
Badboy Is The Mafia King

" I'm sorry, I should have knocked." Liz said as she backed out of the room closing the door behind her. " Liz wait I can explain." Josh pleaded as he rushed out of the room and followed her.

Naz_Sara_Deonarine · Action
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33 Chs

Chapter 20 - The Breakup

Liz and Josh stood at the door frozen. "How could you do this to me Josh?" She asked as tears streamed down her cheeks. Liz let's go of Josh and turns to him. His eyes staring at the girl infront of him. "Natalie,what are yo-"

"Don't okay...just don't...I came back because I missed you...and here you are with this girl who looks underage....what the hell are you doing Josh?... answer me." She winked at him as she grabbed his jacket with both hands pulling him to her. Liz looked at the girl in tears,her hands were trembling and her eyes were red. Josh just stood there motionless. Liz felt like crying too. "Who is this girl Josh?" She asked as he turned his head to face her. Natalie clung to him and cried even more. "She's no one babe...she is just a friend..." He said not breaking eye contact with liz. Natalie raised herself of him and looked at him.

"So now I'm no one?...is this the girl you left me for?" She asked looking at liz from head to toe. Josh pulled liz closer to him and looks at Natalie. "I'm not leaving her...do you get that Natalie!"

He said staring into Natalie's eyes as she leans against the door. "So that's it your going to pretend that nothing never happened between us....you gonna just forget about me?" She questioned as tears flowed from liz's eyes.

Josh became angry and glared at Natalie she was taking things to far.he couldn't bear to see liz cry. He squeezes her against his body as she cried.

Natalie looked at liz and felt a sadness in her heart. She knew what she was doing was so wrong but she had to follow through with her plan. She raises of the door and walks over to liz pushing her away from Josh as she stood infront if him. "I don't know who you are or what you did to Josh...but I'm not going to loose him to you...do you hear me." She yelled angrily making Josh mad. He spins her around to face him. " Don't you dare talk to her like that Natalie...I love her and I'm not goin to let you drive her away from me." He said about to hold liz's hand but she steps away.

"I'm sorry....I didn't know that I took him from you....I didn't know that he had a girlfriend." She said looking at Natalie with tears in her eyes. "I don't know what I did wrong....I.....I just fell inlove with him....he is my first love....I had no idea-"

"That's right you had no idea...you took him away from me...do you know how much It hurt to know he was with someone else?" Natalie questioned as she stood face to face with liz who wiped the tears from her eyes. "I think I should leave." Liz said as she begins to open the door. "Babe wait don't go....Natalie is jus-"

"Goodbye Josh....I'm sorry for everything Natalie I will never come between the both of you." She said closing the door behind her.

Josh felt his heart shatter into a million pieces as he watched liz walk away from him. He felt a rage build up inside him as he turned to Natalie who stood there smiling. "She really loves you Josh...I can see that now...my test worked...she is the right one for you." She said looking at Josh who was about to explode. And he did. "What the hell did you just do Natalie...I love liz...and you drove her away all because of this stupid test of yours...I will never forgive you for this...never." He said as he closed the door behind him hurrying down the steps to find liz.

Meanwhile liz wiped her tears and walks over to the guys who was still sitting right where she left them. They all looked at her as she approaches the boot. Her eyes were filled wit tears and her hands were shaky she tried her best not to cry. "Liz are you okay?" Shayne asked as he got up and walked to her. She faked a smile and looked at him Nodding as she sat next to Ace Who stared at her. He noticed the tears in her eyes and her shaky hands. "I'll get you a drink Shayne said as he was about to walk to the bar bumping into Josh. "Where is liz...have you seen her?" Josh asked looking a round. "Easy man she's with us don't worry...I'm gonna get her a drink." Shayne said as he continued walking to the bar. Josh rushes over to the boot where liz was sitting. She quickly gets up and was about to walk away when he grabs her hand and pulls her to him hugging her. "I'm sorry babe I'm so sorry...please don't leave me." He pleaded as he hugged her tighter. "Josh let go off me!" Liz said as she tried to free herself from his grip. He didn't listen to her he just kept holding her as she fought to get away from him. The guys all looked at them as Natalie walked over. Ace looked at Natalie as she stood infront of liz locking eyes with her once more. "Let me go!" Liz screams biting Josh on his arm making him let her go. "Ow babe that hurts." He said rubbing his arm and looking up only to catch Liz's hand on his face. He fell back on the guys as they caught him. "Don't....don't call me that....I'm not your babe,do you hear me Josh!" She yelled turning to walk away. Natalie felt her heart break as liz looked at her and begins to walk away. She looks at Josh who was now standing with the guys. His eyes were filled with tears. She knew this time she over did it. She quickly runs over to liz and grabs her hand pulling her back to Josh. "Liz please listen to me, im-

"Leave me alone...I already told you I'll stay away from him...that's what you want isn't it?" Liz pulls her hand away and looks at Ace who walks over to her. "Can I take your car pl-ease? She asked with tears filled in her eyes. Ace took her hand an held it. "Why are you crying lizzy...tell me!" He demanded. Liz looked at him and shakes her head and begins to cry uncontrollably as he hugged her looking at Josh and Natalie who were both standing quietly. "What did you do Natalie? Shayne asked as he looked at her making eye contact with Ace. Josh walks towards liz as she backed away from him. "St-ay aw-ay from me....I don't want to breakup your life okay...just leave me alone!" she cries. Looking at Natalie staring at her. "This will be best for you and for me....just stay away!" She said grabbing Ace's keys that were hooked on his belt. She looks at Ace and Shayne as she backs away. "I'm sorry...I need to be alone rightnow." She said wiping her tears and running out the door. "Liz wait!" Shayne called as he ran outside after her. Everyone followed him but it was too late. Liz was already in the car reversing out of the parking lot. Josh ran to the car as she drove away. He fell to his knees holding his head as tears brimed from his eyes. Ace looked at Natalie as she leaned herself against the wall crying. "What have I done?" She cried looking at Josh. There was pain in his eyes. He began to slowly walk up to her. "You did this....you sent her away from me...I will never forgive you for this Natalie!" He screamed at her. "Josh I'm sorry I...-

Slap!! Ace's hand was on Natalie's face. "I told you...they all did but you wouldn't listen...now look what you did... are you happy with

yourself?" She held her face looking at him as she began to cry. Shayne placed his hand on Josh's shoulder. "Do you know where liz is goin? He asked looking at Josh who was broken and wiping his eyes. "My apartment!" He said looking at them. "Are you sure she'd go there?" Ace asked as he walks toward them. Josh got up and begins to walk to his car. "I am...everytime she got angry with me she'd go to my apartment and cry her eyes out...sometimes she stayed there alone when I was home at the mansion...I'm sure she'd be there....I have to see her and tell her the truth....and your coming with me Natalie...this is all your fault...comeon...let's go." He said starting the car as they all got inside. He begins to drive fast to reach his apartment that was not far from the club.

Liz increased her speed as she turned the corner. She wiped her eyes and puts on the music. Turning into the street heading to Josh's apartment. She was a few minutes away she increased more speed and eventually pulls up in front of the apartment. Getting out of the car quickly, she locks it and runs up the steps. She began looking for the key buy couldn't find one. She looked around once more and still couldn't find it. She sat on the swing and starts to roll her hair when she felt one of her hair pins pick her hand. She takes it out of her hair and uses it to pick the lock. The door opens and she goes inside closing it. She placed her hand on the wall and turned on the lights. Her eyes shimmered as she looked around. The place was filled with alot of pictures of her and Josh ever since the first day they had met. He had taken a picture everytime he saw her and framed it and kept it in his apartment. The last time she came to his apartment was 6months ago before her birthday. Her eyes welded up with tears when she walked into his bedroom and saw a picture of her he had painted himself. Alot of memories flashed through her mind and she begins to cry walking out of the room. Suddenly she heard a noise outside. She rushed to the window and saw it was Josh parking behind Ace's car. She quickly runs into his bedroom and locks the door.

Josh looked at the apartment and saw the lights were on. he got out of his car and ran up the steps knocking on the door. "Babe open the door please...I need to talk to you." He pleaded as the others joined him. "If you don't open the door you know I will." he said holding his keys up.

Liz sat quietly in his room as tears trickled down her cheeks. She could hear him turning his key on the front door,unlocking it. They all walked inside as Josh headed to his room. He was about to open the door when liz turned the lock. She leaned herself against the door as he began to knock. "babe please open the door!" He begged. Liz began to cry when she heard the sadness in his voice. "Go away!" She cried. Ace and Natalie walked over to the door. "Lizzy,it's me please open the door I need to talk to you." Ace said as he knocked on the door too. Liz did not answer.

"I need to talk to you about what happened earlier....it's about Natalie...you see the thing is...she is my girlfriend not Josh's. And what she did was something she does with everyone. She and Josh were never together. She was always my girlfriend...I'm telling you the truth!" He said. Looking at Natalie who leans against the door. "It's true Elizabeth...there is nothing nor was there anything between me and Josh....Ace is my boyfriend...we've been together for 4yrs now...truth is...when I first met these guys I didn't really like them...but once I got to know them...I always wanted them to be happy...they are like family to me and Josh is so innocent and naive...I didn't want any kind of girl to end up with him...that's why I did this...but that was stupid of me...I ruined your relationship with him just because of my stupid game...I never meant for it to go this far... I only wanted to see if you both love each other the same way....I'm sorry...please don't be angry with Josh...he didn't even know this was my plan...don't leave him alone Elizabeth...he'd be a wreck without you....I see that now...he loves you so much....and I saw how much you loved him...look I'm not trying to get on you good side or anything like that I just want to apologise for being a bitch and for hurting your feelings....this might be much but.....maybe oneday,when you've forgiven me...we could have a drink as friends....would that be okay?" Natalie asked wiping a tear from her cheek. Ace wrapped his arm around her. "Thank you babe...what you said might make her fee-

"I'm not going to forgive you just yet Natalie...but maybe oneday...we can have that beer....I'm not angry...I'm just hurt....because Josh is my first love...I don't think I could love anyone else the way I love him...I don't know much about love...but what I do know is that I'm supposed to be with him forever....that's the way I feel all the time...and I was crushed when you told me to stay away from him....I love him so much and i want him to be happy even if it's not with me." Liz said as she opened the bottle of wine Josh had kept on the nightstand. They all looked at eachother when the bottle popped. "Babe did you open that bottle?" Josh asked placing his hand on the door.

Liz took a drink and leaned on the door as she began to hiccup. "You said you were keeping this for a special occasion...hiccup...what could be more special than this...hicupp...let's celebrate the day Josh broke my heart-no the day he ripped it out of my chest...hiccup"

She yelled drinking again from the bottle. Ace and Natalie looked at Josh as he sat and leaned against the door. They could hear liz talking to herself in the other room. "Please open the door lizzy." Ace pleaded.

"I need some time to be alone rightnow....I've alot of things goin on in my head rightnow....please just give me some time." She said looking around the room. At the pictures of her and Josh. "Okay....but I will be back tomorrow to check on you." Ace said placing his hand on the door. Liz took another drink and stood to her feet. "Okay...goodbye you guys...oh and Ace...bring Natalie with you when you come back."

" uuuhhh sure we'll be here together...see ya!" He said as they both walk to the door turning the lock and closing the door behind them. They both walk down the steps to where Shayne was waiting. "How did it go," he asked as they approached him. "It went well...she will be okay." Ace said as they all sat in his car and drove away to the kings mansion.

Liz leaned against the door and closed her eyes she felt a cool breeze over her body as she breaths calmly. Josh leaned on the door and closes his eyes. "Babe please let me see you now...please...open the door." He begged. Liz felt her heartbeat quickened as she began to shiver. she kept on drinking down the wine.

"I told you not to call me babe...I'm not your babe Josh." She yelled. "Yes you are...your my angel...my love and my babe...I will never change that...for no one." He said sadly. "But I can change it!" She said smugly as she took another drink. "What...what do you mean by that?" Josh asked. Liz got up of the floor and walked over to the bed and sat down she placed the bottle on the nightstand and looked at the picture of Josh. She held it close to her chest.

"I'm saying that, whenever your with me things dont always go well...we always fight and one of us always leaves...I don't think I want to go through that again....and after what happened tonight...I don't think I can take it anymore...I know it wasn't true...but the pain I feel,is real and so are my tears...Josh my heart hurt so much....I'm afraid of loosing you...now I realize the only why I can never loose you is if I don't have you...." she said sadly.

"Babe what are you saying.....open the door rightnow please!" He knocks as Liz hugged the picture and began to cry.

"I don't want to see you anymore...i don't want you...goodbye bean." She said as tears fell from her eyes. She felt herself shatter into peices as she lay on his bed. Josh felt broken after hearing her say goodbye,but when he heard he crying hysterically he wanted to hold her in his arms. His felt a shock through his heart as she cried more. He got up of the floor and slammed himself towards the door. Liz looked up and walks to the door she hears him breathing heavily on the otherside as he slammed himself into the door again. "Josh stop it...you will hurt yourself".

she cried. " no...I won't...not until I see your face my angel...I won't stop." He said slaming himself against the door. Liz couldn't take it anymore she quickly opens the door and stared at him as he locked eyes with her. He was about to touch her when she backs away. "No dont!" She yelled as she tried to run to the front door but fails when Josh catches her pining her hands above her head pressing her into the door. "Let me go Josh!" She struggles to break free but he held her firmly in place. "I will never let you go my love." He said in a serious tone. "Then I'll say it again...I don't want to be with you anymo-mmmm

Josh's lips were on hers cutting her off and kissing her roughly making her moan. He releases her hands as he began to kiss her neck before he lifts her and takes her into his room closing the door behind him. "Hey put me down this instant!" She screams as he heads into the bathroom closing the door placing her on the floor. She tries to reach for the door again but he holds her hand staring into her eyes he began to walk closer to her as she stepped away. Her back hits the wall as he leans into her kissing her passionately moaning as he releases her hand.

"Don't you dare try to run away from me." He said in a serious tone as he turns the locks on the door.

Liz stood silently as he puts his hands on her shoulder. She immediately swats it away as he begins to undress her. "Stop that!" He said grabing her by her shoulders again. She stared at him as he slides his hands down her body pulling the dress off her. He then puts his hands around her unhooking her bra. He pulls it off as They locked eyes with eachother not breaking contact. He kneels to the ground and takes of her pantie. Then strips himself as he pulled her into his arms. "Im not goin to let anyone have you....You are mine Elizabeth Morgan!"