
Badboy Is The Mafia King

" I'm sorry, I should have knocked." Liz said as she backed out of the room closing the door behind her. " Liz wait I can explain." Josh pleaded as he rushed out of the room and followed her.

Naz_Sara_Deonarine · Action
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33 Chs

Chapter 19 - Josh Tortures Liz With Love pt 2

Ace stood there shocked and happy as the Burnette smiling back at him. Without saying a word she slams into him hugging him tight. "I missed you so much Ace…did you miss me?" She asked looking into his dark brown eyes. "Of course I did…I missed you a lot." He said kissing her lips with passion. The others just stood and looked at them except for Josh who was staring at liz and Courtney. He began to walk away to the bar when Natalie pulled him back. "Josh how are you?" She asked hugging him. He tries to break free as liz and Courtney left the bar and headed upstairs to the rooms. "I'm great….I'll be right back okay." He said as he pulled away from Natalie."Where are you going?"

Shayne asked as he took out his phone and checked his messages. "I'll be right back." Josh said as he walked up the steps. "okay then." Shayne answered as he sat and began typing on his phone. Ace looked at Natalie who smiled. "what's wrong with him…the last time I saw Josh like that was when he said he liked a girl….wait is that what's going on…does he like a girl….does she like him?" She asked turning to Ace and Shayne. Lance laughs as he sipped his beer. "There is a girl…I don't think you know her yet…she's really cool….I think you might like her once you get to know her." He said talking another sip of beer. "I'll get you a drink okay babe…white wine spritzer?" Ace asked as he headed to the bar. "no just a beer."

Natalie said as she sat next to shayne who was still texting. "Sooo tell me about this girl,what's her name?"

Shayne and Lance began to tell Natalie about liz. "I see…she sounds amazing…I'd like to meet her…but first I've to make sure she is not the type of girl that would use him and break his heart."

She said Clasping her hands together smiling.

"NO YOU WONT!!!" both guys said in unison. She looked at them curiously. "why not…it's just a little test." Lance places his beer on the table and looks at her serious. "listen Natalie…Liz is different…don't make her cry okay…just don't do whatever your going to do." He said looking at Ace who returned with four beers. "I got you guys another round…what did I miss?" he asked looking at Lance and Shayne who were serious and looking at Natalie who just sat there with a smile. "oh nothing we were just catching up." She said taking a beer and opening it.. "that's not all we were doing…your girlfriend wants to test Josh and liz's love for each other." Shayne said looking at Ace who sat next to Natalie. "Ace tell her don't screw up their relationship…you know how Josh will react…he loves your sister more than anything…tell her don't mess with their relationship please." Lance said taking his beer and opening it as Ace turned to Natalie. "babe is that true…are you planning to that ex girlfriend test again" He asked.she looked at him and begins to laugh. " of course not silly

I just want to see if she is the right one for him." She said drinking her beer. Ace sighed and looked at the guys. "It's your funeral,cheers guys!"

He said as they all raised their bottles and took a drink.

Meanwhile liz and Courtney sat in the room and drank a lot as liz told her everything that she had been through in the Last few days. "Oh my God…I'm sorry I wasn't there for you babe." she said as she hugs liz. They both wiped their eyes and took a few more drinks and began to dance as Drake and Hailey joined them. They were all having fun when someone knocks on the door. Drake opens it. "What are you doing here?" Josh asked as he enters the room. He looked at the girls they were all drunk. Drake looks at them as they were about to pour a drink. "Hey its empty!" Liz said shaking the bottle. "Don't worry we will get more…right babe!" Hailey said turning to Drake who shrugged. "You got it my sweet." He said winking at her and leaving the room. "hey comeon let's dance I love this song."

Courtney said as she and Hailey began to sing and dance. Liz walked over to Josh and leans his chest taking his hands an wrapping them around her. "Are you angry with me babe?" she asked rubbing her hand on his. "why would I be angry my love?... did you do something to make me angry." He asked turning her to face him.he places his hand on her cheek.her face looked so innocent and flushed. Her eyes half opened and her lips plump and moist. She looks at him and wraps her hands around his neck pulling him closer to her.she kisses him with such passion he pushes her away when Drake returns with the bottle of wine. Josh looked at him and the girls. "You can handle them right…I'm taking her."

he said lifting liz up of the floor and taking her to another room. Drake turns to the girls and takes out his phone.he calls Lance. "Hey its me comeon up…your Courtney is drunk…Josh already took liz."

He said cutting the call. Downstairs Lance looked at them and laughs. "I've to go get my girlfriend I'll be rightback." He said looking at the others.

"is she okay?" Natalie asks with concern.

"Yeah she is just drunk so is Hailey and liz..." He said walking off.

Back at the other room Josh closes the door and places liz on the sofa. He was about to stand up when she begins to kiss him roughly pushing her tongue into his mouth. He Begins to kiss her back feircly as they both moan. Josh lay untop of her kissing her lips and squeezing her breast.she moans as he kisses her neck she wrapped her hands around his body moaning louder as he pushed her legs apart laying between them grinding his body against her. "mmmm…I want to make love to you right here angel..."

josh said as she tried to remove his clothes.

"then do it…I need you…I ache for you so much." She moans as he kisses her chest moving his hand over her breast pulling the dress down along with her bra. He kisses her nipple before he starts to suck and pull her breast with his mouth hungrily.she moans and begins to grind against him. "take me now bean…please!" She begs as he starts to suck her other breast feircly leaving red marks. Her moves his hand down her stomach and pulls her pantie aside placing his hand on her core. "Fuck" She cursed as he begins to play with her clit. Rubbing and pulling it making her moan loudly arching her back.

"Bean please….stop torturing me…I want you so much." she pleaded. He stops kissing her and looks at her still rubbing her core. "I want you to babe…I want you like crazy…I've tried to restrain myself so long but I can't….tonight I'm making you mine….everything about you will be mine even your virginity. I want to be wit you forever my love...i lo- mmmm"

Liz kisses him and grinds against his hand as he rubbed her core.she felt herself getting wetter than before. A heat built in her stomach.Josh moaned as she pulls on his hair. he inserts his fingers into her. "Oh Josh!" She moans as he pulls them out and pushes them back in. she grabs Him closer to her body as she continues to grind her hips into his hand reaching her climax.

"fuck babe your so wet and your cum is so thick." he said removing his hand from her pantie and licks his fingers clean. "I want to take you home rightnow." He said as she kissed his neck. "and!" she asked nibbling on his ears. "and then what?" She asked kissing the nape of his neck.

"I'd take off your clothes and make love to you."

He begins to kiss her shoulders as she hugs him.he burries his head between her breast planting small kisses. "And then I'd fuck you so hard…I'd make you come over and over and over as you screamed my name,begging me for more..." He whispered kissing her roughly making her moan. he breaks the kiss and smiled at her. "comeon let's go home and get started."

He said kissing her as he got up pulling her against his body. She blushes as he begins to fix her clothes. "I should get cleaned up" she said heading to the washroom. "do you want me to come with you?" Josh asked seductively.

"i think you should…I'm not sure how to work the pipes." She teased going into the washroom closing the door behind her. Josh fixes his clothes and his hair his member was still hard. "fuck"

he curses squeezing it. He walks to the mini bar and pours a drink. Just then liz returns. "Hey are you ready to go?" She asked walking over to him and leans on the table. He gives her a drink from his glass. "We can't…not yet…you see…I got a problem." He said looking at her he takes her hand and pulls her to his body. Taking her hand he places it on his chest and moves it down to his crotch. Liz eyes widden as she looked at him.

he was very hard and hot.he needed release.

"Oh I see." Liz said smiling as she leaned in closer to his lips kissing him making him moan.she begins to unbuckle his belt an unzips his jeans reaching her hand inside his boxers pulling out his member she strokes it kissing him and pushes Him against the table she gets on her knees and takes him in her mouth. He grips the table as liz moans and uses her tongue she licks his member she continues pulling him deeper in her throat

"Oh fuck baby….aaahhh…that feels so fucking amazing" Josh moaned. She moves alittle faster as he grabs her head with is hands grinding his hips moving in and out her mouth. they both moan as he felt his stomach in knots. He felt a warm sensation serge through his body and reach his tip. "Mmmm that's it don't stop baby…Mmm faster….aaahhh" He groaned pulling her hair she moans as she felt him push more into her throat as she bobs her head. " yessss…he hissed throwing his head back closing his eyes. "mmmmmjust like that my love….dont stopmmmm…." he was about to reach his climax.liz moved faster as she began to feel a warm sensation on his member she moaned when he exploded in her mouth. She swallowed all his juices and looked at him as he leaned against the table breathing heavily.he pulls her up and kisses her. "Mmmm....so are you better now?" She asked as she broke the kiss. He fixes his clothes and hugs her from behind resting his head on her shoulder as she poured a drink.

" that was fucking amazing….I love you so much babe!" He said kissing her as she turned around holding the glass up. "Let's get drunk!" He smiles as she feeds him the drink. "do you want to go downstairs or do you want to be alone with me?" He asked looking at the time. "you know what I want bean…but we can't rightnow.. so let's go get drunk." She said pulling him to the door. But stopped when someone opened the door looking sad and about to cry. "how could you Josh?"