
Badboy Is The Mafia King

" I'm sorry, I should have knocked." Liz said as she backed out of the room closing the door behind her. " Liz wait I can explain." Josh pleaded as he rushed out of the room and followed her.

Naz_Sara_Deonarine · Action
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33 Chs

Chapter 21 - Josh Takes Liz

"Your mine Elizabeth Morgan." Josh said as he began to kiss her passionately. Liz pushed him away but he pulls her to his body lifting her and taking her into the shower. "Don't fight me!"

He said in a high pitch but seductive voice as he pushes her against the wall turning on the shower. the water begins to fall soaking their bodies. he looks at liz as he trapped her with his hands leaning into her body he began kissing her lips as she wrapped her hands around him. "Don't do that!" He said pushing her hands over her head. "Leave them there....I want to see how much you can endure....you say you don't want me anymore...let's do a little test." He whispered in her ear. Rubbing between her thighs kissing his way down her body squeezing her breast as she let's out a moan. He kisses her stomach and her hips settling his lips on her core. "Mmmm!" She moaned as he looked up at her. "Don't moan like that...you said you didn't want me remember." Liz closes her eyes as he began to lick her slow then fast. Her eyes shot open when he bites her clit with his teeth pulling the flesh gently.

"Oh josh!" She screames as he rolled his tongue around her folds making her moan in pleasure. He looked up at her staring into his eyes hungry for him. "For someone who dosent want me anymore you sure moan alot." He said as he pushes his fingers inside of her core moving them in and out as he rolled his tongue around her clit. She grabbed his hair as he bites her pulling the soft flesh. She moans again making him stop.

"I told you not to moan like that...it fucking turns me on when you do that...and rightnow I'm trying to torture you." Liz said nothing she stared into his eyes that were locked with hers. Josh could see it in her eyes he knew she wanted him the same way he wanted her. He lifts her leg over his shoulder and leans in closer to her core as she closes her eyes. He moaned as he began to lick her faster Rolling his tongue around her folds again and again. Liz moaned as she felt a heat build up inside her. She grabbed his hair moaning loudly as he grabbed her hips and bites her clit sucking and pulling it until she reached her climax. He moans licking her dry. He kisses his way up her body and liz pulled him into a hot kiss pushing him against the wall. she rubbed her hands all over his body. As she kissed his neck rubbing his member. He hissed against her mouth as she kissed him feircly stroking him. She begins to kiss her way down his body but he stops her. "But I thought you wan-

He pulls her onto him. "I want you but not in here....I want you in there." He said seductively as he reached for the soap. "Now comeon,lets get you cleaned up so I can get you dirty again." He began to rub soap on her. " i can do it." She said taking the soap rubbing her breast and between her thighs. Josh was so turned on just by looking at her. He walks over to her pressing his chest into her back. She felt his member poking her as he began to rub her core and squeeze her breast.

"Mmmm...fuck baby.....do you still want me?" He asked as he grind his hips against her. Kissing her neck as they both moan. "Yes I want to feel you inside of me....mmmm....please take me now"

She begged and moaned as he squeezed her nipples pulling them with his fingers. He turns her to face him and begins to rub soap on her and himself. He then reaches for the shampoo bottle ad squeezes some On his hand and begins to massage her scalp. "Thank you!" She said as he pushes her under water to rinse off. He does the same and walks over to the cupboard returning with three towels. He wraps one around his waist and one around her body. She then takes the other and begins to dry her hair. "I'm goin to change the sheets."

he said as he kissed her cheek and walks into the bedroom. Liz dries her self off and walks into the room. Josh was wearing only his boxers. The sight of him turned her on. he stopped fixing the bed and looked at her. "You have clothes here babe...I got them for you" he said opening the wardrobe. Liz looked at the clothes and then to him.

"I want you to wear this for me." he said huskily handing her a red sexy lingerie. Liz shivered as he leaned close to her ear. "I'm goin to devour you....red is my favourite colour and you look so sexy when you wear red." He said biting her ear as she pushes Him away blushing . he winks at her. Placing the pillows back on the bed and turns to her. "I'll get us some wine." He said heading to the kitchen. "Okay!" She said removing the towel and tossing it on the bed. She begins to put on the clothes. When she was finished she hung the towel to dry and began to brush her hair.

"Babe i wasn't sure if you wanted ice so I brought-...you-...some-..."

He stared at liz who blushed her heart began to beat faster. he places the wine and glasses on the table along with the ice. He walks over to liz and pulls her into his arms. "You look fucking sexy." He kisses her roughly as she moans. He breaks the kiss breathing heavily on her neck.

"I want you Elizabeth...I want you rightnow." He said hugging her rubbing her back. "Then take me bean...stop torturing yourself and take me."

Josh kissed her neck and pulls her with him to the table. He opens the bottle of wine and pours some in two glasses with ice giving one to her. "Thank you." She said as he drank the wine down and pulls her in to his arms. She drinks hers and gives him the glass. He places it on the table and begins to kiss her roughly as he lifts her off the ground. She wraps her legs around his waist and kisses him as he takes her to the bed laying on top of her not breaking the kiss. He kisses her neck as she moans against him. He breaks the kiss and gets of her."not yet love." He said as he walks over to the table and puts a few peices of ice in a glass. then walks over to the bed and climbs on top of her taking a peice off ice in his mouth. He puts the glass on the nightstand and begins to move the ice all over her body making her moan louder. He moved the ice to her hips as she grabbed his hair. "Josh please....mmmm!" She begged. He leaves the ice on her stomach and kisses her hips biting her pantie and pulling it off with his teeth. He kisses her thighs as she raises of the bed. He pushes her back and began to lick her core. Liz threw her head back as he pulled on her flesh. She felt a shock throughout her body as he pulled her clit with his teeth. "Oh...mmmm" She pulls his hair as he continues to roll his tongue around her folds. "Oh Joshmmmm...don't stop....mmmm!" Josh kept goin until she climaxed in his mouth. He kept sucking and licking her as she screams. She was out of breath. He kissed his way up her body as he began to bite her nipples and squeeze her breasts. "I'm goin to take you now...are you ready for me my love?" he asked looking into her eyes. she nods and raises of the bed as he removed the rest of her clothes. He pushes her back down on the bed as he removed his boxers laying between her thighs. Liz shivered as she felt the tip of his member rub against her core. "scratch me...Scrape me...bite me...but don't ever ask me to stop...because I have to do this for you to feel more pleasure...do you understand my love." Liz nodded as he kissed her lips then angles his tip to her core. "Now this is going to hurt but you will feel better after a while....ready?" Liz nods as he begins to insert his tip inside her. "Fuck babe...you so tight!" He said as liz burried her head in his shoulder. "It hurts!" She cried. "Ssshhh it's okay my love." He said capturing her lips as he pushes himself halfway into her. "Tears spilled from her eyes as he continues to kiss her pushing all of his member inside her wet core. She hugs him tighter as he kisses her harder biting her lips tasting her blood. He starts to move in and out of her increasing his rhythm. "It burns...and it hurts!" She cried into his neck. "Ssshhh it will stop!" He kisses her forehead. As he moves faster. Liz began to breath heavily and bites his neck. "Mmmm....thats it my love....bite me as much as you want I'm not stopping." He groans as she bites him again pulling the skin on his neck. " fuck babe...mmmm you feel so good!" He said flipping them over now liz was the one on top of him. His member was still inside her she looked at him and was about to move when he grabs her hip pulling her down hard on him. "Mmmm!" She moans as she looks at him wanting to bite his lips. "you want me more,don't you?" Josh asked smiling. Liz leaned forward and kisses him. She rubbed her hands on his chest and his abs as he closed his eyes moaning. "Ride me!" He said in a seductive voice. "What!" Liz asked as he locked eyes with her. "you know what I want...I know you read all the books I bought you...so now I want you to ride me." Liz blushed and begins to kiss him as she moved her hips in circular motion Josh growled against her lips when she stopped moving. He grabs her butt cheeks with his hands and squeezed them making her moan. She breaks the kiss and raises of his chest as she rocked her hips back and forth. Josh raised off the bed and grabs her biting her breast as she moved her hips faster moaning. He looks at her as she pushes Him back and leans forward kissing his neck. "Mmmm....I've always wanted this...us I mean....the way your ontop me rightnow...babe it's perfect!" He said as she blushed again. "Me too!" Liz smiled Rolling her hips. Josh felt his body in heat as she rocked back and forth. Her body began to heat up as she felt Josh move his hand to her clit. He pulls it and rolls his finger twirling it making her moan again. She looks into his eyes as she moves faster. a heat built up inside her stomach. "Bean I'm about tommmm-

He pulls her down kissing her as he flipped her on her back. He begins to move in and out of her as they both moan against eachother. "Mmmm" She dug her fingernails into his back as she exploded around him.

"Fuck that's hot!" Josh said as he felt her fluid around his member. He just kept on moving in and out of her about to reach his limit. "I'm not stopping!" He said looking into her eyes. "Then don't!" Liz said biting his lips as he moaned climaxing inside her. He burries his head in her hair as they both breath heavily. He slowly pulls out of her and gets out of the bed lifting her in his arms. "Come on let's get you cleaned up." He said taking her to the shower. He put her against the wall and turns on the pipes she grabs onto him as the cold water hits her body. "So cold!" She said as he pushed her back under the water. He stands behind her and begins to soap her skin she moans as he moved his hands over her body.

"Do you want more?" He asked pressing himself against her. "Not yet...I'm still in pain!" She said turning to face him. "I'm sorry!" She said as she leaned against his chest. "It's okay love!" He said kissing her. "Comeon let me help you." He took the soap from her and rinsed her body out. He then did the same. He then lifts her and brings her to the room placing her on the edge of the bed. "Wait here!" He said then walks over to the cupboard and gets three towels again wrapping one around his waist. He takes the other tow and dries liz's body and her hair. He then opens the cupboard and get her a tube top and a pantie. She was about to put it on and he helps her. "There that's better."

He walks over to the dresser and gets the hair brush handing it to her. She brushes her hair as he dried and changed too. He walks over to her and picks her up carrying her over to the table. She poured a drink as Josh got new sheets for the bed. He pulls off the one that was on the bed and tossed it on the ground it was bloody. Liz looked at it and then to Josh. "Is that blood?" She asks. Josh turned to her and winks, "of course it is..it's your blood...you are now mine forever." Liz took the wine and drank it pouring some more. Josh laughs as he made the bed. He picks up the sheet from the floor and puts it in the laundry machine to wash along with the towels.

Liz got up and was about to walk when Josh rushes over to her. "Your still sore...come on I will take you!" He said lifting her off the ground and carrying her to the bed. He then lays beside her pulling her into his arms. "Are you better now my angel? Liz kissed his chest. "I am better now that I'm yours." Josh kisses her pulling the covers over them. " Goodnight bean!" Liz said lying on his chest closing her eyes. Hugging him tight. Josh wrapped his hands around her pulling her ontop of him.

"Goodnight my sweetheart...I love you!" He said kissing her forehead. Closing his eyes as he hears liz murmuring "love you too!"

A smile curved his lips as he fell asleep with the woman he loved 😍 ❤