
BanG Dream! The Lost Star! | Volume 1

[ This is a rewrite of the entire BanG Dream Series with the inclusion of a male protagonist and an expansion of the whole story line. There is also a slow but wholesome development between the characters and as well as a - somewhat - balanced pacing ] ~ Excluding my OC's. I do not own any of the characters here. All rights go to Bushiroad & CraftEgg ~

Katsuki_Ch · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Volume 1 | Episode 5 - Heart Racing!

[ Third Person POV ]

"Once we play at the cultural festival, we can then audition!" Kasumi says excitedly. Making the other two curious.

"What do you mean Audition? To what and where?" Katsuhiko asked.

"I haven't told the others about this yet, but we're gonna auditon at SPACE!"

"Huh!? Audition at SPACE?!" Katsuhiko exclaimed. Surprise and in disbelief. "You didn't even bother to tell Ushigome-san and Ichigaya-san?!"

"It's supposed to be a surprise." Kasumi says, lightly chuckling as she rubbed the back of her head.

"That's too soon, you know...?" Katsuhiko muttered a point.

"I was told that we're not allowed to perform there unless we pass." Kasumi briefly explained. "The Owner got mad at me the other day when I walked out of the stage."

"Yeah, considering that stunt you pulled. Of course you'll get scolded. Mainly by Owner herself." Katsuhiko replied.

"Even so... Everything looked so sparkly from up the stage, my heart was racing! That's why I wanna play live at Spac-"

"That's Impossible." Kasumi halted her words as Tae Hanazono spoke. She held a serious look on her face as she said that.

Kasumi was a bit confused about her statement.

"I don't think that's possible." Tae said. Kasumi's eyes widen. Katsuhiko on the other-hand, stood there with a more or less confirming expression.

"W- What do you mean it's not possible?!" Kasumi asked.

"That's kinda exaggerating it." Katsuhiko sighed as he spoke. The two girls turned their attention to him. "It's not exactly impossible. I think the better term would be difficult." He stated.

Tae nodded to him in agreement. Kasumi turned and pondered to ponder. "Auditioning at SPACE is not something you should go by so casually." Tae spoke.

A hiss was followed by the tram doors sliding open. Tae was about to depart, but then turns back to her two friends. "Come with me." she said.

Kasumi and Katsuhiko looked at each other momentarily. It didn't take long before they decided to follow Tae.

. . .

[ Location ] [ Live House SPACE ]

In the middle of the evening, the three students arrive at the live house, quiet around this hour. So it's probably going to close up soon.

"Owner. Can I come in for a moment?" Tae said as she stepped inside the live house. There, she saw the old woman sitting by the table having a cup of coffee.

Owner glanced to Tae with that usual stoic look in her eyes. "I'll be shutting the lights off the moment I'm done drinking this." Owner said, lifting the cup with her hand as she took a sip from it.

"Thank you." Tae lightly bowed her head in response before turning back to the two. "Kasumi.... Uh... Kuro-kun."

She referred the last part to Katsuhiko.

"My name is Katsuhiko..." Peaking through the doorwat, the male deadpans in response to how he was addressed by Hanazono Tae.

"Pardon us." Kasumi slowly enters the live house. Unsure of what she's going to expect later on.

Meanwhile, Owner didn't say much as she saw the other two entering. She pretty much gave a brief stare before going back to her coffee.

Tae leads them towards the concert hall. Silence resonated in ambiance, the room was dark, but not pitch black.

A couple of the musical instruments remained within the stage. And all that was left was the recollection of that recent concert. Sooner or later, it would be replaced or forgotten when a new one arrives to take its place.

The three stopped as soon as they stood in front of the stage. "Live house SPACE... It's a sacred place for girl bands." Tae said "Bands are only allowed to perform here if Owner deems them worth enough to do so."

"On the weekends or where I get off from work. I usually watch the shows here too. . . At first, I thought I only came here to study the guitar players. But as soon as I saw how much fun all of the band members were having..."

"I soon fell in-love with it. . ."

"It's just amazing. . . Their performances are just brilliant. . . Someday, I'd like to play here too. But you know? I still got a long way to go."

. . .

. . .

"Is that so?" Katsuhiko asked. To which she nodded confirmingly.

"It's been three months since I started working part-time here during spring break. And I've met a lot of people." Tae continued.

"Fans of the bands. . . People who audition. . . People who failed the audition but still comes by to watch the shows. . ."

"I've met so many of them. . . So many. . ." She paused as she walked up towards the metal railings in front of the stage. "Do you guys know of UniUni?"

"UniUni?" Kasumi uttered confusedly, tilting her head.

"Unique United Stars." Tae explained. "They're one of the successful bands that said to have performed here way before they got popular."

"Ever since I've heard about their story here at SPACE. I was moved. . . I was inspired. The audition wasn't such an easy task for them, yet they kept their feet up and kept moving."

"I really admire them. . . Sumii, Katsuki, Komari, Sora. . . And their leader, Ichiru. . ."

"They're also one of the other girls' inspiration to becoming a band. For those who want to perform here. . . We all want to stand up on this stage just like them and the rest. But it's just hard to reach. . ."

"T- Then, I'll practice really hard!" Kasumi declares determinedly.

"How long will it take for you to learn how to play the guitar properly?" Tae asks.

"Yeah. Just so you know, forcing yourself isn't gonna do you any good." Katsuhiko said.

"I won't force myself! I'll just have to give it my all! I'll work as hard as I can to pass the audition and we'll all sparkle on this stage together!"

"Just how confident are you enough to believe that you can achieve that?" Katsuhiko asks again.

"It's worth the shot!" Kasumi replied. It seems to look like she's not backing down on her words.

"If that's what you say, Kasumi. . . Then show me. . ." Tae began. Kasumi and Katsuhiko looked at her in anticipation while she wore a very solemn demeanor. "Show me that you can do it."

"Make me tremble from your performance."

. . .

[ Location ] [ Hanasakigawa Girls'(?) School: Culinary Club ]

"To make her 'tremble'?" Yui Takahara speaks in response. As of the moment, Katsuhiko had apparently told her about what happened last night. She seems rather perplexed by the statement. "I think I understand. . . But at the same time, I don't."

"I don't think it takes that much thought about it, Yui-senpai." Katsuhiko sighed.

"Oh, it's just that it sounded a bit exaggerated. Wouldn't you think so?" Yui said, waving off the concern.

"Hm. Yeah, I guess so." The male responded.

"I often have a habit of thinking in deep amusement about something that I deem as an exaggeration, It would be preferable if the term used was 'to impress'. But disregarding that thought, I believe Hanazono-san is only saying that just to see if any potential was present."

"That... or she's a complete airhead." She added.

"What gave you that idea?" Katsuhiko asked, to which Yui simply shrugged in response. "Okay then..?"

"Personally speaking. I think this is a good challenge for Toyama-chan." Yui stated with a gesture. "For one, she will have to perform very seriously now. Unlike the last time." Katsuhiko visibly cringed at the memory of that recent concert. To which Yui simply giggled in amusement.

"And secondly. Having an actual first-hand experience is a good thing for bands who are just starting out. So even if Toyama-chan fails a bit on some protruding aspects, regardless of whatever outcome. She could learn from that mistake and improve later on."

"So, what you're saying is..."

"With faith. I'm sure Toyama-chan can pull through." Yui finished Katsuhiko's thought with a gentle wink. "With that being said. The least you could do is to support her in anyway possible."

Katsuhiko nodded to that.

"What intrigued me though, is when I heard that Toyama-chan wants to form a band. And I'd be lying if I were to say I am not looking forward to it."

"I believe that motivation of hers came from the time she first discovered band music from Glitter*Green." Katsuhiko stated whilst reminiscing that one event. "She just straight up declared to form a band right after the concert. And she really sounded determined now that I look back at it."

Yui once again giggled. "Everyone will eventually find their motivation at the very right time. And you'll figure that out once you feel it right over hear." She placed a hand over her heart, a gentle smile on her face.

Katsuhiko made no response as he began to ponder for a bit from her words.

Eventually, he spoke again. "I guess it will be only a matter of time then." He said, to which Yui nodded.

"It takes time, sure. But it's better than rushing it." Yui responded. "Just make sure not to go down that road, alright?"

"Sure." Katsuhiko nodded.

"Now you better finish that. Our session is about to end soon." Yui reminded him as she points at his chopping board littered with uncut vegetables. The male looked down and sighed before proceeding onto his task.

Yui Takahara left to help her other club members, leaving Katsuhiko to do his thing.

Meanwhile, as he was busy peeling off the excess of carrot skin. He began to think to himself. How much potential does Kasumi's so called "Band" have? He could attest to the fact that Kasumi has good vocals. But how well would everything else be in a band?

Katsuhiko is probably just pessimistic, so that just comes as a natural thought process for him. Like he said, it's only a matter of time. So the least he could do for now is to help and wait. And for now, he'll just have to see how things play out.

. . .


"There's no way in hell we're going to play live!!!" Arisa Ichigaya yells at Kasumi after she announces her idea of performing live.

"How else are you guys going to make Hanazono-san shiver her boots?" Katsuhiko asked as he casually eats his sandwich.

"If we can't do it, will that mean we're disbanding?" Rimi says in worry. Making Kasumi turn her head to her immediately after hearing that.

"We're not even an official band, anyways." Arisa pointed out.

"Eh?!" Kasumi exclaims.

"I'm not so sure about their standards. But are you saying that if we mess this up, we won't be able to audition again?" Saaya chimes in.

"You make it sound like you're already in the band. . . . Or are you??" Katsuhiko stares at Saaya suspiciously. To which the latter raises her hand defensively as she stammered.

"E- Eh? No! I- I'm just saying that based on perspectives!" Saaya replies. A bead of comical sweat trickled down her side. Meanwhile, Kasumi comically gloomed after hearing Saaya's words.

"You'll only be given a few attempts." Katsuhiko spoke up. Grabbing their attention. "If you fail each attempt, then that's your loss. . . At least, from what I heard. . ." He said as he slightly diverts his gaze away.

"N- No way. . ." Kasumi uttered.

"That's a simpler way to put it." Arisa says.

"And I believe that Hanazono-san was warning us as well, which is why she's trying to see if you're serious about your words." Katsuhiko added.

"He's actually right." Tae Hanazono said. Causing heads to turn to her by her sudden presence.

"Where the heck did you come from!?" Katsuhiko exclaimed in surprise.

"Why are you even here?!" Arisa says as she points at Tae.

"This is operation, Make O-Tae's Heart Pound! " Kasumi declared.

"And I'm the material witness." Tae said.

"And I'm instantly beginning to lose my ability to comprehend. . ." Katsuhiko gave a deadpanned stare at Kasumi and Tae.

"I second that. . ." Arisa agreed. Meanwhile, Rimi and Saaya could only smile sheepishly at the scenario.

"O- Tae! What time do you work at SPACE?" Kasumi asks the girl.

Both Katsuhiko and Arisa looked at Kasumi, then to each other with a mutual concluded thought.

"I can see where this is going." Arisa said.

"Me too." Katsuhiko replied.

. . .

[ Location ] [ Live House SPACE ]

"See...?" Arisa muttered.

Katsuhiko merely chuckled in response. He simply found it amusing how they were able to find Kasumi being so predictable.

The group were inside the live house, with Kasumi having the idea to work here part-time just so she could study the live shows just like how Tae did.

"Part time work..?" An Employee said with uncertainty towards Kasumi's suggestion.

"Yes!" Kasumi replies enthusiastically.

". . . All of you??" The Employee asks in confirmation.

"Actually, not me." Arisa replied with an embarrassed chuckle.

"Me too." Katsuhiko casually followed. Saying that with a straight face.

"What?! Oh come on you guys! Let's do this together!" Kasumi said.

"Are you actually kidding me right now, you idiot!?" Arisa retorted in annoyance.

"I- I have to ask my parents first about this. . . " Rimi said.

"I'd take the chance, but not under this circumstance."

All of a sudden, a voice of a certain woman was heard within the live house. "Everyone! Time to set up! All non-employees, get out." It was Owner as she exited the concert hall.

"Owner! Please let us work here part-time!" Kasumi said with no means of hesitation.

Owner eyed her for a brief moment before responding. "Have you really got time for that now?" She asked. To which Kasumi didn't give any answer in response as she stood there speechless.

"Hanazono, get to work!" She turned to Tae.

"Yes, Ma'am!"

. . .

Before they knew it. The live house started to get busier as of the moment. Making the group wait outside for Tae Hanazono.

A small time skip, and it was late in the afternoon as the four Hanajo students awaited outside of SPACE. They sat idly at one of the available spots nearby whilst listening to the on-going activity within the building. Tae was now with them after having to finish her task inside.

"I guess that was a no. . ." Kasumi sighs defeatedly.

"Actually, Owner can take part-timers only for scheduled shifts." Tae pointed out.

"You see, Toyama-san. As a certain old man once said. There's a time and place for everything." Katsuhiko said.

"Just not now." Arisa finished that sentence. To which Katsuhiko nodded to her.

Kasumi sighed once more. "I just thought maybe we could learn a thing or two about SPACE."

Rimi nodded. "I see..."

"Say, why is this place sacred in the first place?" Kasumi asked to Tae the part-timer.

"Because it's a sacred place." Tae replied.

"Ah! I get it!"

"I don't." Katsuhiko says with a blank expression.

"I'm beginning to lose the ability to comprehend." Arisa said.

"Um... If I may..." Rimi spoke up. "Space was created specifically for girl bands. The Owner used to be the guitarist of her band. Then thirty years ago, she built this place to shut down the stereotypical music that venues would usually have. . ."

"That, and a bit of a rivalry with an old friend of hers from another live house. But that was a long time ago, and Owner is currently holding the torch that's was being passed down to her. Metaphorically speaking."

"Owner holds some standards for a good reasons, which is exactly why she can be strict. And ever since then, she used auditions to see how passionate the bands are." Rimi concluded.

"Woah." Arisa let out.

"She sounds cool!" Kasumi said.

"She is cool!" Tae said in attestment. "You sure know a lot." She turned to Rimi.

"O- Oh. . . Um. . . That's because my sister told me. . ."

"The leader of GuriGuri. Yuri was her name, right?" Tae asked. Rimi nodded along with a hum.

"Glitter*Green is currently SPACE's famous band." Katsuhiko said with an amused smile. "It's no wonder why. They stand out more from the rest of the performers. They must've strived really hard to get here. . ."

His head turned towards the live house. A glint of nostalgia hinted within his eyes. A memory of what once was a sparkling past. He felt his breath stifled for a brief moment before recomposing momentarily after. Giving himself a gentle reassurance.

[ Location ] [ Live House SPACE ]

A little later on, the group went inside to watch the on-going concert. The blissful performance was once again supported by the audiences wonderful cheers. Their glowsticks waved along in sync with the rhythm of the song.

Some time had passed, the band themselves concluded their performance. Following behind were another round of applause by their fans.

Rimi, Arisa, Kasumi and Katsuhiko stood behind the crowd of people. Astonishment plastered onto their faces.

Kasumi was enjoying this just as much as she should be. Her hands intertwined together. Eyes sparkled in utmost excitement and awe. That Sparkling and Heart-pounding feeling she ever so deeply loved. . . It's right there. Disguised as the presence of music.

Another quality time had passed once again, thus another end for today's concert.

"Thank you for coming!" Tae addressed the people exiting the live house. Bidding them farewell and a gratitude for deciding to come and watch another successful live show.

"Wow, that was so much fun! It really gave me goosebumps!" Rimi expresses, to which Tae nodded in agreement.

"Me too." she said.

"The band's weren't that bad, if I do say so myself." Katsuhiko says with a gentle nod of approval.

"Hm... I guess so." Arisa shrugged before glancing towards Kasumi, who stood idly in front of the stage. "Oi. Kasumi."

. . .

". . .amazing. . ." Kasumi was heard muttering.


"Their fingers were moving so fast!" Kasumi loudly says with pure excitement.

"That sounds wrong out of context- OWW!!" Katsuhiko was about to say, but was nudged by Arisa.

"Shut up." She deadpans at him before looking back at Kasumi. "So, your point is??"

"The way they played it made it look so easy, but in truth it's not! I never really understood before, but I think I get what you're saying a little bit, O-Tae!"

"Congratulations, I guess?" Katsuhiko nonchalantly replied.

"I really want to perform here!" Kasumi determinedly declares. "I'm sure it's going to be really tough. But I want to sparkle and shine on this stage too! Just like the rest of them! Just like UniUni!"

"Okay!" Rimi nodded.

"UniUni...?" Arisa mumbled. At the back of her head, she questions the fact how Kasumi knew of the band themselves. But at the same time, she refrained from asking. "I figured you saying that."

"Yosh! Time for operation Make O-Tae's Heart Pound! to commence!" Kasumi says excitedly.

"You really don't waste any time now, do you?" Arisa muttered.

"Not even an ounce of hesitation." Katsuhiko said.

"I don't think she ever does hesitate." Arisa added.

"Agreed." The male casually agrees.

"Where should we perform?" Rimi asks.

"How about here?" Was Kasumi's idea. But was quickly shot down by Tae

Eventually, the group left the live house whilst thinking of where their musical performance for Tae should take place.

"If we can't do it at SPACE. Where else is available??" Rimi pointed out.

"The music room is often being used by the other clubs too..." Katsuhiko added.

"What about Arisa's house?"

"My house!?"

"Yeah!" Kasumi nodded in excitement.

"Live music in a ware house... Sounds like a club..." Tae stated.


"Yeah, a club! A club!" Kasumi said with the same excitement. Meanwhile, Arisa could stare at her in annoyance while Rimi could only giggle. "Yosh! Let's make this club show happen!" Kasumi said, raising her fist up in the air.

"OH!" Tae cheered aloud as she did the same.


"See you later, O-Tae!" Kasumi said as she starts to run towards the opposite direction.

"K- Kasumi-chan!"

"Oi! You need to ask for my permission first, Kasumi!!" Arisa yelled as she followed after the two, finally leaving the Live House at this time of night.

"Y- You guys! Hey!" Katsuhiko called out as he trails behind. But before he does, he looked back at Tae. "See you around, Hanazono-san." He said as he takes his leave. Following the others' trail.

Tae just stood there idly whilst having a gentle smile plastered on her face as she sees them off.

. . .

[ The Next Day ]

[ Location ] [ Yamabuki Bakery ]

Just another regular weekend. Katsuhiko decided to visit the bakery to buy some delightful snacks.

Right now, he was currently by the shelves, picking out one kind of bread out of all the variety. With a satisfied look on his face. He called to Saaya, who later came by, paper bag in hand.

"You're visiting a lot more often here, it seems." Saaya pointed out with an amused face. Katsuhiko caught up to that and just simply chuckled.

"Well, what can I say? I love the breads here!" He expresses in delight, to which Saaya could not help but giggle. "Oh yeah, how's it going over here? If you don't mind me asking?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary." The girl replies with a casual look. "Though we were still hoping to find some part-timers. You know? Just a bit of an extra help."

"I see." Katsuhiko nodded to that after receiving the paper bag filled with bread from Saaya.

Just then, a familiar brunette casually sauntered into the bakery like as if she owns the place.



"Good morning!" Kasumi greeted cheerfully. Before long, her attention lands on Katsuhiko. "Katsuhiko-chan!" She said aloud as she approached him.

"Do you need anything?" The male asked, curiously.

"I need help!"

"Then go see a therapist, or something." Katsuhiko joked, to which he heard Saaya snorted from that remark.

Meanwhile, Kasumi pouted. "Not that kind of help!"

"So, what is it then?" He asked. Trying to supress his overall amusement.

"We need an audience!"

"Just me?" Katsuhiko pointed to himself.

"Saaya can come too!" Kasumi added.

"Oh, I wish I could. But you see, I can't leave everything here unattended." Saaya said with an apologetic smile.

"Awww..." Kasumi slumped. "Too bad..."

"So wait, does this mean you guys already have a song to play?" Katsuhiko asked.

"Yup! And it's a song made by Rimi-rin!" Kasumi smiled proudly.

"Ushigome-san made a song? Now that's something I'm looking forward to! It's cool!"

"Deshou? Deshou?" The brunette says with a proud grin.

"So you guys are still going on about the operation make Hanazono-san feel the pleasurable thrill or whatever something something?" He asked.

"It's called operation: Make O-Tae's Heart Pound! And yes, that still continues on no matter what!"

"Figured as much." Katsuhiko smiled in amusement. "Alright, I'll come with you."

"Yaay!" Kasumi cheered. Before Katsuhiko could even process his thoughts, Kasumi immediately dragged his arm. "Now come on!!"

"H- Hey! Not too sudden!!" He told to her. Though as much protest as he tries to provide. This girl seems to have some sort of inhumane strenght.

"See you later, Saaya!"

"Take care." Saaya replied with a gentle wave of her hand.

Meanwhile, as the two exit the bakery. It was then Katsuhiko noticed that Kasumi didn't come here alone as another presence was made in the form of a dark short haired girl with cute red eyes. "Good day, Natsuki-san. I hope we didn't bother you." Ushigome Rimi spoke in her usual polite mannerism.

"Well, not entirely." Katsuhiko chuckled. Then he looks back at Kasumi. "Shall we get going, then?"

"Mm!" Kasumi nodded excitingly. With that, she takes the lead. Making their way to Arisa's house.

. . .

[ Location ] [ Ichigaya Residence: Arisa's Basement ]

"We're here!" Kasumi greets Arisa upon arrival. The latter was currently sitting by the sofas, busy flipping through her notes. She made a small glance upon the trio before going back to her notes. "Oh! You're studying!"

"Apparently." Arisa replied nonchalantly. "So I see we finally got an audience?" she remarked, referring to the presence of their male friend. Who seems unfazed by the comment.

"Whooooh!~" Katsuhiko drawled as he lazily raises his hand. The blonde simply gave him a deadpanned stare.

"Arisa-chan, I brough the sheet music." Rimi said just as she held out the said music sheet. Arisa hummed in response. Putting down her notes before heaving a gentle sigh. "I also asked my sister to do the keyboard parts as well." She briefly mentioned.

"Let's just get this over with." Arisa uttered in a stoic tone. Kasumi visibly cheered.

A few minutes later. Arisa was reading through the music sheet as she studies on how to play her part of the song.

Meanwhile, Katsuhiko sat down near by the shelves whilst listening to the song they were suggesting to play. A song made together by the Ushigome siblings. "...This... is cute..." Katsuhiko murmured in awe.

"Right?! Rimi-rin's voice is really cute when she sings!" Kasumi said.

After a bit of listening. Katsuhiko noticed Kasumi being busy with her own music sheet to read. Though, she had a troubled look on her face as she went through the sheet a couple of times.

"Ahh!! What should I do?! I can't read at all!!" Kasumi cried out.

"Let me have a look." Katsuhiko said. Kasumi hands him the sheet music and looks at its contents. "Huh... for an amateur like you, I don't think you can read this at all." He pointed out.

Just before Kasumi would fall in the verge of immense disbelief. Katsuhiko spoke again. "Maybe tabs would be a better alternative for you."

"Tabs...??" Kasumi was visibly clueless of that fact.

"Like this, Kasumi-chan." Rimi walks up to her and tries to show an example. "Fourth String, fifth fret."

"Like this?" Kasumi followed correspondingly with her guitar.

"Yep!" Rimi nodded. "Next is uh... First string, seventh fret... Maybe...?"

"Maybe?" Katsuhiko muttered.

"Seventh fret... First string..." Kasumi tries to follow along.

"Huh? No W- Wait! That's not right! U- Uhm..."

"Huh? Where!? Where?!"

"Maybe it's the one next to it??"

Seeing as the two were dealing with a bit of a predicament. Katsuhiko suggests an idea. "Why don't you guys ask Hanazono-san for help? Considering she has some experience with the guitar and all."

"Oh! Good thinking, Katsuhiko-chan!"

"You really think that's a good idea?" Arisa asked.

"Well, this is better than the alternative." Katsuhiko said with a gentle shrug.

"What about Takahara-senpai though? Isn't she experienced with the guitar as well?" Arisa pointed out.

"Well, I could. But I heard she's busy this weekend... So that option's out of the window."


. . .

[ Later ]

"Koinnichiwa." Hanazono Tae arrived just as quickly after just being called over. And she brought along her guitar as well.

"Welcome stranger." Katsuhiko said.

"who gave you the right to provide hospitality within my residence?" Arisa deadpans towards him. To which he didn't respond back.

Kasumi then latches onto her in a hug. "O-Tae! Please teach me the way!"

"Oh, sure thing." Tae casually said with a small smile.

"Uhm... This song right here." Rimi hands over the sheet music to Tae. She takes it and scans it briefly.

"Arisa, I'm borrowing your amp." Tae said momentarily after reading.

"Huh? Uhh... sure."

. . .

Later on as the amplifier was being set up. Tae then plugs in her guitar. Placing the sheet music on top of its stand and then doing some few adjustments with her instrument here and there.

Tae began to play the piece soon after. How she played it was almost flawless without trial and error. A continuous flow of guitar playing, the smooth movements of her fingers, it made it seem like she already knew the piece before-hand.

Throughout all of that, she didn't break a sweat at all. To which made her audience visibly impressed.

"Woah, you're good." Katsuhiko complimented.

"Thanks." Tae replies.

"Yeah, you're amazing." Arisa added. "Feel like replacing Kasumi as our guitarist?"

"EH?!" Kasumi exclaimed from that remark.

"Or Ichigaya-san. You're always free to replace her instead." Katsuhiko teasingly said to Arisa with a playful grin.

"HEY!" and she wasn't as amused by that remark about her.

"O-Tae! Can you do it one more time? I'll be recording it!" Kasumi said.

"Sure." Tae replies as she positions herself once again.

Kasumi grabs her camera phone and points it towards Tae. "Alright then! Ready... and Start!"

"The Choco Cornet Song!~" Tae says as she followed along a silly pose.

"Nice!" Kasumi reacts gleefully.

While Rimi shows amusement towards their antics. Meanwhile, the other two individuals were only watching from the sidelines.

"What's that supposed to be. . ."Arisa comments on Tae's antics.

"These two are so alike." Katsuhiko said. And Arisa visibly agrees on that statement. "Reminds me of the old days..." He mumbled to himself.

. . .

[ Time Skip ] [ The Next Day ]

[ Location ] [ Hanasakigawa Girls' (?) School: Court Yard ]

[ Lunch ]

The group find themselves sitting by the green grass as they peacefully feed on their afternoon meals. Indulging in nature's blissful silence.

Rimi was making small glances to each of her friends. Something on her mind that she wants to speak out. Saaya notices this and asked. "Something wrong?"

"Uhm... Is it alright if my sister comes?" Rimi asked meekly.

"Here? Then sure!" Kasumi beamed. But Rimi shook her head.

"N- Not that... What I mean is... Our performance..." Rimi corrected.

"Ooooh..." Kasumi drawled, before it took a moment for it to register in her head. "What?! Really?!"

[ How it happened ]

"So, when's your performance?" Yuri asked.

"Nothing's set in stone yet, but I would probably guess around the weekend." Rimi said.

"I'll keep my schedule open then." Yuri replied.


"Okay then!" Rimi nods her head to that. Only moments after realizing what her sister just said. "w- what?"

[ End Sequence ]

"Glitter*Green's leader will be coming over?" Katsuhiko spoke.

"She's gonna make us all nervous!" Arisa expressed the thought.

"Well, that problem is going to be on you." The male joked.

"Shut up!"

"Yuri-san is coming to watch us?" Tae said, visibly surprised by the news.

"Well, that's something you guys should be looking forward to." Saaya comments. "And even if you are nervous... then-"

"Are you coming over too, Saaya?" Kasumi suddenly asked of her.

"Oh, Um... You know I-" Saaya stops when she felt a hand over her shoulder. And she looked over to see it was Katsuhiko.

"You should. Don'tcha' wanna see the performance they ever worked so hard on to prepare?" He's in attempt to convince her.

"B- But. . ." Saaya was about to decline the invitation once more. But it was then Tae came over and held a grip on Saaya's arm.

"Please come!" Tae pleads.

"Y- You guys..."

"Saaya!" Kasumi tackled onto Saaya . Causing them, and Tae to fall over.

"Alright alright! I'll go! But I won't take long, okay?" Saaya caves in from their plea. To which both girls cheered happily.

Meanwhile. . .

"Oh yeah. . ." Arisa turned to Katsuhiko. Whom the latter turned to her as well. "Wasn't this solely for Hanazono-san? Why did she even decided to play with us to begin with...?"

"Beats me." Katsuhiko shrugged. "For all I know. I think she just wants to play with you guys as a band."

"I guess..? But this doesn't seem to make sense." Arisa added.

"Save your brain from that logic. It won't do you any good." He pats her shoulder in reassurance whilst sipping on his juice box.

"Maybe I should bring my boyfriend along too." As Tae mentions that. Katsuhiko comically spat the drink from his mouth- Towards Arisa.

"What the heck, Katsuhiko?!!?"

"You're dating someone, O-Tae-chan?" Rimi asked, visibly surprised. A sentiment that was shared with everyone else but Katsuhiko.

He doesn't want to assume too quickly. But at the back of his mind, the word "Boyfriend" coming out of Tae's mouth. He immediately remembers their very first encounter.

Tae didn't seem to directly answer the question as she simply giggled and smiled.

"Oh! Katsuhiko-chan! How about we invite Yui-senpai as well?" Kasumi suggests. To which made Arisa comically spat the drink from her mouth- Towards Katsuhiko this time.

"H- Hey..!"

"T- Takahara-senpai!? Aren't you inviting more people into my house?!" Arisa exclaims. Completely ignoring Katsuhiko at the moment.

"She likes music too, right? So it would be right to invite her over!"

"I'll tell her if she's free." Katsuhiko said. "But for now, if you want to further impress your audience. I'd suggest that you should practice more."

"Oh!" Both Kasumi and Tae cheered.

Meanwhile. Both two out of the five individuals swore that they noticed someone watching them from the second floor. Or it could just be some random student taking brief glances through the window.

. . .

. . . . .

[ Time Skip ]

[ Location ] [ Ichigaya Residence ]

Time passes by. The group were currently doing some practice. Kasumi was getting the hang of it with her guitar as she had some help from Tae. Though she has some little mistakes here and there with how she plays the guitar. But this is different compared to her first-hand experience.

"Your grip is getting better." Katsuhiko points out. "Seems like you're almost out of your amateur-ish phase."


"He's right. Your hands look like a guitarists' hands!" Tae comments.

"I was expecting a better comment from you." The male said to Tae. To which she simply smiled.

"Did you guys hear that?!" Kasumi turns towards the others in pure excitement.

"I can't tell..." Arisa replies.

"How about you guys try to start playing all together?" Katsuhiko suggested.

In turn. Kasumi visibly beams from excitement at the idea. "Good idea!" She gestures a thumbs up towards him.

As the three lined up in front. Tae and Katsuhiko both sat down by the vacant seats. Waiting in anticipation.

"Alright! On my mark. . ." Kasumi began.

"Slowly, alright?" Arisa says.

"Uhm... Dun-dun-dun. . . That kind of speed?" The bassist spoke, gesturing the pacing with her index finger.

"Yep! Ready and. . ." Kasumi was about to begin playing, but for a brief moment before she stops. Giving out an embarrassed chuckle from that.

"Oh come on!!" Arisa complains. She was just about to do her part.

"Sorry..." Rimi meekly speaks.

"You guys need to be in sync." Katsuhiko reminds them, moving his finger from side to side. "Imagine listening to a metronome."

"Beats per second?" Arisa asks.

"Wouldn't the sheet music tell you that already?" Katsuhiko deadpans.

"Okay... Ready and....." Kasumi was about to say. But unsure when she's about to continue.

"Uhh... ready and... start..!" Rimi tries to do it herself. But it seems none of them followed in sync.

"..ah.." Kasumi lets out only briefly after making a brief sound from her guitar. She lets out an embarrassed chuckle once again.

"Kasumi. . . ." Arisa grumbled in annoyance.

"Mou... this is so hard!! Katsuhiko-chan! O-Tae! Help!!"

"Honestly..." Katsuhiko sighs before turning to Tae. "Hanazono-san?"

"Yes, Kuro-kun?"

"The name's Katsuhiko..." He corrected her. "Nevermind that. . . Anyways, I got an idea. Why don't you stand along with them, but this time around you get to take the lead? Toyama-san and the others will try and follow along."

"Her eyes widen upon the idea. "Oh! Good thinking!" she soon then picks up her blue guitars, setting it up as she positions herself with the others. "Ready?" with a brief strum from her guitar, the others nodded in approval.

And just like that, it turned out quite well. While it wasn't as perfect, at least they were getting the hang of it. They were all in sync with the harmony, and as if by instinct. Their hands moved by themselves along with the beat.

. . .

. . .

Hanazono Tae was smiling. Enjoying the moment of playing music with the others.

. . .

[ Time Skip ]

[ Location ] [ Ichigaya Residence: Entrance ]

The day finally came. The exact same day which the girls had beem anticpating. A Live performance by Kasumi and Co.

Some time around 10 am. The girls arrived one by one. Rimi and along with Saaya who were waiting just by the entrance to Arisa's home with the blonde herself with them. All of them wearing their casual outfits.

"Good morning!" Kasumi arrives at the scene with her ever so cheerful voice. With her guitar bag - whilst being carried by another bag - she walks with such a delightful expression. Though she didn't come alone as another person with similar brown hair accompanied her.

A younger girl who seems to resemble Kasumi, except with out the hairbuns.

This was her little sister, Asuka.

"Good morning-" As Saaya greets the two girls, Kasumi runs up to her and gives her a hug.

"Saaya! You came!" Kasumi says happily. "Let me introduce to you to my little-"


The bottom of her guitar bag suddenly ripped open. Causing the guitar case to drop. With everyone gasping, fortunately, Asuka was quick enough to react as she managed to save the guitar just before it could even hit the solid pavement.

"That was a close one..." Asuka muttered.

"Thank you, At-chan!!" Kasumi exclaims as she went to hug her little sister in gratitude. Meanwhile, it seems like this was just another day for Asuka Toyama. Despite the constant uncomfortable bear hug Kasumi would give to her. She seems to have gotten used to it.

"Thank you for looking after my sister..." Asuka said towards Kasumi's friends. To which they thanked her back in regards.

Later on, Rimi's sister arrives as well. Who Asuka happens to know as the captain of the swimming team. It seems that being a vocalist is the only thing she isn't known for.

"Is everyone here?" Yuri Ushigome asks as she looks around.

"We're expecting three more people." Arisa replies, looking to her right.

"Oh!" Kasumi lets out as she noticed two people from the distance. She waved her hands to call for them. "Katsuhiko-chaan!! Yui-senpaai!!"

Yui dresses up like usual with her matching colored clothing. Whilst the same thing can be said to Katsuhiko, except the outfit is what you will always see outside of school.

"Why hello there." Yuri greets her fellow upper-classman.

"Good day, Yuri." Yui greets ever so casually. "It's a pleasure to see that you've also been invited here as well."

"I wouldn't want to miss my little sister's concert for the world." Yuri giggled in reply.

"I wouldn't want to miss it either." the purple haired senior smiles.

Meanwhile, the others seem a bit surprised how the two got along with each other. They assumed they were strangers even during that time at the last concert in SPACE.

"Do you know each other, Onee-chan?" Rimi asks curiously.

"Oh, Me and Yui are actually classmates." Yuri answers. "At first, we didn't talk to each other but that was until after that live at SPACE."

"It felt like fate. I got to know about Yuri and the rest of her band. It didn't take long before all of us together became friends."

Katsuhiko raised a brow from that before looking at Kasumi. "Would you look at that, Toyama-san. That's all thanks to you." His words almost sounded sarcastic. But Kasumi of all people wouldn't see through that.

"hehehe~" The brunette giggles from the comment.

"Hanazono-san isn't here yet?" Katsuhiko asks.

"Apparently." Arisa replied. "Why don't you all come in for now?" She gestured for everyone to come inside. To which they did.

Meanwhile, the last person to be expected to arrive at Arisa's house was actually on her way.

Wearing her casual outfit in the color of black and white. She has her guitar strapped around her shoulder. On her right hand, she is carrying a brown cage to which only she knows what's inside.

Finally, she arrived at her destination and went on her way towards the warehouse where she'll be expecting her friends to be there.

As the warehouse was already on her view, she noticed a sign attached next to the door frame.

"Club Show" as it says. With colorful designs adorned from top to bottom.

As she arrived at the front, she is greeted by her four friends. Kasumi, who's at the front, show

Kasumi then relayed the news to Tae about her guitar bag.

Hearing this news, Tears were starting to form on Tae's eyes. Not because she felt bad. It's because the same thing happened to her as well.

"At the same time!" Kasumi exclaimed after what she heard from Tae.

". . .like two peas in a pod. . ." Arisa mutters a comment.

"Why did I feel like I knew this was going to happen in the first place. . .?" Katsuhiko muttered in surprise.

"Ah, Rimi, you look so cute." Tae says to Rimi, to which the short haired girl let out a small chuckle.

"I put in the effort today as well!" Kasumi says, pointing at her hair.

"Is there suppose to be a difference...?" Katsuhiko murmured as he looks at Kasumi's hairstyle.

"I can't tell.." Arisa replied as she crossed her arms.

"By the way, Hanazono-san. What's that?" The male pointed at the little cage she was carrying.

"Is that an amp?" Rimi asked.

"No. It's my boyfriend." Tae casually says. Resulting the four of them reacted confusedly.

. . .


Meanwhile, with Katsuhiko knowing what Tae is referring to. He could only give a straight face. But he still couldn't help but feel weird about it whenever Tae mentions her "Boyfriend"

"That's so weird out of context." Katsuhiko mutters to himself.

The other guests sat by the sofas while striking up a conversation with one another.

Refreshments were served by Arisa's grandmother.

"So, this is where they are practicing? According to Katsuhiko-kun." Yui says to Saaya.

"Pretty much what I have heard from Kasumi." Saaya replies. "I haven't been here before though. But wow, this place is rather spacious." She said, eyeing her surroundings.

"And it being spacious means that it is a perfect place to have band practice." Yui expresses as she points at the instruments that were positioned right in front of them. "Do you have any instrument of interest as well, Yamabuki-chan?"

The question seems to have caught Saaya off-guard for a brief moment. It took her a little while before she answers her question. "The drums." Saaya replies. Though there was a hint of something behind that tone of hers.

Yui's expression brightens in delight upon the answer from Saaya. "Ah, I see. how bizarre it is to hear." She said with closed her eyes. "I remembered that time in middle school where I had this classmate who really knows how to hit the beat when it comes to the drums. She was in a band of course, but sadly didn't quite reach into the popularity phase."

"Is that so?" Saaya says with an almost intrigued expression on her face. "Maybe it's because they're not too passionate about music that they didn't go popular?"

"The thought itself is something I definitely doubt. They really loved music, in a way like making a thousand poems about how much you adore it. " Yui replied whilst gesturing in a passionate manner. Her expressions then turns solemn. "If some silly conflict had not happen, then I would've still get to see them until now . . ."

Hearing this from her. Saaya seems to have recalled hearing about this when she was in middle-school.

Four students each transferred into a different school after an incident.

She didn't get the full detail, but the only thing that shocked her the most was the fact that one of the four students had their left eye gouged out after a fight.

These might be the students Yui was taking about. There are literally no other similar incidents that had happened within the premises of Hanasakigawa.

But, she was still unsure with her conclusion. Yui should've known this kind of news and it should have been inevitable for her to ignore.

Saaya's thoughts were later then interrupted by the purple haired girl. "Are you perhaps in a band, Yamabuki-chan?" She asked so casually.

"I-... No..." Saaya said, casually trying to avert her eyes away from her.

Yui was obviously not taking that response as the truth.

Normally, she dislikes people who lie.

But she gives it an exception to those who lie with a good reason.

"Is that so?" Was the only thing Yui replied with. Ending that conversation there.

Meanwhile, there's the other two girls on their left side. Casually drinking the cups of juice between their hands.

Yuri turned to Asuka, the younger Toyama, as she decided to converse with her. "You're Toyama-san, right? A third year?"

"Yes. You remembered me?" Asuka replied.

"Yep." Yuri said with a smile. "I'm looking forward to the summer championship."

"I'm sorry, before that... I'll be-" Asuka was about to say, but then she was abruptly interrupted.

"Watch out! Rabbit on the lose!!" Katsuhiko yelled from upstairs.

"Wait!!" Kasumi's voice was heard as she was in a rush to chase after the hopping rabbit.

Asuka looked down and saw a little brown rabbit heterochromia eyes. She then picks it up and held it in her hands. The rabbit being entirely calm.

"Where's the rabbit!?" Kasumi asked as she looked around. Her little sister showed her the rabbit she was holding before Kasumi sighs in relief. "Thank goodness..."

"You shouldn't have let it go like that!" Arisa scolded, to which Kasumi apologized.

Katsuhiko walked next to them with an exasperated look on his face. "For a rabbit... That little fella' sure is troublesome..."

"Oddie's actually an old geezer." Tae says coming from behind them.

"An old geezer?" Asuka repeated, looking at the little mammal between her arms with a skeptic look.

"I am somehow not convinced...." Arisa stated.

"So... What about the live show?" Yuri interjected as she asked.

To that question, Kasumi perked up in excitement. "Coming right up!"

"Equipment's all plugged in, so just get into position." Katsuhiko gestured to them before he placed his hands inside his hoodie. Taking a seat on the wooden floor he then looks at them intently.

"Roger that!" Kasumi replied with her usual enthusiasm.

The highly anticipated live show was soon to begin. Each of the girls were already with their respective instruments. Kasumi and Tae are at the front, while Arisa is in the rear, with Rimi alongside her.

Nervous as they are. They worked hard for this very day.

Tae seems to show a different expression compared to all of them as she was smiling. No one could tell whether she's confident or she's masking her nervousness

Kasumi takes a deep breath, before greeting her audience.

"Hello! I am Kasumi Toyama! Thank you for coming to see our club show!" She along with the rest bowed their heads.

"O-Tae, Saaya, Aa-chan, Yuri-san, Obaa-chan, Katsuhiko-chan, we're going to give you a performance that would make your hearts-pound! It'll make us happy if it did!"

After their audience's gave a motivational applause, Kasumi looks at each of her friends with a nod. A sign saying that they are ready.

"Katsuhiko-chan, if you would please." She gestured at the male sitting on the floor. To which he simply threw a thumbs up in response. "Ready! My heart is a Chocolate Cornet!"

Holding on to Rimi's phone, which was connected to a nearby speaker, before pressing the play button on the screen. Which begins to play the drum part of their song

|| Now Playing: Watashi no Kokoro wa Choco Coronet! ||

After a few beats coming from their percussion, they all at the same time began to play with their instruments. Rather in a perfect synchronization as one of them could judge. The melody coming from each instruments was soothing to hear.

But that wasn't all there is to it. The song was just about to start.

|| Sotto mimi ni ateru to ||

|| Kikoeru kokoro no nami oto ||

|| Tokimeki ni amai kaori ga ||

|| Mune wo zawazawa sawagaseru no ||

|| Gyutto tsumatta watashi no omoi ||

|| Kimi wa shitteru? (You know?) ||

|| Choppiri nigai hi mo aru keredo ||

|| Dōka watashi wo ukeirete...? ||

|| Watashi no kokoro wa choko korone ||

||Hitokuchi kajireba afurechau! ||

|| Ironna kimochi ga hajikechau! ||

|| Watashi no kokoro wa dokidoki ne ||

|| Bitāsuīto ni urahara na ||

|| Kimi to kanaderu korunetto wa ||

|| Yukkuri taisetsu ni kanjita no ||

||Sotto tonaeru kimi no ||

||Namae ga toiki de nijinda ||

||Urūru to yuragu hitomi ga ||

||Tomaranai mama kobore ochite ||

||Motto yonde yo watashi no koto wo ||

||Kimi no egao de (Want you!) ||

||Nantoka hekomanai yō tsuyoku ||

||Dōka kotaete "iesu" to...! ||

||Watashi no kokoro wa choko korone ||

||Hitokuchi kajireba torokechau! ||

||Itoshī omoi ga tomaranai! ||

||Watashi no kokoro wa guruguru ne ||

||Me ga mawari sōna meiro mitai ||

||Kimi to ajiwau hito toki wa ||

||Itsuka owatte shimau setsunasa de ||

||(Love! Love!) ||

||Daisuki nanda mon! ||

||(Love! Love!) ||

||Osaekirenai yo ||

||Nigasa to amasa ||

||Fuwafuwa ai de tsutsunde ||

||Futari de hitotsu... ||

||Watashi no kokoro wa choko korone ||

||Hitokuchi kajireba afurechau! ||

||Ironna kimochi ga hajikechau! ||

||Watashi no kokoro wa dokidoki ne ||

||Bitāsuīto ni urahara na ||

||Kimi to kanaderu korunetto wa ||

||Yukkuri taisetsu ni kanjita no ||

. . .

. . . . .

Everything fell silent after the song reaches its end. With the only remaining sound being the breaths of the performers and the slowly fading guitar tone.

It didn't take long before they started to applaude.

"Bravo!! A splendid performance!!" Yui's cheer stands out the most out of all of them. "Valiant effort!"

"That was incredible." Saaya's cheer was also heard.

"Rimi! You were awesome!" and with Yuri's as well.

"We did it!!" Kasumi beams happily at the results of their hardwork.

"That was crazy...! That was seriously crazy!" Arisa spoke, almost in disbelief that they actually managed to pull through their first performance

"But it was so fun!" Rimi expresses in utmost delight.

"Wasn't this a competition?" Asuka asked quizzically.

"It wasn't..." Katsuhiko confirms.

"But it was more exciting if we all play together! right, O-Tae?" Kasumi turned to Tae Hanazono, who was still processing all of what happened.

But it wasn't until then she looks back at the group, a beaming smile on her face. "Kasumi, Rimi, Arisa." she gives the three a big hug. While giggles and laughs were heard.

Arisa's complaints completely drowned out.

Then, as soon as Kasumi had her eye on Katsuhiko. The latter immediately attempts to leave, but unfortunately, it was too late for him.

"Come here!!"

"GAHH!" he was pulled into their hug. Practically squished in between them. Not to mention their squishy globes-

He doubts that he'll ever escape their grasp. Especially with such unbelievable strenght. . .

"You're one of us!" Kasumi says.

"You were also helping us practice, Natsuki-san." Rimi mentions, a gentle smile on her face.

"I guess so..." Katsuhiko caved in. Before pointing at Arisa. "I recalled the fact that she's the most I've given the attention to."

The blonde quickly blushed from that comment. "What the hell does that even mean?!?!"

"You know too well how terrible you are with synchronization." The male shrugged nonchalantly.

"I was doing what I can, you midget!"

"Now that's where you're crossing the line, bonsai geek." Katsuhiko glares at her to which Arisa glares back.

"Uhh... we should probably leave them be...?" Rimi suggests. To which the other two nodded in agreement.

In the end. What mattered is that they all pulled off a wonderful performance. This is to the point that Tae decides to join in their band. Which gives Kasumi all the more motivation to continue her goal.

With that heart racing performance. She wonders when they'll perform like that again. . . A performance with a similar sentiment.

. . . .

. . .

[ A Day later ]

[ Location ] [ Yamabuki Bakery ]

"So you've finally decided to work here?" Saaya says with amusement in her tone.

"As part-time. Yes." Katsuhiko gestured a salute with a determined look on his face. "As I am an independent little shrimp. I shall work my way in order to access the only possible communication towards my idol."

He was clearly referring to the super chats within the live streams and the idol that he mentioned is none other than his favorite virtual shark girl, Gawr Gura.

Though, Saaya was oblivious of his motive. So she gave him a confused look. "Um.. what?"

"I will do my best to work independently for my sister!" He stated an also truthful statement.

"Oh, I see." Saaya sheepishly chuckled.

"Oh! You must be that boy my daughter was talking about." An elderly woman's voice spoke. There, standing by the threshold was Saaya's mother. "I heard from her that you're going to work here part-time, yes?"

"Of course." He nods his head. "I can also wake up early so that I can work on the pastries straight away!"

"So, is it alright for you to work here everyday?" Saaya asked.

"I'll try and make a schedule if I can. But for now, sure!"

Saaya then lets out an amused chuckle. "I like that enthusiasm."

"Now then Saaya." Her mother spoke. "Why don't you show him ropes around here before he can start?"

"Good Idea." Saaya nods. Before turning back to Katsuhiko. "Come on, Katsuhiko-san. Follow me to the kitchen."

"Roger!" I saluted.

[ Chapter End ]

[ Up Next! ] [ Episode 6 - Progress is made! ]

Word Count: 8,902 words