. The long awaited cultural festival will be anticipated by everyone tomorrow. Thus, which much excitement. They try to prepare themselves for that up and coming day.

Though, there's one in particular who aren't looking forward to it, more or less.

Skipping the time. Within the hour of sunset, the busy streets from downtown minimized from it's earlier bustling activity. Replacing with tranquil silence.

At the Yamabuki Bakery, within the kitchen were three individuals. Both Saaya and her mother were busy slicing some vegetables, with the former basically doing all of the work. And Katsuhiko cleaning up his area of work after having to finish a couple more batches of goods.

"I can do it by myself, you know?" Saaya's mother tries to reassure her daughter. But she shook her head.

"It's fine. I want to help out." Saaya replies, smiling to her mother.

Thus, they continued their work whilst accompanied by a comfortable silence mixtured by the faint sounds of slicing vegetables.

"So it's tomorrow, right?" Mrs. Yamabuki says. "The cultural festival, I mean."

"Mm." Saaya nods in response. "Everyone's been working hard to prepare for it. Right, Katsuhiko-san?" She turned to their part-timer.

"Guess it's safe to say that this is all Toyama-san's doing. Maybe we should thank her for taking the lead. It's quite fun, if you ask me." Katsuhiko replies casually as he wipes the table, removing the excess of flour.

"How about you, Saaya?" Mrs. Yamabuki turned to her daughter. "Are you having fun?"

"Huh?" Saaya pauses as she turned to her mother upon the question being brought up to her. "I-. . . I'm having fun."

Katsuhiko briefly stopped from his work after hearing that before continuing.

Later on, the two were left alone in the kitchen as Saaya's mom went to her room. They continued their work, albeit quietly. Katsuhiko was busy washing the equipment while Saaya's peeling a few potatoes.

"So. . . I heard you were a drummer. That's cool." Katsuhiko brought up. Grabbing the attention of Saaya as she paused, turning her head to him with eyes widening in surprise.

"Huh? Where did you hear that from?"

"From your friend, Natsuki." Katsuhiko replies as he glances to Saaya. "Who's also happen to be my cousin."

"O- oh. . ? Is that so. . ?" Saaya replies. Followed by a mild chuckle. "I do suppose that's the only thing she told yo-"

"No, it isn't." The male cuts her off. "It should've been obvious."

"Huh?" Saaya reacts.

"Tell me, Yamabuki-san. Were you really having fun?" He turns to her with his gaze fixated onto Saaya.

"Katsuhiko-san. What are you on about?" The girl replies, confusedly.

"Sorry, that was a dumb question." Katsuhiko sighs. "Yamabuki-san, be real with me. Why are you avoiding Natsuki and her friends?"

Saaya frowns upon the question. She knew that he would eventually ask this if he was curious enough. And considering that her friend Natsuki had told him about her past. The chances of this scenario happening was certain.

"I'd be just a burden." Saaya replies.

. . .

"Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?" Katsuhiko said with a deadpanned expression. "Do you not consider getting back to their band? If you can't. Why not Toyama-san's? I'm sure as heck she'll appreciate you joining."

"I don't even want to join a band anymore." Saaya shifted her gaze away from him.

"And why is that?"

"I don't want to stay out late. Jun and Sana would get lonely, and my mom would overwork herself."

"I heard about your mother's condition. And how it would really affect her health the more she keeps working." Katsuhiko states with his arms crossed.

"Yet. . . Despite that, she still keeps doing all the housework on her own." Saaya said. "I never even noticed it until that very day. Jun and Sana were crying, and I even caused trouble for Natsu and the others. . . I- I just don't want to be a burden to anyone else anymore. . ."

. . .

"You do realize how stupid you sound right now?" Katsuhiko interrupts. Saaya looks at him with a curious face. "You don't want to be a burden to anyone else, yet you're still doing so emotionally. Kind of hypocritical, if you ask me."

"What are you even saying?"

"What I'm saying is that while you tell yourself that you want to be a burden. You're still basically burdening everyone else with your emotions." Katsuhiko states.

"T- That's not true. . ." Saaya denies. "How am I burdening everyone if I only did this because I care about them?"

"That's funny. Because it doesn't look like you care at all!!"

". . . !" Saaya reacts upon Katsuhiko snapping at her.

"Are you stupid? Are you blind!? Do you even take time to look around you and see how the people you care about feel about you?! If you don't want to get back to your friends. Your band. Does that mean you hate bands now?! For all the reasoning that you told me!"

"Of course not!" Saaya shouts back. Tears visible in her eyes. "Do you have any idea at all!? I ruined our concert, made everyone walk on eggshells around me! They did everything for my sake! I'm not having fun, I shouldn't be! Why should I be?!"

"Why are you avoiding them?! Why are you avoiding Natsuki and the others!?" Katsuhiko retorts. "It makes everything worse if you run away like this!!"

"I'm not running away. . ." Saaya denies. Furrowing her eyebrows.

"Stop lying to yourself! Of course you are!"


"THE ONLY PERSON WHO'S SUFFERING HERE IS YOU!! FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!" Katsuhiko yells back, almost sounding with rage. "And you're making yourself sound more like an idiot now because you're making no sense!!"


. . .

. . .

A loud slap echoed across the kitchen. Silence ensued.

". . ." Katsuhiko was momentarily stunned. He felt a stinging pain around his cheek. He looked forward. He saw Saaya, streaming with tears. Her hand was raised. It didn't take long for Katsuhiko to register that she had slapped him.

Sniffling through her tears. With narrowed eyes, Saaya ran off upstairs. Leaving Katsuhiko in silence - alone in the kitchen.

He stood there. . . Still registering the pain on his cheek. He held that part with his hand. ". . .ouch." he muttered. That was a really harsh slap she delivered to him.

But then he came to realize. That his words must've been more harsher. He clenched his fists. Feeling guilty that he had just done that to her.

Almost a reenactment of the similar event. Except, the outcome is different.

Maybe it's because of how annoyed he was? Maybe. . . But even with that realization. He can't turn back time to fix it. Let alone this.

"Katsuhiko-kun?" The male turns around when he heard the old man's voice.

"A- Ah. . . Mr. Yamabuki. . ." Katsuhiko nervously replies.

"I saw what happened." The adult in the room states. Crossing his arms towards his part-timer. "And I didn't like how you talked to my daughter like that."

Katsuhiko flinched. He was really done for. "I'm greatly sorry for my words towards her, Sir. . . It was at the heat of the moment. . ." He bows apologetically towards Mr. Yamabuki.

The man before him sighs. "I do suppose Saaya needs that. But you could've at least worded it better."

"I'm sorry. . ." Katsuhiko lingers his bow.

"I'll be expecting you two to make up. Otherwise, I'll have to cut off your wage. Or alternatively, I'll fire you."

"E- Eh?!?!" Katsuhiko exclaims. All of the hardwork he made just to communicate with his virtual shark idol. Would all be in vain if he doesn't fix this situation with him and Saaya. "P- Please don't! I'll do my best, I promise!"

"Good." The man huffs. He then faced the stairway with eyes of concern. "and probably. . . a good time for her to realize it."

. . .

[ Chapter End ]

[ Up Next! ] [ Episode 8: Star Beat! Hoshi no Kodou! ]

Word Count - 5,849 words