
BanG Dream! The Lost Star! | Volume 1

[ This is a rewrite of the entire BanG Dream Series with the inclusion of a male protagonist and an expansion of the whole story line. There is also a slow but wholesome development between the characters and as well as a - somewhat - balanced pacing ] ~ Excluding my OC's. I do not own any of the characters here. All rights go to Bushiroad & CraftEgg ~

Katsuki_Ch · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Volume 1 | Episode 4 - The Other Guitarist!

Once more, a new week of classes begins. Katsuhiko Natsuki was already set for the day when morning came as usual.

He leaves his house wearing his Hanasakigawa male attire and heads toward Kasumi and the others. Obviously, Arisa and with the addition of Rimi Ushigome after recruiting her last Saturday.

Kasumi was assembling her band quite gradually. Despite the fact that there were only three of them, she is progressing as Katsuhiko would anticipate.

Even though he wasn't participating, he would still do his best to cheer them on from the sidelines. Though there were some things he had to ponder about in the back of his mind, but he saved that question for later.

For the time being, as he traveled to their meeting place. He halted when he spotted a rabbit oddly meandering about near the road. Before he reached the small creature, his eyebrows shot up in a puzzled manner.

"Now what's a little fella like you doing here?" Katsuhiko mutters. Keeping an eye on the area to make sure the rabbit won't end up being driven over if it ever decides to jump towards the middle of the road.

In his arms, he took the small animal. Its unusual eye color catches his attention. He murmured, "Huh.. heterochromia. You sort of remind me of someone."

Katsuhiko took another glance around. There is absolutely no way that a rabbit like this could be roaming the streets unattended.

And soon enough, that assumption proved to be accurate as Katsuhiko spots a female with gray hair that is waist length in the distance.

"There you are, Oddie!" she exclaims. In reference to the rabbit in Katsuhiko's arms. Then it leaps out of his grasp. The girl then picks up the rabbit and holds it close in her arms. "Don't just run away like that!"

"Careful with that thing running around here." Katsuhiko said.

The girl smiles at him with gratitude. "Thank you."

"Mind telling me how that little fluffle got lose?" Katsuhiko asks in genuine curiosity.

"Ah. You see, Oddie was hungry. So I went to get him his food. But then he just disappeared!" The girl explains. Which made Katsuhiko tilt his head.

"huh? You didn't hold him, at least?"

"I kinda forgot." The girl chuckles. "And it doesn't help the fact that he can be quite frisky at times."

"Hm.. I see.." Katsuhiko nodded slowly. "Just remember that the next time your pet gets hungry. Alright?"

"Mm. I'll make sure to keep my boyfriend out of trouble!"

. . .

. . .

. . .

Katsuhiko thought about what she had said for a moment. Then momentarily he displays a befuddled expression.


. . .

[ Location ] [ Hanasakigawa Girls (?) School: Class 1 - A ]

[ First Person POV ] [ Katsuhiko ]

I took a seat at my desk. Reenacting that brief encounter from earlier. It wasn't anything serious, though. It's just that what I heard from that girl was completely beyond my comprehension.

Maybe on the same level as someone I know...

Fortunately, she is not anywhere near suspicious. Considering the small amount of clarity she had provided me. But it still didn't help explain why she calls her rabbit... her boyfriend...

who... does that??

I brushed the thought off. I don't want to think about it any longer than I have to since it is entirely unnecessary.

To keep myself busy. I directed my focus to Toyama, who was busy showing off her electric guitar to our classmates. Quiet strums from her guitar resounded.

"Oh, how cool."

"Could you play us something?"

"All right!" said the brunette, nodding. She then positions the guitar in her arms.

At the time, I was wondering if Toyama could actually play the guitar. So far, I've just seen her tote it around from here to there, but not to the point where she's playing music from it.

My query was addressed even sooner when she began playing twinkle twinkle little star. And she does it in a way by carefully strumming one note at a time...

Well, even though it's not a chord. At least she knows the basics..

Despite the fact that the instrument is a bit quiet. Toyama continued to play the same song for her classmates. Ushigome stood close by, clapping her hands, while Toyama giggled a moment later.

Momentarily, her attention and mine briefly turned to the doorway of our classroom as a female with long gray hair entered. What attracted our attention was the guitar bag that was slung over her shoulder.

And not just that. After having a quick look at her. I came to realize that she's that same girl from earlier.

And I only knew now that she's actually our classmate?!

"Woah! Is that yours, Hanazono-san?!" Toyama exclaims excitedly. "Is that a guitar? A bass??"

"Oh, you play to, Hanazono-san?"

"Wow! I want to hear you play too!" Said the girls from earlier, respectively. Who's attention was now on our classmate named Hanazono

I am also wondering what kind of guitar she's carrying...

"...Is that..." I hear Hanazono muttering.

"Hehe, It's called a random star!" Toyama answered proudly.

Hanazono responds by displaying what appears to be... disgust? "Weirdo."

"Eh?" Toyama murmured, tilting her head and grinning bewilderingly.

. . .

[ Time Skip ] [ Lunch ]

It's lunchtime... A leisurely meal with friends for an hour. I've completed this several times or more. One of those occasions is when I need to grant a wealthy girl's wish.

Here we are eating our individual meals out of our lunch boxes while seated on top of the grass.

What's mine, you might ask?

Oh, just a sandwich my sister packed for me. I'll have to rely on her for the time being because I need to improve my cooking abilities.

"Am I a weirdo...?" We hear Toyama ask. Taking a glance to the brunette herself. I noticed little tears in her eyes.

Has she yet to move past Hanazono's remark?

"Aren't you? " Ichigaya responded.


"Well, you are considerably weird." Yamabuki says with honesty in her tone.

"Eh?!" Toyama utters incredulously. She glances over to Ushigome to see if she disagrees with their assertions.

"W- Well.. Um.."

"So it's true!! Wahhh!!" Toyama abruptly cries before Ushigome can finish her sentence.

Oh dear...

"Wai- No it isn't!!" Said Ushigome in attempt to calm her down.

"It is! The brunette protested, giving out a small shriek while still sobbing.

"Y- You're a little bit weird, but you're not weird at all!" Ushigome is obviously trying much too hard to make her feel better. Toyama, though, appears to have understood and went to hug her.

"That didn't even make sense..." Ichigaya muttered before she turns to me. "Oi, can you say something to make her calm down?"

"What am I? A therapist?" I said, before groaning. I turned to gaze at Toyama, who was still clinging to Ushigome. "Listen, You shouldn't take Hanazono-san's remark about you too seriously, Toyama-san. I mean, you're not that weird."

Toyama sniffled and stared at me with tears in her eyes. I then continued. Pointing a finger towards the blonde. "Look, if anything. Ichigaya-san is the weirdo here."

"HAH!?" Ichigaya exclaims.

Her next line would be 'What are you talking about, you idiot!?'

"What are you talking about, you idiot!?"

"Hm... That time I saw you watering your bonsai plants... And talking to them as if they were newborns," I explained. Internally, I try very hard not to laugh.


"That's right!" Toyama said. "She was all like 'Oh Tonegawa, look how pretty you are! Here have some water~'. "

"Oh?" Yamabuki looked at the blonde with a teasing smile.

"I- I did not say that!!" Ichigaya denies, a blush evident on her cheeks.

"Yes you did!" Toyama says.

"I don't even talk that way!!"

"What we see with our own two eyes do not lie," I said, a sneer on my lips as I turned to face Ichigaya.

"Y- You're probably just making it up!" exclaimed the blonde, clearly out of things to say to explain herself.

"Oh? Are we making it up, Toyama-san?" I questioned the girl who has the same idea as I do. A grin emerged on her lips as she turned to face me.

"Nope!" Toyama said in agreement.

"Bonsai geek," I mumbled, my blank palm cupping my lips.

"Bonsai geek!" Toyama repeated.

"...Why you-" Ichigaya was going to speak, but instead crossed her arms and huffed. "Hmph!" then turning her head the other direction.

"Anyway... Why did you ask?" Yamabuki said, glancing at the brunette who was still clutching onto Ushigome.

"I don't know!" Toyama exclaims.

I sighed as I silently took a bite out of my sandwich.

To be honest, though. I had to question why, too. Hanazono suddenly calling her that seemed weird. Are they perhaps adversaries who are completely oblivious of each other?!

Wait... That would make no sense.

[ Later ]

Home economics class just began, and the noises of sewing machines can be heard here and there. Along with the girls' voices.

We are tasked with creating our own bags or pouches at our own workstation. As a one-of-a-kind embellishment, I produced a basic yet functional coin purse with a blue shark stitch on the front.


"Wow, That's pretty cute." Yamabuki commented. I simply responded by smiling to myself proudly.

Huh.. I guess even after all those years. I still have it in me.

"Saaya-chan... help.." Ushigome calls out, to which Yamabuki went to assist her.

Meanwhile, I decided to add a few more stitches here and there... But... What should I add exactly?

Hmm... A flower?..

No... Doesn't fit for the shark... Hm... How about a submarine?


No... I don't think that would fit... There's not much space available for that anyway.

Hmm.... I could make a wavy line here above the shark to make it look like it's under water... Yeah, I should do exactly just that!

As I started stitching that section of my pouch. It took me at least several minutes to complete.

Lo and behold!


"Hey, Katsuhiko-san. Do you ever considered trying to make clothes?" Yamabuki asks me.

"Hm? What made you say that?" I asked back

"Oh, I was only thinking, if any of us are capable of stitching anything like this, wouldn't that suggest we might gradually gain a competence at manufacturing clothes?"

I shook my head in response. "Hm... I'm not sure I can answer that... Though, I feel like I've heard something similar to a buddy of mine back then who's extremely talented at designing clothes and the like."

"Woah, really?" She said with surprise and amazement. "Who is this friend of yours back then?"





"Oh, sorry... I can't answer that question too..." I said as I chuckled sheepishly.

"Why's that?"

"Personal reasons." Please stop probing this subject any further. I implore you not to.

"Okay then." She said with a smile. Causing me to sigh in relief.

Why was she asking me these questions anyway? Maybe it was to hold a short conversation?

I suppose that was the case, i guess...

"Finished." Yamabuki said as she held out her simple neat green bag to our field of view.

"W- wait!! Ugh.. There's not enough material!" Toyama said in complaint and frustration. Looking towards her side of the table, she still haven't finished her own bag.

. . .

Wait... What kind of bag is she actually trying to make??

"A guitar bag?" Ushigome said. Seeing as there's a cloth underneath Toyama's guitar case.

"A bag for a bag? Such things exists?" I said whilst having a confused expression plastered on my face.

"Uh huh!" Toyama-san nodded with her thumbs up.

"But.. You already have a guitar case." Ushigome pointed out.

"It's a bag for my case!" Toyama said with a wink.

I wasn't sure if I'm able to understand why she needs something so... unnecessary...

"Time's up everyone." The teacher declares. "Everyone, start cleaning up."


"WHAT?!" Toyama exclaimed in disbelief.

"Toyama-san and Hanazono-san, you'll have to stay behind and finish the rest of your work." The teacher said.

I glanced to the other girl mentioned by surprise since it was Hanazono. The weird girl from earlier and the same girl who called Toyama a weirdo.

Well, since I'm already done with mine. I guess I'm free to leave as well like the rest. Seeing as they are all starting to leave the room after tidying up their area.

Before I could follow behind. I felt a hand grabbing my shoulder. I turned around to see who it is. And it happens to be Toyama herself.

"...what?" I let out.

"Can you stay?" She asked meekly with pleading eyes.

"Uhh... why exactly??"

"I need help!!" She said loudly while pulling me back and forth.

"H- Hey..!! This is your problem! Can't you do it yourself? And plus, the teacher might get mad!"

"But I can't do this all alone, Katsuhiko-chaaan!!~"

"And I don't want to get in trouble! Okay?!" I firmly said.

Just then, we noticed our teacher looking inside of the classroom. And as she notices me, she asks. "Natsuki-san? Why are you still here?"

Now how am I going to get out of this...

"Well.. You see... uh.."

"Sensei, Can Katsuhiko-chan stay?"

"W- Wait what?! Toyama!!" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"Hm? Why?" The teacher asks.

"I simply need some guidance from him about what I should not be doing when it comes to sewing." Toyama responded confidently. I only gave her a frustrated gaze.

"Seriously...?" I muttered in response. I glanced over to our teacher, hoping that she would disapprove of this idea. Which I highly bet she would, considering that-

"Oh, That's all? Alright then, he's allowed to stay."

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed in utter shock and disbelief.

What in the world!?

"Natsuki-san, I want you to look after them for me. And make sure that they don't end up goofing off." The teacher says. "I'll be off. Take care now."

"Ughhh...." I lightly slumped as I groaned. Whatever did I do to deserve this...?

I looked at Toyama. Who seems to be oblivious of my internal frustration as she was smiling at me innocently. "Let's just get this over with..."

"Right!" Toyama replied with enthusiasm.

I believe I understand where this is headed. All I'm going to do is do all of the work for her as she sits next to me and watches. I'll even wager my entire life on it.

[ A Few Moments Later ]

. . .

Well I guess I'm wrong...

She's here carefully snipping through the cloth with the line I marked with the tailor's wax. Toyama's a nice girl. I shouldn't have forgotten that... Yet, why did I make that assumption in the first place??

Stress? I guess??

Ugh.. I hate myself for that...

The sun was nearly setting as the orange golden hues encircled the entire space. The sun was also visible through the window, with its rays of light barely discernible through the glass pane.

Apart from the noises of scissor snipping and wax marking, there was nothing but simple silence.

I took notice of Toyama sneaking a glance towards Hanazono, and to which the latter did the same. Toyama quickly averted her eyes as she continues to focuse working on her bag.

"Try not to get distracted, please." I said to her.

"...ehehe, sorry about that." Toyama said with an embarrassed smile on her face.

And thus, we continue on.

We decided to take a little break after only a few minutes. By the looks of it... We're still not even halfway through... We haven't stitched the whole thing together yet and have only started with the embellishments.

Idea? In courtesy of Toyama Kasumi herself.

Just then, I noticed Toyama fidgeting as she eyed her guitar case.

"No." I sternly said, knowing too well where she's going with this.

"Aww... Just for a little bit?" She said.

"I promised sensei that I will make sure you don't do anything that doesn't involve sewing."

"But Katsuhiko-chan!! It's just for a little while! Pleaaase??~~" She held my shoulders pleadingly. "It'll be real quick. I promise!" Toyama stared at me with teary eyes

Normally I wouldn't give in to this. But I guess I'll just give her a chance since she says she'll be quick with it. "Alright alright! I'll give you five minutes minutes!"

"Six!" Toyama said.

"Four." I subtracted.




"Five seconds." I sternly said.

"EHHH??!!? B- But that's too quick!!" She complained.

"We're wasting more time the more we argue about this." I sternly said, arms crossed. "Besides, why would I give you ten minutes?"

"Okay, fine! Five minutes!" she decided.

"One." I jokingly said.

"Katsuhiko-chaan!!" She cried out. Shaking me back and forth.

"I'm just messing with ya." I said with a chuckle.

". . . Meanie..." She pouts at me cutely.

It honestly feels good to tease her like this.

. . .

. . .

No no no. That sounded wrong... Perish the thought! Katsuhiko Natsuki!!!

With given permission, Toyama took Random Star out of it's guitar case. Strapping it around her shoulder, she looked to me and began to smile followed with a giggle.

I bet she's gonna play what I think she's gonna play. I would more likely to bet everything I have to prove that I am right.

"Ki-ra Ki-ra Hi-ka-ru,"

If I have a nickle for everytime she plays that... Then Uhh.. I guess I'll have a few?

"O-so-ra-no Ho-shi-yo"


"Ki-ra Ki-ra Hi-ka-.. Oh," Toyama stopped when she mistakingly played the wrong fret.

"Don't hold any frets for the last note." I said to her as I rested my head on top of my palm.

"Got it!" Toyama nodded before shifting her position. "Yosh!.. Ki-ra Ki-ra Hi-..."

"Hey." Hanazono calls out from behind her-

wait since when did she get there!?

"Wha-!?" Toyama exclaims, leaning back in surprise, which causes her to fall from her chair. "AH!!"


"You okay?" I questioned as I bent over the table to check on her. She simply nodded in response. "uh... hey?" I spoke to the other girl in question.

"Hey." She replied. Before pointing a finger to Toyama. "Did she see a bug or something?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"WHAT?! A BUG?!" Toyama yells as she jumped and latched onto me.

"W- Wha.. HEY!!" I let out as I try to deal with her weight.

"What?! Where?!?" Hanazono scurries away from the scene and walks right up to us. When I feel extra weight pushing against my back, my arms immediately weary.

"H- Hanazono-san... Not you too...." I groaned.

Please reconsider that you're piling yourselves on someone as small as me..!!!

It took a while for the girls to calm down. Then, seconds later, they discovered a guitar pick on the floor, which I believe was their claim of being a bug.

Both of them sighed with relief. Including myself, as I was finally free of their weight.

"Thank goodness..." Toyama uttered.

"You didn't have to jump on me..." I chided. To which she simply chuckles abashedly.

"Are you scared of bugs?" Hanazono asks.

"I don't have a problem with ants and stuff..." The brunette sheepishly said.

"Even the flying ones?" Hanazono said, whilst picking up the pick she found on the floor.

"What? Ants can fly!?" Toyama exclaimed. Before casting a questioning glance in my direction.

"Some ants can fly.." I respond, to which she shows a grimace look.

"Really?! Gross!!"

We were later then interrupted when the door to this room slides open, revealing the same teacher from earlier.

"Are you two finished?" she asks, looking at the two girls who are supposed to be working on their project.

"Ah." Were the only things they could utter from their mouths.

The teacher then turned to face me and said, "Make sure they finish," before leaving.

I sighed and turned to face the two girls, primarily Toyama. "Breaks over," I said sternly, eliciting a couple of sighs from the two. Slowly as they walk back to their own work stations.

. . .

We kept working. Sounds of our scissors snipping resounded within the rather calm and seemingly quiet classroom.

I turned to check on Toyama to see if she's done with her part. But I caught her making a pause to look at her guitar. "Focus." I spoke to grab her attention.

"R- Right!" She shook her head as she continues to work.

Then, we carry on. Silence filled the room, but for the sound of loud scissor snipping it continues to resound.

Our focus was suddenly diverted when we heard an audible guitar strum. We raised our heads to see where it came from. And there it came from the other girl here. Who paused from her work to fiddle with her guitar.

Hanazono sat on her chair whilst tuning her blue electric guitar.

I turned my attention towards Hanazono's table. And there I noticed that she still hasn't finished nor has even started on her work...

"Woah! It's blue! So cool!" Toyama said in excite- Hey!! Get back here!

Hanazono merely gave her a smiling stare. While Toyama pulls out Random Star from her bag once more.

"Toyama-san!" I called out. But she didn't listen. To which I sighed in frustration.

Thanks for ignoring me, I reaaally do appreciated the given sentiment.

Toyama raised her guitar confidently over Hanazono's line of sight while grinning. Hanazono observes her and the instrument while maintaining a neutral expression, the room remaining silent the entire time.

. . .

. . .

. . .


"I'm not a weirdo!!" Toyama responded to Hanazono's remark.

"That's what they say about people who play random stars." Hanazono stated.

"They do?" Toyama said.

"Probably from back in the earlier days." I said as I began to rest my arms once again on top of the table. "Like those bands who dress so weirdly just for them to stand out more. I think...??"

"Really...??" Toyama nodded in understanding. "B- But still, I'm not a weirdo!"

"Do you drink?"


"How about smoking? Do you do it daily?"

"Hey, what's with those questions?" I butted in. Their attention turned to me.

. . .

. . .

. . .

"What about you?" Hanazono asks me.

"Does it look like I do?!"

Hanazono eyed the ceiling for a bit followed by a hum, before then answering me. "Yes?"

"Don't answer 'yes' with a question mark!" I exclaimed dryly.

"Do you perhaps do those things, Hanazono-san?" Toyama asks. I turned to Hanazono, suspicious eyes at the actual possibility of her asking the quest-

"I'm a minor, so no."

"Of course..." Both me and Toyama said. Sighing in relief. It doesn't seem to look like Hanazono would do so though... So that's something.

Toyama then began to strum her guitar, showing off to Hanazono despite not being able to hold a chord.

"That sounds off..." Hanazono pointed out.

"Hm? Oh! It's the tuner!" Toyama said, going towards her case as she looks for the tuner. "Hmm... Tuner... Tuner..." Standing back up, now with a tuner placed on her guitar's head stock.

Testing it afterwards by hitting a few notes.

"The peg's too tight." Hanazono pointed out again.


"On the fifth string."

"...The fifth... string..?" Toyama uttered confusedly cocking her head to the side.

Based on this. Hanazono appears to know more about playing the guitar than simply bringing it to show off.

Sorry for that interal insult of mine, Toyama.

. . .

It has been a few minutes and I only sat there watching as Hanazono-san teaching the cat girl the things about the guitar. And by the looks of it, she sure knows it.

"These pegs are used to modify the strings; tighten or loosen them until they're in the tune of your choice," Hanazono said, and Toyama hummed a few times in response, signaling that she... probably understood what she said. "Starting with the smallest string, you've got the first string, the second string, and the third string,"

"One... two... three... for... five..." Toyama went to find a string to tune with.

"Pay attention to your tuner. If you adjust it too much, you can just start over." Hanazono instructed. "It's easier if you start with the deeper sound and tighten it up."

"This is hard..." Toyama said.

"Oh boy.... You guys..." I called out to them once more. But they didn't listen. In which I sighed. They're supposed to continue their work... And yet here they are goofing around with their guitar.

"Oh, do you need my tuner?" Toyama asks as she noticed Hanazono adjusting the peg of her own guitar.

"It's okay, I'll just match my strings to yours."

"Woah! Do you have perfect pitch?!"

"Yeah." Hanazono replied. Wowing her even more. "That was only a joke." She says. Which caused Toyama to chuckle.

It was only for a while that the two sat there with their guitars in hand. Mainly the activity their doing is learning about tuning. The tutor courtesy of Hanazono herself. And because of that, Toyama was starting to get a little more understanding with handling her guitar.

The sounds of their guitar strums was a pleasant thing to hear.

Meanwhile, I am sitting here to continue working on Toyama's guitar bag of sorts... or whatever she may call it.

Of course, I borrowed the guitar case for references in size.

Though it wasn't easy as I was trying to find my way through this. Mainly without the idea of how this bag should actually work.

Straps goes right here... Hm... Does this need an open-close flap?

. . .

Nahh... I don't think so.

Just then I hear Toyama singing twinkle twinkle little star again with her guitar. And she hasn't improved on it. . .

Well she sorta did, but just not as much.

Then, another guitar follows up it's own melody. Beloging to Hanazono's guitar and from what I can hear, it seems to sound like chords for the same song Toyama is playing.

"Wow! You're amazing!" Toyama says with eyes in utter amazement. "How did you do that?!"

"I just kinda did." Hanazono casually says as she shows a smile. "Once you learn the chord, you'll be able to play it too."


"They're harmonies." Hanazono answered as she followed up by giving a few examples of chords.

"A piano!" The brunette said.

"No, it's a guitar."

"No it's music..." I muttered. Our attention turned when we heard the sliding door open.

And oh dear. It looks like we're in trouble...

. . .

We ended up getting scolded. For obvious reasons.

The punishment being was for the two to continue their work after classes.

As for me... I was the one who received most of the reprimands. Specifically, the bit where I did nothing and just watched the two girls play with their musical instruments.

Well... In actual truth, I did try to warn them, but you know what they did?

Yeah... They Ignored me.

Things would be very different if Ichigaya had been present. I'm not the type of person who scolds others by screaming at the top of my lungs. Or perhaps some blackmail... Or physical assaults.

I'm currently on my way home on a tram, accompanied by Toyama and Hanazono. Both of them were solely talking to each other, leaving me as the only one who was silent among the three.

I did get to hear some things about the latter mentioned girl. One of which is how she learned the guitar.

She started learning piano first during her elementary school days. During that time when stumbled upon a room where she saw a woman carrying an electric guitar.

And that's when she had the idea of wanting to learn that instrument as well when she heard it's sound for the first time.

That is as far as my mind could interpret what she says.

This awfully reminds me about the time when Toyama went to that concert from that time. And just from that, she outright declared to form a band herself.

For some reason, that memory feels so fresh in my mind...

"Do you play in a band?" Toyama asked.

"No. I am nowhere near that level yet." Hanazono replied

"Geez, And I'm not even close to the level of your guitar playing..." The brunette says with a frustrated sigh.

"You always were." I pointed out

"Mou, Katsuhiko-chan! That's mean!" Toyama said with a pout.

"That's okay." Hanazono spoke. "It's fine as long as you're having fun... People who enjoy playing guitar, play."

You mean, you only have to like playing the instrument, is that what you meant?" I asked, in which Hanazono nodded in agreement.

"Yeah!" Toyama says in agreement.

The Tram door opened at its stop. To which indicates that this is where Hanazono will drop off. She got out of the Tram and was about to leave.

"O-Tae!" Toyama called her out, to which Hanazono turns her head. "See you later!" Toyama says as she waved her hand.

Hanazono waved back, slowly as the tram door closes itself.

"O-Tae?" I said to her, obviously questioning that nickname she gave of her.

"We're friends now, so I decided to give her a nickname!" She happily said.

"Is that so?" I simply gave a soft smile to her gleeful giggling.

[ The Next Day ]

[ Time skip - Lunch Time ]

"It's taking forever..." Toyama sighed in complaint.

"That's what you get when you chose to make something way too big." Ichigaya said.

"If you hadn't been too distracted with that guitar of yours then you would've already finished it by the end of the day." I stated whilst taking another bite out of by Yakisoba bun.

"I heard you were helping her out. Didn't the teacher scold you for that?" The blonde asks

"I got scolded, but that was only the part where I didn't to anything to stop them from getting distracted." I replied, followed by a frustrated sigh. "Now they have to continue on it until they're done."

"Oh... So, she won't be coming today then?"

"Hmm? Do you have something in mind?" Toyama asked.

"E-Eh... N-Never mind that!" The blonde exclaimed, plugging her mouth with a chopstick full.

"I'm getting to know O-tae a lot better, though!"

"Who?" Ichigaya asked.

"She's referring to Hanazono-san from our class." I spoke.

"You mean Tae?" Yamabuki said to which I nod in response.

"O-Tae's making a guitar bag too, like mine! Oh and she's really amazing!" Toyama said, before going on a tangent on how talented Hanazono Tae is.

"Ah, another weirdo then." Ichigaya concluded.

"She's not a weirdo!"

"I dunno. You two do share a lot in common." I said.

"See? Even he agrees." Ichigaya said.

"Ehh?! Not you too Katsuhiko-chan!!" Toyama-san said in utter disbelief."I thought you said I wasn't weird?"

"I said you're not that weird. Which still basically implies that you're still weird regardless." I replied.

"How could you!!" Toyama cried, grabbing my shoulders as she pushed me back and forth.

Seeing as I got used to this, I casually took another bite out of my lunch.

"She works part-time at SPACE, right?" Ushigome pointed out.

"What?" Toyam-san and Ichigaya-san said at the same time.

"Huh?" said Ushigome-san.


"Now that you mention it... I do recall her being there." I replied casually as I nibbled on my bun.

"What?" Toyama, Ichigaya and Ushigome said.

"...huh?" I reacted in confusion to their responses.

[ Later ]

[ Location ] [ Hanasakigawa Girls (?) School: Home Economics Classroom ]

"...are you two being serious..?" I deadpanned as I see the two girls go about it again with their guitar. Leaving me here with Toyama's unfinished work again.

They continue to ignore me right now since they are preoccupied with their conversation. Specifically, the part where Hanazono talks about her part-time job at Live house SPACE.

She doesn't work there everyday, apparently. Given the reason that Owner told her school should be her first priority.

Sighing at this, I picked up Toyama's guitar case... and as well as Hanazono's. While letting the two do their thing.

Since the teacher wasn't here, I had more time to do their assignments than they ever could have done so with themselves.

If you ask as to why I am doing this. I unfortunately do not know why. Maybe perhaps I'm doing this because I have nothing better to do?


[ The Following Day ]

[ Third Person POV ]

"O-Tae tought me some chords yesterday!" Kasumi said, as she, Rimi, Arisa and Katsuhiko were standing nearby the crossing roads. Waiting for the light to go green. "Twinkle Twinkle little star are all major chords, so it's good for beginners!"

"That's great." Rimi commented with a smile. Though the look on her face says she's worried. To which Kasumi didn't notice. "U-Um... How's the EC going?"

"Still not done yet." Kasumi said with a frustrated sigh.

"Figured as much." Arisa spoke.

"Y-You're coming to the warehouse today, right?" Rimi asked hopingly.

Kasumi hummed for a moment before giving an answer. "Until I finish." She said, without noticing Katsuhiko flinching.

"If you finish it." Arisa said, rather sternly.

"Hey, of course I will! It won't take long." Kasumi said in assurance.

"I doubt that." The blonde said, slowly walking away from them along side the male whilst the two following behind. "Oi. Don't tell me you're really doing all of their work for them?" She then asked the male beside her, whom in turn just shrugs.

"I've knitted big bags before, so I'm sure I can." Katsuhiko said with a hint of frustration in his eyes. "Though, that would not mean I would finish it quickly like you wanted it to be considering I am doing two bags at once."

"You should at least scold them for getting distracted instead of being way too nice for your own good." She said. To which Katsuhiko narrowed his eyes at her as he was a little offended by that statement.

"Well forgive me for being such a nice person. I was born this way, thank you very much." He sternly said, walking ahead of her as he sped up his pace.

"..that guy..." The blonde sighs as she shakes her head.

[ Time Skip ]

[ Location ] [ Hanasakigawa Girls (?) School: Home Economics Classroom ]

The same thing happens. The girls went and left their projects on the table with little progress being made while Katsuhiko being the one to continue that progress. Though he was working slow because he had to use his brain to this process to work.

He would ask for help, but like as he expects it, he casually gets ignored.

"For the G chord, you use your middle finger on the sixth string, third fret. And your pointer finger on the fifth string, second fret." Tae instructs Kasumi as Kasumi herself is seen to struggle holding that particular chord. "Now, do your best to play the first string on the third fret with your pinky finger."

"W- What the heck...?".

"Your right hand's a little rough." Tae points out. "Try holding the pick more gently."

"More gently?... Woah!" Kasumi accidentally drops the guitar pick. Causing it to land on top of the table to where Katsuhiko was. Lifting his head up, he then slides the pick back to them.

"Be more careful." He only muttered. Tae picks up the guitar pick and held it between her thumb and pointer finger.

"Bend your pointer finger and hold the pick just like this."

"Won't it fall?" Kasumi asked.

"It won't." Tae said as she gave an example by making a single strum of her guitar.

"Woah... One more time!!"

"Hang on." The noirnette said as she picked up something from her bag. Which are two objects practically in the shape of a cube. "I brought some amps."

"Is that even allowed here...?" Katsuhiko asked with concern.

"Of course!" Tae casually said.

"I doubt that." The male says along with a sigh. "Hey... uh... shouldn't you two be working on these now?"

"We will." Kasumi answered.

"You're not even doing it for the past thirty minutes..."

"That's cuz you've been working on them yourself." Tae pointed out.

"Wh- Thats- Ughh...! I'm doing it because you guys aren't doing it!"

"Then, shouldn't you just leave it there and let us handle it by ourselves?" Tae says.

"But... What if you two will get in trouble?!"

"Uhh Katsuhiko-chan?The teacher hasn't been scolding us anymore so far." Kasumi pointed out.

"...Now that you've mentioned it. It has been almost half an hour now... And she hasn't come by to check on us." Katsuhiko wondered why.

"Actually... she just did." Tae pointed out, causing the two of them to look at her in utter surprise. Uttering an "EH?" at the same time. "She just came by a few minutes ago."

"And you're not worried that you might get in trouble again?"

"I would be lying if I said I'm not. But I'm not all that worried in a way like you do." Tae says, which made Katsuhiko taken aback by her statement.

"You do worry a lot, Katsuhiko-chan."

"I suppose I am..."

"Don't worry, we'll get it done ourselves." Tae smiled at him in assurance.

"Mm! We will!" Kasumi said, whilst gesturing with her fist. "You should take a rest and listen to us play here."

"I can do both, thank you very much." He said as he grabbed another cloth from the table, but later then places it back down. "On second thought... Maybe I should let my mind rest for a moment."

The two of them smiled at him and later then continued with whatever they were doing moments ago.

Of course, it was Tae teaching Kasumi about the basic chords in a guitar. Right now, the latter mentioned is practicing on playing a few chords, the first few that were heard are the chords G and A.

"...oh yeah... those are actually chords for twinkle twinkle little star..." Kastuhiko muttered in a volume only he himself could hear. "Well, at least that's a good thing rather than just holding one fret for each note."

Meanwhile, their bespectacled teacher came by again to check on them. Seeing as they were still doing the same thing.

However, she seemed to have a gentle smile upon the sight.

. . .

[ The Next Day ]

[ First Person POV ] [ Katsuhiko ]

I'm sitting here with the girls again today, close to where we regularly eat our lunch.

I eat the same bun I had yesterday while listening to Toyama talk about what she and Hanazono did yesterday. It was mostly about the chords she learnt and Hanazono bringing those amps.

While she's on about that. I took notice of Ichigaya. And it looked like she's upset about something.

"Hearing that, It doesn't seem to sound like you want to finish your project at all and will more likely let Katsuhiko-san here do the work for you." Yamabuki said, causing me to choke from my meal.

"Of course I do! I was also helping Katsuhiko-chan while he does the same!" She defended in a way that makes sense.

"Kasumi-chan.." Ushigome began. "Um... once your project is finished, will you come practice at the warehouse again? It's actually not the same without you. Right, Arisa-chan?"

"I don't care.." Ichigaya's tone of voice literally answers my suspicion of her being upset.

And the look on Toyama's face shows that she's oblivious of that fact.

"Oh! O-Tae!!" Toyama got up from her seat, waving towards her friend as she ran towards her general direction.

"Wa-Wait! Kasumi-chan!" Ushigome called out but sadly fall on deaf ears.

I turned to the blonde, now having the need to say something. "You're mad, aren't you?"

"W-What? No I am not! Why would I be upset?!"

"The way you act is way different compared to how you usually were."

"I agree with him." Yamabuki nodded. "Is there somethin-"

"Nothing's wrong." Ichigaya immediately declines to answer truthfully as she stand up from her seat as she leaves.

Toyama saw her but was apparently ignored by the blonde. And from that moment of interaction is when I notice Toyama finally knowing what's up with Ichigaya.

"That girl..." I sighed

"I guess you should tell Kasumi about it." Yamabuki suggested. To which I do plan on doing regardless.

"Arisa-chan even bought a keyboard..." Ushigome pointed out.

"Huh, is that why she was upset? Because Ichigaya went out of her way to buy a keyboard?" I replied in surprise.

"I noticed that you don't go there often, Natsuki-san." Ushigome pointed out.

"Hm... I dunno. I have nothing to contribute...?"

"You can just cheer them on." Yamabuki said.

"I suppose so..?" I said whilst with a wry smile. "Anyways... I have to prepare for later so... See ya' I guess?" I said, waving my hand at them as I slowly walk away.

. . .

[ Time skip ]

[ Location ] [ Hanasakigawa Girls (?) School: Home Economics Classroom ]

We're finally done. . .

Looking at the piece of work we did, I began to contemplate some things. One part is how the bag looks like... It looks cute, actually. And it comes with a strap at the back, making it act as if it's a back pack.

I take a comfortable seat next to our workstation and listen to their guitar play once again. Toyama was the one playing this time, singing her favorite song.

I took notice of how dejected her tone seems to be. With the guitar barely making any audible melody.

She stopped there and earns her an applaud from Hanazono... And me as a plus.

. . .

. . .

"Hey..." I said, grabbing her attention even though she didn't bother turning her head to me. "Ichigaya-san and Ushigome-san were expecting you to come over and practice... But you didn't... And that somehow made Ichigaya-san upset... Mostly to you."

She didn't say anything, except nodding her head.

"Look... It's not too late," I said. "You've done you're project here. Go there and apologize!"

"But... What if she's really angry at me that she wouldn't even forgive me!"

"Well, you won't know until you try!" I said to her sternly, "And if she ever does turn you down, I'm gonna talk some senses into her until she forgives you! I'll even go as far as to fully her until she relents! Now go!" I exclaimed, my hand gesturing towards the door.

She perked her head up and showed me a determined expression. Nodding her head, she picks up her guitar and bag before leaving the room.

But it wasn't until she turned to me, looking like she wants to say something to me.

"Thank you." She said with a smile before rushing out of the classroom.

. . .

. . .

"...thank you?" I repeated her words. "..w-what did I even do anyways? I barely even said anything motivational."

"Maybe it's the part where you say that you will talk some senses into Ichigaya-san if ever she won't forgive Kasumi."

Woah, I forgot that you were still here.

"..I- Is it?" I replied with sheepish smile. "Though, I would seriously do that. I just hate seeing people cry after realizing what they have done unintentionally..."

"That's nice of you to do." Hanazono suddenly said.

"I guess?" I muttered.

Hanazono then got up from her seat and walked towards the door. "Say, wanna walk together?"

"..sure?" I said, though I felt a bit skeptical and reluctant about her invitation.

Grabbing my bag, I then followed Hanazono-san from behind. Walking down the halls that leads towards the exit of this premises.

. . .

As we walked down the seemingly quiet halls. I turned to Hanazono who had a composed demeanor and a gentle casual smile.

She made a sideway glance when she noticed me staring at her. I diverted my eyes momentarily.

"So, how's being the only guy here so far?" She asked me casually. "You haven't been bullied, have you?"

"Aside from being reminded of how short I am... No. I think the girl's here aren't that bad." I said. Truthfully as I recall the times I interacted most of my schoolmates. They were overall casual and nonchalant about my presence.

"Well that's good. And here I thought you'd be having a hard time."

Aside from reaching high places... Then yeah...

"How do you and Kasumi get along?" She asks me.

"We... just did?" I responded. "I mean, she is easy to get along with once you get to know her. Sure she can be troublesome at times, but it's not all too bad."

Hanazono nods. "She has that positive vibe in her. I love how she's still passionate about learning music, regardless of how she struggles with it."

"As long as you are passionate about it, then you'd obviously work hard to achieve it." I said. "Toyama's goal is to create a band. So she need to follow a few steps in order to do so."

"Is that so?" Hanazono said, glancing to me. "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Do you plan on joining her band?"

I shook my head. "That's not gonna happen. I think I'll only go as far as to support her and the band that she promises to create."

"Then you'd technically still be a part of it if that's the case." Hanazono said.


"Oh look, we're outside now." Hanazono pointed out. "Wanna come with me?"

"Where to??"

. . .

[ Third Person POV ]

[ Location ] [ Ichigaya Residence: Warehouse ]

Kasumi herself was outside of the closed door. Knocking as she called for her friend. "Arisa! Arisa! It's me Kasumi!" She shouted, visible tears were in her eyes.

Only a few moments, the door opens slightly. Revealing an irate Arisa Ichigaya behind the door. "You're disturbing the neighbourhood."

"Arisa, I'm sorry! Did I do something wrong?"

"It's fine-" Arisa was about to close the door.

"W- Wait! Let me in!" Kasumi said as she held the two doors open.

. . .

. . .

"You broke our pact."

"What?" Kasumi said.

"We said that we'd eat lunch together, but you ran off. We said that we'd practice at my house, but you didn't come. . ."

. . .

. . .

"I'm sorry..." Kasumi muttered. From the other side, she heard Arisa walking away.

Which she assumes that she didn't accepted her apology.

Slowly walking away while saddened by the outcome of her attempt to make amends.

At least that's what she thought as Kasumi looked up when she immediately heard the warehouse door opening.

Turning around, tears were forming on her eyes when she sees Arisa standing in front of the open door.

Avoiding Kasumi's gaze. Not to mention. "Your penalty is treating me to lunch and dessert starting tomo-"

"Arisa!!!" Kasumi said aloud as she hugged the blonde girl. Seeing as Arisa actually accepted her apology.

"W- Wait! I didn't say you can come in yet!!" Of course, there is that about her.

. . .

It was only for a moment, the two came down towards Arisa's room. Greeted by Rimi Ushigome from downstairs, Kasumi then saw the keyboard Arisa bought.

Rimi told her that she planned on getting the money to buy that keyboard by selling her bonsai plant, Tonegawa.

However, she remembered the quantity of money she earned during that auction with that guitar. So instead, she used a few half a quarter of the amount she had earned.

Arisa then shows off her keyboard to Kasumi.

While Arisa feels a little proud. Kasumi shows the expression of utter amazement.

Behind the two, Rimi flashes a smile upon seeing the two make up.

Kasumi then looks around for a bit before asking. "Does Katsuhiko-chan come here too?"

Arisa widens her eyes a bit upon the question. "Him? Actually... No... He doesn't."

"But, Arisa-chan here did invited him that one time." Rimi pointed out.

"Well that's cuz it feels a little lonely with only the two of us being here." Arisa said, arms crossed. "In the end, he didn't come here. Which I'm honestly upset about..."

"But he will come if you ask nicely! I'm sure of it!"

"I did ask him nicely." Arisa replied.

"That's hard to believe because you're sometimes rude to him!" Kasumi said while pouting.

"I- I wasn't being rude!" Arisa retorted with a tinge of red visible on her cheeks.

"Yeah you were!"



Rimi from behind, smiled nervously this time seeing as the two were fighting. Though, at least not in a bad way.

. . .

After having a bit of a practice session in Arisa's room, The three decided to take a break. Mainly Arisa planning to invite them to dinner.

But before they were about to enter the house. Aside from Arisa's grandmother, They were greeted by another person present sitting in front of the table. Casually indulging the meal she was offered.

It was none other than Hanazono Tae herself.

"Dinner's ready." Arisa's Grandmother beckons.

"Wow, it's really good!" Tae expresses with a smile.

"You think so? That's good." The woman then turned to the other person present aside from Tae herself. He sat rather quietly at the corner. "Young man, why don't you join her?"

"I'll pass... thank you very much." Katsuhiko said politely while raising a palm.

"What are you two doing here?!" Arisa exclaims

"I followed her here." Katsuhiko answered, whilst pointing at Tae.

"And I followed Kasumi here." Tae said, pointing at Kasumi.

"You never told me that specifically..." Katsuhiko deadpans.

"Eh!? Without me noticing?" Kasumi said with a dumbfounded expression. "That's so cool! I didn't know you could do that!"

"Maybe it's because you weren't paying attention." Katsuhiko stated. "Oh, and it seems that you two have made up."

From what he said, Tae stared at the two girls briefly with a straight face.

"W- What?" The blonde asks.

"Good for you two." Tae said with a smile forming on her face.

"Says who!?"

"In all honesty, I was half-expecting you to reject her apology." Katsuhiko said. Which left Arisa confused by that.

"He was going to bully you if you don't." Kasumi simply said.

"WHAT?! BULLY?!" Arisa exclaimed.

"Not bully, I was more likely gonna scold you." He said while leaning his back against the wall.

"Seconds please." Says Hanazono Tae as she gives the bowl to the old woman.

"Here you go." Arisa's grandmother says, giving her another bowl of rice.

"Thank you."

"Oh! I wanna eat too!" Kasumi said, stepping inside, happily joining the Hanazono girl as well.

"Hah?" Arisa said in disbelief, seeing as she had one conclusion to this. "Ugh!! Now there are two Kasumis!?" She exclaims in disbelief.

"Arisa-chan. Take it easy." Rimi said in attempt to calm her down.

"Likely what I had in mind." Katsuhiko said with a light chuckle.

. . .

[ Later ]

[ First Person POV ] [ Katsuhiko ]

Taking a ride inside the Tram, I let out an exasperated sigh after the events that had transpired. I now get to see how these girls' wear their guitar case bag thing... or whatever they may call it.

I bet that one day, the bottom part will tear off. Considering how heavy that case is for that more or less thin piece of cloth.

"The three of you are performing at the cultural festival?" I heard Hanazono say, which got my attention.

"Oh? Why didn't you guys tell me you were going to perform?" I asked.

"That's cuz you didn't ask!" Toyama said to me, to which I rolled my eyes in response.

"Arisa's playing Keyboard, Rimi-rin's playing bass and I'll be on the guitar."

"A Three-piece." Says Hanazono.

"Three-piece?" Toyama said cluelessly.

"It means a band with three players." Hanazono explains briefly.

"It sounds Kinda cute." Toyama said...

Typical Toyama-san. This girl..

"I look forward to seeing you guys." Hanazono says with a gentle smile. Momentarily before we were engulfed by silence.

. . .

. . .

I kinda liked this silenc-


-I hate you both.

"Hm?" Hanazono turned to her.

"You should consider joining our band!" Toyama said. I sorta seen this coming. "I want to play together! Hearing you play your guitar makes my heart race! If we both play together, It'll be even more exciting! Now that our Home EC project is over..."

. . .

"...Okay then, let's play again some time." Hanazono accepts the invitation. Amazing how this girl recruited another member to her band so quickly.

"Really?!" Toyama-san said in utter excitement.

"I don't know about the cultural festival, though." Hanazono added.

"Yaay!!" The brunette said in relief. "Once we play at the cultural festival, we can then audition!"

"What?" Me and Hanazono-san said simultaneously.

"What do you mean, Audition? To what and where?" I asked.

"I haven't told the others about this yet, but we're gonna audition to play at Space!"

"Huh?! Audition at Space?!" I exclaimed in both surprise and disbelief. "And you didn't even bother to tell Ushigome-san and Ichigaya-san?!"

"It's suppose to be a surprise." Toyama said, sheepishly whilst rubbing the back of her head.

"That's too soon, you know...?" I muttered slightly forming a wry smile.

"I was told that we're not allowed to perform there unless we pass." Toyama said. "The owner got mad at me the other day when I walked out of the stage."

"Yeah, considering that stunt you've pulled. Of course you'll get scolded. Mainly by Owner herself." I said to her.

"Even so, Everything looked so sparkly from up on the stage, my heart was racing! That's why I want to play live at Spac-"

"That's impossible." Hanazono said.

"Huh?" Toyama turned to her with a confused expression plastered on her face while Hanazono displayed a serious one.

"I don't think that's possible." She said. Making Toyama widen her eyes.

. . .

[ To be continued ]

[ Up Next ! ] [ Episode 5 - Heart Racing! ]

Word Count: 8, 615 words