
Bad Boy Meets A Good Girl

Our typical nerd girl, Camilla Jones finally finishes high school and moves to college with her best friends, Beth and Gloria. They end up sharing a room with Flynn Ryder, our typical bad boy character. Flynn and Camilla didn’t get along well on their first meeting, because of some reason known to Flynn only. But after Camilla returns from a trip to her state to visit her family, Flynn welcomed her well, to her surprise. He was acting so nice to her that she thought it was all a dream. But after Flynn took her and her best friends out for an apology dinner, they became closer, as friends though. What do you think is the reason behind Flynn’s sudden change??

Loveme_More · Urban
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12 Chs


"Who's Richard Corbett?" Gloria asked, raising an eyebrow with a smirk etched on her face.

"Richard who?" I asked, confusion written all over my face.

"Oh, don't pretend like you don't know who she's talking about," Beth said, having the same expression on Gloria's face.

"I really don't know," I said, truthfully.

"Well, he brought you back to school in his car. Your drunken self, told us that you knew him. You said he was from our school and that he was in your department," Beth said.

A flashback of my phone conversation with them the previous night popped into my mind.

"Oh! Richard! So Corbett is his last name? I didn't know," I said in realization.

"So who is he?" Gloria asked again, looking curious.

"He's just a guy from my department; we don't even know each other. I only see him from afar; we've never spoken to each other before," I answered.

"Really? But with what we saw last night, I don't think what you're saying is true," Beth said.

"Hold on, what do you mean by 'with what we saw last night'? Please don't tell me I did something stupid." I asked curiously.

"Well not really, but you did seem a little too attached to him last night and the way he looked at you isn't how a friend would look at you not to talk of how you'd look at someone you aren't close with," Gloria answered.

I face-palmed myself and shook my head but asked,

"I hope I didn't embarrass myself in front of him?"

"Why do you care? I thought you guys aren't close," Gloria asked.

"No we aren't; I just want to be sure I didn't do anything embarrassing," I replied.

"Yeah, apart from throwing up on his shoes after he carried you into the room, there's no embarrassing story to tell," Beth replied.

"I DID WHAT? HE DID WHAT?" I yelled once again.

Immediately, Beth and Gloria explained everything that happened the previous night, starting from when they came out to meet me and take me inside, to when I blacked out and had to be carried up the stairs by Richard, to when he placed me on the bed and I appreciated him by barfing on his shoes.

I picked a pillow from the bed, buried my face in it and screamed as loud as I could. I couldn't believe I embarrassed myself in front of Richard, the most popular guy in the Business department. Now I can't show my face around the Business Department, I thought.

"Well, forget about all that and go take a shower. You reek of alcohol," Beth said, pinching her nose while chuckling.

I got up from the bed; I was feel a bit better than before.

"I'll need to go to my room," I said.

"No you can just take a bath here. You don't want your roommate to see you like this," Beth said.

"I'll go to your room and get you a change of clothes and a towel. You can use mine or Beth's body washes," Gloria said.

"Okay thanks," I replied.

"And I'll order some pizza," Beth said.

"That's fine by me," Gloria said.

"Me too," I answered.

Flynn's Point Of View

I got back from my classes and the room was still as empty as I left it. Now I was really worried. I may be rude and harsh towards her but she was still my roommate and it gave me a kind of concern. I was taking off my clothes when I heard a knock on the door. I thought it was my roommate because sometimes she would also knock on the door and wait for me to respond before she'd come in.

"Come in," I responded.

My back was turned towards the door so I didn't see who was coming in.

"You didn't come back…"

I was saying, while turning back only to see that it was my roommate; instead it was her friend, the blonde. She was looking at me like I was a prize to be worn. I didn't blame her; my shirtless body was in full-view in front of her.

"Sorry I thought you were my roommate," I said.

My voice brought her back to herself and suddenly an angry look replaced the seductive look she earlier had on her face. It was like the switches in her brain were flipped.

"Why do you care if she didn't sleep here last night?"

"Well, she's my roommate and I would definitely worry about her," I replied.

The blonde lady scoffed and spoke,

"Like you really care? Anyways, I came to grab some clothes for her so I'll just go right to it," she replied, walking towards her friend's travel bag.

She opened it and began to pull out some clothes. I suddenly remembered that she was present that day when the Admin lady promised to get a new room for her friend. I wondered if she went with her friend to meet the Admin lady.

"Yesterday was supposed to be the day your friend got a new room. Did she?" I asked.

"Are you asking because you care or because you want her out of the room?" she asked, her voice sounding harsher than usual.

This is why I don't understand women. How could she go from admiring me to speak harshly to me? Is she bipolar, I thought?

"I'm just asking; I want to know the result of her meeting with the lady at the Admissions office," I answered.

"Well, why don't you ask her yourself when she comes to the room?" she asked, the tone of her voice still harsh.

She put all the clothes she had scattered back into the travel bags and kept them in their place. She looked at me in a weird way, kissed my teeth and shook her head before walking out of the room.

I was confused about her total behavior.

"Weirdo," I said.