
Bad Boy Meets A Good Girl

Our typical nerd girl, Camilla Jones finally finishes high school and moves to college with her best friends, Beth and Gloria. They end up sharing a room with Flynn Ryder, our typical bad boy character. Flynn and Camilla didn’t get along well on their first meeting, because of some reason known to Flynn only. But after Camilla returns from a trip to her state to visit her family, Flynn welcomed her well, to her surprise. He was acting so nice to her that she thought it was all a dream. But after Flynn took her and her best friends out for an apology dinner, they became closer, as friends though. What do you think is the reason behind Flynn’s sudden change??

Loveme_More · Urban
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12 Chs


I had been in the room for a while trying to get some sleep. When I couldn't, I lit a cigarette and drank a couple of drinks but still I was bored so I decided to go out with some of the friends I made the previous week. First I needed to know if they were interested in going on. I grabbed my phone and dialed Mark's number.

Mark and I had been friends since we were little boys. When he moved away to Canada, we became preoccupied with other things and couldn't get in touch with each other. Then the previous week I got a call from him saying he was in the United State and most of all, he was in Columbia University. Since then, we caught up on several occasions.

"Heyyyy bro, what's up?" he said over the phone.

"I'm good bro and you," I answered.

"I'm good too. I'm just kind of bored here; do you want to meet up and play Call of Duty with me and the other guys?" he asked.

"Yeah, I was bored too that's why I called," I answered.

"Cool, so meet me up at my room. It's room 102. It's on the other side of the school. I'll try to call some other guys to see if they can join us," Mark said.

"Okay, I'm on my way," I said, grabbing my bike keys.

I grabbed my keys and left the room. I walked down the stairs until I reached the garage. I loosened the bike lock that was attached on my bike and drove out of the garage. I drove all the way to the other side of the school where the second hostel building was erected.

I located Mark's room and there I saw three other guys. I did the bro hug with Mark and after he introduced me to the other guys, I gave them the same treatment. Soon, the game began. The other guys were nice and friendly and after playing Call of Duty, we played other games where we competed with each other. It was nice having some friends to vibe with.

Camilla's Point Of View

I went back to my room, after having pizza with my friends. The room smelt like smoke and the stench was really terrible.

"Ugh, Rudy did it again," I said to myself.

My roommate would always smoke and drink in the room and I would try to talk to him about it, warning him that it wasn't only dangerous for his health but it was also dangerous for people who inhaled the smoke but being the rude guy I've known him to be, he totally ignored me and I had also learnt to ignore him.

"I can't stay here," I said to myself, turning around to leave the room.

Suddenly my phone began to ring. I looked at the screen and saw it was dad. I smiled as I picked the call

"Hi dad," I said.

"How's my beautiful princess doing?" he asked.

I chuckled and replied,

"I'm fine dad. How are you too? How's everyone?"

"I'm good; your mum and brothers are doing well too. There's no problem. I hope there's no problem with you?" dad asked.

"No dad, everything's fine," I answered.

"Is that Cami?" I heard mum ask.

"Yeah, it is," dad replied.

"Cami honey, are you okay? I hope there's no problem," mum asked.

"No mum, all is well," I answered.

"It's been a while. Don't you want to visit us?" mum asked.

"I'm sorry mum. I've been quite busy," I answered.

"Oh honey, are you feel well?" mum asked, sounding worried.

"Yes mum, there's nothing to be worried about," I answered.

"Okay honey, take care of yourself. Your brothers said hi," Mum said.

"Okay, send my love to them," I said.

"Sure princess. We would; we'll keep in touch, okay," dad said.

"Okay dad," I answered and the call ended.

I smiled as I slipped the phone into my back pocket. I missed my family and I really wanted to see them. I couldn't wait for the semester break to come so I could travel home. I sat on my bed and pulled out my phone from my pocket and went straight to my pictures. I scrolled through the pictures admiring the pictures of my parents and brothers. I smiled at the pictures and even laughed at some.

Something dropped on my phone screen. I wiped it off and realized it was tears. I touched my face and realized I had been crying. I wiped off the tears and suddenly I heard a knock on the door and the door was opened.

"Cam, where are you?" I heard Gloria's voice.

She came into view and I could Beth was with her. Suddenly the expression on their faces switched to worry.

"Are you crying? What's wrong? What did that bastard do to you?" Beth asked.

"Okay, that jerk is going to know the stuff I'm made of," Gloria said, cracking her knuckles.

"He didn't do anything. I just got a call from home and now I realize how much I've missed them," I said.

"Oh, you're homesick," Gloria and Beth said.

I looked at the both of them and they wrapped their arms around me in a comforting hug. After a while, we broke out of the hug and Gloria said,

"To feel better, why don't we go to the bar and have a few drinks."

"Count me out, please. I just came out of a horrible experience and I don't think I want to put myself through that again," I said.

Beth and Gloria laughed at me and I couldn't help but join them.

"Now you're smiling. I like that," Gloria said.

"Why don't we find some free time and travel home? I miss my parents too. They are probably feeling so lonely," Beth said, a sad look etched on her face.

She was the only child of her parents and she had been with her parents since she was a child. It was probably having it the hardest but being a tough girl she didn't show it.

"Fine let's do it," Gloria said.