
BanG Dream! The Lost Star! | Volume 1

[ This is a rewrite of the entire BanG Dream Series with the inclusion of a male protagonist and an expansion of the whole story line. There is also a slow but wholesome development between the characters and as well as a - somewhat - balanced pacing ] ~ Excluding my OC's. I do not own any of the characters here. All rights go to Bushiroad & CraftEgg ~

Katsuki_Ch · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Volume 1 | Episode 8 - Star Beat! Hoshi no Kodou!


"Saaya was in a band with her group of friends. I would see her so happy every time she's with them. She's so carefree and it honestly makes me smile. As her mother, I would support her with everything she does."

"She is already a responsible girl, but ever since that day, when they were scheduled to perform at the cultural festival and it being cancelled when she learned I had been sent to the hospital, she has started to shoulder all of the responsibilities."

"Up until now, Saaya still holds it against herself after what happened. She resents heself for it. Every now and then, she would always be worried of me every time I try to do some work."

"I suppose I can't blame her, but still. She should stop bottling herself up from all of this. . . From all of that. . ."

. . .

"We couldn't perform together because she hurried home for an emergency. I heard through her phone that her siblings were crying because their mother collapsed out of exhaustion. . ."

"Then right after that. . . She began avoiding us. . ."

"It feels like she's blaming herself for what had happened to her mom. At least, as far as I can see."

. . .

"Do you have any idea at all?! I ruined our concert, made everyone walk on eggshells around me! They did everything for my sake! I'm not having fun, I shouldn't be! Why should I be?!"

"Why are you avoiding them!? Why are you avoiding Natsuki and the others?! It makes everything worse if you run away like this!!"

. . .



. . .


. . .


. . .

Saaya lays in her bed motionlessly. Recalling what happened yesterday between her and her part timer. She felt dejected. Those words shot right through and stung so painfully.

6:31 in the morning engulfed with silence in her room, curtains still closed but rays of morning sunlight pierces through the small opening.

She proceeds pull her blanket attempting to go back to sleep, but it was until then, two of her siblings suddenly jumped on top of her. Both laughing and giggling as Jun and Sana playfully latched on their big sister.

Also telling their sister that it's breakfast time.

Minutes later, Saaya came down stairs and was greeted by her mother holding a bowl of rice.

"Good morning." The mother greets her daughter upon seeing her.

"Are you sure you should be up?" Saaya asks in concern.

"You've been helping me out so much lately, Saaya." Saaya's mother reassures her, handing the girl a bowl of rice. "Here, Bon appetit." Though, even with her reassurance, Saaya still couldn't help but feel skeptical. "Aren't you going to school?"

"I am. . . But. . ."

"You've worked so hard in preparing for the cultural festival with Kasumi-chan and the others."

Saaya took the bowl from her mother's hand and held it between her own. "Yeah..." Saaya muttered.

After a while of having breakfast, Saaya tapped her shoe on the wooden floor. Her red back-pack on her back as she was ready to head off to school.

"I'll stop by later with Jun and Sana." Her mother told. While she proceeds to continue washing the dishes.

"Okay." Saaya replied. Upon opening the door, a small letter had fallen out of it. It seems that it was stuck between the door frame. "Hmm?"

Picking up the pink letter with a star seal on it. The words "To Saaya" was written at the front. Though, feeling the envelope between her hands, it felt empty. Judging from the design alone, it's enough for to tell her that this may have belonged to Kasumi.

Just yesterday after her fight with Katsuhiko. Kasumi went and asked Saaya if she could join her band. . . And considering how stressed she was after that argument with her part-timer, it didn't end well either.

But still, she wasn't sure if this was from Kasumi. "Mom, is this-" She turned around to ask, when all of a sudden. . .

". . .!"


. . .

[ Location ] [ Hanasakigawa Girl's (?) School ]

The day is finally here. With each and every class of Hanasakigawa High school anticipating for this very event.

In a certain classroom turned cafe. All the students of 1-A were all wearing their individual butler outfits. All in a very common design, a black suit with a white undershirt, black pants and a pair of white gloves.

"Oh my god, it's about to start!" One of them said in a nervous tone.

"Are the pastries ready yet?"

"They'll be coming soon."

The girls run around the area, wiping the tables and setting the chairs for their soon-to-arrive customers.

"All drinks are set."

"Saaya-chan and Natsuki-san aren't here yet..." Rimi said in worry.

"Kasumi, You went to her house, right?" Tae asks as she looks at Kasumi.

"In just a minute..." Kasumi replies. Though worried, she tries to keep a determined face.

And just about time, two of their classmates came in. "The pastries are here!" One of them said.

"Kasumi, you should come with us."

Kasumi turned and nodded her head. "Coming."

. . .

At the gates of Hanasakigawa was a white vehicle parked outside that delivered all of the pastries. Two students have already gotten a tray load of pastries and was on their way to deliver it to their classroom.

"Careful with that now." One of the people delivering the goods was none other than their classmate Katsuhiko. Handing another tray to his two other classmates who came to help carry it back to their classroom. "I'll be sure to catch up with you guys later!"

"I've heard that your class is doing a cross-dressing cafe." The other person beside Katsuhiko spoke. The latter turned and simply chuckled sheepishly.

"Pretty much, and here I have to wear a maid costume just to fit the theme." Katsuhiko explains, followed by a sigh. Making the man raise his brow quizzically

"You don't seem to be bothered by it at all?" Mr. Yamabuki said.

"Oh, it's not that big of a deal." Katsuhiko waves his hand. "It's part of the theme, so why not just abide?"

Mr. Yamabuki nods. "I see."

. . .

There was a brief silence, but it was then the man spoke up again. "I'm assuming you and Saaya haven't made up yet?"

Katsuhiko's eyes downcast as he frowns. Before shaking his head. "I'm just taking my time to find the right words. I wouldn't want to end up lashing out to her again." He sighs, glancing to his boss. "She's not coming, is she?"

Before Mr. Yamabuki could reply. "Help has arrived!" A student yelled from the distance. The two looked to see three girls in their butler outfits rushing towards them. "Good morning!" Each and one of them greeted.

"Good morning as well." Katsuhiko greeted back to them as he helped Mr. Yamabuki carry another tray of goods and give it to the girls.

As they walked off with tray in their hands. Katsuhiko noticed Kasumi looking around their area. Looking as if she's looking for someone. But she was interrupted when Mr. Yamabuki called out to her. "Can I get your signature here?" He says as he held out a note pad and pen to her.

"Oh, Right!" Kasumi replies as she walked to the man to put her signature.

Meanwhile, Katsuhiko stares at his boss. He didn't answer his question. But he more than likely knew the answer. Considering what happened this morning. He would expect Saaya deciding not to come to the festival. . . And especially Kasumi's band performance.

"Um... How's Saaya?" Kasumi asked before the man could take his leave.

Mr. Yamabuki turned to Kasumi before answering. "This morning, my wife..." He paused, but then shook his head. "Oh, it's nothing too serious. She's been anemic for a long time now. She just won't listen, even when Saaya takes her to the hospital."

Hearing this, Kasumi's head drooped, her worryness still lingers.

"Sorry to cause you kids trouble."

"Not at all! It's no trouble at all..." Kasumi replied, shaking her head. "Um... Could you tell Saaya that everything's going okay here?"

"Oh, Sure. Though I've got a message for you as well." Mr. Yamabuki replied.

"Huh?" Kasumi let out with a quizzical look on her face.

"My daughter says that she hopes the festival will be a success. And as well as your concert together with your friends."

"Does that mean she..."

"I'm afraid she won't be able to attend the festival today. Considering the circumstances." Mr. Yamabuki said. Making Kasumi frown in disappointment. She knew how upset Saaya was yesterday, but it didn't stop her from hoping. She even sent that letter to her house just earlier.

"Oh. . . I see. . ." Kasumi murmured with a downcast gaze.

"But for her sake. Just do your best, okay?" Mr Yamabuki said, trying to cheer her up.

Kasumi forms a little smile on her face. Though she was still a bit sad.

"Well, I'll be off now. You guys have fun."

"Take care." Katsuhiko said as he hands his boss the apron that Katsuhiko was currently wearing

[ Moments Later ]

Both Kasumi and Katsuhiko went back, side by side as they were on their way to their classroom. Silently as they walk. Katsuhiko glanced beside his friend. Noticing the frown on her face, which made him concerned.

"Worried about Yamabuki-san?" Katsuhiko brought up. Grabbing Kasumi's attention as she turns to him surprised, before momentarily she responds with a gentle nod. "I figured." Katsuhiko sighs.

"Just yesterday, Saaya was upset." Kasumi mentioned, causing the male to flinched. "I was there at her place to invite her to our band...."

"She said no, didn't she?" Katsuhiko said. To which she nodded in response.

To Kasumi, it was like Katsuhiko knew how everything would go and end up for her whenever she wants to do something. But to the former, it only made him feel guilty because of what he did that day. Hiding himself as he bites his lip out of frustration.

But then again, he tells himself that issues like these won't last forever, being that the only solution is to resolve it. To make amends, that's what he was planning to do.

"You know, I feel like she would be upset if things flopped here." Katsuhiko says, an encouraging smile on his face. "She did say that she hopes everything will be a success. So why don't we promise her that, yeah?"

Upon his words, Kasumi smiled. A determined one as she nods her head in agreement to him.

They soon arrive by the threshold of their classroom. With everyone set and ready, she gathers their attention. "Everyone! Let's make this the best cultural festival ever! Together, we can make this an absolute success!"

"Let's do it! Class 1-A! Hip-Hip. . ."

"Yahh. . !" Tae said, raising her arm.

"Shouldn't that be a hurray?" Katsuhiko muttered. Though it seems that all of them were on board with this form of motivation as they cheered along with Kasumi, with everyone's arms and spirits raised high above.

"Class 1-A's cafe is now officially open for business!"

And with that marks the beginning of their cultural festival, the ever so anticipated event consisting of many unwavering excitement.

And just like that, Hanasakigawa began its event, bustling with activities all around. With the stalls running their businesses. Customers, students coming around to check by. There were all sorts of things to see.

Meanwhile, Class 1-A's cafe was already a hit upon it's grand opening. Many customers came by to dine in the most delectable pastries from the ever so locally renowned Yamabuki Bakery.

Though it wasn't just the pastries that gave this cafe the spotlight of its own. But rather the theme they were going for. Seeing the girls wearing such elegant butler outfits were a sight to behold, sure. But there was a reason why this class chose to do a cross dressing themed cafe.

Standing by the entrance, welcoming every person entering the room whilst leaving them in awe from such an adorable image was Katsuhiko Natsuki. Given the outfit he's wearing and his small figure. It was no wonder why people were so attracted by this place.

"Welcome Master~ Please come right this way~" Katsuhiko would say in a cute tone of his voice as he welcomes the customers inside. And with such an adorable demeanor, no one can help but be entranced.

His classmates were rather impressed by this. And to say that they didn't expect this from him entirely was the truth already speaking itself.

"To think that Katsuhiko-kun would be this good. . ." One of his classmates said in awe. The aura that he's emitting was all over the place. It helps that he's the only male in the classroom, nay, the campus, that he was able to stand out more.

And it was now only believed that there was no possible way to break Katsuhiko out of this unwavering act-

"Awww~ What an adorable little child-"


. . . .

. . . .

Except for that.

[ First Person POV ] [ Katsuhiko ]

I am slightly annoyed.

Not only was I forced to welcome customers with the generic cafe maid persona. I was made to be the highlight for this cafe. . . And it's all thanks to Toyama who thought this was a good idea, and without telling me beforehand.

To be told to do this in such a short notice. . . All I had to do was to adjust. But despite all this, it still managed to work out in the end. We were able to attract tons of customers after all.

Other than welcoming the guests, I sometimes help out at the kitchen. Mostly with the drinks since they were more easy to handle.

I had to witness Ushigome attempting to make a panda face over the drink, but it didn't turn out the way she intended.

Just a few hours later. Toyama walks up to me, the look on her face speaks all the excitement she currently has. "Katsuhiko-chan! We're going out, wanna come with us?"

"Is this an act of forgiveness after forcing me to a task I didn't ask for? Hmph! No thanks." I jokingly said as I turned my head in a typical tsundere manner.

"Ehh?! I'm sorry! I really didn't mean to! Please don't hate me..."

"I'm only kidding, geez." I replied, she was really about to cry there and I'd be guilty to see her like that. But as I would expect, she recovered so quickly like an Iphone battery at 10%.

Honestly, this girl. . . "Fine, I'll come with you guys. I could really use a break." I said with a sigh, and to which Toyama cheers in response.

She then grabs hold of my wrists and proceeds to drag me outside. "Come on! Rimi-rin and O-Tae are waiting outside!"

"You don't have to drag me! I can walk!!"

. . .

We head outside to see everything else that the cultural festival has. Taking glances, we see a sight of colorful embellishments adorned from classrooms with their respective themes. There were many attractions from here to there. Like a magic show and a fortune telling booth.

We continue to traverse down the halls, whilst being greeted by the visitors along the way.

It wasn't long until Toyama stopped in front of a classroom. Hearing her gasp made me divert my attention to her. And as I did, my eyes seemingly land upon a trio of girls in maid outfits similar to mine.

"Why do I always seem to run into my sister..." I hear the brown haired one said. I looked back and forth between her then to Toyama.

Wait, wasn't she the same girl from that day?

"At-chan! You're so cuuute!!" Toyama squeals in delight as she went up to hug her level headed counter part.

Oh right, this is her little sister. I remember her name being Asuka.

"Isn't that great, At-chan?" the classmate of said girl says to her. The brunette seemingly looked slightly annoyed.

"No it isn't." Asuka replies. "You look good in that outfit though." She comments as she eyes her sister in her attire.

Toyama and the rest of us were still wearing our outfits. The former seemingly smiled at the compliment from her dear sister.

"Look! Look here!" All of a sudden, Toyama pulls me to her side. "Katsuhiko-chan here is also a maid! Isn't he cute?~"


"He looks adorable!"

Toyama huffs proudly from the compliments. Why do you make it look like you own me for some reason?

"Can I take a picture?" Hanazono says, pulling out a camera. "I had this borrowed from my dad."

Before I could even react. Toyama proceeds to drag me in front of her and Ushigome. The former stood next to her sister as she posed for the camera along with the rest.

"Alright, everyone say 'Welcome!' "



. . .

A few moments later, we decided to visit Ichigaya's class to see what they were up to. And it didn't take us long until we got there.

"We found Class 1-B!" Toyama cheers enthusiastically. I stared at the entrance of this room and noticed that it was covered with a black curtain from the inside.

"Arisa-chan said that she didn't know what her class had planned for." Ushigome stated.

I then looked at the sign near the entrance and saw the words "Interactive Theatre" written on it.

"So they're doing a play?" I mused. It's probably been a long while since I last saw something relative to this.

"You think it's alright to get in?" Ushigome asks.

"I don't see a sign that says otherwise." I pointed out. Surely there's no other reason for them to not let us in? Especially in a cultural festival?

As we peaked our heads inside, we were met with an ongoing performance.

"Drats! I have failed once again!" said one of the actors up on stage. I scrutinized for a bit until I noticed that person was Natsuki.

Huh, she never told me she's classmates with Ichigaya. And speaking of which, the girl sitting on the chair on stage wearing a pink dress and a fancy hat, partially covering her face with a fan seems to be Ichigaya herself.

"Is there anyone out there who can make my dear daughter, Princess Arisa, laugh?" Natsuki continues.

So it is her!

. . .

Wait. . .

Princess Arisa?

Make her laugh?

. . .

. . .

Just then, a mischievious grin crept up to my face as an idea popped into my head. Whether or not if this plan would work, it's still worth the try.

"Huh? Katsuhiko-chan, where are you going?" I hear Toyama call out to me, but I didn't respond.

"Pardon me." I called out, grabbing their attention. "Perhaps I would like to try." I said whilst raising my skirt as I took a bow.

I know that was unnecessary, but it's for the act!

I saw Natsuki flashing me a grin before replying. "Well now, it seems that we have another volunteer! Will this young. . . maiden be able to make our dear princess laugh?"

I slowly make my way up to the stage confidently. I look at my target and she seems confused at first before hiding her face completely from my point of view. I walked in front of her, but first turned to acknowledge the audience.

"Witness! As I attempt to make your precious princess fall into a fit of absolute laughter!" I said with a bit of elegance. I hear the audience whisper amongst themselves as I finally turn to face Ichigaya with anticipation.

But as soon as I did, I accidently tripped on my feet. Making me lose my balance for a split second, but unfortunately, I fell face first on the wooden floor. I feel like my nose broke...

The audience gasped lightly as soon as they witnessed my fall. But to reassure them, I raised a thumbs up as I gently lifted my head off the ground.

But just before I could get off the floor. I heard someone snickering behind me, that snickering eventually turned into laughter. I glanced to see who it was, and by surprise to my end. It was Ichigaya.

Huh, I thought she's someone who doesn't find humor towards generic slapstick comedy?

But it seems that my assumptions were wrong for when I noticed her pointing at my rear as she continues her fit of laugh-

Hold up-

"EH?!?!?!" I immediately jolted up from the floor as soon as I finally realized what she was laughing at.

"HAHAHAHAH!!! YOU WEAR STRIPES!? PFFFFFT!!!!" Ichigaya holds her stomach as she continues to laugh hysterically.

My face turned red from the embarrassment.

This is not how I wanted things to turn out!!


"AHH!! NOOOO!!!!!!!"

. . .

. . .

The play eventually ended right after that... incident.

All four of us, now with the addition of Ichigaya, were walking down the hallways trying to find some more things to spend our time with.

"So, Katsuhiko. I never knew you actually wear striped panties~" Ichigaya says, trying her best to suppress another fit of her hysterical laughter.

Speaking of who. . . She still hasn't moved on from what happened to me earlier and still continues to gloat about it, much to my dislike.

"You're having a field day out of this, aren't you...?" I grumbled in annoyance. That smug look on her face lingers and I oh so want to wipe that off if I can...

"Maybe you should've worn some shorts underneath??" Ushigome says.

"I would have if I didn't try to make an accurate depiction..." I stressed, and yes. Nothing was accurate with what I just wore underneath. And god must forbid those curious minds of prying further through my black and white fabrics.

I'm supposed to be used to this kind of thing. But it's probably because I over-exaggerated it a bit. . .

I better purify myself from the embarrassment that I had to endure after I get home.

"Huh, he is wearing striped panties. Generic blue color too." Hanazono said as she lightly lifts my skirt to-

"HANAZONO-SAN!" I swatted her hand away. Before protecting my skirt with my hands. I hate how my failure of an attempt to make Ichigaya laugh for my own amusement ended up to her laughing for her own amusement.

And up until now, I can still see her making that stupid gloating smirk.

"So are you also wearing a bra?" She asked.

"Can you guys please stop!?"

"Huh, there are hills, so are you wearing pads?" Hanazono! You're not making this any better for me!

"Woah! Now that you mentioned it, it does look like he has a cute chest!" Toyama I SWEAR TO GOD!!

As we continue our stroll, with these knuckle heads still trying to make an amusement out of me. Suddenly, 

a dark cloaked person seemingly jumped in front of us out of nowhere. She has a creepy white mask with the intention to scare anyone.

Not me, but the girls behind me did.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" And that's how they ran up behind me.

Heh. That's what you get.

The masked person soon revealed herself to be someone whom we are familiar with. Miss Uzawa Rii, a member of Glitter*Green and a classmate of Miss Yui, from what I've heard from her. It also occurred to me that we are actually in front of their classroom.

"Wanna come into our haunted house?" Miss Uzawa invites us, posing cutely. "We've done a lot of effort just for this very day~"

Huh, so this is what Miss Yui's been doing all along? Now I'm even more curious.

"A haunted house? Sounds Scary."

"Haunted houses are supposed to be like that, Toyama-san. . ." I deadpanned.

"Are there any real ghost?"

"I doubt they are." I spoke.

"Well, Why don't you see for yourself?" Said Miss Uzawa.

I can see the reluctant looks on their faces upon the invitation given to them. To me, I've played just enough horror games just to be unfazed by this.

"I'll pass on that." Ichigaya said as she starts to walk away. Leaving Toyama disbelieved. "There's no way a school's haunted house is gonna-"

"Scare you?"

Ichigaya widens her eyes when she hears that voice.

Turning around, only to be greeted by our student council president. Head covered with...



And there she goes running behind me. My ears were still ringing from her sudden loud shriek.

So, there was some little explaining going on. About whether or not Miss Wanibe was actually bleeding her head, but of course. It wasn't the case.


It was just some paint just to blend in with their theme.

"We're going all out. If we're going to blunder through, then we won't feel like we've accomplished anything. And of course, with Yui's astounding efforts and contribution. We don't want that to be of waste." Miss Wanibe says genuinely, with Miss Uzawa nodding in agreement.

"So? How about it?" Miss Wanibe asks, waiting for our response.

I glanced to the entrance of their so called "Haunted House" While I still don't feel any vibes from it, I guess it would still be nice to check out what they have. Especially when they said that they worked hard on it.

Also, I did promise Miss Yui that I should

So, might as well go for it before anything else.

. . .

We eventually went inside. With some little trouble trying to convince Ichigaya to come with us.

There inside, the lights were dim, and it seems to look like we're in a maze because of the branching path's here and there as we walked along.

There were some tiny blue wisps or Orbs floating about within the dark space of the ceiling. That honestly looked a little realistic if not for the obvious lighting as to wear the effects are coming from.

Ushigome and Toyama were just looking around cautiously, Hanazono was just casually taking some pictures here and there, and Ichigaya was using me as a meat shield for whatever reason.

As we continue to traverse through the haunted halls of this very place. There begins to spawn arms of inanimate beings through the paper walls. Scaring the girls in the process.

In an act of fear, they began to run whilst I seemingly try catching up to them.

Along the way, we met up with all sorts of scary spawns of nightmares. A group of zombies, skeletons, and even a nurse with a bloodied outfit.

Then, as we passed by a corner. We saw a lone purple haired girl weeping and crying in the corner of the room wearing a tattered bloody wedding dress.

We would've just casually walked by this with no issue. If not for Hanazono suddenly taking a photo. The flash of light caused the girl to shot her eyes towards us with an angered look. And soon she would chase us along with a blood curdling scream.

Fortunately, we made it safely out of the haunted house. I'll admit, the only thing that can possibly scare me is when something's chasing me. And I breathed a sigh of relief that I actually survived one today.

Meanwhile, I looked at the others. They look constipated out from fear.

I looked back from the exit we came from. And there stood the same girl with the wedding dress.

It didn't take long for me to realize that it was actually Miss Yui. Silently giggling out of amusement.

She's probably enjoying all of this...

After Miss Yui thanks us for checking their place out. We decided to head outside and explore all of the other available stalls. We stopped by to eat some sweet cotton candy, played some ring toss, where in which I luckily won a big shark plushie. With the others winning their own share as well.

The girls also stopped by some dart throwing game, in which I didn't participate in.

Eventually, we visited a certain food stall run by two of our most active culinary club members. It was almost bustling with customers from here to there and the two workers were serving each and every customers with no sweat.

It didn't take long for us to make our order. As special patrons, we were recommended with the best dish they could ever make, free of charge. . .

Well, that last part wasn't particularly true. The only payment they wanted from us was for me to take a photo with them.

I did promise the two yesterday about this anyway, so I shouldn't complain. . .

Other than gushing over how cute I looked in my maid outfit, we all chatted along as we ate our meals. And as you'd expect from the club itself, the food was undeniably good. Making me feel ashamed for not possessing the same skill as them.

"This is merely an act of competence. To beat the heck out of the Book Club!!" Miss Kanzaki says, her tone almost sounding out of spite.

"Ohhh!" Both Toyama and Hanazono cheered, though oblivious to my club members' motives.

The Culinary club actually has a... uhh... rivalry from another club. And I don't know why they feel the need to do this. But they have their reasons.

"Why do you guys actually have so much spite with the book club anyways? I've been hearing about this from time to time." Ichigaya asks in curiosity.

"We have every reason to spite those egotistical jerks!" Miss Kanzaki replies, balling up her hands into fists.

"You see, the members there are quite narcissistic, to say the least." Tachibana says with a weary expression. "It doesn't help the fact that they always gloat about how well they write their books. And I mean their books are nice to read, I'll give them that."

"But when it comes to others who are only just starting out. They act like they know better. Mari-Mari here wrote a book of her own, and it was great! Even Yui-Yui thinks so!" Miss Kanzaki says, with a frustrated tone of her voice. "But then their club president says otherwise! Saying that it's only a botched up replica of an actual existing book! And she keeps going on a tangent about the flaws! Like she's one to talk!!"

She's really more worked up from all this. . .

"Rui-chan. . . calm down. . ." Tachibana sheepishly calls out to her friend.

Miss Kanzaki sighs. "They label themselves as a writers community, yet the only thing they do aside from writing is slander!"

"Fuel more of that rage! Show them you're serious!" Hanazono, don't encourage her. . .

"GGGHHAAAAAAAAHHHH!!" Well, too late.

Her pure rage was loud enough to get their customer's attention. Ushigome seems a bit scared by it that she went behind Hanazono - who was continuing to encourage Miss Kanzaki for whatever reason.

"Uhh. . . I told her not let it get to her. . ." Tachibana sweatdropped as she sighs.

"I don't think that's her fault." I muttered.

Eventually, we finally went back to our class to continue our work. And the same thing as we did earlier of the opening.

Nothing much happened actually. There were very little customers to work with and I managed to handle most of it.

I then decided to head outside for a bit to take a breather, and as soon as I stepped out. I noticed Toyama right out here in the hallway. Staring wistfully through the window.

I stood there, watching her standing there idly. I begin to frown as I presume the reason why she's like that. And I believe it's likely considering what she heard earlier at the delivery.

My guilt is starting to resurface again. And immediately, I try to calm myself down from it.

. . .

. . .

[ Meanwhile ]

[ Third Person POV ]

After seeing the doctor, Saaya and her family are sitting on one of the seats in the halls. The doctor had said that Saaya's mother will be fine if she gets a lot of rest. Quite reassuring to some, but the worried looks of the children still lingers.

"Mom?" Jun called out, looking at his mother sitting beside him.

"It's alright Jun, the doctor said that mom will be fine, didn't he? And I'm right here too." Saaya reminded to her little brother. Trying to assure him.

"What about the cultural festival?" Sana asked her sister. In response, Saaya placed a hand over her head.

"Don't worry, I'm staying right here." Saaya says. Trying her best to hold a reassuring smile. But as from how her mother sees it, it can be said otherwise.

. . .

[ Location ] [ Hanasakigawa Girl's (?) School: Class 1-A's Cafe]

[ First Person POV ] [ Katsuhiko ]

I was casually minding my own business helping out with the extra work around here. And from here on out, I was beginning to think that things will be smooth sailing for me after what had happened earlier. And I'd honestly want to avoid anything that puts me in a turmoil.

"I'll order something else then!" I hear Miss Nijiki - another member of Glitter*Green - Say after being rejected of wanting to. . . uhh. . . buy one of our two classmates. She then picks up our hand made menu and scans through all the available options, and it didn't take long until she found something that caught her interest. "Ooooh~! I'll take this one! A special where your precious maid will feed me!"

Everyone of my classmates nearby gasped.

I flinched upon hearing the mention of that particular order. I turned my head to my classmates, with a look of disbelief. "I thought I told you guys to remove that. . . ?"

None of them seem to respond, except for when their eyes land on a particular brunette, who was casually whistling and playing with her fingers.

Toyama, do you really want me to hate you?

"I'm sorry, but that's not supposed to be there." I said to Miss Nijiki, who tilted her head confusedly.

"But it's here?"

"It's not supposed to!"

"Well it's right here, and I'm ordering it! Shouldn't that go by your services?" She's unrelenting and saying that with such an innocent face. . . And I don't even know what she's talking about.

"Are you sure? Hinako-chan?" Dining together with Miss Nijiki was her leader Miss Ushigome. She stares at her orange haired friend as her brow arched.

"Hina-chan wants to be spoiled~ So I'm totally sure!" My dear senpai why must you act like some sort of child. . .

My classmates looked to my direction, nodding their heads as they prompt me to do this. I rubbed the temples of my head from frustration whilst slightly glaring at the cause of it. She simply smiled sheepishly at me as she rubs the back of her head.

An exasperated sigh escapes my mouth as I shake my head in disbelief. "You'll regret this. . ." I muttered.

In a moment's notice. I have just sat down next to Miss Nijiki whereas the others were on their way to deliver the food. And that alone didn't take a while as Ushigome arrives at our table, tray in hand with the delectable pastries on a plate.

"H- Here's your order!" She hesitantly places the plate down to our table before scurrying off. With a glimpse, I see her hiding behind one of the cardboard cut-out signs. She slightly peeks her head out.

Oh dear. . .

Let's just get this over with.

"Alright then, Nijiki-senpa-"

"No no no no no! You must call me Hina-sama!"

. . .Are you kidding me?

"I don't see how that's supposed to be mandatory here. . ." I rolled my eyes as I mumbled. "Fine then. . . Hina-sama."

"Very good!~" Miss Nijiki cheers. She then opens her mouth, prompting me to start feeding her.

I didn't sign up for this.

I held up the pastry in my hand. With the piece of bread making contact with her mouth, she immediately takes a bite out of it. Humming as her face was brimming ecstasy. "Mhmmm! Yummy~"

That tone of your voice sounds very wrong.

While she was in her own little world admiring the aftertaste of the food, suddenly a camera flash catches both of our attention. We looked to see that it was Miss Ushigome with her camera phone and Hanazono with her camera.

"A little bit of heads up at least?" I said.

"Oh oh! Yuri-chan, send that photo to me!" The wild Miss Nijiki demands excitedly. To which her friend giggles from it. "I wanna see how I look like being fed by a lovely maid!"

"You guys almost look like a weird couple here." Hanazono states, to which I deadpanned.

"Ah! Even better!" You really don't hesitate, Miss Nijiki?

"It sounds stupid- Wha..!?" My words were cut short when Miss Nijiki pulls me close to her as she begins to ruffle my head so roughly.

"I've finally decided that I want to buy your maid instead!" She says, meanwhile I'm literally trying my best to get out of her grasp. "Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? Can I adopt you? Can you be my little brother?~"

"AHH!! UNHAND ME THIS INSTANT!!" I yelled. With my small figure and her. . .inhumane strenght, I wasn't able to escape from her clutches. I tried to look around for help, but the girl's didn't know what to do as they were only standing there.

"H- Hang in there, Natsuki-san!" Ushigome nervously says. Trying her best to find a way to help.

"S- Senpai! Let go of him!" I heard Toyama said.

"HELP!!!" I continue to yell as I began to flail my arms around. Miss Nijiki wasn't relenting.

Miss Ushigome wasn't any of help at all. She simply finds this senario amusing.


Note to self.

If Miss Nijiki is within your radius, stay as far away as possible. If that won't work, use Ichigaya as bait.

. . .

It wasn't long that the service I provide for Miss Nijiki had come to a fortunate end. But it didn't save my classmates from my scolding. Especially to Toyama who was the most apologetic out of them all.

A few moments later, after serving a couple more of customers. I head back into our kitchen area to return some of the plates. But as I got there, I saw Toyama standing nearby the table looking through her phone.

I looked closely and she still has that look on her face.

"Toyama-san? Is something wrong?" I called out to her. She flinched when she heard me, almost dropping her phone in the process. A few seconds she recollects herself and turns her attention to me.

"Ah, I'm fine!" She replies with a nervous smile.

"Look, I said I already forgave you for what you did, okay? There's nothing to be nervous about."

"O- oh, It's not that. . ." Toyama says. I managed to catch a glimpse of what's on her phone screen and which I sighed.

"Still worried about Yamabuki-san?" I said. She widens her eyes for a bit, almost wanting to deny the fact. But in the end, she didn't.

". . .yeah. . ." She murmurs with a worried look on her face. "I just want to know if she's okay. . ."

Believe me, I want to as well.

"Then why don't you?" I told her. "You got all the time to do so. I'll cover all the extra work for you."


"But you're going to buy me more cotton candy in exchange." I added, to which she chuckles sheepishly.

"Hehehe. . . Okay then, deal!" Toyama says with a soft smile. "Oh, but what if she doesn't respond?"

"Hmm. . ." I pondered for a bit, before getting an idea. "Maybe a voice message would suffice? The only thing we should be hoping for is for her to listen to it."

"Alright then!" Toyama holds up her phone once again, she hovers her finger over the screen of her phone, taking a deep breath before finally tapping to record a voice mail for Yamabuki.

"Saaya? It's me, Kasumi." She began, looking to my direction with her soft lingering smile. She then continues. "How's your mom? Is Sana being fussy? How's Jun-jun doing?"

I try my best to hold my laughter against that last part.

"Saaya, are you alright? The cafe's been a super success! The customers loved the pastries, Tons of them are even ordering to go! Everyone's here is also amazing, and their outfits are all cute as well! I have to thank Yui-senpai and Katsuhiko-chan for all that, they've been a big help after all."

She then turns to me, a small smirk forming on her face. "Also, you should've seen Katsuhiko-chan wearing his maid outfit! It really looks cute on him! And did you also know that he's weari-"

"Shut." I stopped her before she could ever finish that sentence.

"I- Uhmm.... Nevermind the last part!" Toyama corrects herself whilst chuckling sheepishly.

"Saaya? Are you guys on the phone with Saaya?" Suddenly, one of our classmates barged in.

And then, one by one the others came in as well.

"Really? Hey There!!"



"You can count on us here!"

Wait. . .There's too many of you!!

"How's your mom feelin'?"

"Saaya-chan? Is that Saaya-chan?" Ushigome decides to join in.

Things are getting rather claustrophobic here... "Hey- Guys! One at a time! One at a time!!" I tried pushing them away, but the results were next to none.

"G- Guys! Stop!" Toyama exclaimed after seeing the overwhelming number of our classmates coming in to give their words of courage to Yamabuki.

Overwhelmed. I grabbed Toyama's hand and took her outside of the classroom. Running aimlessly until we stopped at a quiet side of the hallway. Away from all the noise.

"Uhm. Katsuhiko-chan? Why are we here?"

"I'm sure you have more to say but couldn't because of the noise?"

"Yeah, but we could've just told them?"

. . .

. . .

. . .

son of a bi-

"Just do it already." I huffed. I'm beginning to lose some of my brain cells everytime I'm stressed out.

. . .

A few moments later. We decided to head back. Together walking side by side at a quiet pace.

But it wasn't until then that Toyama spoke. "I really wished Saaya was here. . ."

I only stared at her silently.

She took out a piece of paper from her pocket, unfolding it. "We worked hard on this one. . . We wrote this together, and I really hoped that we could play together. . ."

"Would it feel different if she didn't take part?" She continues. "I mean, I it's her decision, the health of her own mom is a priority that I can understand."

Yamabuki. . .

Just look. . .

Would it hurt you to realize that the emotions you're bottling up hurts others as well? It hurts me, and I made that worse for you.

But. . . I want to fix that.

"I think... I think she would've decided to join you if she doesn't keep on worrying." I spoke, placing a hand on Toyama's shoulder. "She lives down a road where every decision she thinks she'll make will result to a remorse."

I want to make amends. . .

"If only. . ." Toyama muttered.

I want to make her realize.

"There's still a lot more time before your concert, right?" I asked. Toyama looks at me, confused at first before nodding in response. "You guys prepare, I'll be fetching Yamabuki-san myself."

"E- Eh? Are you sure?"

"Look, I didn't tell you this. But it's also my fault that I made her upset. I got angry, even though I should've just handled it more calmly." I said, heaving a gentle sigh as I turn to Toyama. "It's not your fault, but I understand what you felt. So I'll do my best to make it up to you."

"Katsuhiko-chan. . ."

"You think you can trust me?" I muster up a soft smile to encourage her. And only a moment after, she shares to me that same smile. Nodding hopefully.

"Always." She uttered. "Also, Katsuhiko-chan? You think you can give this to her as well? Maybe it can help. I kinda forgot to put this in the letter I sent to her house."

She hands me the piece of paper she has in her hand. I took it and look at what was written in it.

It's the lyrics of their own song.

I slowly skimmed through, and as I'm reading this. . . somehow.

I felt warmth inside me.

The feeling of nostalgia. It makes my heart race with every second. . .

Every moment.

I reminisce. . .

The title of this song fits well. . .

"Star Beat"

. . .

. . .

"Do you like it? I wrote that myself!"

. . .

[ Location ] [ Hospital ]

[ Third Person POV ]

Deciding to take a little walk, Saaya Yamabuki was seen in the hallways of the hospital, meanwhile her siblings were outside playing tag and her mom still being inside to rest.

She places the can she bought from the vending machine inside the trash can. She heaves a sigh, her thoughts wandered off, thinking about what's been happening at her school while she was here, missing it all out.

Suddenly, a vibration resounded from her pocket. She fishes her phone out of her pocket to see what it was. It was a notification telling her that she has two new voicemails. All sent from her friend, Kasumi.

She thought for a moment of whether or not will she decide to give it a listen. But in the end, she decided to do so.

. . .

. . .

"Saaya? It's me Kasumi." Kasumi's voice came in, Saaya continues to listen.

"How's your mom? Is Sana being fussy? How's Jun-jun doing?"

. . .

. . .

"Saaya, are you alright?"

"The cafe's been a super success! The customers loved the pastries, Tons of them are even ordering to go! Everyone's here is also amazing, and their outfits are all cute as well! I have to thank Yui-senpai and Katsuhiko-chan for all that, they've been a big help after all."

. . .

"Also, you should've seen Katsuhiko-chan wearing his maid outfit! It really looks cute on him! And did you also know that he's weari-"

"Shut." Saaya heard Katsuhiko's voice, albeit faintly.

"I- Uhmm.... Nevermind the last part!" Kasumi chuckled.

Saaya found herself lightly smiling from that statement. Shaking her head, she had imagined what her friend would look like wearing that particular outfit. But she was also confused of the last part.

Things must've been fun there. Is what she had thought. If only she could see it for herself.

"Saaya? Are you guys on the phone with Saaya?" A voice that definitely didn't come from Kasumi says.

"Really? Hey There!!"



"You can count on us here!"

"How's your mom feelin'?"

"Saaya-chan? Is that Saaya-chan?" Rimi's voice was heard as well. But before she could even hear her talk, there were tons of voices coming in, making it incoherent for Saaya.

Saaya leaned back from the sudden noise coming from her phone. Feeling like she might disturb anyone from here, she decides to run outside of the building, still with her phone over her ear.

"Hey- Guys! One at a time! One at a time!!" Now she swore that voice came from Katsuhiko himself. Guessing that he was trying to keep everyone from the recording.

"G- Guys! Stop!" Saaya could hear Kasumi's panicking voice from the other side before the voicemail ended right there.

. . .

Seeing as the message stopped right there, Saaya then proceeds to listen to the second message.

"Hello?" Kasumi's voice came in again. "Everything's great here! It's so much fun!"

"So, so, so much fun!"

"So, We'll do our best at the concert! We'll play so well even you'll be able to hear it!"

Saaya's expression almost looks like as if tears were about to come out of her eyes.

Both her eyes and lips were slightly trembling from the emotions welling up inside..

"Also, I left the lyrics at your house today. The lyrics we all made together."

"I hope you read them!" The message abruptly came to an end after hearing a click.

Putting her phone back inside her pocket, Saaya then closed her eyes. Pondering to herself.

From her pocket, she took out the letter she found earlier in the morning. Though for some reason, when she held the envelope again, she still feels as if the inside was somewhat empty.

But her suspicions were correct when she looked inside. It was indeed empty.

"That's empty, isn't it?" A familiar voice enters into Saaya's hear. She looks up and saw Katsuhiko standing a few meters away in front of her.

"Hey." He greets casually.

"Katsuhiko-san. . . ?"

"Hey, again." Katsuhiko replied. "Look, I know that you're still mad at me. But I came here to give you this." He went up to her, holding out a paper. "It's from Toyama-san, by the way."

Saaya reluctantly took the papter into her hands. Wondering what it was.

It was the lyrics Kasumi was talking about. The song the two worked so hard together to write.

She read the lyrics, her eyes scanning each sentence written and she was reading each and every word with great intent.

. . .

. . .

. . .

The wind blows between the two students. Katsuhiko stares at Saaya as she continues to read, sadness envelops into the girl. A mix of emotions that she's never felt before.

She was shaking, tears were falling from her eyes and landed on to the paper she was holding.

Katsuhiko was still concernced for Saaya. Even after what he did. But he's here to make sure that she's okay. "Are you sure you don't want to go? You're going to miss out."

"I don't know. . ." Saaya replies through her gentle sobs.

"I know you don't." Katsuhiko said. "But you should know, that if you continue to bottle up all of your emotions. The decisions that you'll be making in the future will become a lot more difficult."

Saaya didn't respond. Her gaze downcasted.

"Look, I know how much you care for your family. And they know that as much. I know how much you care for your friends, and they know that as well."

"But have you tried and stop to think about how they feel about this you you currently have right now? Keeping all the worries to yourself and not asking others for help? They would keep on worrying about you more and more if you keep this up, just like your family... And Toyama-san..."

Saaya looked up to him, tears were visible in her eyes. She wiped them with her arm before facing her friend properly. Though, she still didn't say anything.

"Go." The voice of Saaya's mother came in. The two turned to see Mrs. Yamabuki herself, as well as Saaya's two younger siblings.

Saaya shook her head in response.

"You're a kind girl, Saaya." Her mother says with a smile. "And like what Katsuhiko-kun here had said, you are kind to your mother, kind to others." She stopped and placed a hand over her daughter's head. "But, you should save that kindness for yourself."

"I. . . can't." Saaya muttered, glancing to her mother.

"You can do it, Saaya." Her mother encouraged her. "You're not alone."

"Don't worry, Sana is right here too!" Her little sister came up to her, holding her hand.

"Me too!" Followed by her little brother Jun.

"I'm here to support as well every step of the way." Katsuhiko said, walking up to them with a small smile on his face. ". . . And everyone else."

Saaya's mother smile at his statement before looking at her daughter confirmingly. "See?" She said. Saaya let out a smile. Taking a deep breath before exhaling. She then shows an apologetic smile.

"I am such a mess, aren't I?"

"Yes, yes you were." Katsuhiko half-jokingly said as he smiles softly. Saaya simply giggles in response to that. "Now you should better be going. It's not too late yet."

She took a deep breath, before nodding. "Right."

"We'll be seeing you later then." Mrs. Yamabuki says. A hint of good luck to give to her daughter.

"See you later!" Her two siblings followed.

Saaya, after having to recover from her tears, looks at each one of her family with a confirming smile. "I'll be back."

"I'll be sure to catch up." Her male friend said. Waving his hand. Saaya waved back as she runs off to her school.

At this point, Katsuhiko sighed in relief. He almost thought it wouldn't end well, but fortunately it didn't.

. . .

. . .

[ Meanwhile ]

[ Location ] [ Hanasakigawa Girls (?) School: Auditorium ]

Inside the auditorium where all the band performances are being held. Cheers coming from the audiences were heard from the inside.

The current band playing, which was lead by Natsuki. Had now ended their performance, resulting a loud applause earlier.

"Thank you!!" She said aloud through the microphone in front of her. "Be sure to enjoy the next band as well!" and with that, they lifted their respective instruments and left the stage. Leaving the audience with their anticipation for the next performance.

Through the back stage area, peeking through the door was Arisa and Rimi. Eyes in surprise at the number of people coming to watch their performance.

This was a whole lot different back when they performed at Space.

A whole lot different.

"Oh dear..." Rimi muttered in nervousness at the sight of the crowd.

On the other hand, Tae and Kasumi was facing the door leading to the stage. The latter having the feeling of nervousness and a single form of sweat was visible on her cheek.

"Let's go." Tae beckoned to her.

"Right." Kasumi responded.

Soon, the four girls walked through the door and enter the stage. All with their musical instruments with them. They could hear the audiences giving them an applaud upon their entrance.

"We're gonna do a quick sound check first." Says Tae, tuning her own guitar while the others checked their instruments as well.

Arisa had made sure to set up the right tone for her keyboard, while Rimi did some small tuning with her bass guitar.

Kasumi on the other-hand was only glancing to them over her shoulder.

"Kasumi!" Arisa whisperedly called out, seeing as Kasumi wasn't doing anything.

"Huh? Oh..." She said upon realization. Facing the microphone in front of her, she says. "Hello, we're Poppi-"

"Wait wait, hold on! It's not the time to introduce ourselves yet!" Arisa interjected, scolding Kasumi.

"What? Huh?" Kasumi dumbly says, causing the the audiences to chuckle and laugh. On the other hand, Kasumi only shows an apologetic smile, before then it shifts to an enthusiastic one. "Are you all having fun at the cultural festival?!"

"YEAH!" The audience cheered aloud in response. Bringing an atmostphere of utmost excitement inside the auditorium.

"Well then, it's time for our first song! My heart is a Chocolate Cornet!" Kasumi declared.

. . .


Saaya ran as fast as she could across the sidewalk.

Holding her phone and having her earpieces stuck into her ear. Listening to the composed song Kasumi and the others had worked hard for.

Listening every bit of it. Trying to learn the song as fast as possible for her to follow. And how to hit a beat when the time comes.

She ran and ran, panting. Until she had arrived at the gates of Hanasakigawa Girls school.

Catching her breath first, she then proceeds to the path leading to the school's auditorium. Still holding on to the phone, with the music being played having to end at the moments notice.

"Haha! I was so nervous!" Hearing a familiar voice coming from her front. She reacted upon seeing Natsuki coming out of the auditorium doors. Followed by the rest of her old band mates.

"Are you ever gonna get used to it though?"

"I'm telling you-" Natsuki stopped there when she and the others noticed Saaya running. Saaya then stopped in front of them, catching her breath once again.

"Saaya?" One of them says, upon seeing her again.

Meanwhile, the five of them heard cheers coming from the inside of the auditorium. Though they looked as if to be nonchalant.

[ Interlude ]

"Thank you!" Kasumi's voiced was heard. "Up next is a song we wrote just for this very day. A song we all made together..." She said, rather solemnly. "We're missing a person today... But we promised to sing together with her someday."

" 'Someday' could still be far away... But I believe that one day will come... We'll sing together..."

[ Interlude End ]

The five of them, stood there all silent. The three known to Saaya rather was the one being surprised to see her here.

Saaya looks to have some trouble with what she's going to say to them. Should she apologize? What could she ever do to make it up to them after the things she just did when she left them behind.

Just then, Saaya now looks to have the courage to say what she wants to say. She then faces them with a serious look. "Natsu, Fumika, Mayu... I-"

"It was fun." Natsuki said, stopping Saaya. To which the latter looks to be surprised of the statement given by her friend. "It was fun being in a band with you, Saaya... Did you enjoy it as well?"

Saaya, unsure of what to say of this. Began to shake and she was starting to cry. Tears were falling out of her eyes, her hands were gripping on her phone. Reminiscing those times being in a band together with them.

"I did!" Saaya answered, her shoulders still shaking from the sentiment. "I had fun... I loved it!"

The three of them chuckled and were happy of the response given by their friend.

"Natsu." Fumika nudged Natsuki.

"So you did, huh?" Natsuki said with a proud smile. "Saaya, they're waiting for you inside." Saaya lifted her head in reaction to what Natsuki had said.

They were waiting for her?

Just then, a girl among the four of them with short black hair walked up to Saaya. "Um, take these..." She said rather timidly. Holding out drumsticks to Saaya.

"This is our bands new member, Satou-chan." Mayu introduced.

"She's a little shy, but her drum performances are wild!" Fumika said, praising the timid girl in front of them.

"You think...?" Satou said, whilst glancing to them over her shoulder.

She then looks back to Saaya, waiting for her to take the offered drumsticks for her to use. "Thanks. I'll be borrowing these for a moment." Saaya said, gratefully taking the offered instrument from Satou's hands.

She proceeds to walk in front of the doors to the auditorium.

. . .

Rimi was about to set up the percussion for their performances. Setting it up through her phone, she then looks over to Kasumi with a nod. Whom in return nods back as well.

"Um, I would like to put those feelings into this song." Kasumi said through the mic. "Please do listen!" Before they could start. The doors to the auditorium suddenly opened.

Having their attention towards the source, Kasumi could only show a surprised look upon seeing that the person standing by the door frame was Saaya Yamabuki herself. In her hand were pairs of drumsticks given to her by a certain band member.

"Saaya!" Kasumi exclaims in utter surprise.

"Saaya!" Followed by Tae.

"Saaya-chan!" As well as Rimi.

Arisa? She only smiled whilst honestly felt suprised upon seeing Saaya.

The girl mentioned, slowly walks up to the front stage. Looking at their band leader with a confirming expression.

Kasumi, who felt a lot happy by this sudden turn of events reached out to Saaya with her hand. To which Saaya took it. Helping Saaya up the stage.

Finally, Saaya was now in position in front of her designated instrument. A set of drums in a yellow variant. Taking a seat, she then proceeds to make sure that her instrument is all good to be played.

"Can. . . Can you play the song?" Arisa asked, knowing too well Saaya wasn't with them at practice this entire time.

"I'm not sure, I've only heard the song once..." Saaya said, "I'm sure it'll come up as a mess." She grinned upon saying that.

"Just do what you can." Tae said.

"Let's do our best!" Says Rimi.

Saaya then proceeds on testing the drums. Hitting every beat she can with her drum sticks. Meanwhile the other members were at awe or rather dumbfounded by her display of talent.

"Ready when you are." Saaya stated, looking to the leader of the band.

"Mm!" Kasumi nodded, once again facing the audience. "Thanks for waiting everyone. Our next song is Star Beat! Hoshi no Kodou!"

With the audience cheering, Kasumi looked towards her band members, Mainly to Saaya. Prompting them to start the song.


|| Now Playing: Star Beat! Hoshi no Kodou! by Poppin' Party! ||




The beat then drops with Saaya hitting the cymbals, Though she clumsily threw her left drumstick in the air. She had luckily caught it and managed to continue her drumming. Whilst having to chuckle at that.




Ikutsu mono yume wo kazoetemo kikoenai furi tsuzuketekita

(Nē kimi kikoeru?)

Hontō wa zutto kizuiteta kioku no soko chīsana koe kikoeru

(Sono koe kikoeru kikoete kuru kara nē)

Nē hoshi no kodō wo sotto tsukamaeta nara sono te de dakishimete

Nē mō hanasanai zutto hanashitakunai Watashitachi no STAR BEAT!

Hashitteta itsumo hashitteta

Ai to yūki wo todoketai (afureru omoide) Nemutteta koe ga izanatta

Kaze ni yureru kimi no uta (yumemiru kokoro to)

Mabuta tojite akirameteta koto

Ima utatte ima kanadete Kinō made no hibi ni sayonara suru

Ano hi kara kikoe tsuzuketeru kogidasu fune saezuru kaze

(Nē kimi kikoeru?) Natsukashī kioku wo tagutte hoshi ga meguri todokeru koe kikoeru

(Sono koe kikoeru kikoete kuru kara nē)

Kimi no kodō ni sotto hohaba wo awase ashita wo yumemiteru

Nē hitotsu no kimochi zutto kakage susumō

Koe wo awase STAR BEAT!

Hashiridasu kyō mo hashiridasu

Ai to yūki wo todoketai (takanaru kokoro de) Nemutteru koe ga kikoetara

Ishi to yūki ga setsunakute (togireru omoide)

Mabuta tojite akirameteta koto

Ima waratte ima yurushite Kinō made no hibi ni sayonara suru


Lalalala Lalalala. . .

Tōku hitori negau dake datta

Yume no kakera mamoru koto (nē kimi kikoeru?)Zutto hitori inoru dake datta Kimi to issho ni utau koto (sono koe kikoeru)

Hashiridasu itsuka hashiridasu

Kaze ni yureru kimi no uta (nē kimi kikoeru?) Hashiridasu itsuka hashiridasu

Todoketai uta kimi no koe (sono koe kikoeru)

Yubi wo tsunagi hajimatta subete

Ima utatte ima kanadete Kinō made no hibi ni sayonara suru


Lalalala Lalalala. . .

The song came to its end, and what came as a result was the roaring cheers coming from their audiences.

The members of Glitter*Green was watching throughout the entire song as well. The looks on their faces given said that they were impressed by the performance.

"Wow, I got goosebumps from that." Says Rii Uzawa with a smile on her face.

"So cute and innocent!" Hinako said as well, her eyes sparkled from excitement and amazement.

The other two just showed a smile through all this. Even Yuri herself, looking proud of her sister in her first live performance.

Meanwhile, the members of Poppin' Party were panting and sweating throughout their entire show. Kasumi's legs were visibly shaking as well from all the nervousness she had to subtly endure

"Kasumi." Arisa called out, reminding Kasumi to continue what she did earlier.

"Oh right!" Kasumi said, facing the audience again. "Allow me to introduce our members!"

"On the blue guitar, O-Tae!" She gestured to their guitarist, whom in response played one chord of her guitar.

"On bass is Rimi-rin!" She then turns to Rimi. Rimi in response bowed to the crowd, not having to worry about her stage fright anymore.

"That's Arisa over there." Kasumi pointed at the blonde, not specifically saying which instrument she's assigned with, even though it's already obvious.

"On keyboard!" Arisa scolded, causing Kasumi and the others, as well as the crowd to laugh at their antics.

Then Lastly, Kasumi turned to their drummer. "On drums, Saaya!!" She says, gesturing to the pony-tailed girl.

"And here with Random Star, I'm Kasumi Toyama!"

"And together, the five of us are..."

"Poppin' Party!"

[ First Person POV ] [ Katsuhiko ]

A new band has been born huh? And coincidentally enough, I am a friend of theirs. I feel somewhat proud, to be honest. Seeing them all happy on stage.

It makes me feel all warm inside.

I then turned to the people whom I am accompanying with. The rest of the Yamabuki family, to be precise.

Throughout the entire show, I had to lift both Jun and Sana so that they are able to see their sister from the stage. And I can't help but smile at how happy and excited they were when they see her play.

"You're not so tall are you, Onii-chan?" Jun bluntly says to me.

"I could throw you off if I wanted to." I jokingly said, but still rather offended regardless. I then turned to Mrs. Yamabuki, who seems to smile happily watching her daughter happy again. "What do you think?"

"Knowing Saaya being good at the drums, it's no wonder. And the others, they played better as much as well. I'm impressed"

I chuckled whilst posing proudly. "Deshou?"

"But, since it has come to this. This would mean Saaya will have to go to rehearsals in any occasion."

I tilted my head from that statement. "Oh... She has to?"

"I mean, a band can't play better if they don't practice, right?" She asked. I had to hit myself hard for not realizing that.

"Right..." I muttered. So, if Yamabuki is in a band right now. . .

What about her siblings?

What about her mom?

. . .

. . .

Suddenly, a metaphorical light bulb appeared on top of my head.

. . .

[ Time skip ] [ Yamabuki Bakery ]

[ Third person POV ]

After their successful live performance at the cultural festival. Kasumi and the others decided to celebrate it by going to one of the booths and stalls again, this time, with Saaya coming along with them.

When they had stopped by the Culinary club's food stall. They were greeted by Yui, whom congratulated them for their wonderful performance. And thus rewarded them with free meals of their choice.

Much to their delight.

Now, after all of that fun, it was time for them to head home. Heading to their separate ways. With Kasumi heading home after walking with Saaya all the way to Yamabuki bakery.

Saaya felt all exhausted from all that. Though it was no wonder because of everything that had transpired.

In all honesty, it all felt worth it to her.

"I'm home." Saaya says upon entering through the doors. Though greeted by somewhat silence as there wasn't anyone manning the counter. "Mom?" She tried to call out, then for a moment. She heard her mother's chuckle from the kitchen, along with another familiar voice.

Curious of this, she decided to investigate.

Upon entering the kitchen, her eyes widens in surprise from what she's seeing.

"Fufu, so this must've been the reason why Saaya doesn't want you to cook, Katsuhiko-kun?" Mrs. Yamabuki said followed by a small laughter.

"Eh? B- but I swore I followed Yui-senpai's instructions to better cooking!" The male said in disbelief upon the sight he had caused. "I'm ashamed! Don't look at the mess I've caused!!"

There in the sink are random things he mixed in which he had thought were good. If it wasn't for Mrs. Yamabuki's Supervision, he might've cooked something that would've temporarily or possibly kill anyone who ate it.

"Ah, Saaya. You're back." Saaya's mom greeted upon noticing her daughter standing by the kitchen area. Still looking quite dumbfounded from what she's seeing.

Katsuhiko looked over to Saaya, his eyes somewhat watery. Though he already figured out that Saaya knew how bad he is at cooking so he didn't need to ask anything from her to try and reassure him.

"I. . . Uh. . . ." Saaya wasn't sure of what to say and only ended up stammering through her words.

Mrs. Yamabuki let out a carefree sigh. "I'll just let my husband do the cooking then. For the meantime, why don't you stay here and do something you feel like you should be doing?" She said to Katsuhiko with a carefree smile before leaving the two alone as she went towards her room.

Katsuhiko sighed at this. "Honestly. . ." He then picks up a damped cloth and goes to proceed to clean up his mess.

But that was then Saaya stopped him by holding his arm. "N- No. I should do it."

Katsuhiko raised a brow at this sudden action of hers. "Are you being silly? This is my mess, so I should be cleaning it up!" He said, retracting his hands to himself.

"And once I'm done with that, I have to sweep up this kitchen, then to your living room. . ."

Saaya widens her eyes. Confused by this. "W- What. . . Just... what are you doing?"

"Huh? What is it that I am doing? I am helping here, that's all." Katsuhiko said, still with his brow raised.

"Helping? But this isn't anything related to your part-time job!"

". . .I never said it was. . ." He says before proceeding to face the kitchen sink. Only to be stopped by Saaya once again.

"Then why. . ."

"Why. . .? You're confusing me here."

"You're the one who's confusing me right here!! And why was mom. . .-" Saaya exclaimed, but then stopped herself, realizing how she raised her voice. And how she's starting to act like that again."S- Sorry. . ."

At that point, Katsuhiko sighs as he decides to explain. "I want to help." He began. "Now, first and foremost, you're mom's not doing anything other than to supervise my ability to cook because I insisted. Which ultimately failed, as you can see."

Saaya nods slowly, prompting him to continue.

"But that's not all, I decided to amp up my work experience here by helping out at the house, free of charge!"

"B- But why?"

Katsuhiko turned to face her, a gentle smile forming on his face. "Like I said, I'm doing this to help."

. . .

"Especially for you."

"M- Me?" Saaya responded, a tinge of red visible on her cheeks.

"You're in a band now, aren't ya? And it would mean that you'll spare fifty of your time with them. And another fifty here. But you'll have a hard time balancing it, so why not help out? Just to spare you all the trouble!"

". . . You're really doing this, for me?"

Katsuhiko nods gently. "Also, It's also to compensate. . . you know? For what I did yesterday? I'm sorry I shouted at you. . ."

Saaya widens her eyes, before shaking her head. "N- No! You didn't do anything wrong! It was me! I shouldn't have escalated it. . ."

"I'm pretty sure it was me who instigated it." Katsuhiko says, deadpanned.

"No! It was me!"

"No, me!"



The two appeared to be unwilling to give up their back and forth arugment as they stood in front of one another whilst glaring at each other.

But it was until then that the two bursts into laughter.

"Alright alright, we're both equally at fault. How's that?" Katsuhiko said. To which Saaya giggles in response.

"Okay then." Saaya smiles. Meanwhile, at the back on Katsuhiko's mind. He still insists to take all the accountability.

. . .

. . .

"Hey. . ." Saaya spoke. "T- Thank you. . . Thank you for doing this, thank you for being one of the people who helped me, for making me realize. . . It really means a lot."

Katsuhiko beamed. "I'm happy to help a friend."

"Is there anything I could do to return the favor?"

"You don't have to go that far, Yamabuki-sa"

"I insist." Saaya firmly says, cutting him off. Leaving Katsuhiko baffled.

"Alright then, I want a hundred different variations of Gura nendroids in return." He said with a straight face. Saaya responds with utter shock.


"I was joking." Katsuhiko chuckled. Seemingly found amusement to Saaya's reaction. "Nendroids are almost as expensive with that amount."

"O- Oh. . ."

"But. . . If you really do, insist. Then here." He slowly walks up to Saaya. Closer and closer, to which the latter slowly backs away from him. Unsure of his motives.

"U- Um, Katsuhiko-san? What are you doing?" She nervously said, that was until she finds her back right up against the wall. She was cornered! And Katsuhiko is right in front of her, unrelenting!

Without warning, Katsuhiko grabs her hand. Widening her eyes, but then closes it. She's not sure what he's trying to do, but whatever it is, if it's to return the favor. She'll have to endure it.

. . .

. . .

. . .

Saaya's hand felt something soft and smooth, and out of instinct, she begins caressing it. She slowly opens her eyes. Only to see something so incredibly surprising.

. . .

Her hand was placed on top of his head.

"This. . . Is what I want." Katsuhiko murmured. A faint blush appearing on his face, though he pretends that it wasn't there.

"Y- You. . . Wanted a head pat?" Saaya responded. At the back of her mind, she thought that it was going to be something beyond this fanfiction's rating.

"Yeah, I know it's weird." Katsuhiko replied. "But it's going to be weirder if you keep thinking that it's weird."

"But it is. I mean, you're seventeen?"

"Age doesn't matter! Okay?!" The male yells like a little child. Which Saaya could only laugh silently.

"Alright alright~"

"This. . . Also helps me relax. So. . ." Katsuhiko continues, averting his gaze from her.

After hearing that, Saaya chuckled and continued to caress Katsuhiko's hair. Catching the male off guard for a moment.

"Okay then, if this is what you want. You look rather cute, honestly." Saaya said along with a giggle. Making Katsuhiko's blush grow, but he tries to deny it being there.

Saaya forgot how short Katsuhiko was. Despite being quite the oldest. It was honestly quite amusing. But it's nothing she would ever complain for.

Not when this person was one of the people who helped her. Change her. . .

At one point, her heart skipped a beat.

. . .

[ Chapter End ]

[ Up Next! ] [ Episode 9: A SPACE to work with! ]

Word Count: 12,505 words

Be sure to check out the Wattpad version of this story as it contains better visuals!