
Balance: The last hope

Omar_Haka · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Hunter Society

The Forest

The sun slowly vanished from the top of the sky and the wind was blowing harder than ever. Abin tried to find his brother with a plan. His only hope was going to Asia City because he might figure out something from Haku, a famous soldier. While he was walking his way, he finally found the Millennial Forest. Shortly after entering the forest, Abin heard something closing up from behind. He turned his head, as a human silhouette made his way up to him. The man was bigger than Abin and covered with weapons from head to mouth.

It didn't scare Abin. Indeed, he always wanted to be like the brave warriors, able to handle any weapon, strong enough wearing armor like it is paper. He tried not to grin over the person who caught his attention and slowed down until the man reached him, but he didn't really know how to greet the stranger.

He ended up walking next to the foreigner for a bigger while. Not one of them said a word until the stranger broke the silence. "My name is Hector,from Europe City.", he introduced himself to Abin, who now also talked. "My name is Abin, I am 16 years old and I come from the same town as you. Nice to meet you Hector!" They shook hands with each other.

"It is a pleasure to meet you too, Abin",Hector said, "so what are you here for?"

"I'm going to Asia, city, to look for something important," Abin answered.

"I was on my way to Asia City also," said the bigger man, "my destination is a little church just on the path you have to take. The hunters use it as a little base. We could travel together."

When Abin heard this, he got the feeling Hector could help him to find Haku. "Oh, Hector, if you have contact with hunters, do you actually know where the military bases are? I am searching for a man named Haku!"

"I know him, but actually Haku is a soldier, whilst I'm part of the hunters' society. I never got a chance to talk to him, but I heard he's the strongest soldier in the army. He is famous more for his knowledge than his power." Abin missed the point. If hunters were no soldiers, he couldn't figure out what hunters were.

The Human society

"What are the hunters and the soldiers and what's different between them?", Abin asked.

"So you're not familiar with the major history of global politics?" Hector wondered, a little surprised about this. He thought every child would have heard the stories about how everything came to be.

"No, I have no idea," said Abin.

"The story began with the creation of humanity several years ago. The first humans were different from us. They were the Titans. Titans were like us, but bigger, stronger and cleverer than us. The first two titans were Eva and Adam, followed by their siblings. But Eva and Adam got married and had two sons, which they named Abel and Cain. They were great brothers. Abel and Cain always stayed with each other and played together. They weren't just fighting like ordinary brothers. Abel loved Cain just as much as Cain loved Abel, but it didn't last very long. Cains mind became darker and darker over the years. He wanted to become the king Bolt, who ruled over the world..."

While Hector was still talking, Abin interrupted. "Why did he have a dark side? How could that happen?"

Hector looked up at the sky. "No one knows, Abin. The one thing we know is that Cain has become dark. It's normal, Nobody cares when people slowly become dark and become monsters, until from darkness overwhelmed people start fighting society and the ordinary see that they're no longer safe. Anyway, people know that something was wrong with Cain, but no one started worrying about him. He never mentioned anything to Abel, because he wasn't an open and outgoing man. Cain just started making projects of dictatorship and eventually, they started a war - Cain against Abel. They were responsible for the first murders in history, even ended each other, but their followers still continued to fight for them, like they are still here to lead them.

So that's how this world got split in half about dictatorship and democracy. Cain's supporters created the country of dictatorship, Abel created the democratic country."

"What? I asked you about the difference between hunters and soldiers!" Abin said in a bewildering voice.

"I'm going to explain it now, but I need you to bear with me.", Hector went on. "When Cain fought Abel, they went into this fight using their followers as soldiers. So soldiers did fight with either Abels or Cains idea of a country in mind. But during the war not everybody was a part of this. Some people decided to make their own team and they were not on any side. These people are known as Hunters. For political reasons, the hunters began working with the soldiers who were on Abels side and defended democracy, but those Hunters are still not the same team as Abels soldiers."

The sky started to turn dark and the sun seemed to escape from the sky. The stars became awake and the moon began to shine like never before, trying to bring some light through the leaves upheld by trees of the forest. The shadows of the night began to control the forest, when Abin and Hector started camping. Even though it was hard to see, they decided to cook. Both were really hungry once dinner was ready, they finished it in no time, before going to bed.

The Church

Abin looked around. The sky became bright blue as the light won the battle against the tree crowns and almost hurt his eyes. The stars and moon were long gone to sleep, but awake was a number of birds who all started singing. Nature was vast and filled with beautiful things that made Abin feel much better and much more awake than waking up in his little, narrow room at home. The beauty of nature seemed immortal, endless and everlasting. These days wouldn't come all the time, but when they did, he stood back and realized how beautiful life was.

Hector woke from his light sleep and started to make breakfast. They took their time to eat and clean up after them before continuing their journey to Asia City. As they were walking through the forest, Abin saw many interesting animals. They weren't scared of the men, but that probably meant they hadn't met many people.

It took them an hour before Abin spotted an opening between the trees, allowing the sun to shine on a bigger stone.

"What is that thing?", he asked Hector.

"This statue embodies the God of Neutrality. He is said to control the balance of the universe."

"So, is that real?", said Abin

"There is no proof of his existence, so I don't believe in him.", Hector answered.

The church Hector wanted to visit was only a short walk away. He mentioned to Abin, he only needed to get a smaller talk done and it wouldn't take long. The building became bigger and bigger the closer they went and a lingering feeling of uncertainty made Abin's chest feel heavy. This church was old and very obscure, the sinister environment made it look everything but safe. Hector went in to meet somebody, who was already waiting. He was very old and had white hair like snow. Even from far, Abin could see his skin looking like leather stretched over his pointy bones. His eyes were very dark and his lips were like little worms. He had a very small face with many wrinkles. He sensed the presence of Hector and started speaking in a hoarse voice:

"Good afternoon, my dear hunter. Good that you found your way to this place again."

"I am here to discuss my renunciation of hunter status. I've been away from my family for ten years. I have children and a wife waiting for me. I miss them a lot. As of lately, it is so difficult to accomplish anything without them. I want to be with my family from now on.", Hector answered in a rushed manner.

Abin could easily see Hector's pain and sorrow, whilst the old man either felt nothing or decided to hide his compassion.

"I can force nobody to stay, but I do have a final request.", the old man said, after thinking about it. "It also is urgent. In the West of the Asia city, there is a larger village and it got occupied by foreign monsters. They're not very strong, but most other hunters are very busy and you're one of the few not on the mission. People there are barely holding on against the monsters with the few fighters they have and the village is not under protection of the military. I want you to solve the problem as a final assignment and then I'll decide to remove the hunter status from you."

Hector accepted the assignment. He imagined this to be harder… He told the old man goodbye and decided to try and bring Abin along with him.

"You accompany me to protect the village and I'll send you to Haku before I go back to the church.", he promised after explaining the mission. "I give you my word. Everything will be all right. I'll go see my family and you'll find Haku."

Abin smiled, if they hurried up, he would get to fight alongside a hunter and meet a famous person within one day. He knew the basics of fighting but never went on any missions. Without hesitation he followed Hector to the village in West Asia City.

The last mission

When they first came to the village, Abin and Hector found a lot of dead people with simple weapons on the streets. The buildings were very large and there was not much light for clear vision. Abin started looking for signs of life everywhere, but that didn't turn out very successful. After walking around for a while, they found somebody. This was a different hunter. His clothes were of the same kind as Hectors, but darker. He must have killed a lot of people, since his armor was drenched in blood and his foot stood on a womans head. He took out his weapon and slashed her head off. sliced it. Cut it slowly as he enjoyed it. Made the skull bone not being a match for his sharp sword. He finally saw Abin and Hector and recognized the hunter. With a smile on his lips he said:

"What are you doing here Hector? Are you here to enjoy your bloodshed? Are you here to enjoy yourself? I need to know because I am a guardian and have the mission to not let ordinary people into the city."

Hector bit his lip. "I am here to finish the mission. Our master said that I will complete this mission and that I will finally no longer be part of the Hunter organization. I have to save lives and kill these monsters. - Said Hector

-Really? Will you quit this party soon? - said The hunter

-I want to spend time with my family. I'm really missing them. - said Hector

"Have they missed you, but are they missing you?" This "family" dislikes you. They don't care about you.

The only family you have is the Hunter Society. - said The Hunter

Albion doesn't know what he's talking about.

"Why do they hate you," said Abin.

"You didn't mention anything about that Hector." Let me explain this to you, kiddo. Hector is one of the greatest Hunters. He killed over 25,000 people and completed over 1,500 assignments. Hector's family didn't like it and they don't want Hector at home. His wife doesn't think they ought to have a father like him.

Abin's getting really confused. How a guy like Hector kill more than 25,000 people. He seems to be doing great. To Abin, he was one of the best people he had ever encountered.

He stares at Hector and says, Why?

"I just enjoyed killing people. I was just enjoying myself. "Said Hector, but I want to see my family." I miss them so much. Mr. Alexander, allow me to finish the job. I'm not interested in hunter stuff.

"Sorry, my good friend. I can't let a person of full potential and talent waste their gifts. "Alexandre, if you'd like to go, fight me."

That hunter was very maniac for power, knowledge and status. He always wants to appreciate blood with someone more powerful.

Hector shows his sword without thinking and Alexander starts to attack, but he wastes slowly for Hector. He cut off Alexanders' arm with no mercy. Alexandre had another sword in another hand and they fight very quickly. Alexandre was very quick, but too slow for Hector. He chopped off another arm of Alexanders as well.

- Any final thoughts? - said Hector

"I would like to say something. Blood is the most important part of your body. Otherwise, no organ will work. The same goes for our life without ambitious, our life will become like a bloodless body. - Said Alexander

He laughed as hard as Abin closed her ear. Hector chopped his head off without thinking.

"What's that supposed to mean?" said Abin.

"I have no idea." - Said Hector.

Hunter's Personality

Albion and Hector start poking around the city until they see a group of people. They could hear somebody wearing weird clothes. Hector seems to be familiar with this person.

"He's called Callidus and he teaches engineering. The person you're looking at is the worst person in the Hunter Company. He had killed more than 100,000 people in war, torture and experimentation of a lot of people for his research. It would come as no surprise to me that he killed more than 150,000 people. Callidus is a very intelligent but very feeble fighter. - Said Hector

Abin started looking at this guy more closely and heard what he was saying.

- Women and gentlemen. I'm here to tell you about the monsters that brought down the city. These monsters are enemies of the Lord. The devil builds them to destroy god's creatures. We are going to win that battle, we are going to win because God is on our side. Amin. - Said Callidus. - I think everybody should have weapons and struggle with the name of the god, the name of the new generation and the name of this town.

They go to church looking for weapons to fight demons. Callidus got into church. Hector orders Abin to join him in the church. They started from the top of the buildings and jumped on the roof of the church. Abin and Hector went to church and met Callidus with some kid. The child was praying to Callidus.

"My master," said the boy, "but Callidus chopped off his leg." The boy started to weep and said, Why my dear master.

"What's the matter?" said Callidus.

"Excuse me for asking the master," said the boy.

"The only way to apologize is if you eat your leg," said Callidus.

The baby begins to eat his leg without complaining to his master. Callidus sliced her head off. He picks up her head and eats her face. Abin felt very frightened, but very angry as well.

The professor begins by looking at the images of Jesus and says:

My dear creation or as some say the Lord. Can you hear our praying? Because tonight, you'll be praying for us. Human revelation will become on an equal footing with a god. My dear Neutra, do you fear us? I think you do. I think you're afraid because your design is killing you. My dear God, the time had come. Tonight, the universe is about to change sides.

Callidus starts laughing real hard. He laughs like the crow. His face was all bloody and his clothes was all bloody. He takes the body of the child and starts speaking with Jesus painting and saying: Ahhhh, Dear God. You did the right thing. The night is nearly over. I will kill you, and you will die, forget that reality, and never realize that there is such a thing. You'll be free and you'll get a better dream"

Hector and Abin tied him down, but he dodged them. Abin show his sword to kill, but Hector stoned him. Callidus has a strange weapon, but everyone knows he doesn't know how to use it.

"Have you heard of that weapon, Hector?" - Said Callidus. This comes from the first hunter

. The creator of our society. Hunters should go after the beast, not people.

-Indeed, you are the beast. People like you always think of themselves. They do anything to fulfill their dreams, even for that purpose sacrifice the lives of people and their important things. - Said Hector

-Quite surprised to say by someone who is a murderer. - Said Callidus.

Hector holds up his second sword. His sword is large and dark as a night. It is composed of a metal blade varying in length, width and configuration, but longer than a dagger and equipped with a handle or a handle usually equipped with a protector. Hector punched Callidus in the face, but he's ducking it with his sword. Callidus tries to use his second sword which he hid in his pocket, but Abin grabs him and Hector hits Callidus with his left leg. Hector crashed out of the way and he got up. He's trying to get away, but Abin's blocking the route. Callidus attacked Abin but Hector hit him from the back very quickly. Callidus saw the sword, penetrating his body. He laughed and said:

Hunter Society, what is a Hunter Society? Nothing, just somewhere like a normal society where blood, murder and rape are more normal because we have hunter status. The society of hunters is like the humane society without rules. Tonight is the end of the Hunter Society. People who archive the power of God won't have to be hunters to make their dreams come true like me.

- Why is the hunting society going to die tonight when it hasn't been dead for many years, said Hector.

-The real world is a prison. Only God is free and people will become God which means they will become free. They will not need to become hunters to be strong, have a strong status or anything else to realize your dream. - Said Callidus.

Albion couldn't figure out why he was a hunter to make his dream come true.

"Why do you have to be a hunter to make your dream come true," said Abin.

Callidus mocked Abin and said, Tell me where is the easiest place to reach your goal in a society with rules and justice or a society with no rules? Most hunters are here because they want to make their dreams a reality. They can do whatever they want, even kill people because no one can stop them.

Callidus is dead and Abin isn't feeling well. Hector sees Abin and says, don't feel sorry for him. I think he deserves it. You saw what he did with this poor kid. You know what kind of crimes he committed as part of his research.

"You are right, but is he worthy of a second chance?" 'I think everyone deserves it,' said Abin.

-Not everyone. There are mistakes that can't be excused. He made a lot of mistakes. Callidus has other lives. - Said Hector

Back then, they heard that the church door had been opened. Someone was coming in.