
Badboy Is The Mafia King

" I'm sorry, I should have knocked." Liz said as she backed out of the room closing the door behind her. " Liz wait I can explain." Josh pleaded as he rushed out of the room and followed her.

Naz_Sara_Deonarine · Action
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33 Chs

Chapter 18 - Josh Tortures Liz With love Pt 1

Josh smiled and opens the door locking it behind him. Liz looked at him as he walked up to her. "Josh, what-mmmmm!" Josh kisses her pushing her against the wall. He breaks the kiss and begins to kiss her neck. She tries to stop him but he pins her hands on the wall. Her breathing increases and her heartbeat quickens as he continues planting kisses on her neck and shoulders. She tries to catch her breath but moans out loud."josh mmmm....what are you-mmmm...please stop...I-

he captured her lips once more kissing her fiercely and passionately Making her wrap her hands around his neck. She moans into his mouth as he deepens the kiss. Feeling turned on she runs her hand on his chest and was about to remove his jacket.he held her hands and continues kissing her like crazy as he nudges her legs apart with his knee reaching closer to her core. She moans as he presses his knee against her rubbing on it. he kisses her roughly making her want him. She could feel herself getting more wet. As he press his body against her she felt his member hard like a rock. She could feel the heat through his clothes. He breaks the kiss and spins her around leaning against the sofa he pulls her onto him her back slammed against his chest as he began to undress her kissing her shoulders and her neck once more. He begins to grind against her as he continued his torture.Liz begins to moan his name as he pushes his hand under her dress and rubs between her thighs. He smiled knowing that she was so wet for him. He was really turned on by that. He kisses her ear. "Your soaked my love...do you want me to help you?" He whispered kissing her earlobe. She closes her eyes and moans as he squeezed her nipples with his fingers.he rubbed his fingers on her core making her moan. "Josh please mmmm." She bites her lips as she places her hands on both of his. "Do you still love me?" Hearing that question made her crazy, she turns around and looks at him her eyes were filled with lust. Without saying a word she wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him in to the hottest kiss they ever shared. He moans and tries to break the kiss but she begins to grind against him roughly kissing him like crazy. She could take it anymore she wanted him. She breaks the kiss and burries her head in the crook of his neck breathing heavily as he held her tighter. "Are you okay baby?" He asked caressing her. "I need you...Josh please take me right here rightnow...I can't wait anymore." She begs him as She begins to suck on his neck. It made him crazy whenever she did that, and he always tried to restrain himself. But this time it felt so different. He felt like taking her and pounding against the sofa as she began bite him on his neck leaving red marks. her fingers squeezed into his jacket as she pulled him harder against her body. "fuck liz!" He curses as he pulls her away from him. "Listen baby,We have to stop...you have to get ready...we will finish this when you get back okay...I promise I will take you and fuck you until you can't walk the next day." He said kissing her forehead. "I love you bean only you...no one else can take your place in my life." She said kissing him roughly making him moan and grabbing her against his body. He starts to kiss her neck again sucking on the flesh.

"mmmm Josh...please....don't stop...mmmm....I want you so much babe." She moaned as he caressed her in his arms. He breaks the kiss and smiles. "you will be out with him but you will be thinking of me." He said winking at her. "What-

He cut her off making her face the mirror pointing to her neck. It was red in a few places. She turns to look at him. Her cheeks red as he leans in and kisses her. He then opens the door turning to her. "I will make it up to you later my love." He blows her a kiss and rushes out the door to his room. Liz blushes and walks over to the door locking it. She then heads to the shower again.

It was now 6:15pm Drake was dressed in a black suite as he awaited liz. Josh and the others were dress to but more for the club. Drake looks at the guys and sighs. "I don't want to do this...I do have a girlfriend you know....maybe one of you should go instead." They all looked at him and began to laugh as liz walks towards the staircase. She looked so sexy, wearing a short low cut red dress with thin straps and flat red shoes. Her hair fell around her shoulders. She looked breathtaking.Josh couldn't take his eyes of her. "She is just so fucking perfect he said to himself." Drake got up and walks over to the bottom of the steps as liz began to walk down smiling. Josh felt his heart begin to race as he looked at her in that red dress.He wanted to kiss her.he walked over to her and smiles. "you look so beautiful my angel." He kisses her cheek. As she stood at Drakes side. "Thank you." She said blushing as he winked at her. Josh looks at Drake with warning. "Make sure she isn't hurt...keep her safe at all times do you hear me." Josh placed his hand on Drakes shoulders. "Don't worry she will be okay with me." He said looking at liz. "So Miss liz shall we go?" Liz looked at him and smiled then whispered in his ear. He nods and answeres "okay then I will be right back." he said as he heads to his room and closes the door. Liz sat on the sofa as Josh came and sat beside her. "Babe What did you tell him?..why did he go back upstairs?" Liz chuckles " you will see." 10minuets later everyone looks at Drake who hurries back down the steps this time he was in jeans and wore a v-neck jersey and a jacket with sneakers. His hair was brushed back and his perfume filled the entier room. Drake looks at liz and smiled. "So is this better?" He asked as Liz got up and walks over to him smiling. "Wow Drake you look freaking awesome...now we can go." She said turning with him to walk out the door. "Babe atleast tell us where you're going?" Josh said as he walks over to them. "We're going some where fun...I'm not telling you bean." She said as she blowed him a kiss and waves at them. "bye you guys." She said as they both walked out the door and got into Drakes car. Josh shook his head and grins as he turns to the others "okay now we can go." He said as he walked to his car and sat. Lance joins him and Shayne rode with Ace. They headed to the club.

"So Miss liz...where do you want to go?" Drake asked as he turns a corner. Liz sighs "I'm not sure yet...and how many times must I tell you....call me liz.!" He looks at her and smiled "okay miss liz." She stared at him with a raised brow. She was about to yell pointing her finger at him. "What did I jus-

"Sorry sorry I won't call you miss liz anymore...is that okay Elizabeth?" Liz puts her hand down and smiled thank you that's much better." She said with a smile. He turns another corner "so have you decided?" He asked again. "Decided what?" Liz asked. "Where do you want to go....we could go anywhere you want." He said crossing the bridge. Liz sat in silence for a while. She then turns to him and answered. "I'm kinda hungry...let's go get something to eat...is that okay?" She asked. "Of course...there is a burger place not far from here if you like burgers?" Liz clasped her hands together. "That's just perfect...I love burgers." She said loudly. "Me too." He said with a smile. He turned into a side street and passes Mr kings club and parks infront of the burger shop. drake turns to liz and smiled "Do you want to go inside or shall we eat here?" Liz looked at the shop there was alot of people inside and outside. "Lets play it safe and eat right here...what do you think?" Liz asked. "Nice, I'll get the food". Drake said as he heads inside. Liz sits in the car and checks her phone. She sees a message from Josh. She opens it and reads

Josh: "love you babe!"

She replies: "I love you too!"

She puts the phone on her lap and puts on the music in the car. A cd begins to play Katy perry's fireworks. Liz raises the volume and begins to sing and dance in her seat. Everyone looked at her.the people inside the shop came out and started to dance. Drake grabbed the burgers and fries and walked back to the car. He stops and looks at liz singing in the car and enjoying herself. He smiled as he opens the door and gets inside. Liz lows the music down." I'm sorry I shouldn't have-

"Hey its fine I like that song too....go ahead play it." He said smiling. Liz started the song over and raises the volume and starts singing again. "Do you want to eat?" Drake asked. "Sure sure but we have to play this song again...agreed" she said looking at Drake who laughs "agreed."

She takes her food and they begin to eat. They ate and talked for a while then decided on their next adventure. "I know...let's go to that club we passed earlier...what do you say?" Liz suggested.

"Let's go for it." Drake said as he started the car and they both waved goodbye to the burger people. Liz skips through the cd and stops on lady gaga song poker face. "Oh my God...you like this song too Drake?" she laughs. He laughs out loud. "it's one of my favourites..you know I made this playlist myself...do you like it?" He asked as he drives to the club. "of course I do... can I crank it up?" She asked already raising the volume. He begins to laugh and shake his head as they sing along with the music. They soon reach the club and was about to go inside when the run into Ace. "Hey you guys...I thought you were going somewhere else.?" He said as they walk to the door. "I think We were but she wanted to come here." Drake said pointing to liz who was shaking and dancing already. "So all of you are here? She asked Ace as the man at the door was about to place a band on her wrist. Ace looked at him and shook his head. "It's okay jess they are with us." Ace led them inside the club to where they were sitting. Josh wasn't there. She was about to ask his whereabouts-"Where is- ....never mind." She said as a pair of arms hugged her from behind. "Took you long enough...I've been waiting for you." Josh whispered in her ear sending shivers down her spine. She turns around and removes his hand. "Why are you guys here?" She asked pointing to his chest. "It's my dad club remember" he holds her finger. "i think we should call it a night...I'm gonna meet my girlfriend...sorry miss liz...I mean Elizabeth." Drake said as he was about to run out. Josh grabbed him and pulled him back. "whoa whoa...where do you think your going...you were supposed to be out with Elizabeth..I mean liz." Josh said as he fixed Drakes jacket. "Relax Drake...you and liz can hang out here. Just pretend we are not here." Josh said winking at liz. She rolls her eyes and was about to scold Josh when Lance walks in with Courtney. As soon as she saw liz she ran and hugged her. "I've missed you so much lizzy...how are you doing." She asked hugging liz tight. "I'm doin okay court...I've alot to tell you." They both stop hugging and look at the guys. "I'm sorry but I'm stealing her." Courtney said as she turned and puts her arm around liz and kisses her cheek. "Comeone baby...let's get you a drink...would you like that my love?" She asked pulling liz closer as they walked away. "Sure...let's go!" Liz said resting her head on Courtney's shoulder. The guys just stood there speechless. Drake begins to laugh and turns to them. "Looks like I'm off the hook...now if you will excuse me my Hailey is waiting for me at the bar...I'm so happy for Elizabeth...its good she has a date!" He said walking off. "What the hell just happened?" Josh asked looking at the others. "My girlfriend took your girlfriend away to get her a drink." Lance said sipping his beer. "I don't think they are coming back...here I got you a beer man." Ace said handing the beer to Josh. They all sit and drink while Shayne joined them with some more beers. "Hey what's up with you guys...did something happen?" Lance took a sip of beer and looked at shayne and then Josh. "Yea Courtney took liz away for a drink and Josh is out of his mind." Josh looked up and yelled at him. "I'm not out of my mind...I just miss her...she should be here with me." He said drinking his beer.and looking at liz and Courtney sitting at the bar laughing and talking. He felt happy to see her smiling. He was about to get up and go to her when a girl bumps into him. "I'm sorry" she said as Josh fixed his clothes and Ace walked towards her. "Natalie...what are you doing here?" Ace asked.