
BanG Dream! The Lost Star! | Volume 1

[ This is a rewrite of the entire BanG Dream Series with the inclusion of a male protagonist and an expansion of the whole story line. There is also a slow but wholesome development between the characters and as well as a - somewhat - balanced pacing ] ~ Excluding my OC's. I do not own any of the characters here. All rights go to Bushiroad & CraftEgg ~

Katsuki_Ch · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Volume 1 | Episode 6 - Progress is Made!

[ Location ] [ Yamabuki Bakery ]

[ First Person POV ] [ Katsuhiko ]

Days gone by after that one recent event. And it certainly left an impact on me- on us. From then on, I began to think how far can Toyama progress with this. Her idea of forming a band. I mean she's been making some progress thus far, managing to recruit a few members into her roster.

But the thought of whether she "can" or "cannot" has been on my mind ever since. And the ongoing progress she's trying to make can often have a likely unexpected result. Both good and bad.

I'm siding onto the neutral side for now. Despite having to be there to support them. I have yet to gain some assurance.

"You're pretty early for the job, you know that?" Yamabuki interrupts me from my deep thought. I raised my head and noticed her presence before me. A very amused smile evident on her face.

"The earlier, the better, right?" I shrugged with a casual smile. She giggled in response. "Besides, the smell of freshly baked bread in the morning is what I love the most. It feels heartwarming, and it makes you calm."

I made a very vehement posture. Looking like I made a quote from a non-existent philosopher.

"Sounds silly, but I get what you mean." Yamabuki replies in agreement. I then began to take a gentle whiff out of the freshly baked pastries that I just got out of the oven. It was blissful, I felt like I was in heaven. "Careful. Don't want to spoil the goods with your drooling, now do we?" She says with a chuckle.

"Oh." I snapped myself out from that brief gaze. "Sorry." I sheepishly chuckled. Momentarily, I went to the kitchen to wash off the excess of my baking.

Ever since I started working here, I went all out with the baking. Not holding myself back with the skill and knowledge that I have within this department.

Aside from my other motive. I'm pretty much glad that I worked here. It's actually fun.

As I finished washing my hands. I head back to the bakery where I then run into Yamabuki's mother. "Thank you for helping out, Natsuki-kun." She said her gratitude to me with a soft and genuine motherly smile.

"It is my job after all." I replied, shrugging my shoulders as I return with a smile of my own.

"I can honestly say. You've done a great job with all of the work here. And I'm rather impressed." Mrs. Yamabuki compliments to me, and I poised myself proudly from that genuine statement.

"I had to do the impossible in order to garner this much skill!" I remarked as I posed dramatically. "I had a duel against the eggs, I done tussle with the dough. Only last week I murdered a kilogram of sugar. Injured a bag of salt. Hospitalized a pack of wheat."

"Heck, I'm so mean. I make water dry." I finished my overly dramatic speech. I looked over towards the adult and noticed her brief confusion before it momentarily turns into amusement.

"That was some interesting journey that you had there." She says with a soft chuckle.

I let out an embarrassed chuckle. Scratching my head. "Obviously those claims weren't legitimate. I just learned all of this from my sister."

"Oh I see." Mrs. Yamabuki nods to my statement. "Hm, I can see that she taught you well." Once again, she gives me another genuine smile. One that is as pleasant as the last, but still shares the equality.

After that brief scenario. We both took a step inside the bakery. And there we saw her daughter. Busy with placing all of the pastries in their respective shelves. "Saaya, I can take over now." Her mother calls out to her.

"It's alright, I'm almost done here." The daughter simply reassures. "There we go." She finished putting all of the breads in their place. And once she did, she made her way towards our direction, empty tray in hand. "I'll go wake up Jun and Sana. You guys should take a break."

"Hai hai." Mrs. Yamabuki replies with a small smile while I simply responded with a gentle nod.

Giving us both a soft hum and a nod. Only then, Yamabuki leaves the scene. Leaving both me and her mother here. "Have I ever mentioned how responsible she is?" I brought up.

Well I guess it's an obvious case and a natural thing for a big sister to do. . .

"Indeed she is." The mother replies. "She's been working very hard. . . Ever since that day. . ."

"Hm?" I responded to that. Raising a brow of mine quizzically.

"I suppose she hasn't told you yet?"

"I mean. . . Me and her aren't exactly that close yet. So if it's something so personal, I can clearly doubt that she'd entertain that idea." I said. She simply frowned slightly.

"Oh, I see. I assumed that you two have that sort of relationship."

What. . .?

"What do you mea-"

"This habit of Saaya is rather worrisome. And I fear that if she continues to stay like this up until the future. Who knows how she'll end up to be. . ."

Upon that statement. I am presented with two things.

On one hand, I'm curious and want to know. But on the other hand, doing so would mean I'm prying to someone's life. And for a mere stranger like me to impose on that would be so rude. . .

. . .

. . .


I. . . gotta at least know some stuff that I shouldn't bring up some time in the future. I know that sounds so stupid and unreasonable. But can you blame me for being curious?

Plus, it seems like Yamabuki's mother is willing to enlighten me of whatever event that caused a change towards her daughter.

So with that. . .

. . .

. . . . .

. . .

. . . .

Three voices of laughter resounded from upstairs. The children must be awake now.

[ Location ] [ Hanasakigawa Girls(?) School ]

"I'm Toyama Kasumi! Your new cultural festival planning committee president! Yaay! Cultural Festival!"

"Yaay!!" The others cheered

"Yaay~" I drawled, though still trying to keep up with their excitement for the upcoming week.

That week being the cultural festival itself, an event filled with many unsuspecting surprises. I, for one am going to expect a few of the same stuff but I'm still anticipating some new ones. Which I hope there will.

Just a brief moment after Toyama's announcement, the class tones down from their excited cheers.

While she was giving out some ideas that I'm pretty sure she herself would come up with. The girl beside her spoke up. "Before anything else, we need to choose a vice president."

"What? Oh uhm..." Toyama scans around the classroom in search for someone she can elect. And it didn't take long as her eyes landed on the person in front of me. "Saaya!" She cheerfully says like a little kid finding her favorite candy.

Yamabuki reacts in suprise, unsure of what to say about being selected. "Eh? Well, I uhh..."

"Knew it'd be you, Saaya."

"You're the one who knows how to deal with Kasumi." I can't say that I don't agree. But why is it that you're implying that Toyama is some sort of animal?

"I say you should just go for it." I patted her back whilst giving her an encouraging smile.

With all of the positivity given out by everyone here. By the look on her face after giving it some brief thought, she finally decides. "Alright, I'm in." of all that, it really didn't take a lot of convincing.

Toyama cheers after Yamabuki's approval. And thus her name was now written on the chalk board, taking the role as vice pres.

Huh. . . There seems to be one more role.

"There's still open for secretary, do you have anyone in mind?"

Toyama ponders for a moment upon that question. She scans around the room once again to look for someone to elect. And it took her only a few moments until sh-

Wait why are you looking at me..?

"Katsuhiko-chan!" The brunette points her finger at me as she gleams. I merely flinched upon being called out like this. Not entirely expecting to be chosen at all.

Just like earlier with Yamabuki. The girls were making loud chitter-chatters, words flying here and there, I barely could even understand what they were saying.

"Ehh?? Katsuhiko-chan?"

It's just a nickname, don't think too much of it!

"I was expecting you'd be chosen as well!"

I sure am don't!

"As expected! The other person who can handle Kasumi!"

Don't make me look like some sort of care taker! That's almost like an insult!

"They seem to be inseparable afterall!"

"Inseparable. . ?!" I raised my voice, almost in disbelief. But then I recall the times I was with Toyama.

Like for over the passing days, she would often wait for me outside of the club room. Since we have a routine of going home together after all. . . So I guess that's probably the reason why they assume that. . .

And in all honesty, it just sounds a little bit weird you know?

"Why me. . . ?" I asked.

"Why not?" Toyama responds to me with her eyes comically sparkling. It's probably brighter than a candle light.

"Seriously. . . ?" I deadpanned at her. Toyama nods obliviously towards my comment. I sigh and eventually caved in. "Alright then. Just don't blame me if something were to happen." I said, to which in response, Toyama happily cheers.

Whatever goes by after this, I'll just wait and see. I'll deal with it when I have the capability to. . .

[ Time Skip ] [ Lunch ]

[ Location ] [ Hanasakigawa Girls(?) School: Court Yard ]

"The festival planning committee, huh. . .?" Ichigaya muttered.

While we were at our usual spot for out lunch to take. We were currently discussing matters relating to the upcoming cultural festival.

"What are you guys even planning anyway?" The blonde asks the question with curiosity. Directing to Toyama considering that she's leading our class.

"We don't know yet, but I know it'll be something exciting!" Toyama replies with great anticipation of whatever she may try to come up with later on.

"There are a lot of cultural-festival related things that are considerably exciting. Which one are we exactly going for?" I asked.

"Like I said! I don't know!" Stop saying that with such a confident smile. . .

"You guys going to be okay with this?" Ichigaya asks to me and Yamabuki with seemingly concerned look on her face.

"We have a direction, at least." Yamabuki replies with a sheepish smile.

"What does your class have in store, Ichigaya-san?" I asked the blonde. She glanced to me before responding.

"Beats me. Not that I could care less. Besides, the thing about cultural festivals is that it's often tiring."

"Does that mean you're not interested in the festival!?" Toyama exclaims in disbelief.

No, Toyama. That's not how she phrased it . . .

"I never said anything about being uinterested!!" Ichigaya replies. "It's just annoying to prepare everything and stuff, don't you think?"

"Well, you're not wrong there." I nodded in agreement. Sure the fun comes after all the hard work, but the hard work in putting everything together is still there.

"Thank you." The blonde huffs.

An audible guitar playing resonated around us. And as we turned our heads, we see that it came from Hanazono and her blue colored guitar.

"That sounds neat." I commented after she came to a stop.

"Thank you, Kuro-kun." Hanazono smiles.

"My name is Katsuhiko-"

"What song was that, O-Tae?" Toyama interrupts me. And I simply sat still, refraining from saying anything.

"I came up with this phrase in the bath this morning."

"Woah! Really!?" Toyama - as I would expect from her as always - reacts in amazement. "That's it! We'll be playing that at the cultural festival!"

"Slow down, Toyama-san. She just recently came up with it." I said.

Hanazono nods. "Yeah, that's all I've got so far."

"Then we'll finish it! I'll try and help. . . Somehow." Toyama says. Me and Ichigaya looked at her, deadpanned.

"Somehow?" The blonde dryly says.

"She's unsure, but she's got the spirit." I comment.

"What about the lyrics?" Ushigome points out.

"Oh! The lyrics!" Toyama says, as if she forgot.

"You'll just end up with that sparkly and thrill nonsense of yours!" Ichigaya scolds.

"Write them with me, Arisa." The brunette pleads.

"Huh? No way, I've never written anything!"

"Oh, neither do I!" And you sound so proud about it? Seriously, what the heck?

I sighed, before asking something. "Since you're participating in a performance and all that. Wouldn't you guys need a name?"

"Hmm... You're right..." Toyama nods then ponders for a brief moment. "Our working title will be. . . Let's Go! Four Members!"

"That's. . . the best that you can come up with?" I uttered in mild disbelief. But seriously, I thought she would be more creative.

"Seriously? That's so lame. . ." Ichigaya comes to me in agreement. "Why don't you just take it slow?"

"Yeah, there's still plenty of time for us to do that." Yamabuki said.

"No rush, of course." I added.

"Right! I'll do my best!" Toyama pumps her fist.

Suddenly, I just noticed a flock of birds nearby Hanazono. The latter feeding the little aves with pieces of bread.

"Where did those guys come from?" I pointed out in amusement.

"They just suddenly appeared as soon as I brought out breads I bought from Saaya's place." Hanazono explains, casually feeding the birds more with bits and crumbs. "You want some, Arisa?" she offers. . . by picking up one piece from the ground-


. . .

. . . .

[ Later ]

"Well then, that concludes the meeting." Miss Wanibe concludes as everyone of the planning committee leave the room one by one. With the exception of me, Yamabuki and then Toyama.

Toyama wasn't having a great time throughout the discussion, it seems.

I looked through the papers provided to us. The papers containing all of the things needed to be done before the upcoming week.

"Program proposal, group member sheet. . . Refreshment booth outline notes. . . These one's are all permissions to use the stage and borrowing equipment." Yamabuki reads each one out.

"I suppose these are not all too bad." I spoke, eyes squinting as I scan each more of the notes.

"All this paper work is no fun at all. . ." Toyama complains through her audible mumbling.

I glanced to her, deadpanned. "Who says it was?"

"Are you really going to be okay?" Yamabuki asks her in concern. Toyama rises up from her table, a new found confidence fills her demeanor.

"It's fine! I'll fill them all out!"

. . .

. . . .

We moved to our classroom, and luckily for this hour, it was currently empty. So we have at least some time in our hands to make some little progress.

I sat beside where Toyama is seated on. While Yamabuki sat in front of her.

We watch Toyama in anticipation as soon as she picks up her pen. "I'll do my best!" She spoke with confidence.

. . .

. . . .

. . .

. . .

. . . ?

"Oi." I called out to Toyama, to which startled her as she jolted from her seat. "That's cute and all, but please take this seriously." I said. Looking at her notebook which has a drawing of a chubby kitten with the words Stay Paw-sitive!

Motivationally cute, but not something we need right now.

"Ngghhhh. . . This is so hard. . . !" Toyama complains once again, sounding like a child being forced to do her homework.

Well this is technically a similar scenario.

I gently raise a brow when I heard Yamabuki giggle. "What's so funny?" I asked.

"Sorry, it's just for a second there. It felt like I was watching my siblings doing homework."

"She acts a lot more like Jun though." I teased, much to Toyama's dislike as she glared at me with a pout. "Hehe, Just joking."

Yamabuki picks up the papers from the table. "I've got to help out at home soon. So I can't stay for too long. But we'll do what we can to help." She glances to me, "Right?"

"Oh, uhh. . . Right. . ." I replied.

"Saaya. . . Katsuhiko-chan. . ." Toyama is seen to hold back tears of joy as she gives us a glint of hope in her eyes.

"I just can't leave a helpless child, now can I?" Yamabuki joked, I fight the urge to laugh but I ended up snorting instead.

"That's so mean. . ."

. . .

Just a while later, we all parted ways. - Well, with Toyama. I went with Yamabuki today since I'm told to help out at the bakery. I am in no position to complain. Nor do I have any reason to.

And since there are barely any scheduled streams this week. The best I can do right now is to save up some money.

Down the quiet streets, me and Yamabuki walked beside each other. Seemingly enjoying the tranquility at this hour of the evening.

I sneaked a glance towards her. She was only quiet, though if I have anything to say about how she looks right now. . . Underneath this hue of evening orange.

She looks beautiful.

If I have a professional camera with me right now, I would've taken no hesitation to snap a photo of this moment.

Though I'm so sure she won't mind that.

"What are you looking at?" I snapped out of my daze once I notice that she caught me staring at her.

I chuckled sheepishly. "Oh sorry, just admiring the scenery." I said.

"Ohh.." Yamabuki nods at that. But she briefly shows a look of confusion. "Where?"

Raising a brow, I answered. "I'm referring to you."

"A- Ah.." She let out. I noticed a tinge of red on her cheeks. "I- Is that so?"

"Mhm!" I nodded casually. It hit me for a moment. Since the scenery was still there. I immediately pulled out my phone. Turning on the camera. "Hold still."


"W- Wait. . . !" Before she could even protest. I had already taken her photo. "K- Katsuhiko-san!" she seems to be blushing profusely.

"Sorry about that." I chuckled, before showing her the photo. "Here, what do you think?"

"I- I look stupid there."

"You look cute here to me, what do you mean?" I said, confused by her comment.

"Katsuhiko-san! You're such a tease, stop it!" She covers her face, I'm left bewildered. I just complimented her, why is she acting like this?

She walked ahead of me at a quick pace as she walked across the road. I try to catch up to her. But then I quicken my pace when I see danger heading towards her.

Oh no!

"Look out!" I called out to her. Yamabuki turned to me, before hearing a the horn coming from the speeding vehicle.

I immediately pulled her out of harms way. She was thankfully safe from that, and no snow ball effect happened afterwards after the car passes by.

"Phew, that was a close one." I sighed in relief. "You should be careful next ti-" I stopped myself when I noticed the position that we're in. 

She was in my arms. And she was holding onto me me for dear life.

From this very moment. I could feel myself blush. She did the same.

Immediately, I helped her up. "T- Thanks. . ." She muttered to me. I can still see her deep blush.

"S- Sorry about that." I embarrassingly chuckled as I scratched the back of my head.

"It's fine. . ."

Oh god this is embarrassing.

Katsuhiko, what were you trying to pull here. . . ?!

"L- Let's just get going now." Yamabuki suggests. Refusing to look at me.

"Yeah, Sure." I nod.

Dear lord, please don't make this awkward as we arrive at the bakery. . .

[ Saaya's dad thought something suspicious happened when the two arrived. Thankfully it was all resolved in the end ]

. . .

[ Time skip ] [ The Next Day ]

"I, Toyama Kasumi, am now the owner of Class 1-A's cafe! Lets do our best! Yay!"

"Yay!!" Such a lively classroom.

Just a brief of context. Our class had finally decided on what to do for the cultural festival. And it's one of the niches out there.

A Cafe.

But as of the moment. We were currently thinking of ideas of making this particular cafe of ours unique.

"Katsuhiko-chan! Make sure you write down every important detail about what we need for our cafe!"

"Every important detail. . . ?" I tilted my head, but my words fell on deaf ears.

"Our concept for this cafe! Sparkles! Pizazz! Cute! Bada-bing Bada-boom!" Toyama said with enthusiasm.

There were no responses coming from the rest of the class as they were left baffled by her ideas.

"Simply put, how about make it relaxing, fashionably stylish, maybe cute and so on." I try to translate Toyama's language. But it seems that I got it correctly as she smiled and nodded to me.

"Yeah! That! Katsuhiko-chan, make sure you write that down!"

"Hai Hai." I replied as I wrote on the chalk board.

Fashionable, Stylish, Cute, Relaxing...

"This one!" Toyama loudly says, slamming her hand against the chalk board, making me jolt up in surprise.

Once the class got a clear understanding of what Toyama-san wants for the cafe, the girls began to throw their suggestions.

"How about a maid cafe?"

"I heard some of the upperclassmen are doing that."

"We could a cross-dressing one? Where all of us are dressed as butlers and Natsuki-kun here will be dressed as a maid!"

"Ooooh! I think he would look cute in that!" Everyone turned to look at me.

"I actually don't mind cross-dressing." I said with a straight face, resulting them to react in utter surprise. But they seem to not question it afterwards.

I then wrote down every throw of ideas. Aprons... Accessories... Crossdressing cafe...

"I think we're good on costumes. What kind of food should we serve?" Yamabuki asks.

The girls throw more of their ideas, ranging from junk food to healthy food.

Cakes, ramen, hamburgers, Takoyaki. . .

Literally every single one is being accepted by our president here. I didn't write any of it yet because I felt a little unsure. . .

"Habanero pizza!" Hanazono suggested.

"That sounds spicy!" Toyama commented.

"It's not spicy if you take out the Habaneros."

"I like it!"

"Then it's not a Habanero pizza anymore without it. " I said commented.

"Um..!" Ushigome spoke up, our attention now towards her. "Umm... I think bread would be nice. . . Like the ones from Saaya-chan's bakery."

"Oh, why not!" One of the girls said. "The breads at Yamabuki bakery is great right?"

"That's. . . Actually not a bad idea. . ." I said, before I then turned to Yamabuki-san. "Is it alright?"

"The bakery it is. . ." She said, looking down as she was pondering for it a bit. "Alright then, I'll ask my parents." Everyone cheers over Ushigome for her marvelous suggestion. "Katsuhiko-san, it looks like we have a lot of work to do."

"I can already tell." I replied with a sheepish smile. Lots of work means lots of work, and it also means that I will have to wake up early to make a whole batch enough for our cafe.

. . .

. . .

She seems okay talking with me now. Hm.

"Everyone! Are you ready for the cultural festival!?"


"Are we gonna make the cutest cafe ever!?"


"Are we gonna make the cutest maid ever!?"


. . .

"Oi, don't use me for motivation!" I scolded.

The day started with us preparing everything we needed to decorate our classroom. Adorning everything in anyway that could fall on to Toyama's concept.

Cute and Fashionable. Much to her delight. Some of those times we continue our committee work.

Of course, Toyama still had some of her troubles and Yamabuki being the vice president, she's there to help her out.

The costumes. Since no one had the budget to buy a fashionable butlers outfit. I asked Miss Yui if she could make butlers outfit for our cafe. And of course, the maid outfit for me as well,

Fortunately, she said yes. Though she had to ask for everyone's measurement first, including mine, before she could start on sewing the fabrics.

I asked what she wanted in return, though I expected her to say that the only thing she wants in return is our gratitude and appreciation for her work.

But instead she said to me that she would be grateful if we check out what her class is doing when the time comes. To which I nodded to her deal.

Costumes' already taken care of, now we go for the food.

I came by to Yamabuki bakery to make sure if Yamabuki asked her parents if they could contribute some of their pastries for our cafe. Which thankfully they said yes, though since they'll be baking a number of various breads, I, of course, decided to help out. Much to Mr. Yamabuki's delight.

Now that was done, I also have to attend to Ichigaya's house to see how the girl's are doing with their practice.

With the sheet music done, all they needed was to write

Toyama will be the one to write the lyrics, despite not having any experience in writing a song in the first place. Though, we still decide to help her with that.

[ Location ] [ Yamabuki Bakery ]

"Bite-sized items like these will be easier to eat and great for take-out too." Says Mr. Yamabuki as he presents a smaller varient of pastries.

"They're cute." The daughter comments.

"Deshou?" I said with a proud expression. Her two siblings would say the same as well as the both of them were eyeing the treats.

"They look yummy!" Jun said as he attempts to touch the baked goods.

"Watch it, you'll burn yourself." Yamabuki warned, Jun then retreats his arm back to himself.

"Saaya, how many of your friends are coming over today? Should we invite them for dinner?"

"There's no need to work yourself up over this, mom. We're just test-tasting the bread." The daughter assures.

"Should I help your mom cook?" I asked.

"NO!" Yamabuki immediately rejects. "Oh, I- I mean... There's no need! You and Dad have already worked hard, so you should rest for now."

"You're making it sound like you don't want him to cook..." Mr. Yamabuki said, looking at her rather suspiciously.

"It's my cooking, isn't it?" I dejectedly sighed.

"W- What? No! I didn't say that! Haha..."

Yeah, that tone of your voice isn't so convincing.

It's fine. . .

I'm already used to such. . . Emotional turmoil.

"Katsuhiko-kun, are you crying?" Mr. Yamabuki asks me out of concern.

"No no, I'm fine." I waved off his concern.

Just then, I saw Jun, slowly reaching his hand towards the tray of treats that his father is holding. "No, Nu uh, you're not having any." I chided. To which the little boy pouts.

"Ehh?? Why!?"

"You won't be able to finish your dinner if you eat dessert first." Says their older sister. "Now, go on you two, it's homework time."

"Ehhhh????" Just the look on Jun face says is actually saying something. Which then I only chuckled.

"Sorry for coming home so late. . . Are you doing okay?" The daughter asks her mom.

"You worry too much, I'm completely fine now." Her mother said in assurance. "And your father is here too, right honey?"

"Yep. And Natsuki-kun here has been helping out a lot, so you don't have to worry too much."

Yamabuki then looked towards me with a brow raised. "So that's why you went ahead without me. You could've just waited you know?"

"Well, I can't just sit around and do nothing knowing that there's going to be lots of work to be done here. And besides, I've helped out some of the paper work before-hand, so that should've lighten your load for a bit."

She shakes her head at that. "Honestly..."

"You can go out and do what you like, Saaya." Says her father.

I noticed that uncertain look on Yamabuki's face.

I immediately recall what I've been told by her mother. . .

. . .

. . .

Just moments later, I heard a familiar voice arrive at the bakery. That familiar cheery voice in fact. Followed by a few other people entering the bakery.

Huh, I guess they're here.

"Kasumi-chan and the others are here." Her mother mentions. "Go on and get ready for the cultural festival!"

"I told you not to get all worked up over this!" She protests. Though stopped as she looked towards the door leading to the bakery. Still looking unsure of this.

"Just go on, they're waiting." I said as I was starting to get a little impatient.

She glanced over towards her mother before opening a smile. "Alright. . . Thanks. But what about you?"

"Don't worry, I'll catch up." I assured her. "Now go ahead and greet your guests." she smiles as she rolled her eyes at me.

Heading towards the door and decided to meet everyone on the other side. "Welcome, Everyone!"

"Ah! Saaya! We're all here!" That voice is no doubt Toyama. . .

I heard the rest of them greet.

Shaking my head, I go and went towards the sink to wash the remains of flour and batter all over my hands. After drying my hands, going back to whence I came.

I noticed Mrs. Yamabuki by the kitchen counter, Looking pained as she leaned on the counter.

Out of worriy, I hurried over to check on her. "A- Are you okay?" She glanced at me whilst showing a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, I just felt a little dizzy. That's all."

"Oh, okay..." I said as I stepped back a bit.

. . .

. . .

"Up until now, Saaya still holds it against herself after what happened. She resents herself for it. Every now and then, she would always be worried of me every time I try to do some work."

"I suppose I can't blame her But Still, she should stop bottling herself up from all of this. . . From all of that. . ."

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

[ Time Skip] [ The Next day ]

[ Third Person POV ]

It was just another day for the cultural festival preparations. Although, things had gotten more livelier. The classrooms were now decorated, stalls can be seen outside, Some booths had been set up here and there.

Right around the flight of stairs, we see a familiar blonde sitting on the floor, her back leaning against the wall. Nonchalant of her surroundings as her eyes were focused on to the note book she is holding.

Tapping her pen, she had to come up with an idea for their band name. She had listed down a couple or more words that should be related to what their band is like, her impression of Kasumi used as a material as well.

Arisa hummed, pondering about the words she wrote down. Though she still thinks that none of it are good enough for a band name.

"What are you doing?" Said a familiar voice, Startling the blonde girl. She hid her notebook in her arms. Gently looking up to see that the person was Saaya herself.

"Oh, it's just you, Yamabuki-san." Arisa sighs.

"It's rare to see you around these parts." Saaya mentioned, taking the open seat next to her. "I needed a little break." Sighing an exasperated sigh, Saaya takes a seat. Taking out a juice box from. . . somewhere around her. . .

". . .W- Where's Kasumi?" Arisa asked, feeling a little bit of discomfort.

"She's out shopping with Rimi-rin." Saaya answers

"..oh..." Arisa said. "W- What about Katsuhiko?"

"He went to Yui-senpai's class to check on the costumes he asked of her to make. He'll come back shortly after."

"I- Is that so..?"

. . .

. . .

Was this the same discomfort Katsuhiko would also feel whenever he's not alone with someone? Or was it the fact that she just doesn't have anything in mind to strike up a conversation?

The silence was awkward for the blonde, and because Saaya was there, she couldn't concentrate on what she's supposed to be doing, and with nothing much else to say at the moment.

The silence goes on, aside from the occasional greetings coming from the students passing by. Which only Saaya was the one to greet with words while Arisa with a nod.

. . .

"You make it look easy." Arisa pointed out.

"Hm?" Saaya glances to her.

"Doesn't it get tiring? Seems like you guys have a lot of responsibilities to deal with."

Saaya hummed for a bit before she answered. "Well, I'm here because I want to be. It's honestly fun."

"Oh? You a masochist or somethin'?"

"Haha, maybe." Saaya then took notice of the notebook Arisa was holding. "Writing lyrics, I presume? Ah, Are you maybe writing some band names?"

"I-. . . Just writing down a couple of Ideas. . ." Arisa said, though rather embarrassed.

"You think about the band a lot, don't you?"

"W- Well, I just don't want it to end up as Sparkle-this or boom-boom-that.." Arisa said, referring to the possibilities if Kasumi were the one to make the band name. Which only then Saaya chuckles.

Saaya then leans over to take a look of the ideas Arisa have written. "I think Poppin' sounds kinda cute."

"Seriously?" Arisa said, to which Saaya replied with a hum. "Oh. . ."

"Yeah, it's fun and it reminds me of popcorn." Hanazono Tae said, appearing out of nowhere.

"Don't sneak up on me like that!" Arisa chided. "What're you doing here?"

"I came to ask if I can borrow the speakers from the warehouse."

Just then, the three girls heard a familiar voice downstairs, and the chances of guessing wrongly is next to none as that familiar person was none other than Toyama Kasumi. Along side her is Rimi. Both carrying supplies for their class'cafe.

"What are you guys doing there?" Kasumi asked as she runs up towards them, mindlessly dropping the items she was holding, which caused Rimi to panick.

Only Saaya and Arisa were the ones to pick up the stuff that had fallen on to the floor, much to the blonde's dislike.

. . .

[ Time Skip ]

[ Location - Yamabuki Bakery ]

[ First Person POV ] [ Katsuhiko ]

It seems that apparently, working with only three and one half pairs of hands isn't enough to make desired numbers of bread to make for their cafe, and also for the bakery as well since there had been dozens of customers coming for some reason.

Lucikly, Yamabuki had decided to ask for Toyama and the others for help.

That way, it would be much more quicker.

We are now at the kitchen, with Yamabuki providing them each their own aprons along with it are some cute decorations. With Toyama having stars on her apron, Hanazono with rabbits and Ushigome with musical notes.

". . .Do I really have to. .?" Ichigaya complains.

"Those things on your chest are signs of your favorites. Personalities included." I said as if proud to have mine on my own apron.

"I'm not talking about those! And that doesn't make any sense either!" The blonde implies. "Like seriously? Why a shark?"

I then hid the shark pin on my chest with my two arms after hearing that blatant insult from her. "You dare insult my dear Gura-chan!?"

"Seriously, what?" She deadpans.

"My, How cute." Mrs. Yamabuki says as she walks into the kitchen while holding a tray of refreshments. "Thank you all for coming, we really appreciate that you decided to help us out."

"One of them isn't fond of the idea." I muttered. Obviously referring to you-know-who.

"Oh shut it, will you?!" The blonde retorted.

As I glanced back I noticed little Sana standing behind her mother. The little munchkin seemingly not used to this many people in their house.

Toyama giggled as she noticed the little girl. "Wanna wear one too, Sa-nan?"

"..sa-nan?" the little girl says.

"Your name's Sana, so your nickname will be Sa-nan!"

"Not another weird nickname." Ichigaya muttered.

"What? It's cute." The brunette defends.

"The good thing is, Ichigaya-san, is that we don't have any of it." I said to her.

"Oh, speak for yourself. You basically have two nicknames. And it sounds ridiculous."

"While I am okay with Toyama-san's nickname of me. . . I'm not sure why Hanazono-san would call me Kuro." I stated. The person whom I'm trying to call out to, turns her attention to me. "If it's because of my hair color, then sure. But what about Ushigome-san?"

"I think Rimi is already a cute name." Hanazono casually replied.

"Are you implying that my name isn't cute?" I asked in a stern tone.

. . .


"Don't answer 'Yes' with a question mark at the end! For crying out loud!"

I glanced to the side when I noticed a door opening, revealing it to be Yamabuki's little brother.

"Oh. . . You're here again." Jun said. Referring to Toyama as he gives her a displeased look.

"AH, Jun-Jun!"

"Jun-jun!" Hanazono repeated. Causing the little boy to blush at the nickname given to him.

Because of that, he suddenly made a mad dash out of the room, while repeatedly saying "Poop"

"Wha. . . ? !"

"Oi, Jun stop that!"

"..Pft... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!" Meanwhile, I suddenly bursts into laughter amidst to all of that.

". . .Oi, what's so funny?" Ichigaya asked, looking a little irritated.

"Jun-jun.. *wheeze* HAHAHA!! WHAT THE HECK?! JUN-JUN?!"

"What's wrong with that? Jun-jun is a cute nickname."

"*Wheeze* if I haven't learned to be multi-lingual *Wheeze* I would've never laughed this hard! Pfftttt HAHAHAHA!! Jun-Jun! HAHAHAHAH!- Owowowowowowow! Ichigaya-san! My ears! Don't pinch them!!"

"Can you not!? You're being annoying!" She scolded me, her hand's still gripping onto my ear.

"Okay! Okay! I'll stop!! Just let go! PLEASE!!" The blonde then finally lets go. Though the stinging pain still lingers. "That hurts...." I let out a quiet whimper.

"Your fault." Ichigaya spoke, stoically.

"Jun-jun... I still don't get it, what's so funny?" Toyama mutters confusedly.

[ Time skip ] [ Night Time ]

It has been a few hours ever since we started working on the bakery. Fortunately, the girls did work their way to their hearts content, I'm impressed. All of them went home since it's geting late, all except for me and Toyama.

I stayed for a bit cuz' I have to help out packing the goods, and there are some that haven't been baked yet - those of which are for the bakery to stock.

Toyama on the other-hand wanted help with the song writing for what her band's going to be performing on the cultural festival.

Some of it are just some extra paper work that needs to be done. Thankfully Yamabuki was there to help.

I make my way towards her room, where Toyama was in, whilst carrying trays of refreshments. Some cups of hot choco and cookies, I thought that they should take a break for a bit so I asked Mr. Yamabuki if there's anything I can give to them.

Already at the front door, I then reach out my hand to grab the knob to open the door. Only for it to be turned open from the other side. Revealing the person behind the door to be Yamabuki herself. "Hey there."

"Got something for you guys." I said as I held out the tray.

"You can just put it on the table inside." She said as she pointed with her thumb. Walking pass me.

"Where are you going?"

"Need to wash up my face for a bit, I'll be right back." She said as she left with a simple wave of her hand.

Given the permission, I enter her room to place the snacks on top of a table.

As I did so, I noticed Toyama out in the balcony, her gaze was up above the distant night sky. I guess she's staring at the stars.

I decided to step into the balcony. The cold breeze of the night wind welcoming me into it's realm.

It was then the purple-eyed cat-girl took notice of me. "Oh, Katsuhiko-chan!"

"Hey." I replied with a small smile. "Just here to take a short break. We really work everything we've got now have we?"

Toyama responded with her grumbling. "You can say that again. . . Though even if it's hard, we will have to do our very best and try, right?"

"Determined much?" I said with a chuckle. "I admire that attitude of yours. Though, try not to do it to much, okay? Otherwise reality might hit you hard as a rock."

"Hehe, Don't worry. I can handle it." She says in reassurance.

"How's the lyrics comin' along?" I asked.

"I am about half-way done. But. . . I'm getting there." Toyama replied with a smile.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Of course! It's because I have all of you!"

"huh?" I reacted, rather dumbly.

"At first, it was just me, All excited by myself! But then Arisa and Rimi-rin joined in, and then O-Tae." She then looks at me, that same smile lingering on her face. "Even though you said that you don't want to be in the band, you're still there helping us. So, you too, Katsuhiko-chan."

"Mm.. I appreciate that sentiment." I said with a genuine smile. "What about Yamabuki-san? Are you planning to recruit her or something?"

"I did ask her if she could sing with me just this one time at the cultural festival. . . But she said yes, and we promised about it!"

I chuckled at that. "Good for you." I then fished out my phone from my pocket. "Oh yeah, Hanazono-san sent me the song, and I already finished making the percussion bits for it. She wants me to hand you the sheets so here you go."

"Ah, hold on!" She said as she took out her phone as well. We exchanged email addresses, and once that was done, I then sent her the music sheets needed for their song. "Oh..."

"What's wrong?"

"No, it's just that... This is the only time I've ever exchanged emails with a guy." She said with a rather sheepish smile. Followed by a chuckle.

"Is it that surprising? Meanwhile I haven't even gotten any numbers nor email addresses of anyone yet other than my sisters'."

"You don't have friends before?"

I shake my head. "I do... I do have friends before back when I was still in Ichinose Academy." I replied before continuing. "In fact, we're all great friends. We hang out a lot, go at parties and trips. . . Play music together."

"So you played in a band before!?" I then widened my eyes after I realized what I said.

"N- No. . . Just playing instruments. . . that's all. . ."

"Oh..." Toyama said with nod. "So. . . where are they now?"

". . .I guess that they've all graduated." I answered, though I already expected her to get confused. To which she did. "Remember my self-intro? I said that I was once a third-year and said I wanted to start over. I guess my friend's by now after three years have already stepped out of their school life. Or maybe they're in college, but who knows? They must be out there having fun with their new lives. . . "

Everything was silent afterwards as it somehow felt a little sentimental. On my part. I feel Toyama's gaze at me after what I just told her and for some reason she grew silent.

. . .

"Katsuhiko-chan... Is the reason why you can't join the band is.. Is it because of your friends?"

I couldn't respond to that. Nor did my mind even entertain the idea of doing so. I'm not sure why.

" I- I'm sorry I asked..." Toyama said meekly as she apologized.

. . .

"It's okay..." I said to her. "It's my problem anyway, not yours. And the thing you should be dealing right now is to finish that song of yours."

She perked her head up after realizing that. "Oh right! I almost forgot!"

"But before that. Take a break first, I left it on top of the table for you guys."

"Really? Thank you Katsuhiko-chan!" She gratefully replied as she lightly skips back inside of the room.

"Anytime." I muttered in reply.

[ Later ]

I was currently busy with the rest of the goods. Just a few more batches to go before I conclude my shift. I glanced to my left and saw Mrs. Yamabuki busy with the dishes. I didn't mind it as I continue my work.

Kneeding the dough is fun.

It's like destroying your enemies' hopes and dreams-

"Mom? What are you doing?" I heard Yamabuki by the stair-way. Eyes widen upon seeing her mother simply doing chores. "I told you, you should go and rest!"

Meanwhile, I kept myself busy. . . While listening to them.

"Saaya, dear. This is only a small amount, so there's no need to worr-"

"Still, you shouldn't!"

"Saaya. I'm doing just fine, okay?" The mother tries to reassure her daughter. "This doesn't take too much energy out of me."

"We don't want the same thing to happen last time!"

"Um. . . Ma'am. Is it alright if I take care of that instead?" I butted in. The two turned to me.

"Oh? Are you sure, Katsuhiko-kun?"

I nodded in reply. "After I'm done here, I'll be washing the equipment anyways. So I suppose it's best if you go ahead and rest just like your daughter suggests."

Her daughter simply looks at me. I'm not sure if I can read that expression of hers, but the best I can say is that she's confused.

Meanwhile, the mother smiles to me and nods. "Okay then. I'll leave you to it." Mrs. Yamabuki says. Giving her daughter a pat on the head before she takes her leave.

She watches as her mother heads to her room. Before looking back at me once more. "What was that about?"

I raised a brow quizzically to her response. "What do you mean? I simply saved you the trouble? And also, what's with you? Your mother was simply doing a small chore. Why is it bothering you that much?"

"That's going to risk my mom's health!"

"With all due respect, you're absolutely making no sense at all. . ." I deadpanned.

"You won't understand. . ."

"Believe me I do." I responded. "You're just overreacting quite a bit."

"Can you not?" She looked at me, sternly. My eyes widen slightly at her response. "Don't get yourself involved in this. This has nothing to do with you."

"Fair enough." I shrugged.

The two of us fell silent for a moment. Yamabuki continues to stare into nothingness with a look that speaks almost of displeasure. I literally did not mean to escalate this. Nor did I ever think it would escalate this quickly.

But. . .

After hearing from her mother. . .

I just could not help it. But I suppose I should've just remain holding myself back. "I'm sorry." I muttered, not looking to her direction as I feel a bit guilty.

She didn't respond to me, however. As she silently left.

Leaving me there alone in the kitchen.

I heaved a deep sigh at this sudden turn of events. "Oh dear."

Please let there be nothing wrong the next day.

[ Chapter End ]

[ Up Next! ] [ Episode 7 - We Fought! ]

Word Count: 7,983 words